callback::acs_mail_lite::send::contract (private)

 callback::acs_mail_lite::send::contract -package_id package_id \
    -message_id message_id -from_addr from_addr -to_addr to_addr \
    -body body [ -mime_type mime_type ] [ -subject subject ] \
    [ -cc_addr cc_addr ] [ -bcc_addr bcc_addr ] [ -file_ids file_ids ] \
    [ -filesystem_files filesystem_files ] \
    [ -delete_filesystem_files_p delete_filesystem_files_p ] \
    [ -object_id object_id ] [ -status status ] [ -errorMsg errorMsg ]

Defined in packages/acs-mail-lite/tcl/acs-mail-lite-callback-procs.tcl

Callback for executing code after an email has been send using the send mechanism.

Package ID of the sending package
the generated message_id for this mail
email of the sender
list of emails to whom did we send this email
Text body of the email
(defaults to "text/plain") (optional)
Mime type of the email body
of the email
list of emails to whom did we send this email in CC
list of emails to whom did we send this email in BCC
List of file ids sent as attachments.
The ID of the object that is responsible for sending the mail in the first place
(defaults to "ok") (optional)
Status of the send operation ("ok" or "error")
Error Details

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
Source code:
            # this is a callback contract which only invokes its arg parser for input validation
XQL Not present:
PostgreSQL, Oracle
Generic XQL file:

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