• Publicity: Public Only All


Routines needed by the bootstrapper to load package code.

26 May 2000
Jon Salz [jsalz@arsdigita.com]
CVS Identification:
$Id: 30-apm-load-procs.tcl,v 2023/04/24 16:31:00 antoniop Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

ad_after_server_initialization (public)

 ad_after_server_initialization name [ args... ]

Registers code to run after server initialization is complete.

name (required)
a human-readable name for the code block (for debugging purposes).

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_after_server_initialization ad_after_server_initialization (test acs-bootstrap-installer) ad_after_server_initialization ad_after_server_initialization test_ad_after_server_initialization->ad_after_server_initialization packages/acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-init.tcl packages/acs-tcl/ tcl/request-processor-init.tcl packages/acs-tcl/tcl/request-processor-init.tcl->ad_after_server_initialization


apm_bootstrap_upgrade (public)

 apm_bootstrap_upgrade -from_version_name from_version_name \
    -to_version_name to_version_name

Copy the files from acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/tcl to the Tcl files in the acs root directory. This makes it possible to incorporate changes to these files by only updating the acs-bootstrap-installer package (rather than a full tar file install as in earlier versions). Caveat: don't modify these files in your local installation, adding extra files to $::acs::rootdir/tcl is fine.

-from_version_name (required)
-to_version_name (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_bootstrap_upgrade apm_bootstrap_upgrade (test acs-bootstrap-installer) apm_bootstrap_upgrade apm_bootstrap_upgrade test_apm_bootstrap_upgrade->apm_bootstrap_upgrade


apm_first_time_loading_p (public)


Returns 1 if this is a -procs.tcl file's first time loading, or 0 otherwise.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_first_time_loading_p apm_first_time_loading_p (test acs-bootstrap-installer) apm_first_time_loading_p apm_first_time_loading_p test_apm_first_time_loading_p->apm_first_time_loading_p ad_register_filter ad_register_filter (public) ad_register_filter->apm_first_time_loading_p


apm_get_package_files (public)

 apm_get_package_files [ -include_data_model_files ] [ -all ] \
    [ -all_db_types ] -package_key package_key \
    [ -package_path package_path ] [ -file_types file_types ]

Returns all files, or files of a certain types, belonging to an APM package. Ignores files based on proc apm_include_file_p and determines file type of files with proc apm_guess_file_type. Only returns file with no db type or a db type matching that of the system, unless '-all' is specified.

Goes directly to the filesystem to find files instead of using a file listing in the package info file or the database.

-include_data_model_files (optional, boolean)
-all (optional, boolean)
When specified, return all files in the package, regardless of their file or database type.
-all_db_types (optional, boolean)
-package_key (required)
The key of the package to return file paths for
-package_path (optional)
The full path of the root directory of the package. Defaults to acs_package_root_dir.
-file_types (optional)
The type of files to return. If not provided files of all types recognized by the APM are returned.
The paths, relative to the root dir of the package, of matching files.
Peter Marklund
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_tarballs apm_tarballs (test acs-tcl) apm_get_package_files apm_get_package_files test_apm_tarballs->apm_get_package_files test_files__check_upgrade_ordering files__check_upgrade_ordering (test acs-tcl) test_files__check_upgrade_ordering->apm_get_package_files test_files__check_xql_files files__check_xql_files (test acs-tcl) test_files__check_xql_files->apm_get_package_files test_files__page_contracts files__page_contracts (test acs-tcl) test_files__page_contracts->apm_get_package_files test_files__tcl_file_syntax_errors files__tcl_file_syntax_errors (test acs-tcl) test_files__tcl_file_syntax_errors->apm_get_package_files acs_package_root_dir acs_package_root_dir (public) apm_get_package_files->acs_package_root_dir ad_find_all_files ad_find_all_files (public) apm_get_package_files->ad_find_all_files apm_guess_db_type apm_guess_db_type (public) apm_get_package_files->apm_guess_db_type apm_guess_file_type apm_guess_file_type (public) apm_get_package_files->apm_guess_file_type api_add_calling_info_to_procdoc api_add_calling_info_to_procdoc (private) api_add_calling_info_to_procdoc->apm_get_package_files apm::metrics_internal apm::metrics_internal (private) apm::metrics_internal->apm_get_package_files apm_bootstrap_load_libraries apm_bootstrap_load_libraries (private) apm_bootstrap_load_libraries->apm_get_package_files apm_build_repository apm_build_repository (private) apm_build_repository->apm_get_package_files apm_data_model_scripts_find apm_data_model_scripts_find (public) apm_data_model_scripts_find->apm_get_package_files

