template::util::richtext::initialize_widget (public)

 template::util::richtext::initialize_widget [ -form_id form_id ] \
    [ -text_id text_id ] [ -editor editor ] [ -options options ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/richtext-procs.tcl

Initialize a single text input (textarea with the id "text_id" part of a form with "form_id") for the specified richtext editor via a richtext-editor plugin (e.g. ckeditor4, tinymce, or xinha)

ID of the form containing the textarea
ID of the textarea
Editor, which should be used
Options passed in from the widget spec
On success, this function returns a dict with success 1

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::widget::richtext template::widget::richtext (public) template::util::richtext::initialize_widget template::util::richtext::initialize_widget template::widget::richtext->template::util::richtext::initialize_widget template::util::richtext::require_editor template::util::richtext::require_editor (private) template::util::richtext::initialize_widget->template::util::richtext::require_editor

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