xowiki::Package proc instantiate_page_from_id (public)

 xowiki::Package[i] instantiate_page_from_id [ -revision_id revision_id ] \
    [ -item_id item_id ] [ -user_id user_id ] [ -parameter parameter ]

Defined in packages/xowiki/tcl/package-procs.tcl

Instantiate a page in situations, where the connection context is not set up (e.g. we have no package object). This call is convenient when testing e.g. from the developer shell.

(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "-1") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_create_workflow_with_instance create_workflow_with_instance (test xowf) xowiki::Package proc instantiate_page_from_id xowiki::Package proc instantiate_page_from_id test_create_workflow_with_instance->xowiki::Package proc instantiate_page_from_id

Source code:
set package_id [:get_package_id_from_page_id  -item_id $item_id  -revision_id $revision_id]
::xo::Package initialize  -export_vars false  -package_id $package_id  -init_url false -actual_query ""  -parameter $parameter  -user_id $user_id
set page [::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id $item_id -revision_id $revision_id]
::$package_id set_url -url [$page pretty_link]
return $page
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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