- pages:
- front page - DONE
- /about/* - DONE
- /doc/*
- /sites.html - needs to be ported over to the new ETP page
- /companies.adp - needs to be ported over to the new ETP page - DONE
- /contribute/* - DONE
- /philosophy/* (Why Not MySQL!) - DONE
- /software.adp - will be a new adp page listing the various OpenACS variations with direct download links, and links to each different subsection
- /4/*
- modules:
- /bboard - DONE
- SDM - we are keeping SDM running on the 3.x site for now? who can port it? will we start using bugtracker? or hold off for porting?
- /wp
- /new-file-storage - can we migrate this to the 4.5 file-storage?
- /static-pages - installed, just run a scan after we insert the new static pages, do we need to keep the old comments?? Let's defer migrating the actual comments until after launch, if at all.
- readers comments (general-comments only?) same thing. do we need the comments?
Optional stuff:
- pages:
- download statistics, etc - can the download package do this?
- /team - new ETP page
- modules:
- News (no need to migrate old news eh?) - setup news package, etp is not there yet - DONE
- /file-storage - setup 4.x file storage. i guess we need to migrate the files
- related links (does general-links exist in OpenACS 4?) - i don't think there is one, its part of general comments
Necessary stuff: