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ad_library {

    Notifications Email Delivery Method

    @creation-date 2002-06-20
    @author Ben Adida <>
    @cvs-id $Id: notification-email-procs.tcl,v 2022/11/27 18:18:50 gustafn Exp $


namespace eval notification::email {

    ad_proc -public get_package_id {} {
        Get the package id for notifications (depends on this being a singular
    } {
        return [apm_package_id_from_key notifications]

    d_proc -deprecated -public get_parameter {
        {-default ""}
    } {
        Shorthand proc to return a given notifications package parameter.

        Deprecated: just a wrapper for parameter::get

        @see parameter::get
    } {
        return [parameter::get -package_id [get_package_id] -parameter $name -default $default]

    ad_proc -public address_domain {} {
        Get the domain name to use for e-mail.  The package parameter "EmailDomain" is
        preferred, but if it doesn't exist, we build one using the system URL.
    } {
        set domain [parameter::get -package_id [get_package_id] -parameter "EmailDomain" -default ""]
        if { $domain eq "" } {
            # No domain set up, let's use the default from the system info
            # This may not find anything, but at least it's worth a try
            if { ![regexp {^(https?://)?(www\.)?([^/]*)} [ad_url] match ignore ignore domain] } {
                ns_log Warning "notification::email::address_domain: Couldn't find an email domain for notifications."
            } else {
                regsub -nocase {(.*):.*} $domain "\\1" domain
        return $domain

    ad_proc -public manage_notifications_url {} {
        Build a URL to the "manage notifications" script.
    } {
        return "[ad_url][apm_package_url_from_key [notification::package_key]]manage"

    ad_proc -public reply_address_prefix {} {
        Shorthand proc to return the email reply address prefix parameter value.
    } {
        return [parameter::get -package_id [get_package_id] -parameter "EmailReplyAddressPrefix" -default ""]

    ad_proc -private qmail_mail_queue_dir {} {
        Shorthand proc to return the email qmail-style mail queue (i.e. a Maildir directory)
    } {
        return [parameter::get -package_id [get_package_id] -parameter "EmailQmailQueue" -default ""]

    ad_proc -private parse_email_address {email} {
        Strip out the user's name (in angle brackets) from an e-mail address if it exists.
    } {
        if {![regexp {<([^>]*)>} $email all clean_email]} {
            return $email
        } else {
            return $clean_email

    d_proc -private reply_address {
    } {
        Build an object/type-specific e-mail address that the user can reply to.
    } {
        if {$object_id eq "" || $type_id eq ""} {
            return "\"[address_domain] mailer\" <[reply_address_prefix]@[address_domain]>"
        } else {
            return "\"[address_domain] mailer\" <[reply_address_prefix]-$object_id-$type_id@[address_domain]>"

    d_proc -private parse_reply_address {
    } {
        This takes a reply address, checks it for consistency, and returns a list of object_id and type_id
    } {
        # The pattern to match
        set regexp_str "^[reply_address_prefix]-(\[0-9\]*)-(\[0-9\]*)\@"

        # Check the format and extract type_id and object_id at the same time
        if {![regexp $regexp_str $reply_address all object_id type_id]} {
            return ""

        return [list $object_id $type_id]

    d_proc -public send {
    } {
        Send the actual email.

        @param from_user_id The user_id of the user that the email
               should be sent as. Provide empty for the standard
               mailer from address.
    } {

       # Get user data
       set email [party::email -party_id $to_user_id]
       set user_locale [lang::user::site_wide_locale -user_id $to_user_id]
       if { $user_locale eq "" } {
           set user_locale [lang::system::site_wide_locale]

       # Variable used in the content
       set manage_notifications_url [manage_notifications_url]

       if { $content_html eq "" } {
           set mime_type "text/plain"
           append content_text "\n#" "notifications.lt_Getting_too_much_emai#"
           set content $content_text
       } else {
           set mime_type "text/html"
           append content_html "<p>#" "notifications.lt_Getting_too_much_emai#</p>"
           set content $content_html

