Class ::xotcl::THREAD (public)
::xotcl::Class ::xotcl::THREAD
Defined in
- Testcases:
No testcase defined.
Source code:
namespace eval ::xotcl {}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Class ::xotcl::THREAD {set :__default_metaclass ::xotcl::Class
set :__default_superclass ::xotcl::Object}
::xotcl::THREAD proc recreate {obj args} {
:log "recreating [self] $obj, tid [$obj exists tid]"
if {![string match "::*" $obj]} { set obj ::$obj }
$obj set recreate 1
$obj init [lindex $args 0]
if {[nsv_exists [self] $obj] && [$obj exists initcmd]} {
set tid [nsv_get [self] $obj]
::thread::send $tid [$obj set initcmd]
$obj set tid $tid
:log "+++ content of thread $obj ($tid) redefined"
::xotcl::THREAD instproc init cmd {
if {$cmd eq "-noinit"} {return}
if {![ns_ictl epoch]} {
set :initcmd {
package req XOTcl
namespace import -force ::xotcl::*
append :initcmd {
ns_thread name SELF
append :initcmd [subst {
::xotcl::Object setExitHandler [list [:exithandler]]
regsub -all SELF ${:initcmd} [self] :initcmd
append :initcmd \n [list set ::xotcl::currentScript [info script]] \n [list set ::xotcl::currentThread [self]] \n $cmd
set :mutex [ns_mutex create ns_mutex[self]]
ns_log notice "mutex ${:mutex} created"
::xotcl::THREAD instproc get_tid {} {
if {[nsv_exists [self class] [self]]} {
return [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
:do info exists x
return ${:tid}
::xotcl::THREAD instproc check_blueprint {} {
if {![[self class] exists __blueprint_checked]} {
if {[string first ::xotcl::THREAD [ns_ictl get]] == -1} {
[self class] set __blueprint_checked 1
::xotcl::THREAD instproc destroy {} {
:log "destroy called"
if {!${:persistent} &&
[nsv_exists [self class] [self]]} {
set tid [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
set refcount [::thread::release $tid]
:log "destroying thread object tid=$tid cnt=$refcount"
if {$refcount == 0} {
:log "thread terminated"
nsv_unset [self class] [self]
ns_mutex destroy ${:mutex}
ns_log notice "mutex ${:mutex} destroyed"
::xotcl::THREAD instproc do {-async:switch args} {
if {![nsv_exists [self class] [self]]} {
ad_mutex_eval ${:mutex} {
if {![nsv_exists [self class] [self]]} {
if {${:lightweight}} {
:log "CREATE lightweight thread"
set tid [::thread::create -thin]
} else {
set tid [::thread::create]
nsv_set [self class] [self] $tid
if {${:persistent}} {
:log "--created new persistent [self class] as $tid pid=[pid]"
} else {
:log "--created new [self class] as $tid pid=[pid]"
if {${:lightweight}} {
} elseif {![ns_ictl epoch]} {
set initcmd [ns_ictl get]
append initcmd ${:initcmd}
::thread::send $tid $initcmd
} else {
set tid [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
} else {
set tid [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
if {![info exists :tid]} {
if {!${:persistent} && ![info exists :recreate]} {
set tid [nsv_get [self class] [self]]
:log "THREAD::PRESERVE must preserve for sharing request-thread [pid] tid $tid"
::thread::preserve $tid
set :tid $tid
if {[ns_info shutdownpending]} {
:log "thread send operation ignored due to pending shutdown: $args"
} elseif {$async} {
return [thread::send -async $tid $args]
} else {
return [thread::send $tid $args]
::xotcl::THREAD instparametercmd exithandler
::xotcl::THREAD instparametercmd lightweight
::xotcl::THREAD instparametercmd persistent
::nx::slotObj -container slot ::xotcl::THREAD
::xotcl::THREAD::slot eval {set :__parameter {
{persistent 0}
{lightweight 0}
{exithandler {ns_log notice "EXITHANDLER of slave thread SELF [pid]"}}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Class ::xotcl::THREAD::Client {set :__default_metaclass ::xotcl::Class
set :__default_superclass ::xotcl::Object}
::xotcl::THREAD::Client instproc do args {
${:server} do ${:serverobj} {*}$args
::xotcl::THREAD::Client instparametercmd serverobj
::xotcl::THREAD::Client instparametercmd server
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xotcl::THREAD::slot::lightweight {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default 0
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xotcl::THREAD
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xotcl::THREAD::slot::lightweight
set :methodname lightweight
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name lightweight
set :parameterSpec {-lightweight:substdefault 0}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xotcl::THREAD::slot::exithandler {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default {ns_log notice "EXITHANDLER of slave thread SELF [pid]"}
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xotcl::THREAD
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xotcl::THREAD::slot::exithandler
set :methodname exithandler
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name exithandler
set :parameterSpec {-exithandler:substdefault {ns_log notice "EXITHANDLER of slave thread SELF [pid]"}}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xotcl::THREAD::slot::persistent {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default 0
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xotcl::THREAD
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xotcl::THREAD::slot::persistent
set :methodname persistent
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name persistent
set :parameterSpec {-persistent:substdefault 0}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nx::slotObj -container slot ::xotcl::THREAD::Client
::xotcl::THREAD::Client::slot eval {set :__parameter {server {serverobj [self]}}}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xotcl::THREAD::Client::slot::serverobj {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default {[self]}
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xotcl::THREAD::Client
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xotcl::THREAD::Client::slot::serverobj
set :methodname serverobj
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name serverobj
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xotcl::THREAD::Client::slot::server {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xotcl::THREAD::Client
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xotcl::THREAD::Client::slot::server
set :methodname server
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name server
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :trace none
: init}
namespace eval ::xotcl {::namespace export Object Class Attribute myproc myvar my self next @}
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