get_package_files, apm_tarballs, files__tcl_file_syntax_errors, files__check_upgrade_ordering, files__check_xql_files, files__trailing_whitespace, files__page_contracts

apm_guess_db_type (public)

 apm_guess_db_type package_key path

Guesses and returns the database type key corresponding to a particular path (or an empty string if none is known). $path should be relative to the package directory (e.g., www/index.tcl for /packages/bboard/admin-www/index.tcl). We consider two cases: 1. Data model files. If the path contains a string matching "sql/" followed by a database type known to this version of OpenACS, the file is assumed to be specific to that database type. The empty string is returned for all other data model files. Example: "sql/postgresql/apm-create.sql" is assumed to be the PostgreSQL-specific file used to create the APM datamodel. If the path contains a string matching "sql/common" the file is assumed to be compatible with all supported RDBMS's and a blank db_type is returned. Otherwise "oracle" is returned. This is a hardwired kludge to allow us to handle legacy ACS 4 packages. 2. Other files. If it is a .tcl, .xql, or .sqlj file not under the "sql" dir and whose name ends in a dash and database type, the file is assumed to be specific to that database type. Example: "tcl/10-database-postgresql-proc.tcl" is assumed to be the file that defines the PostgreSQL-specific portions of the database API.

package_key (required)
path (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_files__check_upgrade_ordering files__check_upgrade_ordering (test acs-tcl) apm_guess_db_type apm_guess_db_type test_files__check_upgrade_ordering->apm_guess_db_type ad_file ad_file (public) apm_guess_db_type->ad_file apm_guess_file_type apm_guess_file_type (public) apm_guess_db_type->apm_guess_file_type apm_data_model_scripts_find apm_data_model_scripts_find (public) apm_data_model_scripts_find->apm_guess_db_type apm_file_watchable_p apm_file_watchable_p (public) apm_file_watchable_p->apm_guess_db_type apm_get_package_files apm_get_package_files (public) apm_get_package_files->apm_guess_db_type apm_load_queries apm_load_queries (private) apm_load_queries->apm_guess_db_type packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-files.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-files.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-files.tcl->apm_guess_db_type


apm_guess_file_type (public)

 apm_guess_file_type package_key path

Guesses and returns the file type key corresponding to a particular path (or an empty string if none is known). $path should be relative to the package directory (e.g., www/index.tcl) for /packages/bboard/admin-www/index.tcl. We use the following rules:

  1. Files with extension .sql are considered data-model files,
  2. Files with extension .dat are considered SQL data files.
  3. Files with extension .ctl are considered sql data loader control files. or if any path contains the substring upgrade, data-model upgrade files.
  4. Files with extension .sqlj are considered sqlj_code files.
  5. Files with extension .info are considered package specification files.
  6. Files with extension .xql are considered query files.
  7. Files with extension .java are considered java code files.
  8. Files with extension .jar are considered java archive files.
  9. Files with a path component named doc are considered documentation files.
  10. Files with extension .pl or .sh or which have a path component named bin, are considered shell-executable files.
  11. Files with a path component named templates are considered template files.
  12. Files with extension .html or .adp, in the top level of the package, are considered documentation files.
  13. Files with a path component named www or admin-www are considered content-page files.
  14. Files with a path component named lib are considered include_page files.
  15. Files under package-key/tcl ending in -procs(-)+()*.tcl) or -init.tcl are considered Tcl procedure or Tcl initialization files, respectively.
  16. File ending in .tcl are considered Tcl utility script files (normally found only in the bootstrap installer).
  17. Files with extension .xml in the directory catalog are considered message catalog files.
  18. Tcl procs or init files under package-key/tcl in a test directory are of type test_procs and test_init respectively.
Rules are applied in this order (stopping with the first match).

