acs_sc::invoke (public)

 acs_sc::invoke [ -contract contract ] -operation operation \
    [ -impl impl ] [ -impl_id impl_id ] [ -call_args call_args ] \
    [ -error ]

Defined in packages/acs-service-contract/tcl/acs-service-contract-procs.tcl

A replacement of the former acs_sc_call procedure. One must supply either contract and impl, or just impl_id. If you supply impl_id and contract, we throw an error if the impl_id's contract doesn't match the contract you passed in. If you supply both impl_id and impl, we throw an error. Additional documentation and commentary at

The name of the contract you wish to use.
The name of the operation in the contract you wish to call.
The name of the implementation you wish to use.
The ID of the implementation you wish to use.
The arguments you want to pass to the proc.
(boolean) (optional)
If specified, will throw an error if the operation isn't implemented.
Lars Pind <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_sync_file_get_document sync_file_get_document (test acs-authentication) acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::invoke test_sync_file_get_document->acs_sc::invoke test_sync_http_get_document sync_http_get_document (test acs-authentication) test_sync_http_get_document->acs_sc::invoke acs_sc::impl::get acs_sc::impl::get (public) acs_sc::invoke->acs_sc::impl::get acs_sc_generate_name acs_sc_generate_name (private) acs_sc::invoke->acs_sc_generate_name acs_sc_call acs_sc_call (private, deprecated) acs_sc_call->acs_sc::invoke acs_user_extension::dispatch acs_user_extension::dispatch (private) acs_user_extension::dispatch->acs_sc::invoke auth::authentication::authenticate auth::authentication::authenticate (public) auth::authentication::authenticate->acs_sc::invoke auth::driver::GetParameters auth::driver::GetParameters (public, deprecated) auth::driver::GetParameters->acs_sc::invoke auth::driver::get_parameters auth::driver::get_parameters (public) auth::driver::get_parameters->acs_sc::invoke

sync_http_get_document, sync_file_get_document
Source code:
    if { $impl_id ne "" } {
        if { $impl ne "" } {
            error "Cannot supply both impl and impl_id"
        acs_sc::impl::get -impl_id $impl_id -array impl_info
        set impl $impl_info(impl_name)
        if { $contract ne "" && $contract ne $impl_info(impl_contract_name) } {
            error "The contract of implementation with id $impl_id does not match contract passed in. Expected contract to be '$contract', but contract of impl_id was '$impl_info(impl_contract_name)'"
        set contract $impl_info(impl_contract_name)
    if { $impl eq "" || $contract eq "" } {
        error "You must supply either impl_id, or contract and impl to acs_sc::invoke"

    set proc_name [acs_sc_generate_name $contract $impl $operation]

    if { [namespace which $proc_name] ne "" } {
        # ns_log warning "CALL FORMER ad_apply [list $proc_name {*}$call_args]"
        # ns_log warning "$proc_name {*}$call_args"
        return [$proc_name {*}$call_args]

    if { $error_p } {
        error "Operation $operation is not implemented in '$impl' implementation of contract '$contract'"
    } else {
        ns_log warning "ACS-SC: Function Not Found: $proc_name [namespace which $proc_name]"
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