Class ::xo::db::Class (public)
::xotcl::Class ::xo::db::Class
Defined in
- Testcases:
No testcase defined.
Source code:
namespace eval ::xo::db {}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Class ::xo::db::Class {set :__default_metaclass ::xotcl::Class
set :__default_superclass ::xotcl::Object
array set :exclude_attribute {persons,bio 1 persons,bio_mime_type 1}}
::xo::db::Class proc object_type_exists_in_db -object_type {
return [::xo::dc 0or1row check_type {
select 1 from acs_object_types where object_type = :object_type
::xo::db::Class proc delete_all_acs_objects -object_type:required {
set table_name [::xo::db::Class get_table_name -object_type $object_type]
if {$table_name ne ""} {
::xo::dc dml delete_instances {delete from :table_name}
::xo::db::Class proc exists_in_db -id:required {
return [::xo::dc 0or1row -prepare integer select_object {
select 1 from acs_objects where object_id = :id
::xo::db::Class proc delete -id:required {
::acs::dc call acs_object delete -object_id $id
::xo::db::Class proc get_instance_from_db -id:required,integer {
set type [:get_object_type -id $id]
set class [::xo::db::Class object_type_to_class $type]
if {![:isclass $class]} {
error "no class $class defined"
set r [$class create ::$id]
$r db_1row dbqd..get_instance [$class fetch_query $id]
$r set object_id $id
$r destroy_on_cleanup
$r initialize_loaded_object
return $r
::xo::db::Class proc get_class_from_db -object_type {
::xo::dc 1row fetch_class {
select object_type, supertype, pretty_name, lower(id_column) as id_column, lower(table_name) as table_name
from acs_object_types where object_type = :object_type
set classname [:object_type_to_class $object_type]
if {![:isclass $classname]} {
::xo::db::Class create $classname -superclass [:object_type_to_class $supertype] -object_type $object_type -supertype $supertype -pretty_name $pretty_name -id_column $id_column -table_name $table_name -sql_package_name [namespace tail $classname] -noinit
} else {
set attributes [::xo::dc list_of_lists get_atts {
select attribute_name, pretty_name, pretty_plural, datatype,
default_value, min_n_values, max_n_values
from acs_attributes where object_type = :object_type
set slots ""
foreach att_info $attributes {
lassign $att_info attribute_name pretty_name pretty_plural datatype default_value min_n_values max_n_values
if {[info exists :exclude_attribute($table_name,$attribute_name)]} {
set defined_att($attribute_name) 1
set cmd [list ::xo::db::Attribute create $attribute_name -pretty_name $pretty_name -pretty_plural $pretty_plural -datatype $datatype -min_n_values $min_n_values -max_n_values $max_n_values]
if {$default_value ne ""} {
lappend cmd -default $default_value
append slots $cmd \n
ad_try {
$classname slots $slots
} on error {errorMsg} {
error "Error during slots: $errorMsg"
$classname init
return $classname
::xo::db::Class proc drop_type {-object_type:required {-drop_table f} {-cascade_p t}} {
set table_name [::xo::db::Class get_table_name -object_type $object_type]
if {$table_name ne ""} {
if {[catch {
::xo::dc dml delete_instances "delete from $table_name"
if {$drop_table} {
::xo::dc dml drop_table "drop table $table_name"
} errorMsg]} {
ns_log error "error during drop_type: $errorMsg"
::acs::dc call acs_object_type drop_type -object_type $object_type -drop_children_p $cascade_p
return ""
::xo::db::Class proc object_type_to_class name {
switch -glob -- $name {
acs_object {return ::xo::db::Object}
content_revision -
content_item {return ::xo::db::CrItem}
content_folder {return ::xo::db::CrFolder}
::* {return $name}
default {return ::xo::db::$name}
::xo::db::Class proc class_to_object_type name {
if {[:isclass $name]} {
if {[$name exists object_type]} {
return [$name object_type]
if {![$name istype ::xo::db::Object]} {
return acs_object
switch -glob -- $name {
::xo::db::Object {return acs_object}
::xo::db::CrItem {return content_revision}
::xo::db::image {return image}
::xo::db::CrFolder {return content_folder}
::xo::db::* {return [string range $name 10 end]}
default {return $name}
::xo::db::Class proc create_all_functions {} {
foreach item [::xo::dc get_all_package_functions] {
lassign $item package_name object_name
if {[string match "*TRG" [string toupper $object_name]]} {
set class_name ::xo::db::sql::[string tolower $package_name]
if {![nsf::is object $class_name]} {
::xo::db::Class create $class_name
} elseif {![$class_name istype ::xo::db::Class]} {
$class_name dbproc_nonposargs [string tolower $object_name]
::xo::db::Class proc get_object_type -id:integer,required {
xo::xotcl_object_type_cache eval -partition_key $id $id {
::xo::dc 1row get_class "select object_type from acs_objects where object_id=:id"
return $object_type
::xo::db::Class proc get_table_name -object_type:required {
return [::xo::dc get_value get_table_name {
select lower(table_name) as table_name from acs_object_types where object_type = :object_type
} ""]
::xo::db::Class instproc new_persistent_object {-package_id -creation_user -creation_ip args} {
