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<sect1 id="db-api" xreflabel="The OpenACS Database Access API">
  <title>The OpenACS Database Access API</title>

    By Pete Su and Jon Salz. Modified by Roberto Mello.
  <sect2 id="db-api-overview">
      One of OpenACS&#39;s great strengths is that code written for it is
      very close to the database. It is very easy to interact with the
      database from anywhere within OpenACS, and we have a
      coherent API for database access which makes this even easier.

      More detailed information about the DB API is available at
      <xref linkend="db-api-detailed"/>.


  <sect2 id="db-api-examples"><title>DB API Examples</title>

      The OpenACS database API is meant to save developers from making
      common mistakes and to provide a more structured syntax for
      specifying database operations, including transactions.  Here&#39;s
      an example of the API.
set count 0
set tcl_var "foo"
set sql {
      	SELECT foo, bar, baz
       FROM some_table, some_other_table
       WHERE some_table.id = some_other_table.id
         and some_table.condition_p = :tcl_var

db_transaction {
    db_foreach my_example_query_name $sql {
        lappend rows [list $foo $bar $baz]
        incr count
    foreach row $rows { 
        call_some_proc $foo $bar $baz

      There are several things to note here:

      <orderedlist numeration="arabic">

	    No explicit code for grabbing and releasing handles. Usage of the
	    Database API implicitly deals with all handle management issues.

	    The <computeroutput>db_transaction</computeroutput> command
	    makes the scope of a transaction
	    clear; <computeroutput>db_transaction</computeroutput> takes the
	    code block argument and automatically runs it in the context of a
	    transaction.  If you use something like db_foreach though, you need to 
            make sure that there are no calls in the code block which would take
            a second db handle since the transaction is only valid for 
            one handle (that's why we build up a list of returned values and call 
            a second proc outside the db_foreach loop).

	    The command <computeroutput>db_foreach</computeroutput> writes
	    our old while loop for us.
	    Every SQL query has a name, which is used in conjunction with .XQL files
            to support multiple databases.

	    Finally and most importantly, there API implements bind variables, which we will cover next.




  <sect2 id="db-api-bindvariables"><title>Bind Variables</title>

      Bind variables are placeholders for literal values in an SQL
      query being sent to the server.  In the old way, data was
      generally passed to directly to the DB backend, via Tcl string
      interpolation. In the example above, the query would look like:
select foo, bar, baz 
from some_table, some_other_table
where some_table.id=some_other_table.id  
and some_table.condition_p = '$foo'</programlisting>

      There are a few problems with this:
          If the value of $foo is a huge string, then we waste a lot
          of time in the database server doing useless parsing.
          Second, if the literal value contains characters like single
          quotes, we have to be careful to properly escape them,
          because not quoting them will lead to surprising errors.
          Third, no type checking occurs on the literal
	  value. Finally, if the Tcl variable is passed in or between
	  web forms or otherwise subject to external modification,
	  there is nothing keeping malicious users from setting the
	  Tcl variable to some string that changes the query
	    This type of attack,
	  called <emphasis>SQL smuggling</emphasis>, can be very
	  damaging - entire tables can be
	  exposed or have their contents deleted, for example. 
          Another very important reason for using bind variables is
	  performance. Oracle can cache previously parsed queries. If
	  there are values in the where clause, that is how the query
	  is cached. It also performs bind variable susbstitution
	  after parsing the SQL statement. This means that SQL
	  statements that use bind variables will always match
	  (assuming all else is the same) while SQL statements that do
	  not use bind variables will not match unless the values in
	  the statement are exactly the same. This will improve the
	  query cache considerably, which can make the server much
	  more efficient.

      What the DB API (in conjunction with the database drivers
      implemented for AOLserver) do is send the SQL statement to the
      server for parsing, then <emphasis>bind</emphasis> values to the
      variables and sends those values along separately as a second
      step. This separate binding step is where the term
      <emphasis>bind variable</emphasis> comes from.

      This split has several advantages. First, type checking happens
      on the literal. If the column we are comparing against holds
      numbers, and we send a string, we get a nice error. Second,
      since string literals are no longer in the query, no extra
      quoting is required. Third, substitution of bind variables
      cannot change the actual text of the query, only the literal
      values in the placeholders.  The database API makes bind
      variables easy to use by hooking them smoothly into the Tcl
      run time so you simply provide :tclvar and the value of $tclvar 
      is sent to the backend to actually execute the query.

