richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::file_attach (public)

 richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::file_attach \
    [ -import_file import_file ] [ -mime_type mime_type ] \
    [ -object_id object_id ] [ -privilege privilege ] \
    [ -user_id user_id ] [ -peeraddr peeraddr ] \
    [ -package_id package_id ] [ -image ]

Defined in packages/richtext-ckeditor5/tcl/ckfinder-procs.tcl

Insert the provided image file to the content repository as a new item and attach the image to the specified object_id via the attachment API. This makes sure that the image will be deleted from the content repository, when the provided object_id is deleted. The user must have at least "read" privileges on the object, but other stronger privileges can be supplied via parameter.

(defaults to "read") (optional)
(boolean) (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/richtext-ckeditor5/tcl/ckfinder-init.tcl packages/richtext-ckeditor5/ tcl/ckfinder-init.tcl richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::file_attach richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::file_attach packages/richtext-ckeditor5/tcl/ckfinder-init.tcl->richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::file_attach attachments::attach attachments::attach (public) richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::file_attach->attachments::attach content::revision::new content::revision::new (public) richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::file_attach->content::revision::new permission::require_permission permission::require_permission (public) richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::file_attach->permission::require_permission richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::require_root_folder richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::require_root_folder (private) richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::file_attach->richtext::ckeditor5::ckfinder::require_root_folder

No testcase defined.
Source code:
        permission::require_permission  -party_id $user_id  -object_id $object_id  -privilege $privilege

        if {$image_p} {
            # Check if we can handle the mime type. Currently, only the
            # following four mime types are supported, since these are
            # supported by "ns_imgsize", which is used to determine the
            # dimensions of the image.
            switch -- $mime_type {
                image/jpg -
                image/jpeg -
                image/gif -
                image/png {
                    set ext .[lindex [split $mime_type /] 1]
                    lassign [ns_imgsize $import_file] width height
                    set success 1
                default {
                    ns_log warning "image_attach: can't handle image type '$mime_type'"
                    return [list  success 0  errMsg "can't handle image type '$mime_type'"]
        } else {
            set width 0
            set height 0
            set success 1
        # Create a new item without child_rels
        set name $object_id-[clock clicks -microseconds]
        set item_id [::xo::db::sql::content_item new  -name            $name  -parent_id       [require_root_folder]  -context_id      $object_id  -creation_user   $user_id  -creation_ip     $peeraddr  -item_subtype    "content_item"  -storage_type    "file"  -package_id      $package_id  -with_child_rels f]

        # Create a revision for the fresh content_item
        set revision_id [xo::dc nextval acs_object_id_seq]
        content::revision::new  -revision_id     $revision_id  -item_id         $item_id  -title           $name  -is_live         t  -creation_user   $user_id  -creation_ip     $peeraddr  -content_type    "content_revision"  -package_id      $package_id  -tmp_filename    $import_file  -mime_type       $mime_type

        # Attach the image to the object via the attachments API
        attachments::attach  -object_id $object_id  -attachment_id $revision_id

        return [list  success $success  name $name  file_id $revision_id  width $width  height $height  ]
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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