package_key (required)
path (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_guess_file_type apm_guess_file_type (test acs-bootstrap-installer) apm_guess_file_type apm_guess_file_type test_apm_guess_file_type->apm_guess_file_type ad_file ad_file (public) apm_guess_file_type->ad_file apm_is_catalog_file apm_is_catalog_file (public) apm_guess_file_type->apm_is_catalog_file apm_data_model_scripts_find apm_data_model_scripts_find (public) apm_data_model_scripts_find->apm_guess_file_type apm_file_watchable_p apm_file_watchable_p (public) apm_file_watchable_p->apm_guess_file_type apm_get_package_files apm_get_package_files (public) apm_get_package_files->apm_guess_file_type apm_guess_db_type apm_guess_db_type (public) apm_guess_db_type->apm_guess_file_type apm_load_queries apm_load_queries (private) apm_load_queries->apm_guess_file_type


apm_ignore_file_p (public)

 apm_ignore_file_p [ -data_model_files ] path

Return 1 if $path should, in general, be ignored for package operations. Currently, a file is ignored if it is a backup file or a CVS directory.

-data_model_files (optional, boolean)
path (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_files__page_contracts files__page_contracts (test acs-tcl) apm_ignore_file_p apm_ignore_file_p test_files__page_contracts->apm_ignore_file_p ad_file ad_file (public) apm_ignore_file_p->ad_file apm_backup_file_p apm_backup_file_p (private) apm_ignore_file_p->apm_backup_file_p apm_include_data_model_file_p apm_include_data_model_file_p (private) apm_include_data_model_file_p->apm_ignore_file_p apm_include_file_p apm_include_file_p (private) apm_include_file_p->apm_ignore_file_p apm_scan_packages apm_scan_packages (public) apm_scan_packages->apm_ignore_file_p


apm_is_catalog_file (public)

 apm_is_catalog_file file_path

Given a file path return 1 if the path represents a message catalog file and 0 otherwise.

file_path (required)
Should be absolute or relative to OpenACS /packages dir or one of its parent dirs.
Peter Marklund
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_guess_file_type apm_guess_file_type (test acs-bootstrap-installer) apm_is_catalog_file apm_is_catalog_file test_apm_guess_file_type->apm_is_catalog_file apm_parse_catalog_path apm_parse_catalog_path (public) apm_is_catalog_file->apm_parse_catalog_path apm_guess_file_type apm_guess_file_type (public) apm_guess_file_type->apm_is_catalog_file lang::catalog::assert_catalog_file lang::catalog::assert_catalog_file (private) lang::catalog::assert_catalog_file->apm_is_catalog_file lang::catalog::get_catalog_files lang::catalog::get_catalog_files (private) lang::catalog::get_catalog_files->apm_is_catalog_file


apm_package_supports_rdbms_p (public)

 apm_package_supports_rdbms_p -package_key package_key

Returns 1 if the given package supports the rdbms of the system and 0 otherwise. The package is considered to support the given rdbms if there is at least one file in the package of matching db_type, or if there are no files in the package of a certain db type.

-package_key (required)
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_package_supports_rdbms_p apm_package_supports_rdbms_p (test acs-bootstrap-installer) apm_package_supports_rdbms_p apm_package_supports_rdbms_p test_apm_package_supports_rdbms_p->apm_package_supports_rdbms_p acs_package_root_dir acs_package_root_dir (public) apm_package_supports_rdbms_p->acs_package_root_dir ad_file ad_file (public) apm_package_supports_rdbms_p->ad_file db_type db_type (public) apm_package_supports_rdbms_p->db_type apm_dependency_check apm_dependency_check (private) apm_dependency_check->apm_package_supports_rdbms_p apm_get_package_repository apm_get_package_repository (public) apm_get_package_repository->apm_package_supports_rdbms_p apm_package_supported_databases apm_package_supported_databases (public) apm_package_supported_databases->apm_package_supports_rdbms_p apm_simple_package_install apm_simple_package_install (public) apm_simple_package_install->apm_package_supports_rdbms_p packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl->apm_package_supports_rdbms_p


apm_parse_catalog_path (public)

 apm_parse_catalog_path file_path

Given the path of a file attempt to extract package_key, prefix, charset and locale information from the path assuming the path is on valid format for a message catalog file. If the parsing fails then the file is not considered a catalog file and the empty list is returned.

