namespace eval ::xowiki {}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Class ::xowiki::Includelet {set :__default_metaclass ::xotcl::Class
set :__default_superclass ::xotcl::Object
array set :html {view-item-button {{{<b>view-item-button</b> -page_id -title <em>
<p>Button to view the current or a different page} delete-item-button {{{<b>delete-item-button</b> -page_id -title <em>
<p>Button to delete the current or a different page} s5 {{{<b>s5</b> -category_id -slideshow:boolean <em>false</em> -pagenr <em>0</em> -style <em>standard</em> -menu_buttons <em>view edit copy create delete</em>}}
<p>} exam-top-includelet {{{<b>exam-top-includelet</b> -countdown_audio_alarm <em>true</em> -target_time <em>&
<p>This is the top includelet for the in-class exam, containing a
countdown timer and the personal notifications includelet} book {{{<b>book</b> -category_id -menu_buttons <em>edit</em> -folder_mode <em>false</em> -locale <em>&
<p>Show contents in book mode.} edit-item-button {{{<b>edit-item-button</b> -page_id -title <em>
<p>Button to edit the current or a different page} digg {{{<b>digg</b> -description <em>&
<p>Add a button to submit article to digg.} collab-graph {{{<b>collab-graph</b> -max_edges <em>70</em> -cutoff <em>0.1</em> -show_anonymous <em>message</em> -user_id}}
<p>Include a collaboration graph} iframe {{{<b>iframe</b> -title <em>&
<p>Include an iframe containing the specified URL} chat_room {{{<b>chat_room</b> -chat_id -mode:optional <em>&
<p>Include a chat room} gravatar {{{<b>gravatar</b> -email:required -size <em>80</em>}}
<p>Include gravatar picture for the specified email} my-categories {{{<b>my-categories</b> -summary <em>1</em>}}
<p>List the categories associated with the
current page.} jquery-carousel {{{<b>jquery-carousel</b>}}
<p>Display a sequence of pages via jquery-carousel, based on book
includelet.} bookmarklet-button {{{<b>bookmarklet-button</b> -siteurl <em>&
<p>Include bookmarklet button that makes it easy to add the
current page as a bookmark in the browser of the client.} activity-graph {{{<b>activity-graph</b> -max_edges <em>70</em> -cutoff <em>0.1</em> -max_activities:integer <em>100</em> -show_anonymous <em>message</em>}}
<p>Include an activity graph} presence {{{<b>presence</b> -interval <em>10 minutes</em> -max_users:integer <em>40</em> -show_anonymous <em>summary</em> -page}}
<p>Show users actively in the wiki.} current-irc-log {{{<b>current-irc-log</b> -date <em>&
<p>} launch-zoom {{{<b>launch-zoom</b>}}
<p>} jquery-infinite-carousel {{{<b>jquery-infinite-carousel</b>}}
<p>Display a sequence of pages via jquery-infinite-carousel, based on book
includelet.} launch-bigbluebutton {{{<b>launch-bigbluebutton</b>}}
<p>} jquery-cloud-carousel {{{<b>jquery-cloud-carousel</b>}}
<p>Display a sequence of pages via jquery-cloud-carousel, based on book
includelet.} wf-todo {{{<b>wf-todo</b> -workflow <em>&
<p>} delicious {{{<b>delicious</b> -description <em>&
<p>Add a button to submit article to delicious.} jquery-spacegallery {{{<b>jquery-spacegallery</b>}}
<p>Display a sequence of pages via jquery-spacegalleryl, based on book
includelet.} references-graph {{{<b>references-graph</b> -folder <em>.</em> -page <em>&
<p>Include a graph of the (partial) link structure in a wiki,
starting either with a page or a folder. When a page is
provided, the local link structure of this page is
visualized (including incoming and outgoing links of the
page; e.g. -page "." for the current page).