      The database API parses the query and pulls out all the bind variable
      specifications and replaces them with generic placeholders.  It then
      automatically pulls the values of the named Tcl vars out of the
      run time environment of the script, and passes them to the database.

      Note that while this looks like a simple syntactic change, it really
      is very different from how interpolated text queries work.  You use
      bind variables to replace what would otherwise be a literal value in a
      query, and Tcl style string interpolation does not happen. So you
      cannot do something like:
set table "baz"
set condition "where foo = bar"

db_foreach my_query { select :table from some_table where :condition }

      SQL will not allow a literal to occur where we&#39;ve put the bind
      variables, so the query is syntactically incorrect. You have to
      remember that while the bind variable syntax looks similar to variable
      interpolation in Tcl, It is <emphasis>not the same thing at all</emphasis>.

      Finally, the DB API has several different styles for passing bind
      variable values to queries. In general, use the style presented here
      because it is the most convenient. 

    <sect3 id="db-api-bind-vars-usage" xreflabel="Bind Variables Usage">

      <para>Every <computeroutput>db_*</computeroutput> command accepting a SQL command as an argument
	supports bind variables. You can either</para>

	    Specify the <computeroutput>-bind</computeroutput> switch to provide a set with bind variable
	    values, or

	    Specify the <computeroutput>-bind</computeroutput> switch to explicitly provide a list of
	    bind variable names and values, or

	    Not specify a bind variable list at all, in which case Tcl variables are
	    used as bind variables.

	The default behavior (i.e., if the <computeroutput>-bind</computeroutput> switch is omitted) is
	that these procedures expect to find local variables that correspond in name
	to the referenced bind variables, e.g.: 

set user_id 123456
set role &quot;administrator&quot;

db_foreach user_group_memberships_by_role {
    select g.group_id, g.group_name
    from user_groups g, user_group_map map
    where g.group_id = map.user_id
    and map.user_id = :user_id
    and map.role = :role
} {
    # do something for each group of which user 123456 is in the role
    # of &quot;administrator&quot;


	The value of the local Tcl variable <computeroutput>user_id</computeroutput> (123456) is bound to
	the <computeroutput>user_id</computeroutput> bind variable. 

      <para>The <computeroutput>-bind</computeroutput> switch can takes the name of an <computeroutput>ns_set</computeroutput>
	containing keys for each bind variable named in the query, e.g.:</para>


set bind_vars [ns_set create]
ns_set put $bind_vars user_id 123456
ns_set put $bind_vars role &quot;administrator&quot;

db_foreach user_group_memberships_by_role {
    select g.group_id, g.group_name
    from user_groups g, user_group_map map
    where g.group_id = map.user_id
    and map.user_id = :user_id
    and map.role = :role
} -bind $bind_vars {
    # do something for each group in which user 123456 has the role
    # of &quot;administrator&quot;


	Alternatively, as an argument to <computeroutput>-bind</computeroutput> you can specify a list of
	alternating name/value pairs for bind variables: 
db_foreach user_group_memberships_by_role {
    select g.group_id, g.group_name
    from user_groups g, user_group_map map
    where g.group_id = map.user_id
    and map.user_id = :user_id
    and map.role = :role
} -bind [list user_id 123456 role &quot;administrator&quot;] {
    # do something for each group in which user 123456 has the role
    # of &quot;administrator&quot;

    <sect3 id="dbapi_nulls_and_bind_vars" xreflabel="Nulls and Bind Variables">
      <title>Nulls and Bind Variables</title>

	When processing a DML statement, Oracle coerces empty strings into
	<computeroutput>null</computeroutput>. (This coercion does <emphasis>not</emphasis> occur in the
	<computeroutput>WHERE</computeroutput> clause of a query, i.e.
	<computeroutput>col = &#39;&#39;</computeroutput> and
	<computeroutput>col is null</computeroutput> are not equivalent.) 