:get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip
::xo::dc transaction {
set id [:new_acs_object -package_id $package_id -creation_user $creation_user -creation_ip $creation_ip ""]
ad_try {
:create ::$id {*}$args
} on error {errorMsg} {
ad_log error "create fails: $errorMsg"
:initialize_acs_object ::$id $id
::$id insert
::$id destroy_on_cleanup
return ::$id
::xo::db::Class instproc table_definition {} {
array set column_specs [list]
foreach {slot_name slot} [array get :db_slot] {
if {![$slot create_table_attribute]} continue
set column_name [$slot column_name]
set column_specs($column_name) [$slot column_spec -id_column [expr {$column_name eq ${:id_column}}]]
::xo::db::Class instproc require_constraints {} {
set table_name [:table_name]
foreach col [array names :db_constraints] {
foreach constr [set :db_constraints($col)] {
set type [lindex $constr 0]
set value [join [lrange $constr 1 end]]
switch -- $type {
"unique" {
::xo::db::require unique -table $table_name -col $col
"index" {
set value [expr {[string is true $value] ? "" : $value}]
::xo::db::require index -using $value -table $table_name -col $col
"not_null" {
::xo::db::require not_null -table $table_name -col $col
"references" {
::xo::db::require references -table $table_name -col $col -ref $value
"default" {
::xo::db::require default -table $table_name -col $col -value $value
if {[array size column_specs] > 0} {
if {${:table_name} eq ""} {error "no table_name specified"}
if {${:id_column} eq ""} {error "no id_column specified"}
if {![info exists column_specs(${:id_column})]} {
error "no ::xo::db::Attribute slot for id_column '${:id_column}' specified"
set table_specs [list]
foreach {att spec} [array get column_specs] {lappend table_specs $att $spec}
set table_definition $table_specs
} else {
set table_definition ""
return $table_definition
::xo::db::Class instproc instance_select_query {{-select_attributes ""} {-orderby ""} {-where_clause ""} {-from_clause ""} {-count:boolean false} {-page_size 20} {-page_number ""}} {
set tables [list]
set id_column [:id_column]
if {$count} {
set select_attributes "count(*)"
set orderby "" ;
set page_number "" ;
set all_attributes [expr {$select_attributes eq ""}]
set join_expressions [list]
foreach cl [list [self] {*}[:info heritage]] {
if {$cl eq "::xotcl::Object"} break
set tn [$cl table_name]
if {$tn ne ""} {
lappend tables $tn
if {$all_attributes} {
foreach {slot_name slot} [$cl array get db_slot] {
set name [$slot name]
if {![info exists names($name)]} {
lappend select_attributes [$slot attribute_reference $tn]
set names($name) 1
if {$cl ne [self]} {
lappend join_expressions "$tn.[$cl id_column] = [:table_name].$id_column"
if {$page_number ne ""} {
set limit $page_size
set offset [expr {$page_size*($page_number-1)}]
} else {
set limit ""
set offset ""
set sql [::xo::dc select -vars [join $select_attributes ,] -from "[join $tables ,] $from_clause" -where [string trim "[join $join_expressions { and }] $where_clause"] -orderby $orderby -limit $limit -offset $offset]
return $sql
::xo::db::Class instproc db_slots {} {
array set :db_slot [list]
array set :db_constraints [list]
foreach att [:info slots] {
if {![$att istype ::xo::db::Attribute]} continue
set :db_slot([$att name]) $att
:collect_constraints $att
if {[self] ne "::xo::db::Object"} {
if {[info exists :id_column] && ![info exists :db_slot(${:id_column})]} {
:slots [subst {
::xo::db::Attribute create ${:id_column} -pretty_name "ID" -datatype integer -create_acs_attribute false
set :db_slot(${:id_column}) [self]::slot::${:id_column}
::xo::db::Class instproc object_types {{-subtypes_first:boolean false}} {
return [::xo::dc list get_object_types [:object_types_query -subtypes_first $subtypes_first]]
::xo::db::Class instproc init_type_hierarchy {} {
set object_type ${:object_type}
set :object_type_key [::xo::dc list get_tree_sortkey {
select tree_sortkey from acs_object_types
where object_type = :object_type
::xo::db::Class instproc dbproc_nonposargs object_name {
if {$object_name eq "set"} {
:log "We cannot handle object_name = '$object_name' in this version"
set package_name [:sql_package_name [namespace tail [self]]]
set sql_info [::xo::dc generate_psql $package_name $object_name]
array set defined [dict get $sql_info defined]
set nonposarg_list [list [list -dbn ""]]
foreach arg_name [dict get $sql_info arg_order] {
set nonposarg_name [expr {$arg_name eq "DBN" ? "DBN" : [string tolower $arg_name]}]
set default_value $defined($arg_name)
if {$default_value eq ""} {
set arg -$nonposarg_name:required
} elseif {[string tolower $default_value] ne "null"} {
set arg [list -$nonposarg_name $default_value]
} else {
set arg -$nonposarg_name
lappend nonposarg_list $arg
if {$object_name eq "new"} {lappend nonposarg_list -childof}
:ad_proc $object_name $nonposarg_list {Automatically generated method} [dict get $sql_info body]
::xo::db::Class instproc require_constraints {} {
set table_name [:table_name]
foreach col [array names :db_constraints] {
foreach constr [set :db_constraints($col)] {
set type [lindex $constr 0]
set value [join [lrange $constr 1 end]]
switch -- $type {
"unique" {
::xo::db::require unique -table $table_name -col $col
"index" {
set value [expr {[string is true $value] ? "" : $value}]
::xo::db::require index -using $value -table $table_name -col $col
"not_null" {
::xo::db::require not_null -table $table_name -col $col
"references" {
::xo::db::require references -table $table_name -col $col -ref $value
"default" {
::xo::db::require default -table $table_name -col $col -value $value
::xo::db::Class instproc init {} {
if {![::xo::db::Class object_type_exists_in_db -object_type [:object_type]]} {
if {[:with_table]} {
set table_definition [:table_definition]
if {$table_definition ne ""} {
::xo::db::require table [:table_name] $table_definition
::xo::db::Class instproc mk_insert_method {} {
:instproc insert {} {
set __table_name [[self class] table_name]
set __id [[self class] id_column]
set :$__id ${:object_id}
:log "ID insert in $__table_name, id = $__id = [set :$__id]"
foreach {__slot_name __slot} [[self class] array get db_slot] {
if {[info exists :$__slot_name]} {
set $__slot_name [set :$__slot_name]
lappend __vars $__slot_name
lappend __atts [$__slot column_name]
::xo::dc dml insert_$__table_name "insert into $__table_name
([join $__atts ,]) values (:[join $__vars ,:])"
::xo::db::Class instproc drop_object_type {{-cascade true}} {
::acs::dc call acs_object_type drop_type -object_type ${:object_type} -cascade_p [expr {$cascade ? "t" : "f"}]
::xo::db::Class instproc instantiate_objects {{-dbn ""} {-sql ""} {-full_statement_name ""} {-as_ordered_composite:boolean true} {-object_class "::xotcl::Object"} {-named_objects:boolean false} {-object_named_after ""} {-destroy_on_cleanup:boolean true} {-keep_existing_objects:boolean false} {-ignore_missing_package_ids:boolean false} {-initialize true}} {
if {$object_class eq ""} {set object_class [self]}
if {$sql eq ""} {set sql [:instance_select_query]}
if {$as_ordered_composite} {
set __result [::xo::OrderedComposite new]
if {$destroy_on_cleanup} {$__result destroy_on_cleanup}
} else {
set __result [list]
if {$named_objects} {
if {$object_named_after eq ""} {
set object_named_after [:id_column]
set sets [uplevel [list ::xo::dc sets -dbn $dbn dbqd..[self proc] $sql]]
foreach selection $sets {
if {$named_objects} {
set object_name ::[ns_set get $selection $object_named_after]
if {[nsf::is object $object_name]} {
set o $object_name
set new 0
} else {
set o [$object_class create $object_name]
set new 1
} else {
set new 0
set o [$object_class new]
if {$as_ordered_composite} {
$__result add $o
} else {
if {$destroy_on_cleanup} {
$o destroy_on_cleanup
lappend __result $o
if {!$new && $keep_existing_objects} {
$o mset [ns_set array $selection]
ns_set free $selection
if {[$o exists object_type]} {
set object_type [$o set object_type]
if {[string match "::*" $object_type]} {
$o class $object_type
if {$initialize && [$o istype ::xo::db::Object]} {
if {![$o exists package_id]} {
if {[$o exists object_package_id]} {
$o set package_id [$o set object_package_id]
} elseif {!$ignore_missing_package_ids} {
ns_log warning "[namespace tail [$o info class]] $o has no package_id and no object_package_id"
ad_try {
$o initialize_loaded_object
} on error {errorMsg} {
set context [lmap var {name item_id revision_id} {
if {![$o exists $var]} continue
set _ "$var [$o set $var]"
ns_log error "$o initialize_loaded_object [join $context]" "=> [lsort [$o info vars]] -> $errorMsg"
return $__result
::xo::db::Class instproc initialize_acs_object {obj id} {
$obj set object_id $id
$obj set object_title "[:pretty_name] $id"
::xo::db::Class instproc get_instances_from_db {{-select_attributes ""} {-from_clause ""} {-where_clause ""} {-orderby ""} {-page_size 20} {-page_number ""} {-initialize true}} {
set s [:instantiate_objects -object_class [self] -sql [:instance_select_query -select_attributes $select_attributes -from_clause $from_clause -where_clause $where_clause -orderby $orderby -page_size $page_size -page_number $page_number ] -initialize $initialize]
return $s
::xo::db::Class instproc unknown {m args} {
error "Error: unknown database method '$m' for [self]"
::xo::db::Class instproc object_types_query {{-subtypes_first:boolean false}} {
set object_type_key ${:object_type_key}
set order_clause [expr {$subtypes_first ? "order by tree_sortkey desc":""}]
return "select object_type from acs_object_types where
tree_sortkey between '$object_type_key' and tree_right('$object_type_key')
::xo::db::Class instproc check_table_atts {} {
set table_name_error_tail ""
set id_column_error_tail ""
if {![info exists :sql_package_name]} {
set :sql_package_name [self]
if {[string length ${:sql_package_name}] > 30} {
error "SQL package_name '${:sql_package_name}' can be maximal 30 characters long! Please specify a shorter sql_package_name in the class definition."
if {${:sql_package_name} eq ""} {
error "Cannot determine SQL package_name. Please specify it explicitly!"
if {![info exists :table_name]} {
set tail [namespace tail [self]]
regexp {^::([^:]+)::} [self] _ head
:table_name [string tolower ${head}_$tail]
set table_name_error_tail ", or use different namespaces/class names"
if {![info exists :id_column]} {
set :id_column [string tolower [namespace tail [self]]]_id
set id_column_error_tail ", or use different class names"
if {![regexp {^[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*$} [:table_name]]} {
error "Table name '[:table_name]' is unsafe in SQL: Please specify a different table_name$table_name_error_tail."
if {[string length [:table_name]] > 30} {
error "SQL table_name '[:table_name]' can be maximal 30 characters long! Please specify a shorter table_name in the class definition."
if {![regexp {^[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*$} [:id_column]]} {
error "Name for id_column '[:id_column]' is unsafe in SQL: Please specify a different id_column$id_column_error_tail"
::xo::db::Class instproc check_default_values {} {
if {![info exists :pretty_name]} {set :pretty_name [namespace tail [self]]}
if {![info exists :pretty_plural]} {set :pretty_plural ${:pretty_name}}
::xo::db::Class instproc mk_update_method {} {
set updates [list]
set vars [list]
foreach {slot_name slot} [array get :db_slot] {
$slot instvar name column_name
if {$column_name ne [:id_column]} {
lappend updates "$column_name = :$name"
lappend vars $name
if {[llength $updates] == 0} return
:instproc update {} [subst {
::xo::dc transaction {
:instvar object_id $vars
::xo::dc dml update_[:table_name] {update [:table_name]
set [join $updates ,] where [:id_column] = :object_id
::xo::db::Class instproc create_object_type {} {
if {${:supertype} eq "acs_object"} {
set :supertype [::xo::db::Class class_to_object_type [:info superclass]]
::acs::dc call acs_object_type create_type -object_type ${:object_type} -supertype ${:supertype} -pretty_name ${:pretty_name} -pretty_plural ${:pretty_plural} -table_name ${:table_name} -id_column ${:id_column} -abstract_p ${:abstract_p} -name_method ${:name_method} -package_name [:sql_package_name]
::xo::db::Class instproc get_context {package_id_var user_id_var ip_var} {
:upvar $package_id_var package_id $user_id_var user_id $ip_var ip
if {![info exists package_id]} {
if {[nsf::is object ::xo::cc]} {
set package_id [::xo::cc package_id]
} elseif {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
set package_id [ad_conn package_id]
} else {
set package_id ""
if {![info exists user_id]} {
if {[nsf::is object ::xo::cc]} {
set user_id [::xo::cc user_id]
} elseif {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
set user_id [ad_conn user_id]
} else {
set user_id 0
if {![info exists ip]} {
if {[ns_conn isconnected]} {
set ip [ad_conn peeraddr]
} else {
set ip [ns_info address]
::xo::db::Class instproc collect_constraints att {
set attname [$att name]
if {[$att exists index]} {
lappend :db_constraints($attname) [list index [$att set index]]
if {[::xo::db::require exists_column ${:table_name} $attname]} {
if {[$att exists unique] && [$att set unique]} {
lappend :db_constraints($attname) unique
if {[$att exists not_null] && [$att set not_null]} {
lappend :db_constraints($attname) not_null
if {![string is space [$att set references]]} {
lappend :db_constraints($attname) [list references [$att set references]]
if {[$att exists default]} {
lappend :db_constraints($attname) [list default [$att set default]]
::xo::db::Class instproc new_acs_object {-package_id -creation_user -creation_ip {-context_id ""} {object_title ""}} {
:get_context package_id creation_user creation_ip
set id [::acs::dc call acs_object new -object_type [::xo::db::Class class_to_object_type [self]] -title $object_title -package_id $package_id -creation_user $creation_user -creation_ip $creation_ip -context_id $context_id -security_inherit_p [:security_inherit_p]]
return $id
::xo::db::Class instproc fetch_query id {
set tables [list]
set attributes [list]
set id_column [:id_column]
set join_expressions [list "[:table_name].$id_column = $id"]
foreach cl [list [self] {*}[:info heritage]] {
if {$cl eq "::xotcl::Object"} break
set tn [$cl table_name]
if {$tn ne ""} {
lappend tables $tn
foreach {slot_name slot} [$cl array get db_slot] {
set name [$slot name]
if {![info exists names($name)]} {
lappend attributes [$slot attribute_reference $tn]
set names($name) 1
if {$cl ne [self]} {
lappend join_expressions "$tn.[$cl id_column] = [:table_name].$id_column"
return "SELECT [join $attributes ,]\nFROM [join $tables ,]\nWHERE [join $join_expressions { and }]"
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd object_type
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd name_method
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd supertype
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd abstract_p
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd sql_package_name
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd pretty_name
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd table_name
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd security_inherit_p
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd id_column
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd with_table
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd auto_save
::xo::db::Class instparametercmd pretty_plural
::nsf::relation::set ::xo::db::Class superclass ::xotcl::Class
::nx::slotObj -container slot ::xo::db::Class
::xo::db::Class::slot eval {set :__parameter {
{supertype acs_object}
{abstract_p f}
{name_method ""}
{object_type [self]}
{security_inherit_p t}
{auto_save false}
{with_table true}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::auto_save {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default false
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::auto_save
set :methodname auto_save
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name auto_save
set :parameterSpec {-auto_save:substdefault false}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::pretty_plural {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::pretty_plural
set :methodname pretty_plural
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name pretty_plural
set :parameterSpec -pretty_plural
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::object_type {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default {[self]}
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::object_type
set :methodname object_type
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name object_type
set :parameterSpec {-object_type:substdefault {[self]}}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::table_name {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::table_name
set :methodname table_name
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name table_name
set :parameterSpec -table_name
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::supertype {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default acs_object
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::supertype
set :methodname supertype
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name supertype
set :parameterSpec {-supertype:substdefault acs_object}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::name_method {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default {}
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::name_method
set :methodname name_method
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name name_method
set :parameterSpec {-name_method:substdefault {}}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::security_inherit_p {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default t
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::security_inherit_p
set :methodname security_inherit_p
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name security_inherit_p
set :parameterSpec {-security_inherit_p:substdefault t}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::with_table {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default true
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::with_table
set :methodname with_table
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name with_table
set :parameterSpec {-with_table:substdefault true}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::pretty_name {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::pretty_name
set :methodname pretty_name
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name pretty_name
set :parameterSpec -pretty_name
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::id_column {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::id_column
set :methodname id_column
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name id_column
set :parameterSpec -id_column
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::sql_package_name {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::sql_package_name
set :methodname sql_package_name
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name sql_package_name
set :parameterSpec -sql_package_name
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xo::db::Class::slot::abstract_p {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default f
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xo::db::Class
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xo::db::Class::slot::abstract_p
set :methodname abstract_p
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name abstract_p
set :parameterSpec {-abstract_p:substdefault f}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
XQL Not present:Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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| [
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