xo::db::CrFolder proc instance_select_query (public)

 xo::db::CrFolder[i] instance_select_query \
    [ -select_attributes select_attributes ] [ -orderby orderby ] \
    [ -where_clause where_clause ] [ -from_clause from_clause ] \
    [ -with_subtypes on|off ] [ -with_children on|off ] \
    [ -publish_status publish_status ] [ -count on|off ] \
    [ -folder_id folder_id ] [ -parent_id parent_id ] \
    [ -page_size page_size ] [ -page_number page_number ] \
    [ -base_table base_table ]

Defined in packages/xotcl-core/tcl/cr-procs.tcl

returns the SQL-query to select the CrItems of the specified object_type

attributes for the SQL query to be retrieved, in addition to item_id, name, publish_status, object_type which are always returned
for ordering the solution set
clause for restricting the answer set
(boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
return subtypes as well
(boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
return immediate child objects of all objects as well
one of 'live', 'ready', or 'production'
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
return the query for counting the solutions
(defaults to "20") (optional)
(defaults to "cr_folders") (optional)
typically automatic view, must contain title and revision_id
SQL query

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
Source code:
if {![info exists folder_id]} {set folder_id ${:folder_id}}
if {![info exists parent_id]} {set parent_id $folder_id}

if {$base_table eq "cr_folders"} {
  set attributes [list ci.item_id ci.name ci.publish_status acs_objects.object_type]
} else {
  set attributes [list bt.item_id ci.name ci.publish_status bt.object_type]
foreach a $select_attributes {
  # if {$a eq "title"} {set a bt.title}
  lappend attributes $a
# FIXME: This is dirty: We "fake" the base table for this function, so we can reuse the code
set type_selection_clause [:type_selection_clause -base_table cr_revisions -with_subtypes false]
# :log "type_selection_clause -with_subtypes $with_subtypes returns $type_selection_clause"
if {$count} {
  set attribute_selection "count(*)"
  set orderby ""      ;# no need to order when we count
  set page_number  ""      ;# no pagination when count is used
} else {
  set attribute_selection [join $attributes ,]

set cond [list]
if {$type_selection_clause ne ""} {lappend cond $type_selection_clause}
if {$where_clause ne ""}          {lappend cond $where_clause}
if {[info exists publish_status]} {lappend cond "ci.publish_status = :publish_status"}
if {$base_table eq "cr_folders"} {
  lappend cond "acs_objects.object_id = cf.folder_id and ci.item_id = cf.folder_id"
  set acs_objects_table "acs_objects, cr_items ci, "
} else {
  lappend cond "ci.item_id = bt.item_id"
  set acs_objects_table ""
if {$parent_id ne ""} {
  set parent_clause "ci.parent_id = :parent_id"
  if {$with_children} {
    lappend cond "ci.item_id in (
            select children.item_id from cr_items parent, cr_items children
            where children.tree_sortkey between parent.tree_sortkey and tree_right(parent.tree_sortkey)
            and parent.item_id = $parent_id and parent.tree_sortkey <> children.tree_sortkey)"
  } else {
    lappend cond $parent_clause

if {$page_number ne ""} {
  set limit $page_size
  set offset [expr {$page_size*($page_number-1)}]
} else {
  set limit ""
  set offset ""

set sql [::xo::dc select  -vars $attribute_selection  -from "$acs_objects_table cr_folders cf $from_clause"  -where [join $cond " and "]  -orderby $orderby  -limit $limit -offset $offset]
return $sql
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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