Source of list6/index.tcl

# main index page for notes.

ad_page_contract {

  @creation-date 2000-10-23
  @cvs-id $Id: index.tcl,v 1.6 2018/09/19 00:38:52 gustafn Exp $
} -query {
} -properties {

set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]

set context [list]
set create_p [permission::permission_p -object_id $package_id -privilege create]

set actions [list]

if { $create_p } {
    lappend actions "Create Note" add-edit "Create Note"

# Notice how -bulk_actions is different inside...
# -bulk_actions { "text for button" "name of page" "tooltip text" }
# weird, huh?
# Anyway, here we are adding an action (not bulk, so doesn't respond
# to the checkboxes) for adding a note. See the if test above? If
# the user does not have permission to create, then the actions list
# will be empty and the create-a-note button will not appear.

template::list::create -name notes \
    -multirow template_demo_notes \
    -key "template_demo_note_id" \
    -actions $actions \
    -bulk_actions {
	"Delete Checked Notes" "delete" "Delete Checked Notes"
    } \
    -elements {
	title {
	    label "Title of Note"
	    link_url_col view_url
	creation_user_name {
	    label "Owner of Note"
	creation_date {
	    label "When Note Created"
	color {
	    label "Color"
    } \
    -orderby {
	default_value title,asc
	title {
	    label "Title of Note"
	    orderby n.title
	creation_user_name {
	    label "Owner of Note"
	    orderby creation_user_name
	creation_date {
	    label "When Note Created"
	    orderby o.creation_date
	color {
	    label "Color"
	    orderby n.color

db_multirow -extend { view_url } template_demo_notes template_demo_notes {} {
    set view_url [export_vars -base view-one { template_demo_note_id }]


# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: