Class ::xo::db::postgresql (public)
::xotcl::Class ::xo::db::postgresql
Defined in
- Testcases:
No testcase defined.
Source code:
namespace eval ::xo::db {}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Class ::xo::db::postgresql {set :__default_metaclass ::xotcl::Class
set :__default_superclass ::xotcl::Object}
::xo::db::postgresql instproc select {-vars:required -from:required {-where ""} {-groupby ""} {-limit ""} {-offset ""} {-start ""} {-orderby ""} {-map_function_names false}} {
set where_clause [expr {$where ne "" ? "WHERE $where" : ""}]
set offset_clause [expr {$offset ne "" ? "OFFSET $offset" : ""}]
set limit_clause [expr {$limit ne "" ? "LIMIT $limit" : ""}]
set order_clause [expr {$orderby ne "" ? "ORDER BY $orderby" : ""}]
set group_clause [expr {$groupby ne "" ? "GROUP BY $groupby" : ""}]
return "SELECT $vars FROM $from $where_clause $group_clause $order_clause $limit_clause $offset_clause"
::xo::db::postgresql instproc date_trunc_expression {field date date_string} {
if {![string match :* $date_string]} {set date_string "'$date_string'"}
return "date_trunc('$field',$date) = $date_string"
::xo::db::postgresql instproc has_hstore {} {
::xo::xotcl_package_cache eval [self]::has_hstore {
if {[:get_value check_ltree "select count(*) from pg_proc where proname = 'hstore_in'"] > 0} {
return 1
return 0
::xo::db::postgresql instproc map_datatype type {
switch -- $type {
string { set type text }
long_text { set type text }
date { set type "timestamp with timezone" }
ltree { set type [expr {[::xo::dc has_ltree] ? "ltree" : "text" }] }
default { return [next] }
return $type
::xo::db::postgresql instproc date_trunc {field date} {
return "date_trunc('$field',$date)"
::xo::db::postgresql instproc get_function_args {package_name object_name} {
set key [string toupper ${package_name}__${object_name}]
if {[info exists ::xo::db::fnargs($key)]} {
return $::xo::db::fnargs($key)
ns_log notice "obtain fnargs for $key from PostgreSQL via parsing function definition"
::xo::dc foreach get_function_params {
select proname, pronargs, proargtypes, prosrc
from pg_proc
where proname = lower(:package_name) || '__' || lower(:object_name)
order by pronargs desc, proargtypes desc
} {
set n 1
set function_args [list]
foreach line [split $prosrc \n] {
if {[regexp -nocase "alias +for +\\\$$n" $line]} {
if {![regexp {^[^a-zA-Z]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s} $line _ fq_name]} {
ns_log notice "--***** Could not retrieve argument name for $proname argument $n from line '$line' i n $prosrc'"
set fq_name arg$n
set name $fq_name
set default ""
if {![regexp {^.+__(.+)$} $fq_name _ name]} {
regexp {^[vp]_(.+)$} $fq_name _ name
if {[regexp {^.*-- default +([^, ]+) *$} $line _ default]} {
set default [string trim $default '\n\r]
lappend function_args [list [string toupper $name] $default]
if {[incr n]>$pronargs} break
if {$n == 1 && $pronargs > 0} {
set comment [string map [list \n "\n----\t"] $prosrc]
ns_log notice "---- no aliases for $proname/$pronargs $comment"
return $function_args
::xo::db::postgresql instproc nextval sequence {
if {![info exists ::db::sequences]} {
ns_log notice "-- creating per thread sequence table"
foreach s [::xo::dc list relnames "select relname from pg_class where relkind = 'S'"] {
set ::db::sequences($s) 1
if {[info exists ::db::sequences(t_$sequence)]} {
set sequenceName t_$sequence
set nextval [::xo::dc get_value nextval "select nextval(:sequenceName)"]
} elseif {[info exists ::db::sequences($sequence)]} {
set sequenceName $sequence
set nextval [::xo::dc get_value nextval "select nextval(:sequenceName)"]
} elseif { [::xo::dc 0or1row nextval_sequence {
select nextval(:sequence) as nextval
where (select relkind
from pg_class
where relname = :sequence) = 'S'
}]} {
} else {
ns_log debug "db_nextval: sequence($sequence) is not a real sequence. Perhaps it uses the view hack."
set nextval [::xo::dc get_value nextval "select nextval from :sequence"]
return $nextval
::xo::db::postgresql instproc has_ltree {} {
::xo::xotcl_package_cache eval [self]::has_ltree {
if {[:get_value check_ltree "select count(*) from pg_proc where proname = 'ltree_in'"] > 0} {
return 1
return 0
::xo::db::postgresql instproc get_all_package_functions {} {
set definitions [::xo::dc list_of_lists get_all_package_functions0 {
from acs_function_args args
order by function, arg_seq
set last_function ""
set function_args {}
foreach definition $definitions {
lassign $definition function arg_name default
if {$last_function ne "" && $last_function ne $function} {
set ::xo::db::fnargs($last_function) $function_args
set function_args {}
lappend function_args [list $arg_name $default]
set last_function $function
set ::xo::db::fnargs($last_function) $function_args
ns_log notice "loaded [array size ::xo::db::fnargs] definitions from function args"
return [::xo::dc list_of_lists [self proc] {
select distinct
upper(substring(proname from 0 for position('__' in proname))) as package_name,
upper(substring(proname from position('__' in proname)+2)) as object_name
from pg_proc
where strpos(proname,'__') > 1
::nsf::relation::set ::xo::db::postgresql superclass ::xo::db::SQL
XQL Not present:Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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| [
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