Search results for Attribute Management System

Results 71-80 of about 502. Search took 0.49 seconds.

  1. What is PostgreSQL like for someone used to Oracle?
    I am curious about PostgreSQL as compared to Oracle. As someone who is very familiar
  2. Security Management
    XoWiki provides support for security policies. XoWiki allows to define per instance different policies concerning
  3. Will Dr. OpenACS survive? Or why I stopped worrying and learned to love the .LRN
    Will OpenACS survive? Is the .LRN Consortium necessary to its survival? Let me put forward
  4. Site Map UI Issues
    Here are some issues that I have been chasing for an ACS4Tcl rollout I am
  5. ecommerce: reason behind item-quantity-change design
    I keep reading code and doing searches in the forums, but can't seem to
  6. User account Merge (UM)
    system manage one user account as different person" The aim is that one person has to have only one account. So, we have three scenarios: 1. Merge the Applications Items : ---------------------------------- We have to move
  7. GNU Public License and Mozilla Public License
    Can someone explain to me in layman's terms the *practical* difference between GPL and
  8. Categorization of users
    system where users could click on categories (e.g. Area of work, interests and so on), thereby circumventing the fact that we do not have a user profiling system yet. What would be the best
  9. Description of new dotLRN integration project
    Managing student workload by making sure that the number of daily/weekly deadlines does not exceed some value. - Managing graduate attributes by guaranteeing that each course satisfies the minimum required by its professional association (i.e. Engineers
  10. Problem installing Naviserver (Gentoo)
    I know, this is not a OpenACS-specific issue, but I couldn't find a

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