       # convert relative URLs to fully qualified URLs
       set content [ad_html_qualify_links $content]

       # Use this to build up extra mail headers
       set extra_headers [list]

       # This should disable most auto-replies.
       lappend extra_headers [list "Precedence" "list"]

       set reply_to [reply_address -object_id $reply_object_id -type_id $notification_type_id]

       if { $from_user_id ni {"" 0} && [person::person_p -party_id $from_user_id]} {
           # Notification is sent on behalf of a person on the system.
           set from_email [party::email -party_id $from_user_id]

           if {[parameter::get \
                    -package_id [get_package_id] \
                    -parameter EmailQmailQueueScanP -default 0] != 1} {
               # We did not activate the processing of incoming
               # messages: this means we do not process replies to
               # notifications. There is no point in setting the
               # Reply-To to something different than the Sender.
               set reply_to ""
           } else {
               # We support notification replies.
               # Set the Mail-Followup-To address to the
               # address of the notifications handler.
               lappend extra_headers [list "Mail-Followup-To" $reply_to]
       } else {
           # Notification is sent by the system itself.
           set from_email $reply_to

       acs_mail_lite::send \
           -to_addr $email \
           -from_addr $from_email \
           -reply_to $reply_to \
           -mime_type $mime_type \
           -subject [lang::util::localize $subject $user_locale] \
           -body [lang::util::localize $content $user_locale] \
           -file_ids $file_ids \
           -use_sender \
           -extraheaders $extra_headers

    d_proc -public bounce_mail_message {
        {-reason ""}
    } {
        This sends a bounce message indicating a failuring in sending
        a message to the system.

        @creation-date 05 Nov 2003

        @param to_addr who the bounce is going to
        @param from_addr who the bouncing message as sent to
        @param body the message body
        @param message_headers the headers of the message
        @param reason (defaults to nothing).  Reason for bounce
    } {
        set domain [address_domain]
        set bounce_to [parse_email_address $to_addr]
        set bounce_address [parse_email_address $from_addr]
        set bounce_from "MAILER-DAEMON@$domain"
        set bounce_subject "failure notice"
        set l "Hi.  This is the notification program at $domain.\n"
        append l "I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the\n"
        append l "following addresses.  This is a permanent error; I've\n"
        append l "given up.  Sorry it didn't work out.\n\n"
        append l "<$from_addr>:\n"
        append l "$reason\n\n"
        append l "--- Below is this line is a copy of the message.\n\n"
        append l "$message_headers\n\n"
        append l "$body\n"
        acs_mail_lite::send \
            -to_addr $bounce_to \
            -from_addr $bounce_from \
            -subject $bounce_subject \
            -body $l \
            -extraheaders ""

    d_proc -private load_qmail_mail_queue {
    } {
        Scans qmail incoming email queue and queues up messages
        using acs-mail.

        @creation-date 22 Sept, 2001

        @param queue_dir The location of the qmail mail queue in
        the file-system.
    } {
        ns_log debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: checking $queue_dir/new/ for incoming mail"

        if {[catch {
            set messages [glob "$queue_dir/new/*"]
        } errmsg]} {
            if {[string match "no files matched glob pattern*"  $errmsg ]} {
                ns_log Debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: queue dir = $queue_dir/new/*, no messages"
            } else {
                ns_log Error "load_qmail_mail_queue: queue dir = $queue_dir/new/ error $errmsg"
            return {}

        set list_of_reply_ids [list]
        set new_messages_p 0

        foreach msg $messages {
            ns_log Debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: opening file: $msg"
            if {[catch {set f [open $msg r]} errmsg]} {
                # spit out an error message for failure to open and continue to next message
                ns_log Warning "load_qmail_mail_queue: error opening file $errmsg"
            set orig_file [read $f]
            close $f
            set file [split $orig_file "\n"]

            set new_messages 1
            set end_of_headers_p 0
            set i 0
            set line [lindex $file $i]
            set headers [list]
            set orig_headers ""

            # walk through the headers and extract each one
            set is_auto_reply_p 0
            while {$line ne ""} {
                set next_line [lindex $file $i+1]
                if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $next_line match] && $i > 0} {
                    set end_of_headers_p 1
                set multiline_header_p 0
                if {[regexp {^([^:]+):[ ]+(.+)$} $line match name value]} {
                    # join headers that span more than one line (e.g. Received)
                    if { ![regexp {^([^:]+):[ ]+(.+)$} $next_line match] && !$end_of_headers_p} {
                        set multiline_header_p 1
                    } else {
                        # we only want messages a person typed in themselves - nothing
                        # from any sort of auto-responder.
                        if { [string compare -nocase $name "Auto-Submitted"] == 0 } {
                            set is_auto_reply_p 1
                        } elseif { [string compare -nocase $name "Subject"] == 0 && [string first "Out of Office AutoReply:" $value] == 0 } {
                            # added for BP
                            set is_auto_reply_p 1
                        } else {
                            lappend headers [string tolower $name$value
                            append orig_headers "$line\n"

                    if {$end_of_headers_p} {
                        incr i
                } else {
                    # The headers and the body are delimited by a null line as specified by RFC822
                    if {[regexp {^[ ]*$} $line match]} {
                        incr i
                incr i
                if { $multiline_header_p } {
                    append line [lindex $file $i]
                } else {
                    set line [lindex $file $i]

            # a break above just exited the while loop;  now we need to skip
            # the rest of the foreach as well
            if { $is_auto_reply_p } {
                ns_log Debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: message $msg is from an auto-responder, skipping"
                if {[catch {file delete -- $msg} errmsg]} {
                    ns_log Warning "load_qmail_mail_queue: couldn't remove message $msg:  $errmsg"

            set body [ad_parse_incoming_email $orig_file]

            # okay now we have a list of headers and the body, let's
            # put it into notifications stuff
            array set email_headers $headers

            if {[catch {set from $email_headers(from)}]} {
                set from ""
            if {[catch {set to $email_headers(to)}]} {
                set to ""

            set from [parse_email_address $from]
            set to [parse_email_address $to]

            # Find the from user
            set from_user [party::get_by_email -email $from]

            # We don't accept empty users for now
            if {$from_user eq ""} {
                ns_log debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: no user for from address: $from, to: $to. bouncing message."
                # bounce message with an informative error.
                bounce_mail_message  -to_addr $email_headers(from) \
                    -from_addr $email_headers(to) \
                    -body $body  \
                    -message_headers $orig_headers \
                    -reason "Invalid sender.  You must be a member of the site and\nyour From address must match your registered address."

                if {[catch {file delete -- $msg} errmsg]} {
                    ns_log Warning "load_qmail_mail_queue: couldn't remove message $msg: $errmsg"

            set to_stuff [parse_reply_address -reply_address $to]
            # We don't accept a bad incoming email address
            if {$to_stuff eq ""} {
                ns_log debug "load_qmail_mail_queue: bad to address $to from $from. bouncing message."

                # bounce message here
                bounce_mail_message -to_addr $email_headers(from) \
                    -from_addr $email_headers(to) \
                    -body $body \
                    -message_headers $orig_headers \
                    -reason "Invalid To Address"

                if {[catch {file delete -- $msg} errmsg]} {
                    ns_log Warning "load_qmail_mail_queue: couldn't remove message file $msg: $errmsg"

            lassign $to_stuff object_id type_id
            set to_addr $to

            db_transaction {
                set reply_id [notification::reply::new \
                      -object_id $object_id \
                      -type_id $type_id \
                      -from_user $from_user \
                      -subject $email_headers(subject) \
                      -content $body]
                set headers $orig_headers
                db_dml holdinsert {} -clobs [list $to_addr $headers $body]

                if {[catch {file delete -- $msg} errmsg]} {
                ns_log Error "load_qmail_mail_queue: unable to delete queued message $msg: $errmsg"

                lappend list_of_reply_ids $reply_id
            } on_error {
                ns_log Error "load_qmail_mail_queue: error inserting incoming email into the queue: $errmsg"

        return $list_of_reply_ids

    ad_proc -private scan_replies {} {
        scan for replies
    } {
        ns_log debug "notification::email::scan_replies: about to load qmail queue"
        return [load_qmail_mail_queue -queue_dir [qmail_mail_queue_dir]]

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: