lc_time_fmt_compile (private)

 lc_time_fmt_compile fmt locale

Defined in packages/acs-lang/tcl/localization-procs.tcl

Compiles ISO 14652 LC_TIME style formatting string to variable substitutions and proc calls.

fmt - An ISO 14652 LC_TIME style formatting string.
locale - Locale identifier must be in the locale database
A string that should be subst'ed in the lc_time_fmt proc after local variables have been set.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 lc_time_fmt lc_time_fmt (public) lc_time_fmt_compile lc_time_fmt_compile lc_time_fmt->lc_time_fmt_compile lc_get lc_get (public) lc_time_fmt_compile->lc_get

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    set to_process $fmt

    set compiled_string ""
    while {[regexp -- {^(.*?)%(.)(.*)$} $to_process match done_portion percent_modifier remaining]} {

        switch -exact -- $percent_modifier {
            x {
                append compiled_string $done_portion
                set to_process "[lc_get -locale $locale d_fmt]$remaining"
            X {
                append compiled_string $done_portion
                set to_process "[lc_get -locale $locale t_fmt]$remaining"
            c {
                append compiled_string $done_portion
                set to_process "[lc_get -locale $locale d_t_fmt]$remaining"
            q {
                append compiled_string $done_portion
                set to_process "[lc_get -locale $locale dlong_fmt]$remaining"
            Q {
                append compiled_string $done_portion
                set to_process "[lc_get -locale $locale dlongweekday_fmt]$remaining"
            default {
                append compiled_string "${done_portion}$::lang::util::percent_match($percent_modifier)"
                set to_process $remaining

    # What is left to_process must be (%.)-less, so it should be included without transformation.
    append compiled_string $to_process

    return $compiled_string
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