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- Location:
- /packages/acs-templating/tcl/spellcheck-init.tcl
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ad_library { Set up the path to the spell-checker in an nsv cache. @cvs-id $Id: spellcheck-init.tcl,v 1.22 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ @author Ola Hansson (ola@polyxena.net) @creation-date 2003-10-04 } # Find the aspell or, second best, the ispell binary. # In case neither one is found, bin is empty and spell-checking will be disabled. set bin [::util::which aspell] if {$bin eq ""} { set bin [::util::which ispell] } # Do we want dialect dictionaries (if available) or not? # Note that if you change this param it won't take effect # until the server has been restarted. set dialects_p [parameter::get_from_package_key \ -package_key acs-templating \ -parameter SpellcheckDialectsP \ -default 0] # aspell or ispell? set dicts "" set default_lang "" # # GN: note that under windows, the binary will be called aspell.exe # if { [string match "*aspell*" $bin] } { # aspell ad_try { set dicts [exec $bin dump dicts] set default_lang [exec $bin config lang] if { !$dialects_p } { # If no dialects, then the default_lang locale returned from aspell # must be shortened to the first two letters, so that it matches # one of the names in the pull-down menu. set default_lang [string range $default_lang 0 1] } } on error {errorMsg} { ns_log Warning "Getting dicts and default_lang for aspell failed with error message: \"$errorMsg\"" ns_log Notice "You might want to upgrade to a more recent version of Aspell ... http://aspell.sourceforge.net/" } } elseif { [string match "*ispell*" $bin] } { # ispell - if someone knows how to get the available dictionaries and the # default language from ispell, please add it here :-) set dicts "" set default_lang "" } #Do we include all available dicts or not ? set use_dicts_p [parameter::get_from_package_key \ -package_key acs-templating \ -parameter SpellcheckUseDictsP \ -default 0] if {$use_dicts_p == 0} { set dicts "" } # Build the select options list and filter out unwanted dictionaries. set wanted_dicts [list {"No" :nospell:}] if { $dicts eq "" } { # Just add the default locale (the empty string will work too). lappend wanted_dicts [list "Yes" $default_lang] } db_transaction { foreach dict $dicts { if { [string length $dict] == 2 } { # We have a lang (e.g., en) # Some 2-char aspell dicts (languages) are missing in ad_locales so we # need to catch those cases and use the language as the pretty name, ugh ... if { [catch { lappend wanted_dicts [list [string totitle [lang::util::nls_language_from_language $dict]] $dict] }] } { lappend wanted_dicts [list "Locale $dict" $dict] } set last_dict $dict } elseif { $dialects_p && [string length $dict] == 5 && [regexp _ $dict] } { # We have a locale (e.g., en_US) if { [info exists last_dict] } { set wanted_dicts [lreplace $wanted_dicts end end] unset last_dict } # Some five-char aspell dicts (locales) are missing in ad_locales so we # need to catch those cases and use the locale as the pretty name, ugh ... if { [catch { lappend wanted_dicts [list [string totitle [lang::util::get_label $dict]] $dict] }] } { lappend wanted_dicts [list "Locale $dict" $dict] } } } } on_error { # Just add the default locale. lappend wanted_dicts [list "Yes" $default_lang] } ##### # # Initialize the cache. # ##### nsv_set spellchecker path $bin nsv_set spellchecker lang_options $wanted_dicts nsv_set spellchecker default_lang $default_lang # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: