workflow::action::fsm::edit (public)

 workflow::action::fsm::edit [ -operation operation ] \
    [ -action_id action_id ] [ -workflow_id workflow_id ] \
    [ -array array ] [ -internal ] [ -handlers handlers ]

Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/action-procs.tcl

Edit an action. Attributes:

  • new_state_id
  • enabled_states
  • enabled_state_ids
  • enabled_actions
  • enabled_action_ids
  • child_states

(defaults to "update") (optional)
insert, update, delete
For update/delete: The action to update or delete. For insert: Optionally specify a pre-generated action_id for the action.
For update/delete: Optionally specify the workflow_id. If not specified, we will execute a query to find it. For insert: The workflow_id of the new action.
For insert/update: Name of an array in the caller's namespace with attributes to insert/update.
(boolean) (optional)
Set this flag if you're calling this proc from within the corresponding proc for a particular workflow model. Will cause this proc to not flush the cache or call workflow::definition_changed_handler, which the caller must then do.
(defaults to " roles "workflow::role" actions "workflow::action::fsm" states "workflow::state::fsm" ") (optional)
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/workflow/www/admin/action-ae.tcl packages/workflow/ www/admin/action-ae.tcl workflow::action::fsm::edit workflow::action::fsm::edit packages/workflow/www/admin/action-ae.tcl->workflow::action::fsm::edit packages/workflow/www/admin/delete-confirm.tcl packages/workflow/ www/admin/delete-confirm.tcl packages/workflow/www/admin/delete-confirm.tcl->workflow::action::fsm::edit workflow::action::fsm::delete workflow::action::fsm::delete (public) workflow::action::fsm::delete->workflow::action::fsm::edit workflow::action::fsm::new workflow::action::fsm::new (public) workflow::action::fsm::new->workflow::action::fsm::edit workflow::action::fsm::parse_spec workflow::action::fsm::parse_spec (private) workflow::action::fsm::parse_spec->workflow::action::fsm::edit db_dml db_dml (public) workflow::action::fsm::edit->db_dml db_string db_string (public) workflow::action::fsm::edit->db_string db_transaction db_transaction (public) workflow::action::fsm::edit->db_transaction workflow::action::edit workflow::action::edit (public) workflow::action::fsm::edit->workflow::action::edit workflow::action::get_element workflow::action::get_element (public) workflow::action::fsm::edit->workflow::action::get_element

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    switch $operation {
        update - delete {
            if { $action_id eq "" } {
                error "You must specify the action_id of the action to $operation."
        insert {}
        default {
            error "Illegal operation '$operation'"
    switch $operation {
        insert - update {
            upvar 1 $array org_row
            if { ![array exists org_row] } {
                error "Array $array does not exist or is not an array"
            array set row [array get org_row]
    switch $operation {
        insert {
            if { $workflow_id eq "" } {
                error "You must supply workflow_id"
        update - delete {
            if { $workflow_id eq "" } {
                set workflow_id [workflow::action::get_element  -action_id $action_id  -element workflow_id]

    # Parse column values
    switch $operation {
        insert - update {
            # Special-case: array entry new_state (short_name) and new_state_id (state_id) -- DB column is new_state (state_id)
            if { [info exists row(new_state)] } {
                if { [info exists row(new_state_id)] } {
                    error "You cannot supply both new_state (takes short_name) and new_state_id (takes state_id)"
                if { $row(new_state) ne "" } {
                    set row(new_state_id) [workflow::state::fsm::get_id  -workflow_id $workflow_id  -short_name $row(new_state)]
                unset row(new_state)

            set update_clauses [list]
            set insert_names [list]
            set insert_values [list]