file_path (required)
Path of file, relative to the OpenACS /packages dir, one of its parent directories, or absolute path.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_parse_catalog_path apm_parse_catalog_path (test acs-bootstrap-installer) apm_parse_catalog_path apm_parse_catalog_path test_apm_parse_catalog_path->apm_parse_catalog_path apm_is_catalog_file apm_is_catalog_file (public) apm_is_catalog_file->apm_parse_catalog_path lang::catalog::export_to_file lang::catalog::export_to_file (private) lang::catalog::export_to_file->apm_parse_catalog_path lang::catalog::import_from_file lang::catalog::import_from_file (private) lang::catalog::import_from_file->apm_parse_catalog_path lang::catalog::is_upgrade_backup_file lang::catalog::is_upgrade_backup_file (private) lang::catalog::is_upgrade_backup_file->apm_parse_catalog_path


apm_source (public)

 apm_source __file [ errorVarName ]

Sources $__file in a clean environment, returning 1 if successful or 0 if not. Records that the file has been sourced and stores its mtime in the nsv array apm_library_mtime

__file (required)
errorVarName (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_source apm_source (test acs-bootstrap-installer) apm_source apm_source test_apm_source->apm_source ad_file ad_file (public) apm_source->ad_file ad_make_relative_path ad_make_relative_path (public) apm_source->ad_make_relative_path apm_bootstrap_load_file apm_bootstrap_load_file (private) apm_bootstrap_load_file->apm_source apm_files_load apm_files_load (private) apm_files_load->apm_source db_qd_get_fullname db_qd_get_fullname (public) db_qd_get_fullname->apm_source packages/acs-automated-testing/www/admin/init-file-resource.tcl packages/acs-automated-testing/ www/admin/init-file-resource.tcl packages/acs-automated-testing/www/admin/init-file-resource.tcl->apm_source packages/acs-automated-testing/www/admin/rerun.tcl packages/acs-automated-testing/ www/admin/rerun.tcl packages/acs-automated-testing/www/admin/rerun.tcl->apm_source

[ hide source ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Routines needed by the bootstrapper to load package code.

    @creation-date 26 May 2000
    @author Jon Salz [jsalz@arsdigita.com]
    @cvs-id $Id: 30-apm-load-procs.tcl,v 2023/04/24 16:31:00 antoniop Exp $

ad_proc apm_first_time_loading_p {} {
    Returns 1 if this is a -procs.tcl file's first time loading, or 0 otherwise.
} {
    return [info exists ::apm_first_time_loading_p]

ad_proc -public ad_after_server_initialization { name args } {

    Registers code to run after server initialization is complete.

    @param name a human-readable name for the code block (for debugging purposes).
    @param args a code block or procedure to invoke.

} {
    nsv_lappend ad_after_server_initialization . [list name $name script [info script] args $args]

ad_proc -public apm_guess_file_type { package_key path } {

    Guesses and returns the file type key corresponding to a particular path
    (or an empty string if none is known). <code>$path</code> should be
    relative to the package directory (e.g., <code>www/index.tcl</code>)
    for <code>/packages/bboard/admin-www/index.tcl</code>. We use the following rules:

    <li>Files with extension <code>.sql</code> are considered data-model files,
    <li>Files with extension <code>.dat</code> are considered SQL data files.
    <li>Files with extension <code>.ctl</code> are considered sql data loader control files.
    or if any path contains the substring <code>upgrade</code>, data-model upgrade files.
    <li>Files with extension <code>.sqlj</code> are considered sqlj_code files.
    <li>Files with extension <code>.info</code> are considered package specification files.
    <li>Files with extension <code>.xql</code> are considered query files.
    <li>Files with extension <code>.java</code> are considered java code files.
    <li>Files with extension <code>.jar</code> are considered java archive files.
    <li>Files with a path component named <code>doc</code> are considered
    documentation files.
    <li>Files with extension <code>.pl</code> or <code>.sh</code> or
    which have a path component named
    <code>bin</code>, are considered shell-executable files.
    <li>Files with a path component named <code>templates</code> are considered
    template files.
    <li>Files with extension <code>.html</code> or <code>.adp</code>, in the top
    level of the package, are considered documentation files.
    <li>Files with a path component named <code>www</code> or <code>admin-www</code>
    are considered content-page files.
    <li>Files with a path component named <code>lib</code>
    are considered include_page files.
    <li>Files under package-key/tcl ending in <code>-procs(-)+()*.tcl)</code>
    or <code>-init.tcl</code> are considered
    Tcl procedure or Tcl initialization files, respectively.
    <li>File ending in <code>.tcl</code> are considered Tcl utility script files
      (normally found only in the bootstrap installer).
    <li>Files with extension <code>.xml</code> in the directory catalog are
      considered message catalog files.
    <li>Tcl procs or init files under package-key/tcl in a test directory are of type test_procs and test_init
    Rules are applied in this order (stopping with the first match).

} {
    set components [split $path "/"]
    set dirs_in_pageroot [llength [split $::acs::pageroot "/"]]       ;# See comments by RBM

    # Fix to cope with both full and relative paths
    if { [string index $path 0] eq "/"} {
        set components_lesser [lrange $components $dirs_in_pageroot end]
    } else {
        set components_lesser $components
    set extension [ad_file extension $path]
    set type ""

    # DRB: someone named a file "acs-mail-create-packages.sql" rather than
    # the conventional "acs-mail-packages-create.sql", causing it to be
    # recognized as a data_model_create file, causing it to be explicitly
    # run by the installer (the author intended it to be included by
    # acs-mail-create.sql only).  I've tightened up the regexp below to
    # avoid this problem, along with renaming the file...

    # DRB: I've tightened it up again because forums-forums-create.sql
    # was being recognized as a datamodel create script for the forums
    # package.

    if {$extension eq ".sql"} {
        if { [lsearch -glob $components "*upgrade-*-*"] >= 0 } {
            set type "data_model_upgrade"
        } elseif { [regexp -- "^$package_key-(create|drop)\.sql\$" [ad_file tail $path"" kind] } {
            set type "data_model_$kind"
        } else {
            set type "data_model"
    } elseif {$extension eq ".dat"} {
        set type "sql_data"
    } elseif {$extension eq ".ctl"} {
        set type "ctl_file"
    } elseif {$extension eq ".sqlj"} {
        set type "sqlj_code"
    } elseif {$extension eq ".info"} {
        set type "package_spec"
    } elseif {$extension eq ".xql"} {
        set type "query_file"
    } elseif {$extension eq ".java"} {
        set type "java_code"
    } elseif {$extension eq ".jar"} {
        set type "java_archive"
    } elseif"doc" in $components } {
        set type "documentation"
    } elseif$extension eq ".pl" || $extension eq ".sh" || "bin" in $components } {
        set type "shell"
    } elseif"templates" in $components } {
        set type "template"
    } elseif { [llength $components] == 1 &&
               ($extension eq ".html" || $extension eq ".adp") } {
        # HTML or ADP file in the top level of a package - assume it
        # is documentation.
        set type "documentation"

        # RBM: Changed the next elseif to check for 'www' or
        # 'admin-www' only n levels down the path, since that'd be the
        # minimum in a path counting from the pageroot

    } elseif"www" in $components_lesser || "admin-www" in $components_lesser } {
        set type "content_page"
    } elseif"lib" in $components_lesser } {
        set type "include_page"
    } elseif$extension eq ".tcl" && [lindex $components_lesser 0] eq "tcl" } {
        # A .tcl file residing under dir .../package_key/tcl/
        if { [regexp -- {-(procs|init)(-[0-9a-zA-Z]*)?\.tcl$} [ad_file tail $path"" kind] } {
            if {[lindex $components end-1] eq "test"} {
                set type "test_$kind"
            } else {
                set type "tcl_$kind"
        } else {
            set type "tcl_util"
    } elseif { [apm_is_catalog_file "${package_key}/${path}"] } {
        set type "message_catalog"

    return $type

d_proc -public apm_get_package_files {
    {-package_path {}}
    {-file_types {}}
} {
    Returns all files, or files of a certain types, belonging to an
    APM package. Ignores files based on proc apm_include_file_p and
    determines file type of files with proc apm_guess_file_type. Only
    returns file with no db type or a db type matching that of the
    system, unless '-all' is specified.

    Goes directly to the filesystem to find
    files instead of using a file listing in the package info file or the database.

    @param package_key    The key of the package to return file paths for
    @param file_types     The type of files to return. If not provided
                          files of all types recognized by the APM are
    @param package_path   The full path of the root directory of the
                          package. Defaults to acs_package_root_dir.
    @param all            When specified, return all files in the package,
                          regardless of their file or database type.

    @return The paths, relative to the root dir of the package, of matching files.

