xowf::test_item::grading::grading_scheme_wf_item_id (private)

 xowf::test_item::grading::grading_scheme_wf_item_id \
    -package_id package_id -parent_id parent_id

Defined in packages/xowf/tcl/grading-procs.tcl

Return and cache the item_id of the edit-grading-scheme.wf. Maybe, we should generalize this function for other cases as well, therefore, we make this for the time being private.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 xowf::test_item::grading::load_grading_schemes xowf::test_item::grading::load_grading_schemes (public) xowf::test_item::grading::grading_scheme_wf_item_id xowf::test_item::grading::grading_scheme_wf_item_id xowf::test_item::grading::load_grading_schemes->xowf::test_item::grading::grading_scheme_wf_item_id

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    # The mapping of the "edit-grading-scheme.wf" to its item_id is
    # very stable, unless someone defines another workflow
    # "edit-grading-scheme.wf". So we use here global cache, knowing
    # that this might not be universally correct.
    set form_item_id [acs::misc_cache eval xowf-edit-grading-scheme.wf {
      #ns_log notice "??? load edit-grading-scheme-wf"
      ::$package_id instantiate_forms  -parent_id $parent_id  -default_lang en  -forms edit-grading-scheme.wf

    return $form_item_id
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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