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Fun with Arithmetic
- Two plus two is 4
- This AOLserver is running version 8.6 of Tcl.
- The first element of
{{Lake Malawi Cichlid} 5000} {{Saltwater Community} 7000} {Reef 10000} {{Planted Freshwater} 6000} {{Suspended-in-midair Stingray Pond} 45000}
{Lake Malawi Cichlid} 5000
- Here are some aquarium plans for the new building:
- Lake Malawi Cichlid will cost $5000
- Saltwater Community will cost $7000
- Reef will cost $10000
- Planted Freshwater will cost $6000
- Suspended-in-midair Stingray Pond will cost $45000
- Total: $73000