            # Handle columns in the workflow_fsm_actions table
            foreach attr {
            } {
                if { [info exists row($attr)] } {
                    set varname attr_$attr
                    # Convert the Tcl value to something we can use in the query
                    switch $attr {
                        new_state_id {
                            set varname attr_new_state
                            set $varname $row($attr)
                            unset row($attr)
                            set attr new_state
                        default {
                            set $varname $row($attr)
                    # Add the column to the insert/update statement
                    switch $attr {
                        default {
                            lappend update_clauses "$attr = :$varname"
                            lappend insert_names $attr
                            lappend insert_values :$varname
                    if { [info exists row($attr)] } {
                        unset row($attr)

            if { [info exists row(enabled_states)] } {
                if { [info exists row(enabled_state_ids)] } {
                    error "You cannot supply both enabled_states and enabled_state_ids"
                set row(enabled_state_ids) [list]
                foreach state_short_name $row(enabled_states) {
                    lappend row(enabled_state_ids) [workflow::state::fsm::get_id  -workflow_id $workflow_id  -short_name $state_short_name]
                unset row(enabled_states)
            if { [info exists row(assigned_states)] } {
                if { [info exists row(assigned_state_ids)] } {
                    error "You cannot supply both assigned_states and assigned_state_ids"
                set row(assigned_state_ids) [list]
                foreach state_short_name $row(assigned_states) {
                    lappend row(assigned_state_ids) [workflow::state::fsm::get_id  -workflow_id $workflow_id  -short_name $state_short_name]
                unset row(assigned_states)

            # Handle auxiliary rows
            array set aux [list]
            foreach attr {
                enabled_state_ids assigned_state_ids
            } {
                if { [info exists row($attr)] } {
                    set aux($attr$row($attr)
                    unset row($attr)

    db_transaction {
        # Base row
        set action_id [workflow::action::edit  -internal  -handlers $handlers  -operation $operation  -action_id $action_id  -workflow_id $workflow_id  -array row]

        # Verify insert/update
        switch $operation {
            insert - update {
                set row_exists_p [db_string row_exists_p { select count(*) from workflow_fsm_actions where action_id = :action_id }]
                if { $row_exists_p } {
                    set operation "update"
                } else {
                    set operation "insert"

        # FSM action row
        switch $operation {
            insert {
                lappend insert_names action_id
                lappend insert_values :action_id

                db_dml insert_action "
                    insert into workflow_fsm_actions
                    ([join $insert_names ""])
                    ([join $insert_values ""])
            update {
                if { [llength $update_clauses] > 0 } {
                    db_dml update_action "
                        update workflow_fsm_actions
                        set    [join $update_clauses ""]
                        where  action_id = :action_id
            delete {
                # Handled through cascading delete

        # Auxiliary rows
        switch $operation {
            insert - update {
                # Record in which states the action is enabled but not assigned
                if { [info exists aux(enabled_state_ids)] } {
                    set assigned_p "f"
                    db_dml delete_enabled_states {}
                    foreach enabled_state_id $aux(enabled_state_ids) {
                        db_dml insert_enabled_state {}
                    unset aux(enabled_state_ids)

                # Record where the action is both enabled and assigned
                if { [info exists aux(assigned_state_ids)] } {
                    set assigned_p "t"
                    db_dml delete_enabled_states {}
                    foreach enabled_state_id $aux(assigned_state_ids) {
                        db_dml insert_enabled_state {}
                    unset aux(assigned_state_ids)

        if { !$internal_p } {
            workflow::definition_changed_handler -workflow_id $workflow_id

    return $action_id
Generic XQL file:
<fullquery name="workflow::action::fsm::edit.update_fsm_action">
        update workflow_fsm_actions
        set    new_state = :new_state_id
        where  action_id = :action_id

<fullquery name="workflow::action::fsm::edit.delete_enabled_states">
        delete from workflow_fsm_action_en_in_st
        where  action_id = :action_id
        and    assigned_p = :assigned_p

<fullquery name="workflow::action::fsm::edit.insert_enabled_state">
        insert into workflow_fsm_action_en_in_st
                (action_id, state_id, assigned_p)
         values (:action_id, :enabled_state_id, :assigned_p)

PostgreSQL XQL file:

Oracle XQL file:

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