I have replaced ns_sourceproc on my machines with the following
so that I may view the error on screen as I am troubleshooting.
proc ns_sourceproc {conn ignored} {
set script [ns_url2file [ns_conn url $conn]]
if ![file exists $script] {
ns_returnnotfound $conn
} else {
if {[string compare [ad_parameter_real dev_server
special_parameters] "true"] == 0 } {
if {[catch {
source $script
} ] } {
variable errorInfo
ns_returnerror 500 "
[ns_quotehtml $errorInfo]
} else {
source $script
it is a accompanied by this in the config.tcl file
ns_section "ns/server/${server}/acs/special_parameters"
ns_param dev_server true