    @author Peter Marklund

    @see apm_include_file_p
    @see apm_guess_file_type
    @see apm_guess_db_type
} {
    if { $package_path eq "" } {
        set package_path [acs_package_root_dir $package_key]

    if {$all_p} {
        set file_function ""
    } else {
        set file_function [expr {$include_data_model_files_p
                                 ? "apm_include_data_model_file_p"
                                 : "apm_include_file_p"}]
    set files [lsort [ad_find_all_files -check_file_func $file_function $package_path]]
    # We don't assume db_type proc is defined yet
    set system_db_type [nsv_get ad_database_type .]

    set matching_files [list]
    foreach file $files {
        set rel_path [string range $file [string length $package_path]+1 end]
        set file_type [apm_guess_file_type $package_key $rel_path]
        set file_db_type [apm_guess_db_type $package_key $rel_path]

        set type_match_p [expr {$file_types eq "" || $file_type in $file_types}]

        if { $all_p || $all_db_types_p } {
            set db_match_p 1
        } else {
            set db_match_p [expr {$file_db_type eq "" || $file_db_type eq $system_db_type}]

        if { $type_match_p && $db_match_p } {
            lappend matching_files $rel_path

    return $matching_files

ad_proc -public apm_parse_catalog_path { file_path } {
    Given the path of a file attempt to extract package_key,
    prefix, charset and locale
    information from the path assuming the path is on valid format
    for a message catalog file. If the parsing fails
    then the file is not considered a catalog file and the
    empty list is returned.

    @param file_path   Path of file, relative to the OpenACS /packages dir,
    one of its parent directories, or absolute path.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    array set filename_info {}

    # Catalog filepaths are on the form
    # package_key/catalog/optional_prefix_package_key.language.country.charset.xml
    set regexp_pattern "(?i)(\[^/\]+)/catalog/(.*)\\1\\.(\[a-z\]{2,3}_\[a-z\]{2})\\.(\[^.\]+)\\.xml\$"
    if { ![regexp $regexp_pattern $file_path match package_key prefix locale charset] } {
        return [list]

    set filename_info(package_key) $package_key
    set filename_info(prefix) $prefix
    set filename_info(locale) $locale
    set filename_info(charset) $charset

    return [array get filename_info]

ad_proc -public apm_is_catalog_file { file_path } {
    Given a file path return 1 if the path represents a message
    catalog file and 0 otherwise.

    @param file_path Should be absolute or relative to OpenACS /packages dir
    or one of its parent dirs.

    @see apm_parse_catalog_path
    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    array set filename_info [apm_parse_catalog_path $file_path]

    if { [array size filename_info] == 0 } {
        # Parsing failed
        set return_value 0
    } else {
        # Parsing succeeded
        set prefix $filename_info(prefix)
        if { $prefix eq "" } {
            # No prefix - this is considered a catalog file
            set return_value 1
        } else {
            # Catalog files don't have a prefix before the package_key
            set return_value 0

    return $return_value

ad_proc -public apm_guess_db_type { package_key path } {

    Guesses and returns the database type key corresponding to a particular path
    (or an empty string if none is known). <code>$path</code> should be
    relative to the package directory (e.g., <code>www/index.tcl</code> for <code>/packages/bboard/admin-www/index.tcl</code>).

    We consider two cases:

    1. Data model files.

    If the path contains a string matching "sql/" followed by a database type known
    to this version of OpenACS, the file is assumed to be specific to that database type.
    The empty string is returned for all other data model files.

    Example: "sql/postgresql/apm-create.sql" is assumed to be the PostgreSQL-specific
    file used to create the APM datamodel.

    If the path contains a string matching "sql/common" the file is assumed to be
    compatible with all supported RDBMS's and a blank db_type is returned.

    Otherwise "oracle" is returned.  This is a hardwired kludge to allow us to
    handle legacy ACS 4 packages.

    2. Other files.

    If it is a .tcl, .xql, or .sqlj file not under the "sql" dir and whose name
    ends in a dash and database type, the file is assumed to be specific to
    that database type.

    Example: "tcl/10-database-postgresql-proc.tcl" is assumed to be the file that
    defines the PostgreSQL-specific portions of the database API.