Alternatively, the content of a folder can be shown.} rss-button {{{<b>rss-button</b> -span <em>10d</em> -name_filter -entries_of -title}}
<p>Include an RSS button referring to pages of the specified time span.} html-file {{{<b>html-file</b> -title <em>&
<p>Include the specified HTML file} categories-recent {{{<b>categories-recent</b> -max_entries:integer <em>10</em> -tree_name <em>&
<p>Display recent entries by categories.} slidy {{{<b>slidy</b>}}
<p>Display a sequence of pages via W3C slidy, based on book includelet} tags {{{<b>tags</b> -limit:integer <em>20</em> -summary:boolean <em>0</em> -popular:boolean <em>0</em> -page}}
<p>Display specified tags.} form-stats {{{<b>form-stats</b> -form -parent_id -property <em>_state</em> -orderby <em>count,desc</em> -renderer <em>table</em>}}
<p>Include form statistics for the specofied Form page.} get {{{<b>get</b> -variable -form_variable -source <em>&
<p>Get an instance variable from the current or from a different
page.} available-formfields {{{<b>available-formfields</b> -flat:boolean <em>false</em>}}
<p>List the available form field types of this installation.} my-general-comments {{{<b>my-general-comments</b>}}
<p>List the general comments available for the
current page.} link-with-local-return-url {{{<b>link-with-local-return-url</b> -text <em>&
<p>Insert a link with extra return URL pointing the current
object. This is particularly useful in cases, where a
return URL must be created for a page that does not yet
exist at time of definition (e.g. for link pointing to
concrete workflow instances)} LTI-LaunchButton {{{<b>LTI-LaunchButton</b> -launch_button_label <em>Join Meeting</em> -launch_button_title <em>Click to join</em> -title <em>&
<p>} flowplayer {{{<b>flowplayer</b> -mp4:required,nohtml}}
<p>Include an mp4 image using flowplayer} form-menu {{{<b>form-menu</b> -form_item_id:integer -parent_id -form -buttons <em>new answers</em> -button_objs -return_url}}
<p>Include a form menu for the specified Form} form-usages {{{<b>form-usages</b> -form_item_id:integer,1..n -form -parent_id -package_ids <em>&
<p>Show usages of the specified form.} last-visited {{{<b>last-visited</b> -max_entries:integer <em>20</em>}}
<p>Display last visited pages.} my-tags {{{<b>my-tags</b> -summary <em>1</em>}}
<p>List the tags associated with the
current page.} available-includelets {{{<b>available-includelets</b>}}
<p>List the available includelets of this installation.} my-refers {{{<b>my-refers</b>}}
<p>List the pages which are referred to the
current page.} user-timeline {{{<b>user-timeline</b> -user_id -data <em>timeline-data</em> -interval1 <em>DAY</em> -interval2 <em>MONTH</em>}}
<p>Include a timeline of changes of the current or specified user
(based on yahoo timeline API)} most-popular {{{<b>most-popular</b> -max_entries:integer <em>10</em> -interval}}
<p>Display most popular pages of this wiki instance.} my-references {{{<b>my-references</b>}}
<p>List the pages which are referring to the
current page.} countdown-timer {{{<b>countdown-timer</b> -target_time <em>&
<p>Countdown timer} folders {{{<b>folders</b> -show_full_tree <em>false</em> -context_tree_view <em>false</em>}}
<p>List the folder tree of the current instance} community-link {{{<b>community-link</b> -text <em>&
<p>Include a link to the community including the current page.
