Compiled Template multiaccess.adp

set __adp_output {}; set __ad_conn_locale [ad_conn locale]
append __adp_output "<html>
<title>Demo: Users</title>
<h1>Sample Users</h1>

if {"${users:rowcount}" eq "0"} {
append __adp_output "
    <p>Sorry, there are no users in the system at this time.</p>
append __adp_output "
  <tr><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Full Name</th></tr>

  if {[info exists users]} {
      upvar 0 users __d5_swap

  for { set __d5_i 1 } { $__d5_i <= ${users:rowcount}  } { incr __d5_i } {
    upvar 0 users:$__d5_i users
if {[expr {"[ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(rownum)]]" % 2}]} {
append __adp_output "<tr>"
} else {
append __adp_output "<tr bgcolor=\"#eeeeee\">"
append __adp_output "
    <td>[ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(first_name)]]</td><td>[ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(last_name)]]</td>
    <td>[ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize $users(full_name)]]</td>

  if {[info exists __d5_swap]} {
      upvar 0 __d5_swap users
append __adp_output "

  Results of data access:
    <li>The size of the datasource was: [ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize ${size}]]</li>
    <li>The very last last name on the list was: [ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize ${very_last_name}]]</li>
    <li>The very last first name on the list was: [ns_quotehtml [lang::util::localize ${last_first_name}]]</li>


set __adp_output