} {
    set components [split $path "/"]
    set file_type [apm_guess_file_type $package_key $path]

    if { [string match "data_model*" $file_type] ||
         "ctl_file" eq $file_type } {
        set sql_index [lsearch $components "sql"]
        if { $sql_index >= 0 } {
            set db_dir [lindex $components $sql_index+1]
            if {$db_dir eq "common"} {
                return ""
            foreach known_database_type $::acs::known_database_types {
                if {[lindex $known_database_type 0] eq $db_dir} {
                    return $db_dir
        return "oracle"
    set file_name [ad_file tail $path]
    foreach known_database_type $::acs::known_database_types {
        if { [regexp -- "\-[lindex $known_database_type 0]\.(xql|tcl|sqlj)\$" $file_name match] } {
            return [lindex $known_database_type 0]

    return ""

d_proc apm_package_supports_rdbms_p {
} {
    Returns 1 if the given package supports the rdbms of the system and 0 otherwise.
    The package is considered to support the given rdbms if there is at least one
    file in the package of matching db_type, or if there are no files in the package
    of a certain db type.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set system_db_type [db_type]

    # LARS: This is a crude check, but there's really not any way of knowing for certain without the package telling us
    # We need to add that information back into the .info files.

    set package_path [acs_package_root_dir $package_key]
    return [expr {![ad_file exists "${package_path}/sql"] || [ad_file exists "${package_path}/sql/[db_type]"]}]

ad_proc -public apm_source { __file {errorVarName ""}} {
    Sources $__file in a clean environment, returning 1 if successful or 0 if not.
    Records that the file has been sourced and stores its mtime in the nsv array
} {
    if {$errorVarName ne ""} {
        upvar $errorVarName errors
    } else {
        array set errors [list]

    if { ![ad_file exists $__file] } {
        ns_log "Error" "Unable to source $__file: file does not exist."
        return 0

    set r_file [ad_make_relative_path $__file]

    # Actually do the source.
    if { [catch { source $__file } errorMsg] } {
        set backTrace $::errorInfo
        ns_log "Error" "Error sourcing $__file:\n$backTrace"
        set package_key ""
        regexp {/packages/([^/]+)/} $__file -> package_key
        lappend errors($package_key$r_file $backTrace
        return 0

    nsv_set apm_library_mtime $r_file [ad_file mtime $__file]

    return 1

# Special boot strap load file routine.

ad_proc -private apm_bootstrap_load_file { root_directory file {errorVarName ""}} {
    Source a single file during initial bootstrapping and set APM data.
} {
    ns_log "Notice" "Loading [ad_file tail $root_directory]/$file"
    if {$errorVarName ne ""} {upvar $errorVarName errors}
    apm_source ${root_directory}/${file} errors

d_proc -private apm_bootstrap_load_libraries {
    {-load_tests:boolean 0}
    {errorVarName ""}
} {
    Scan all the files in the "tcl" dir of the package and load those asked for by the init
    and procs flags.

    This proc is an analog of apm_load_libraries.  In addition though
    this proc sets apm_first_time_loading_p variable.

    @author Don Baccus (dhogaza@pacifier.com)
    @author Peter Marklund

    @param package_key The package to load (normally acs-tcl)
    @param init Load initialization files
    @param procs Load the proc library files
} {
    set file_types [list]
    if { $procs_p } {
        lappend file_types tcl_procs
    if { $init_p } {
        lappend file_types tcl_init
    if { $load_tests_p } {
        lappend file_types test_procs
    if {$errorVarName ne ""} {
        upvar $errorVarName error

    # This is the first time each of these files is being loaded (see
    # the documentation for the apm_first_time_loading_p proc).
    set ::apm_first_time_loading_p 1

    set package_root_dir [acs_package_root_dir $package_key]
    foreach file [apm_get_package_files -package_key $package_key -file_types $file_types] {

        apm_bootstrap_load_file $package_root_dir $file error

        # Call db_release_unused_handles, only if the library defining it
        # (10-database-procs.tcl) has been sourced yet.
        if { [namespace which db_release_unused_handles] ne ""} {

    unset ::apm_first_time_loading_p

proc apm_bootstrap_load_queries { package_key } {

    # Load up queries.

    set db_type [nsv_get ad_database_type .]