This includelet is designed to work with dotlrn.} yui-carousel {{{<b>yui-carousel</b> -title <em>&
<p>Include YUI carousel showing the pages of the specified or
current folder.} launch-jupyter {{{<b>launch-jupyter</b>}}
<p>} composite-form {{{<b>composite-form</b> -edit_links:boolean <em>false</em> -pages <em>&
<p>Create a form from the selection} child-resources {{{<b>child-resources</b> -skin:optional <em>yui-skin-sam</em> -show_types <em>::xowiki::Page,::xowiki::File,::xowiki::Form,::xowiki::FormPage</em> -regexp:optional -language_specific:boolean <em>false</em> -with_subtypes:boolean,optional <em>false</em> -orderby:token,optional <em>last_modified,desc</em> -publish_status:wordchar <em>ready</em> -view_target <em>&
</em> -hide <em>&
<p>} selection {{{<b>selection</b> -edit_links:boolean <em>true</em> -pages <em>&
<p>Provide a selection of pages} kibana {{{<b>kibana</b> -chart <em>openacs-status-codes</em> -from <em>now-24h</em> -to <em>now</em> -hash <em>&
<p>Include a Kibana chart identified by the provided hash} my-yahoo-publisher {{{<b>my-yahoo-publisher</b> -publisher <em>&
<p>Name of the publisher, when posting URLs to my yahoo (use in
connection with with_yahoo_publisher).} unread-items {{{<b>unread-items</b> -max_entries:integer <em>20</em>}}
<p>List unread items.} categories {{{<b>categories</b> -tree_name <em>&
<p>List the specified category tree.} timeline {{{<b>timeline</b> -user_id -data <em>timeline-data</em> -interval1 <em>DAY</em> -interval2 <em>MONTH</em>}}
<p>Include a timeline of changes (based on yahoo timeline API)} chat {{{<b>chat</b> -title <em>&
<p>Include a chat in the current page} copy-item-button {{{<b>copy-item-button</b> -page_id -alt <em>copy</em> -book_mode <em>false</em>}}
<p>Button to copy a page} creation-date {{{<b>creation-date</b> -source <em>&
<p>Include the creation date of the current
or specified page in the provided format.} create-item-button {{{<b>create-item-button</b> -page_id -alt <em>new</em> -book_mode <em>false</em>}}
<p>Button to create a new page based on the current one} graph {{{<b>graph</b>}}
<p>} random-form-page {{{<b>random-form-page</b> -form:required -publish_status <em>ready</em> -expires <em>600</em>}}
<p>Include random form page (instance of the specified form)} item-button {{{<b>item-button</b>}}
<p>} recent {{{<b>recent</b> -max_entries:integer <em>10</em> -allow_edit:boolean <em>false</em> -allow_delete:boolean <em>false</em> -pretty_age <em>off</em>}}
<p>Display recent modified entries.} most-frequent-visitors {{{<b>most-frequent-visitors</b> -max_entries:integer <em>15</em>}}
<p>List the most frequent visitors.} set-parameter {{{<b>set-parameter</b>}}
<p>Set a parameter accessible to the current page (for certain
tailorings), accessible in the page via e.g. the query
parameter interface.} vspace {{{<b>vspace</b> -height <em>&
<p>} rss-client {{{<b>rss-client</b> -url:required -max_entries:integer <em>15</em>}}
<p>Include RSS content} personal-notification-messages {{{<b>personal-notification-messages</b> -url_poll <em>&
<p>} toc {{{<b>toc</b> -style <em>&
<p>} unresolved-references {{{<b>unresolved-references</b>}}
<p>List the pages with unresolved references in the current
xowiki/xowf package. This is intended for use by admins.}}}
::xowiki::Includelet proc listing {-package_id {-count:boolean false} -folder_id {-parent_id ""} {-page_size 20} {-page_number ""} {-orderby ""} {-use_package_path true} {-extra_where_clause ""} {-glob ""}} {
if {$count} {
set attribute_selection "count(*)"
set orderby "" ;
set page_number "" ;
} else {
set attribute_selection ", r.title, p.page_id, r.publish_date, r.mime_type, i.parent_id, o.package_id, to_char(r.publish_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as formatted_date"
if {$page_number ne ""} {
set limit $page_size
set offset [expr {$page_size*($page_number-1)}]
} else {
set limit ""
set offset ""
set parent_id_clause [::xowiki::Includelet parent_id_clause -base_table i -use_package_path $use_package_path -parent_id $parent_id -base_package_id $package_id]
if {$glob ne ""} {
append extra_where_clause [::xowiki::Includelet glob_clause -base_table i $glob]
set sql [::xo::dc select -vars $attribute_selection -from "cr_items i, cr_revisions r, xowiki_page p, acs_objects o" -where "$parent_id_clause and r.revision_id = i.live_revision and i.item_id = o.object_id and p.page_id = r.revision_id and i.publish_status <> 'production' $extra_where_clause" -orderby $orderby -limit $limit -offset $offset]
