category::list::elements (public)

 category::list::elements [ -categories_column categories_column ] \
    [ -tree_ids tree_ids ] [ -locale locale ] [ -one_category_list ] \
    -name name [ spec ]

Defined in packages/categories/tcl/category-list-procs.tcl

Adds list-elements to display mapped categories. To be used in list::create.

you prepare a multirow which is then displated via template::list::create

you change the list query by adding an outer join to category_object_map and selecting the object_id and the category_id. After having built the multirow holding the list of objects you add a call to

    category::list::collapse_multirow -object_column <<columnname-holding-object_id>> -name <<multirowname>>
to collapse the multirow so that it holds only one row per object with a tcl-list of mapped categories in the category column.

After you got the multirow, use

    category::list::prepare_display -name <<multirowname>> -container_object_id $package_id
(or an object other than package_id that the trees are mapped to). This proc will generate one extra multirow column per mapped tree that will hold a pretty list of the categories. The pretty list can be changed with various options (delimiter, links etc). If you want to have only one extra multirow column holding a pretty list of the mapped trees and categories, then you should use the -one_category_list option.

To automatically generate the appropriate input to be used in the elements section of template::list::create, use

    category::list::elements -name <<multirowname>>
followed by extra spec to be used per element. Again, to display only one column use the -one_category_list option.

(defaults to "categories") (optional)
beginning of the names of the multirow columns holding the category-names.
trees to be displayed. if not provided all tree columns in the multirow will be displayed.
locale to display the tree-names in columns.
(boolean) (optional)
switch to generate only one additional column in the list that holds a pretty list of tree-names and category-names.
name of the multirow for the list.
spec (optional) - extra spec used for the list-elements. you can override the display_template with using "categories" as column holding the pretty list of category-names.
Timo Hentschel <>
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 category_tree::get_name category_tree::get_name (public) template::multirow template::multirow (public) category::list::elements category::list::elements category::list::elements->category_tree::get_name category::list::elements->template::multirow

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    array set spec_array $spec
    if {[info exists spec_array(display_template)]} {
    set display_template $spec_array(display_template)
    array unset spec_array display_template
    } else {
    set display_template " @$name\.$categories_column;noquote@ "
    if {[info exists spec_array(label)]} {
    set label $spec_array(label)
    array unset spec_array label
    } else {
    set label "Categories"
    set spec [array get spec_array]

    if {$one_category_list_p} {
    # generate listbuilder input to display one column with pretty list
    # of tree-names and category-names
    set result "$categories_column\_all {
        label \"$label\"
        display_template {[regsub -all "@$name\.$categories_column\(;noquote\)?@" $display_template "@$name\.$categories_column\_all\\1@"]}
    return $result
    } else {
    if {$tree_ids eq ""} {
        # get tree columns in multirow
        template::multirow upvar $name list_data
        foreach column ${list_data:columns} {
        if {[regexp "$categories_column\_(\[0-9\]+)\$" $column match tree_id]} {
            lappend tree_ids $tree_id
        foreach tree_id $tree_ids {
        lappend trees [list [category_tree::get_name $tree_id $locale$tree_id]
        set trees [lsort -dictionary -index 0 $trees]
    } else {
        foreach tree_id $tree_ids {
        lappend trees [list [category_tree::get_name $tree_id $locale$tree_id]

    # generate listbuilder input to display one column per tree-name showing
    # pretty list of category-names
    set result ""
    foreach tree $trees {
        lassign $tree tree_name tree_id
        append result "$categories_column\_$tree_id {
        label \"$tree_name\"
        display_template {[regsub -all "@$name\.$categories_column\(;noquote\)?@" $display_template "@$name\.$categories_column\_$tree_id\\1@"]}
    return $result
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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