    # DRB: We can't parse the $package_key.info file at this point in time, primarily because
    # grabbing the package information uses not only the XML file but tables from the APM,
    # which haven't been loaded yet if we're installing.  So we just snarf all of the
    # queryfiles in this package that match the current database or no database
    # (which we interpret to mean all supported databases).

    set files [ad_find_all_files $::acs::rootdir/packages/$package_key]
    if { [llength $files] == 0 } {
        error "Unable to locate $::acs::rootdir/packages/$package_key/*."

    foreach file [lsort $files] {

        set file_db_type [apm_guess_db_type $package_key $file]
        set file_type [apm_guess_file_type $package_key $file]

        if {$file_type eq "query_file" &&
            ($file_db_type eq "" || $file_db_type eq $db_type)} {
            db_qd_load_query_file $file

ad_proc -private apm_load_install_xml_file {} {
    Loads any install.xml file and returns the root node. Returns
    the empty string if there is no install.xml file.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set fn [apm_install_xml_file_path]
    # Abort if there is no install.xml file
    if { ![ad_file exists $fn] } {
        return ""

    #ns_log notice "==== LOADING XML file: $fn"
    set file [open $fn]
    set root_node [xml_doc_get_first_node [xml_parse -persist [read $file]]]
    close $file

    return $root_node

ad_proc -private apm_install_xml_file_path {} {
    Get the path of the install.xml file.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    return "$::acs::rootdir/install.xml"

d_proc -public apm_ignore_file_p {
} {

    Return 1 if $path should, in general, be ignored for package operations.
    Currently, a file is ignored if it is a backup file or a CVS directory.

} {
    if {[ad_file isdirectory $path]} {
        # ignored directories
        set parts [ad_file split $path]
        if {[lindex $parts end] eq "resources" && [lindex $parts end-1] eq "www"} {
            return 1

        set dir_list {CVS .git catalog}
        if {!$data_model_files_p} {
            lappend dir_list "upgrade"

        if {[lindex $parts end] in $dir_list} {
            return 1
    # ignored extensions
    set extension_list {.html .gif .png .jpg .ico .pdf .js .css .xsl .tgz .zip .gz .java}
    if {!$data_model_files_p} {
        lappend extension_list ".sql"
    if {[ad_file extension $path] in $extension_list} {
        return 1
    if { [string index $path 0] eq "~"} {
        set path ./$path
    if { [apm_backup_file_p [ad_file tail $path]] } {
        return 1

    return 0

ad_proc -private apm_backup_file_p { path } {

    Returns 1 if $path is a backup file, or 0 if not. We consider it a
    backup file if any of the following apply:

    <li>its name begins with <code>#</code>
    <li>its name is <code>bak</code>
    <li>its name begins with <code>bak</code> and one or more non-alphanumeric characters
    <li>its name ends with <code>.old</code>, <code>.bak</code>, or <code>~</code>

} {
    return [regexp {(\.old|\.bak|~)$|^#|^bak$|^bak([^a-zA-Z]+)} $path]

ad_proc -private apm_include_data_model_file_p { filename } {
    Check if the APM should consider a file found by ad_find_all_files.
    Files for which apm_ignore_file_p returns true will be ignored.
    Backup files are ignored.
} {
    #ns_log notice "apm_include_file_p <$filename> => [apm_ignore_file_p -data_model_files $filename]"
    return [expr {![apm_ignore_file_p -data_model_files $filename]}]

ad_proc -private apm_include_file_p { filename } {
    Check if the APM should consider a file found by ad_find_all_files.
    Files for which apm_ignore_file_p returns true will be ignored.
    Backup files and SQL scripts (including the ones in upgrade directory) are ignored.
} {
    #ns_log notice "apm_include_file_p <$filename> => [apm_ignore_file_p $filename]"
    return [expr {![apm_ignore_file_p $filename]}]

d_proc apm_bootstrap_upgrade {
} {

    Copy the files from acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/tcl to the
    Tcl files in the acs root directory. This makes it possible to
    incorporate changes to these files by only updating the
    acs-bootstrap-installer package (rather than a full tar file
    install as in earlier versions).

    Caveat: don't modify these files in your local installation, adding
    extra files to $::acs::rootdir/tcl is fine.
} {
    set source $::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/tcl
    foreach file [glob -nocomplain $source/*tcl] {
        file copy -force -- $file $::acs::rootdir/tcl/
        # It would be good to allow changes in the setup here, but for
        # that, e.g. 0-acs-tcl has to be split up into two parts: (a)
        # setup of variables, and (b) sourcing everything.
        # source $::acs::rootdir/tcl/[ad_file tail $file]
    set source $::acs::rootdir/packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/installer/www
    foreach file [glob -nocomplain $source/*tcl $source/*adp] {
        file copy -force -- $file $::acs::rootdir/www/
    foreach file [glob -nocomplain $source/SYSTEM/*tcl] {
        file copy -force -- $file $::acs::rootdir/www/SYSTEM/

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: