lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags (public)

 lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags file_name mode [ keys ]

Defined in packages/acs-lang/tcl/lang-util-procs.tcl

Prepares an .adp-file for localization by inserting temporary hash-tags around text strings that looks like unlocalized plain text. Needless to say this is a little shaky so not all plain text is caught and the script may insert hash-tags around stuff that should not be localized. It is conservative though. There are two modes the script can be run in: - report : do *not* write changes to the file but return a report with suggested changes. - write : write changes in the file - it expects a list of keys and will insert them in the order implied by the report - a report is also returned.

file_name - The name of the adp file to do replacements in.
mode - Either report or write.
keys (optional) - A list of keys to use for the texts that may be provided in write mode. If the keys are not provided then autogenerated keys will be used. If a supplied key is the empty string this indicates that the corresponding text should be left untouched.
The report is list of two lists: The first being a list of pairs (key, text with context) and the second is a list of suspious looking garbage. In report mode the keys are suggested keys and in write mode the keys are the keys supplied in the keys parameter.
Christian Hvid
Peter Marklund
Jeff Davis

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_util__replace_adp_text_with_message_tags util__replace_adp_text_with_message_tags (test acs-lang) lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags test_util__replace_adp_text_with_message_tags->lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags lang::util::remove_gt_lt lang::util::remove_gt_lt (private) lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags->lang::util::remove_gt_lt lang::util::suggest_key lang::util::suggest_key (private) lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags->lang::util::suggest_key template::adp_array_variable_regexp template::adp_array_variable_regexp (public) lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags->template::adp_array_variable_regexp template::adp_array_variable_regexp_noquote template::adp_array_variable_regexp_noquote (public) lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags->template::adp_array_variable_regexp_noquote template::adp_variable_regexp template::adp_variable_regexp (public) lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags->template::adp_variable_regexp packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-i18n-process-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process-2.tcl->lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-i18n-process.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process.tcl->lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-i18n.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n.tcl->lang::util::replace_adp_text_with_message_tags

Source code:
    set state text
    set out {}

    set report [list]
    set garbage [list]

    set n 0

    # open file and read its content

    set fp [open $file_name "r"]
    set s [read $fp]
    close $fp

    #ns_write "input== s=[string range $s 0 600]\n"
    set x {}
    while {$s ne "" && $n < 1000} {
        if { $state eq "text" } {

            # clip non tag stuff
            if {![regexp {(^[^<]*?)(<.*)$} $s match text s x]} {
                set text $s
                set s {}

            # Remove parts from the text that we know are not translatable
            # such as adp variables, message key lookups, and &nbsp;
            set translatable_remainder $text
            set adp_var_patterns [list [template::adp_array_variable_regexp]  [template::adp_array_variable_regexp_noquote]  [template::adp_variable_regexp]  [template::adp_variable_regexp_noquote]]
            foreach adp_var_pattern $adp_var_patterns {
                regsub -all $adp_var_pattern $translatable_remainder "" translatable_remainder
            regsub -all {#[a-zA-Z0-9\._-]+#} $translatable_remainder "" translatable_remainder
            regsub -all {&nbsp;} $translatable_remainder "" translatable_remainder

            # Only consider the text translatable if the remainder contains
            # at least one letter
            if { [string match -nocase {*[A-Z]*} $translatable_remainder] } {

                regexp {^(\s*)(.*?)(\s*)$} $text match lead text lag

                if { $mode eq "report" } {
                    # create a key for the text

                    set key [suggest_key $text]

                    lappend report [list $key "<code>[string range [remove_gt_lt $out$lead] end-20 end]<b><span style=\"background:yellow\">$text</span></b>[string range [remove_gt_lt $lag$s] 0 20]</code>" ]
                } else {
                    # Write mode
                    if { [llength $keys] != 0} {
                        # Use keys supplied
                        if { [lindex $keys $n] ne "" } {
                            # Use supplied key
                            set write_key [lindex $keys $n]
                        } else {
                            # The supplied key for this index is empty so leave the text untouched
                            set write_key ""
                    } else {
                        # No keys supplied - autogenerate a key
                        set write_key [suggest_key $text]

                    if { $write_key ne "" } {
                        # Write tag to file
                        lappend report [list ${write_key} "<code>[string range [remove_gt_lt $out$lead] end-20 end]<b><span style=\"background:yellow\">$text</span></b>[string range [remove_gt_lt $lag$s] 0 20]</code>" ]

                        append out "$lead<\#${write_key} $text\#>$lag"
                    } else {
                        # Leave the text untouched
                        lappend garbage "<code>[string range [remove_gt_lt $out$lead] end-20 end]<b><span style=\"background:yellow\">$text </span></b>[string range [remove_gt_lt $lag$s] 0 20]</code>"
                        append out "$lead$text$lag"

                incr n

            } else {
                # this was not something we should localize

                append out $text

                # but this maybe something that should be localized by hand

                if { ![string match {*\#*} $text] && ![string is space $text] && [string match -nocase {*[A-Z]*} $text] && ![regexp {^\s*@[^@]+@\s*$} $text] } {

                    # log a comment on it and make a short version of the text that is easier to read

                    regsub -all "\n" $text "" short_text

                    set short_text [string range $short_text 0 40]

                    lappend garbage "<code>$short_text</code>"


            set state tag

        } elseif$state eq "tag"} {
            if {![regexp {(^<[^>]*?>)(.*)$} $s match tag s]} {
                set s {}
            append out $tag
            set state text


    if { $mode eq "write" } {
        if { $n > 0 } {
            # backup original file - fail silently if backup already exists

            if { [catch {file copy -- $file_name $file_name.orig}] } { }

            set fp [open $file_name "w"]
            puts $fp $out
            close $fp

    return [list $report $garbage]
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