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- /packages/acs-tcl/lib/build-repository.tcl
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if {![exists_and_not_null debug_p]} { set debug_p 0 } if {![exists_and_not_null head_channel]} { set head_channel 5-9 } # Rebuild the repository on the local machine. Only useful for the site. Adapted from Lars' build-repository.tcl page. # @param debug_p Set to 1 to test with only a small subset of packages instead of the whole cvs tree. # @param head_channel The artificial branch label to apply to HEAD. Should be one minor version past the current release. # @author Lars Pind ( # @return 0 for success. Also outputs debug strings to log. #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration Settings #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_log Notice "============== JA DEBUG: Rebuild Repository checkpoint 1" set cvs_command "cvs" set cd_helper "cd-helper" set cvs_root "" set work_dir "[acs_root_dir]/repository-builder/" set repository_dir "[acs_root_dir]/www/repository/" set repository_url "" set channel_index_template "/packages/acs-admin/www/apm/repository-channel-index" set index_template "/packages/acs-admin/www/apm/repository-index" ns_log notice "JA DEBUG: Rebuild Repository checkpoint 2" set exclude_package_list {} #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare output #---------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_log notice [ad_header "Building repository"] ns_log notice "Repository: Building Package Repository" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Find available channels #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare work dir file mkdir $work_dir ns_log notice "JA work_dir=$work_dir" cd $work_dir catch { exec $cd_helper $work_dir cvs -d $cvs_root -z3 co openacs-4/readme.txt } msg catch { exec $cd_helper $work_dir cvs -d $cvs_root -z3 log -h openacs-4/readme.txt } output set lines [split $output \n] for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $lines] } { incr i } { if { [string equal [string trim [lindex $lines $i]] "symbolic names:"] } { incr i break } } array set channel_tag [list] array set channel_bugfix_version [list] for { } { $i < [llength $lines] } { incr i } { # Tag lines have the form tag: cvs-version # openacs-5-0-0-final: if { ![regexp {^\s+([^:]+):\s+([0-9.]+)} [lindex $lines $i] match tag_name version_name] } { break } # Look for tags named 'openacs-x-y-compat' if { [regexp {^openacs-([1-9][0-9]*-[0-9]+)-compat$} $tag_name match oacs_version] } { set major_version [lindex [split $oacs_version "-"] 0] set minor_version [lindex [split $oacs_version "-"] 1] if { $major_version >= 5 && $minor_version > 3} { set channel "${major_version}-${minor_version}" ns_log notice "Repository: Found channel $channel using tag $tag_name" set channel_tag($channel) $tag_name } } } set channel_tag($head_channel) HEAD ns_log notice "Repository: Channels are: [array get channel_tag]</ul>" ns_log notice "JA DEBUG: Rebuild Repository checkpoint 4 workdir=${work_dir}" #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read all package .info files, building manifest file #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wipe and re-create the working directory file delete -force $work_dir file mkdir ${work_dir} ns_log notice "change to $work_dir" set update_pretty_date [lc_time_fmt [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %T"] %c] foreach channel [lsort -decreasing [array names channel_tag]] { ns_log notice "Repository: <h2>Channel $channel using tag $channel_tag($channel)</h2><ul>" # Wipe and re-create the checkout directory file delete -force "${work_dir}openacs-4" file delete -force "${work_dir}dotlrn" file mkdir "${work_dir}dotlrn/packages" # Prepare channel directory set channel_dir "${work_dir}repository/${channel}/" file mkdir $channel_dir ns_log notice "JA created channel_dir $channel_dir" # Store the list of packages we've seen for this channel, so we don't include the same package twice # Seems odd, but we have to do this given the forked packages sitting in /contrib set packages [list] # Checkout from the tag given by channel_tag($channel) if { $debug_p } { # Smaller list for debugging purposes set checkout_list [list \ $work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/packages/acs-core-docs ] } else { # Full list for real use set checkout_list [list \ $work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/packages \ $work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/contrib/packages] } foreach { cur_work_dir cur_cvs_root cur_module } $checkout_list { cd $cur_work_dir if { ![string equal $channel_tag($channel) HEAD] } { ns_log notice "Repository: Checking out $cur_module from CVS (-r $channel_tag($channel)):" catch { exec $cd_helper $cur_work_dir cvs -d $cur_cvs_root -z3 co -r $channel_tag($channel) $cur_module } output ns_log notice "$output" ns_log notice "Repository: $cur_module [llength $output] files ($channel_tag($channel))" } else { ns_log notice "Repository: Checking out $cur_module from CVS (-r $channel_tag($channel)):" catch { exec $cd_helper $cur_work_dir cvs -d $cur_cvs_root -z3 co $cur_module } output ns_log notice "$output" ns_log notice "Repository: $cur_module [llength $output] files ($channel_tag($channel))" } } cd $work_dir ns_log notice "JA DEBUG: Rebuild Repository checkpoint 5" set manifest {<manifest>} append manifest \n template::multirow create packages \ package_path package_key version pretty_name \ package_type summary description \ release_date vendor_url vendor \ maturity maturity_text foreach packages_dir \ [list "${work_dir}openacs-4/packages" \ "${work_dir}openacs-4/contrib/packages" ] { foreach spec_file [lsort [apm_scan_packages $packages_dir]] { set package_path [eval file join [lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-1]] set package_key [lindex [file split $spec_file] end-1] if { [lsearch -exact $exclude_package_list $package_key] != -1 } { ns_log notice "Repository: Package $package_key is on list of packages to exclude - skipping" continue } if { [array exists version] } { array unset version } if { [info exists version] } { unset version } with_catch errmsg { array set version [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file] if { [lsearch -exact $packages $version(package.key)] != -1 } { ns_log notice "Repository: Skipping package $package_key, because we already have another version of it" } else { lappend packages $version(package.key) append manifest { } {<package>} \n append manifest { } {<package-key>} [ns_quotehtml $version(package.key)] {</package-key>} \n append manifest { } {<version>} [ns_quotehtml $version(name)] {</version>} \n append manifest { } {<pretty-name>} [ns_quotehtml $version(package-name)] {</pretty-name>} \n append manifest { } {<package-type>} [ns_quotehtml $version(package.type)] {</package-type>} \n append manifest { } {<summary>} [ns_quotehtml $version(summary)] {</summary>} \n append manifest { } {<description format="} [ns_quotehtml $version(description.format)] {">} append manifest [ns_quotehtml $version(description)] {</description>} \n append manifest { } {<release-date>} [ns_quotehtml $version(release-date)] {</release-date>} \n append manifest { } {<vendor url="} [ns_quotehtml $version(vendor.url)] {">} append manifest [ns_quotehtml $version(vendor)] {</vendor>} \n append manifest { } {<license url="} [ns_quotehtml $version(license_url)] {">} append manifest [ns_quotehtml $version(license)] {</license>} \n append manifest { } {<maturity>} $version(maturity) {</maturity>} \n if {![info exists version(maturity_text)]} { set version(maturity_text) "" } template::multirow append packages \ $package_path $package_key $version(name) $version(package-name) \ $version(package.type) $version(summary) $version(description) \ $version(release-date) $version(vendor.url) $version(vendor) \ $version(maturity) $version(maturity_text) set apm_file "${channel_dir}${version(package.key)}-${version(name)}.apm" ns_log notice "Repository: Building package $package_key for channel $channel" set files [apm_get_package_files \ -all \ -include_data_model_files \ -all_db_types \ -package_key $version(package.key) \ -package_path $package_path] if { [llength $files] == 0 } { ns_log notice "Repository: No files in package $version(package.key) ($channel)" } else { ns_log notice "Repository: [llength $files] files in package $version(package.key) ($channel)" set cmd [list [apm_tar_cmd] cf - 2>/dev/null] # The path to the 'packages' directory in the checkout set packages_root_path [eval file join [lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-2]] set tmp_filename [ns_mktemp "apm_build__XXXXXX"] lappend cmd --files-from $tmp_filename -C $packages_root_path set fp [open $tmp_filename w] foreach file $files { puts $fp $package_key/$file #puts $fp $packages_root_path/$package_key/$file } close $fp file mkdir $channel_dir lappend cmd "|" [apm_gzip_cmd] -c ">" $apm_file ns_log notice "ja channel_dir $channel_dir" ns_log notice "Executing: $cmd" cd $packages_root_path ;# no idea, why this became necessary if {[catch "exec $cd_helper $packages_root_path $cmd" msg]} { ns_log notice "Error during tar in repository creation for file ${channel_dir}${version(package.key)}-${version(name)}.apm: \n$msg\n$::errorCode,$::errorInfo" } } set apm_url "${repository_url}${channel}/${version(package.key)}-${version(name)}.apm" append manifest { } {<download-url>} $apm_url {</download-url>} \n foreach elm $version(provides) { append manifest { } "<provides url=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 0]]\" version=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 1]]\" />" \n } foreach elm $version(requires) { append manifest { } "<requires url=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 0]]\" version=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 1]]\" />" \n } append manifest { } {</package>} \n } } { global errorInfo ns_log notice "Repository: Error on spec_file $spec_file: [ns_quotehtml $errmsg]<br>[ns_quotehtml $errorInfo]\n" } } } append manifest {</manifest>} \n cd $work_dir ns_log notice "Repository: Writing $channel manifest to ${channel_dir}manifest.xml" set fw [open "${channel_dir}manifest.xml" w] puts $fw $manifest close $fw ns_log notice "Repository: Writing $channel index page to ${channel_dir}index.html" set fw [open "${channel_dir}index.html" w] # sort by package name set packages [lsort $packages] puts $fw [template::adp_include $channel_index_template [list channel $channel &packages packages update_pretty_date $update_pretty_date]] close $fw ns_log notice "Repository: Channel $channel complete." } ns_log notice "Repository: Finishing Repository" # Write the index page ns_log notice "Repository: Writing repository index page to ${work_dir}repository/index.html" set update_pretty_date [lc_time_fmt [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %T"] %c] template::multirow create channels name foreach channel [lsort -decreasing [array names channel_tag]] { template::multirow append channels $channel } set fw [open "${work_dir}repository/index.html" w] puts $fw [template::adp_include -- $index_template [list &channels channels update_pretty_date $update_pretty_date]] close $fw # Without the trailing slash set work_repository_dirname "${work_dir}repository" set repository_dirname [string range $repository_dir 0 end-1] set repository_bak "[string range $repository_dir 0 end-1]_bak" ns_log notice "Repository: Moving work repository $work_repository_dirname to live repository dir at <a href=\"/repository\/>$repository_dir</a>\n" if { [file exists $repository_bak] } { file delete -force $repository_bak } if { [file exists $repository_dirname] } { file rename $repository_dirname $repository_bak } file rename $work_repository_dirname $repository_dirname ns_log notice "Repository: DONE"