      <para>As a result, when using bind variables, the only way to make Oracle set a
	column value to <computeroutput>null</computeroutput> is to set the corresponding bind variable
	to the empty string, since a bind variable whose value is the string
	&quot;null&quot; will be interpreted as the literal string

      <para>These Oracle quirks complicate the process of writing clear and abstract
	DML difficult. Here is an example that illustrates why:</para>


# Given the table:
#   create table foo (
#           bar        integer,
#           baz        varchar(10)
#   );

set bar &quot;&quot;
set baz &quot;&quot;

db_dml foo_create &quot;insert into foo(bar, baz) values(:bar, :baz)&quot;
# the values of the &quot;bar&quot; and &quot;baz&quot; columns in the new row are both
# null, because Oracle has coerced the empty string (even for the
# numeric column &quot;bar&quot;) into null in both cases


  <sect2 id="db-api-pooling" xreflabel="Sequence Pooling">
    <title>Sequence Pooling</title>

      The database library can transparently maintain pools of sequence values, so
      that each request for a new sequence value (using <computeroutput>db_nextval</computeroutput>)
      does not incur a roundtrip to the server. For instance, this functionality is
      very useful in the security/sessions library, which very frequently allocates
      values from the <computeroutput>sec_id_seq</computeroutput> sequence. To utilize this
      functionality for a particular sequence, register the sequence to be pooled,
      either using the <computeroutput>db_register_pooled_sequence</computeroutput> procedure at server
      startup time, or by including a configuration parameter of the form 



      in <emphasis>any</emphasis> configuration section in the <computeroutput>yourservername.ini</computeroutput>
      file, e.g., 



      The database library will allocate this number of sequence values at server
      startup. It will periodically scan pools and allocate new values for
      sequences which are less than half-full. (This normally occurs every 60
      seconds, and is configurable via the
      <computeroutput>PooledSequenceUpdateInterval</computeroutput> parameter in the
      <computeroutput>/acs/database]</computeroutput> configuration

  <sect2 id="db-api-basicapi"><title>Basic API</title>

      The Database API has several functions that wrap familiar parts of the
      AOLserver database API. 

      Note that you never have to use <computeroutput>ns_db</computeroutput> anymore (including
      <computeroutput>ns_db gethandle</computeroutput>)! Just start doing stuff, and (if you want) call
      <computeroutput>db_release_unused_handles</computeroutput> when you&#39;re done as a hint to
      release the database handle. 



	  <para>Aborts all levels of a transaction. That is if this is called within
	    several nested transactions, all of them are terminated. Use this instead of
	    <computeroutput>db_dml &quot;abort&quot; &quot;abort transaction&quot;</computeroutput>. 


 	<term><emphasis role="strong"><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_multirow"/>db_multirow</computeroutput></emphasis></term> 

<emphasis role="strong">db_multirow</emphasis> [ -local ] [ -append ] [ -extend <emphasis>column_list</emphasis> ] \
    <emphasis>var-name</emphasis> <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> \
    [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ] \
    <emphasis>code_block</emphasis> [ if_no_rows <emphasis>if_no_rows_block ]</emphasis>

	Performs the SQL query <computeroutput>sql</computeroutput>, saving results in variables
    of the form
    <computeroutput><replaceable>var_name</replaceable>:1</computeroutput>, <computeroutput><replaceable>var_name</replaceable>:2</computeroutput>, etc,
    setting <computeroutput><replaceable>var_name</replaceable>:rowcount</computeroutput> to the total number
    of rows, and setting <computeroutput><replaceable>var_name</replaceable>:columns</computeroutput> to a
    list of column names. 

    Each row also has a column, rownum, automatically
    added and set to the row number, starting with 1. Note that this will
    override any column in the SQL statement named 'rownum', also if you&#39;re
    using the Oracle rownum pseudo-column.

    If the <computeroutput>-local</computeroutput> is passed, the variables defined
    by db_multirow will be set locally (useful if you&#39;re compiling dynamic templates
    in a function or similar situations).
    You may supply a code block, which will be executed for each row in
    the loop. This is very useful if you need to make computations that
    are better done in Tcl than in SQL, for example using ns_urlencode
    or ns_quotehtml, etc. When the Tcl code is executed, all the columns
    from the SQL query will be set as local variables in that code. Any
    changes made to these local variables will be copied back into the

    You may also add additional, computed columns to the multirow, using the
    <computeroutput>-extend { <replaceable>col_1</replaceable> <replaceable>col_2</replaceable> ... }</computeroutput> switch. This is
    useful for things like constructing a URL for the object retrieved by
    the query.

    If you&#39;re constructing your multirow through multiple queries with the
    same set of columns, but with different rows, you can use the
    <computeroutput>-append</computeroutput> switch. This causes the rows returned by this query
    to be appended to the rows already in the multirow, instead of starting
    a clean multirow, as is the normal behavior. The columns must match the
    columns in the original multirow, or an error will be thrown.

    Your code block may call <computeroutput>continue</computeroutput> in order to skip a row
    and not include it in the multirow. Or you can call <computeroutput>break</computeroutput>
    to skip this row and quit looping.

    Notice the nonstandard numbering (everything
    else in Tcl starts at 0); the reason is that the graphics designer, a non
    programmer, may wish to work with row numbers.

db_multirow -extend { user_url } users users_query {
    select user_id first_names, last_name, email from cc_users
} {
    set user_url [acs_community_member_url -user_id $user_id]

            You can also iterate over a multirow after it has been
            created - check the documentation for

            For example,

db_multirow assets assets {
  select asset_id,
    from ...


set asset_id_l [list]
multirow foreach assets {
  lappend asset_id_l $asset_id

          <para>Technically it&#39;s equivalent to using a code block on
          the end of your db_multirow.</para>


	      <anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_foreach"/>db_foreach

db_foreach <emphasis>statement-name sql</emphasis> [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ] \
    [ -column_array <emphasis>array_name</emphasis> | -column_set <emphasis>set_name</emphasis> ] \
    <emphasis>code_block</emphasis> [ if_no_rows <emphasis>if_no_rows_block ]</emphasis>
	    Performs the SQL query <emphasis>
	    </emphasis>, executing
	      </computeroutput></emphasis> once for each row
	    with variables set to column values (or a set or array
	    populated if
	    <computeroutput>-column_array</computeroutput> or
	    <computeroutput>column_set</computeroutput> is
	    specified). If the query returns no rows, executes
	      </computeroutput></emphasis> (if provided).



db_foreach select_foo &quot;select foo, bar from greeble&quot; {
    doc_body_append &quot;&lt;li&gt;foo=$foo; bar=$bar\n&quot;
} if_no_rows {
    doc_body_append &quot;&lt;li&gt;There are no greebles in the database.\n&quot;


	    The code block may contain <computeroutput>break</computeroutput> statements (which terminate the
	    loop and flush the database handle) and <computeroutput>continue</computeroutput> statements
	    (which continue to the next row of the loop). </para>

	      <anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_1row"/>db_1row

db_1row <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ] \
    [ -column_array <emphasis>array_name</emphasis> | -column_set <emphasis>set_name</emphasis> ]

	    Performs the SQL query <emphasis>
	    setting variables to column values. Raises an error if the
	    query does not return exactly 1 row.



db_1row select_foo &quot;select foo, bar from greeble where greeble_id = $greeble_id&quot;
# Bombs if there&#39;s no such greeble!
# Now $foo and $bar are set.


	      <anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_0or1row"/>db_0or1row

db_0or1row <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ] \
    [ -column_array <emphasis>array_name</emphasis> | -column_set <emphasis>set_name</emphasis> ]

	    Performs the SQL query
	    If a row is returned, sets variables to column values and
	    returns 1. If no rows are returned, returns 0. If more
	    than one row is returned, throws an error.

	<term><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_nextval"/>db_nextval</computeroutput> </term>

db_nextval <emphasis>sequence-name</emphasis>

	    Returns the next value for the sequence <emphasis>sequence-name</emphasis> (using a
	    SQL statement like <computeroutput>SELECT</computeroutput>
	    <emphasis><computeroutput>sequence-name</computeroutput></emphasis><computeroutput>.nextval FROM
	      DUAL</computeroutput>). If sequence pooling is enabled for the sequence, transparently
	    uses a value from the pool if available to save a round-trip to the database
	    (see <emphasis><xref linkend="db-api-pooling"/></emphasis>). 


db_register_pooled_sequence <emphasis>sequence-name</emphasis> <emphasis>pool-size</emphasis>

	  <para>Registers the sequence <emphasis>sequence-name</emphasis> to be pooled, with a pool
	    size of <emphasis>pool-size</emphasis> sequence values
	    (see <emphasis><xref linkend="db-api-pooling"/></emphasis>). 


	<term><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_string"/>db_string</computeroutput> </term>
db_string <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> [ -default <emphasis>default</emphasis> ] [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ]

	  <para>Returns the first column of the result of SQL query
	    If <emphasis><computeroutput>sql</computeroutput></emphasis> doesn&#39;t return a
	    row, returns
	    (or throws an error if
	    <emphasis><computeroutput>default</computeroutput></emphasis> is unspecified). Analogous to
	    <computeroutput>database_to_tcl_string</computeroutput> and


	<term><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_list"/>db_list</computeroutput></term>

db_list <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ]

	  <para>Returns a Tcl list of the values in the first column of the result of SQL
	    If <emphasis><computeroutput>sql</computeroutput></emphasis> doesn&#39;t
	    return any rows, returns an empty list. Analogous to


	<term><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_list_of_lists"/>db_list_of_lists</computeroutput></term>

db_list_of_lists <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ]

	  <para>Returns a Tcl list, each element of which is a list of all column values
	    in a row of the result of SQL query <emphasis><computeroutput>sql</computeroutput></emphasis>. If
	    <emphasis><computeroutput>sql</computeroutput></emphasis> doesn&#39;t return any rows, returns an empty list.
	    (Analogous to <computeroutput>database_to_tcl_list_list</computeroutput>.) 


	<term><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_dml"/>db_dml</computeroutput></term> 
db_dml <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> \
    [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ] \
    [ -blobs <emphasis>blob_list</emphasis> | -clobs <emphasis>clob_list</emphasis> |
      -blob_files <emphasis>blob_file_list</emphasis> | -clob_files <emphasis>clob_file_list</emphasis> ]

	  <para>Performs the DML or DDL statement <emphasis><computeroutput>sql</computeroutput></emphasis>. </para>

	  <para>If a length-<emphasis>n</emphasis> list of blobs or clobs is provided, then the SQL
	    should return <emphasis>n</emphasis> blobs or clobs into the bind variables
	    <computeroutput>:1</computeroutput>, <computeroutput>:2</computeroutput>, ... :<emphasis><computeroutput>n</computeroutput></emphasis>.
	    <emphasis><computeroutput>blobs</computeroutput></emphasis> or <emphasis><computeroutput>clobs</computeroutput></emphasis>, if specified,
	    should be a list of individual BLOBs or CLOBs to insert;
	    <emphasis><computeroutput>blob_files</computeroutput></emphasis> or <emphasis><computeroutput>clob_files</computeroutput></emphasis>, if
	    specified, should be a list of <emphasis>paths to files</emphasis> containing the data to
	    insert. Only one of <computeroutput>-blobs</computeroutput>, <computeroutput>-clobs</computeroutput>,
	    <computeroutput>-blob_files</computeroutput>, and <computeroutput>-clob_files</computeroutput> may be provided.</para>


db_dml insert_photos {
        insert photos(photo_id, image, thumbnail_image)
        values(photo_id_seq.nextval, empty_blob(), empty_blob())
        returning image, thumbnail_image into :1, :2
    }  -blob_files [list &quot;/var/tmp/the_photo&quot; &quot;/var/tmp/the_thumbnail&quot;] 


	    This inserts a new row into the <computeroutput>photos</computeroutput> table, with the contents
	    of the files <computeroutput>/var/tmp/the_photo</computeroutput> and
	    <computeroutput>/var/tmp/the_thumbnail</computeroutput> in the <computeroutput>image</computeroutput> and
	    <computeroutput>thumbnail</computeroutput> columns, respectively. 


	  <computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_write_clob"/>db_write_clob</computeroutput>,
	  <computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_write_blob"/>db_write_blob</computeroutput>,
	  <computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_blob_get_file"/>db_blob_get_file</computeroutput>

db_write_clob <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ]

db_write_blob <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ]

db_blob_get_file <emphasis>statement-name</emphasis> <emphasis>sql</emphasis> [ -bind <emphasis>bind_set_id</emphasis> | -bind <emphasis>bind_value_list</emphasis> ]

	  <para>Analogous to <computeroutput>ns_ora write_clob/write_blob/blob_get_file</computeroutput>. 


	<term><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_release_unused_handles"/>db_release_unused_handles</computeroutput></term>
	  <para>Releases any allocated, unused database handles. </para>


	<term><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_transaction"/>db_transaction</computeroutput></term>

db_transaction <emphasis>code_block</emphasis> [ on_error { <emphasis>code_block</emphasis> } ]

	  <para>Executes <emphasis><computeroutput>code_block</computeroutput></emphasis> transactionally. Nested
	    transactions are supported (<computeroutput>end transaction</computeroutput> is transparently
	    <computeroutput>ns_db dml</computeroutput>&#39;ed when the outermost transaction completes). The
	    <computeroutput>db_abort_transaction</computeroutput> command can be used to abort all levels of
	    transactions. It is possible to specify an optional <computeroutput>on_error</computeroutput>
	    code block that will be executed if some code in <emphasis>code_block</emphasis> throws
	    an exception. The variable <computeroutput>errmsg</computeroutput> will be bound in that scope.
	    If there is no <computeroutput>on_error</computeroutput> code, any errors will be propagated. </para>




proc replace_the_foo { col } {
    db_transaction {
        db_dml delete {delete from foo}
        db_dml insert {insert into foo(col) values(:col)}

proc print_the_foo {} {
    doc_body_append &quot;foo is [db_string &quot;select col from foo&quot;]&lt;br&gt;\n&quot;

replace_the_foo 8
print_the_foo ; # Writes out &quot;foo is 8&quot;

db_transaction {
    replace_the_foo 14
    print_the_foo ; # Writes out &quot;foo is 14&quot;
    db_dml insert_foo {insert into some_other_table(col) values(999)}
} on_error {
    doc_body_append &quot;Error in transaction: $errmsg&quot;

print_the_foo ; # Writes out &quot;foo is 8&quot;



	<term><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_resultrows"/>db_resultrows</computeroutput></term>


	  <para>Returns the number of rows affected or returned by the previous


	<term><computeroutput><anchor id="devguide.dbapi_db_with_handle"/>db_with_handle</computeroutput></term>
db_with_handle <emphasis>var</emphasis> <emphasis>code_block</emphasis>

	  <para>Places a database handle into the variable <emphasis><computeroutput>var</computeroutput></emphasis> and
	    executes <emphasis><computeroutput>code_block</computeroutput></emphasis>. This is useful when you don&#39;t
	    want to have to use the new API (<computeroutput>db_foreach</computeroutput>,
	    <computeroutput>db_1row</computeroutput>, etc.), but need to use database handles explicitly. </para>




proc lookup_the_foo { foo } {
    db_with_handle db {
        return [db_string unused &quot;select ...&quot;]

db_with_handle db {
    # Now there&#39;s a database handle in $db.
    set selection [ns_db select $db &quot;select foo from bar&quot;]
    while { [ns_db getrow $db $selection] } {

        lookup_the_foo $foo


      <phrase role="cvstag">($Id: db-api.xml,v 2023/07/10 08:36:09 gustafn Exp $)</phrase>

  <sect2 id="db-api-caching"><title>Caching Database API Results</title>

    <para>The database API allows for direct caching of query results.  Repeated calls will
      return the cached value until it is either explicitly flushed using db_flush_cache, 
      times out (configured the ns_cache is called to create the cache), or another cached
      query fills the cache, causing older entries to be flushed.

    <para>Values returned by a query are cached if you pass the "-cache_key" switch
      to the database procedure.  The switch value will be used as the key in the
      ns_cache eval call used to execute the query and processing code.  The
      db_flush proc should be called to flush the cache when appropriate.  The
      "-cache_pool" parameter can be used to specify the cache pool to be used,
      and defaults to db_cache_pool.  The size of the default cache is governed
      by the kernel parameter "DBCacheSize" in the "caching" section.
      Currently db_string, db_list, db_list_of_lists, db_1row, db_0or1row, and db_multirow support
    <para>For caching to be effective, one must carefully design a cache_pool and cache_key
      strategy that uniquely identifies a query within the system, including the relevant
      objects being referenced by the query.  Typically a cache_key should include one or 
      more object_ids and a name that identifies the operation being done.
    <para>Here is an example from the layout-manager package:</para>

# Query to return the elements of a page as a list. The prefix "page_" is used to denote
# that this is a page-related query, page_id is used to uniquely identify the query
# by object, and the suffix uniquely defines the operation being performed on the
# page object.

db_list -cache_key page_${page_id}_get_elements get_elements {}

# When the contents of a page are changed, we flush all page-related queries for the given
# page object using db_flush_cache.

db_flush_cache -cache_key_pattern page_${page_id}_*

