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<sect1 id="form-builder">
<title>Using Form Builder: building html forms dynamically</title>

<sect2 id="ad-form-overview">
  <para><phrase role="cvstag">($Id: form-builder.xml,v 2019/03/10 21:44:57 gustafn Exp $)</phrase></para>
<para>OpenACS has a form manager called ad_form. Ad_form has an
adaptable UI. Error handling includes inline error reporting, and is customizable.
 However, ad_form can be tricky to use. In addition to this document,
 the ad_form <ulink
 documentation</ulink> is helpful.</para>


  <sect2 id="multi-part-elements">
    <title>Multi-part Elements</title>
    <para>Some elements have more than one choice, or can submit more than one value.</para>
      <title>SELECT elements</title>
            <title>Creating the form element</title>
            <para>Populate a list of lists with values for the option list.</para>
          <programlisting>set foo_options [db_list_of_lists foo_option_list "
    select foo,
      from foos
          <para>The variable <computeroutput>foo_options</computeroutput> should resemble <computeroutput>{{first foo} 1234} {{second foo} 1235}
          <para>Within ad_form, set up the element to use this list:</para>
        {label "Which Foo"}
        {options $foo_options}
          <para>This will result in a single name/value pair coming back in the submitted form.  Handle this within the same ad_form structure, in the <computeroutput>-new_data</computeroutput> and <computeroutput>-edit_data</computeroutput>.  In the example, it is available as <computeroutput>$foo</computeroutput></para>
        <para>See also the 
        <ulink url="">W3C spec for "The SELECT, OPTGROUP, and OPTION elements"</ulink>.

  <sect2 id="refreshing">
    <title>Using refreshes to pull additional information from the
    <para>A situation you may run into often is where you want to pull
    in form items from a sub-category when the first category is
    selected. Ad_form makes this fairly easy to do. In the definition
    of your form element, include an HTML section</para>

    <programlisting>    {pm_task_id:integer(select),optional
        {label "Subject"}
        {options {$task_options}}
        {html {onChange "document.form_name.__refreshing_p.value='1';submit()"}}
        {value $pm_task_id}

    <para>What this will do is set the value for pm_task_id and all the
    other form elements, and resubmit the form. If you then include a
    block that extends the form, you&#39;ll have the opportunity to add in
    <programlisting>    if {[info exists pm_task_id] &amp;&amp; $pm_task_id ne ""} {
    db_1row get_task_values { }
    ad_form -extend -name form_name -form { ... }
    <para>Note that you will get strange results when you try to set
    the values for the form. You&#39;ll need to set them explicitly in an
    -on_refresh section of your ad_form. In that section, you&#39;ll get
    the values from the database, and set the values as so:</para>

    <programlisting>    db_1row get_task_values { }
    template::element set_value form_name estimated_hours_work $estimated_hours_work


  <sect2 id="form-troubleshooting">
    <para>A good way to troubleshoot when you&#39;re using ad_form is to
    add the following code at the top of the .tcl page (thanks Jerry

ns_log notice it&#39;s my page!
set mypage [ns_getform]
if {$mypage eq ""} {
    ns_log notice no form was submitted on my page
} else {
    ns_log notice the following form was submitted on my page
    ns_set print $mypage

  <sect2 id="form-widgets">
    <title>Tips for form widgets</title>
    <para>Here are some tips for dealing with some of the form widgets:</para>

    <para><ulink url="">Current widget</ulink></para>


  <sect2 id="errors">
    <title>Common Errors</title>
    <para>Here are some common errors and what to do when you
    encounter them:</para>
      <title>Error when selecting values</title>
          <para>This generally happens when there is an error in your
