Search results for Attribute Management System

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  1. Portlets, Includelets and bright ideas!
    I would very much appreciate some advice on the following: Picture if you will a
  2. relational segments: how do you use them
    In a previous thread [1] I was struggling with acs_rels, and Don mentioned using
  3. xowiki
    ↑↓ Type↑↓ Name↑↓ Last Modified↑↓ By User↑↓ ■Pageen:running_behind_a_proxy2024-05-29 11:19Gustaf
  4. Security parameters in kernel
    I want to create a TIP to enlarge the default security parameters to the following
  5. New OpenACS website - Please test!
    The new website is shaping up, thanks to the relentless efforts of Dave Bauer
  6. GPL and the use of GPLed Code in Commercial Products
    managed. (I wouldn't be practical for example to apply the OpenACS permissions system directly to a filestorage with 10.000.000 files and 10.000 users, because its denormalization triggers would build an O(n * m) denormalized
  7. FYI: My Vision and priorities for OpenACS
    We've had this item on our OCT meeting agenda a couple of times, but
  8. Permission system in needs of revisit?
    Our permission system works fine, no doubt about it. Yet I have seen two additional
  9. AMS package
    Attribute Management System, AMS pkgs returns only non-related content. The goal
  10. Dynamic Object Types and Attributes
    attributes. It's primary focus is to easily extend existing object types with attributes.AMS stores the additional attributes in a meta table system from which it retrieves the values again. This allows flexibility

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