Search results for Attribute Management System

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  1. OpenACS Attribute Management - Requirements/Requests
    attributes and acs_attribute_values tables, with modifications if needed. These tables do not address some of the functionality we are looking for in an attribute management system
  2. Rich internet apps on OpenACS
    ***Rapid, Rich Internet Application Development on OpenACS First of all, these are some things that
  3. OpenACS 5.0 Upgrade Experiences
    The 4.6.3-5.0 upgrade requires not only manual loading of SQL files, but also execution
  4. Portfolio Ideas
    Hi, I'm currently working on a portfolio package. These are some of the ideas
  5. Reuse in the large is an unsolved problem !?
    I just read Lars Pinds article on why he left OpenACS, which made me wonder
  6. Towards OpenACS 5.9
    Yesterday Victor has transfered all changes from the oacs-5-8 branch to the HEAD
  7. Fresh install of OpenACS 5.10 on Oracle 19c
    Dear all, You might have noticed recently various changes on CVS with changes for Oracle
  8. Marketing and Advocacy
    management is robust and error-free (things install and uninstall cleanly). Inter-package processing is well-documented via service contracts so that it is easy to "connect" existing packages to do new things
  9. Slots and Attribute Management
    manage property-changes of objects. A property is either an attribute or a role in an relation. In a nutshell, a slot has among other attributes: a name (which it used to access
  10. Marketing and damned lies.
    Vignette's roadshow was in town yesterday NZST; I couldn't attend since I was

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