spits out correctly MIME-typed bits for a user's portrait
- Location:
- /packages/acs-subsite/www/shared/portrait-bits.tcl
- Author:
- philg@mit.edu
- Created:
- 26 Sept 1999
$Id: portrait-bits.tcl,v 2024/02/26 09:57:18 gustafn Exp $
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ad_page_contract { spits out correctly MIME-typed bits for a user's portrait @author philg@mit.edu @creation-date 26 Sept 1999 @cvs-id $Id: portrait-bits.tcl,v 2024/02/26 09:57:18 gustafn Exp $ } { user_id:naturalnum,notnull {size ""} } # Show the portrait only to authenticated users auth::require_login # Default avatar image set default_avatar [acs_root_dir]/packages/acs-subsite/www/shared/avatar-x50.png set default_avatar_mime image/png # # The size info is a valid geometry as provided for image magicks # "convert". We provide here a sample list of valid sizes # if {$size ne "" && $size ni {x24 x50 x100 x150 x200}} { ad_log warning "size '$size' is not supported" set size "" } set item_id [acs_user::get_portrait_id -user_id $user_id] if { $item_id != 0} { if {$size eq ""} { cr_write_content -item_id $item_id } else { if {[content::item::get -item_id $item_id -array_name itemInfo] == 0} { if {[content::item::get -item_id $item_id -array_name itemInfo -revision latest] == 0} { ad_log warning "cannot obtain revision info for item_id $item_id user_id $user_id" ns_returnfile 200 $default_avatar_mime $default_avatar ad_script_abort } } # # For portraits stored as files in the content repository, # we provide cached thumbnails, which use in their cache # key the revision id. # set folder [acs_root_dir]/portrait-thumbnails if {![ad_file exists $folder]} { file mkdir $folder } set filename $folder/$itemInfo(revision_id).$size if {![ad_file exists $filename]} { switch -- $itemInfo(storage_type) { "file" { set input_file [content::revision::get_cr_file_path -revision_id $itemInfo(revision_id)] ad_try { exec [::util::which convert] $input_file -resize $size $filename } on error {errorMsg} { ad_log warning "portrait-bits: convert returned error: $errorMsg" ns_returnfile 200 $default_avatar_mime $default_avatar ad_script_abort } } "lob" { set input_file [ad_tmpnam] set revision_id $itemInfo(revision_id) # TODO: Oracle query and .xql is missing db_blob_get_file write_lob_content { select lob as content, 'lob' as storage_type from cr_revisions where revision_id = :revision_id } -file $input_file ad_try { exec [::util::which convert] $input_file -resize $size $filename } on error {errorMsg} { ad_log warning "portrait-bits: convert returned error: $errorMsg" ns_returnfile 200 $default_avatar_mime $default_avatar ad_script_abort } finally { file delete -- $input_file } } default { ad_log warning "unsupported storage type for portraits: $itemInfo(storage_type)" } } } # # Test again if the file exists, we might have converted the # file by the if-clause above. # if {[ad_file exists $filename]} { ns_setexpires 86400 ;# 1 day # # We had "ad_returnfile_background" before, which is a # dependency on xotcl-core. We can use ns_returnfile here # instead. Since a few years NaviServer delivers files via # "ns_returnfile" in the background, when writer_threads # are enabled (which is the case for default # configurations). # ns_returnfile 200 $itemInfo(mime_type) $filename } else { ad_log warning "cannot show portrait with item_id $item_id for user $user_id " ns_returnfile 200 $default_avatar_mime $default_avatar } } } else { # Return default avatar image ns_returnfile 200 $default_avatar_mime $default_avatar } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: