xo::db::CrFolder instproc delete (public)

 <instance of xo::db::CrFolder[i]> delete

Defined in packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cr-procs.tcl

Delete the CrFolder instance. This method takes the folder_id of the current instance.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_return_error ad_return_error (public) xo::db::CrFolder instproc delete xo::db::CrFolder instproc delete xo::db::CrFolder instproc delete->ad_return_error

No testcase defined.
Source code:
if {[:is_package_root_folder]} {
  ad_return_error "Removal denied" "Don't delete the package root folder, delete the package"
# delegate deletion to the class
[:info class] delete -item_id ${:folder_id}
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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