if {$count} {
return [::xo::dc get_value count_listing $sql]
} else {
set s [::xowiki::Page instantiate_objects -sql $sql]
return $s
::xowiki::Includelet proc parent_id_clause {{-base_table bt} {-use_package_path true} {-parent_id ""} -base_package_id:required} {
if {$parent_id eq ""} {
set parent_id [::$base_package_id folder_id]
set packages [::$base_package_id package_path]
if {$use_package_path && [llength $packages] > 0} {
set parent_ids [list $parent_id]
foreach p $packages {lappend parent_ids [$p folder_id]}
return "$base_table.parent_id in ([ns_dbquotelist $parent_ids])"
} else {
return "$base_table.parent_id = [ns_dbquotevalue $parent_id]"
::xowiki::Includelet proc js_encode string {
string map [list \n \\n \" {\"} ' {\'}] $string
::xowiki::Includelet proc html_encode string {
return [string map [list & "&" < "<" > ">" \" """ ' "'"] $string]
::xowiki::Includelet proc html_to_text string {
return [string map [list "&" &] $string]
::xowiki::Includelet proc available_includelets {} {
unset -nocomplain :html
:describe_includelets [::xowiki::Includelet info subclass]
set result "<ul>"
foreach d [lsort [array names :html]] {
append result "<li>" [set :html($d)] "</li>" \n
append result "</ul>"
return $result
::xowiki::Includelet proc require_YUI_JS {{-version 2.7.0} {-ajaxhelper true} path} {
if {$ajaxhelper} {
::xo::Page requireJS "/resources/ajaxhelper/yui/$path"
} else {
::xo::Page requireJS "//$version/build/$path"
security::csp::require script-src
::xowiki::Includelet proc glob_clause {{-base_table ci} {-attribute name} value} {
set glob [string map [list * %] $value]
return " and $base_table.$attribute like '$glob'"
::xowiki::Includelet proc html_id name {
set name [string trimleft $name :]
if {![regexp {^[A-Za-z]} $name]} {
set name id_$name
regsub -all -- {[^A-Za-z0-9_.-]} $name _ name
return $name
::xowiki::Includelet proc require_YUI_CSS {{-version 2.7.0} {-ajaxhelper true} path} {
if {$ajaxhelper} {
::xo::Page requireCSS "/resources/ajaxhelper/yui/$path"
} else {
::xo::Page requireCSS "//$version/build/$path"
security::csp::require style-src
::xowiki::Includelet proc describe_includelets includelet_classes {
foreach cl $includelet_classes {
set result ""
append result "{{<b>[namespace tail $cl]</b>"
foreach p [$cl info parameter] {
if {[llength $p] != 2} continue
lassign $p name value
if {$name eq "parameter_declaration"} {
foreach pp $value {
switch [llength $pp] {
1 {append result " $pp"}
2 {
set v [lindex $pp 1]
if {$v eq ""} {set v {""}}
append result " [lindex $pp 0] <em>[ns_quotehtml $v]</em>"
append result "}}\n<p>"
set index [::xo::api object_index "" $cl]
if {[nsv_exists api_library_doc $index]} {
set doc_elements [nsv_get api_library_doc $index]
append result [lindex [dict get $doc_elements main] 0]
set :html([namespace tail $cl]) $result
:describe_includelets [$cl info subclass]
::xowiki::Includelet proc locale_clause {-revisions -items package_id locale} {
set default_locale [::$package_id default_locale]
set system_locale ""
set with_system_locale [regexp {(.*)[+]system} $locale _ locale]
if {$locale eq "default"} {
set locale $default_locale
set include_system_locale 0
set locale_clause ""
if {$locale ne ""} {
set locale_clause " and $revisions.nls_language = '$locale'"
if {$with_system_locale} {
set system_locale [lang::system::locale -package_id $package_id]
if {$system_locale ne $default_locale} {
set locale_clause " and ($revisions.nls_language = '$locale'
or $revisions.nls_language = '$system_locale' and not exists
(select 1 from cr_items i where = '[string range $locale 0 1]:' ||
substring($,4) and i.parent_id = $items.parent_id))"
return [list $locale $locale_clause]
::xowiki::Includelet proc js_name name {
return ID[string map [list : _ # _] $name]
::xowiki::Includelet proc publish_status_clause {{-base_table ci} value} {
set table_prefix ""
if {$base_table ne ""} {
set table_prefix "$base_table."
set publish_status_clause ""
if {$value ne "all"} {
set valid_states {production ready live expired}
set clauses [list]
foreach state [split $value |] {
if {$state ni $valid_states} {
error "no such state: '$state'; valid states are: production, ready, live, expired"
lappend clauses "${table_prefix}publish_status='$state'"
if {[llength $clauses] > 0} {
set publish_status_clause " and ([join $clauses { or }])"
return $publish_status_clause
::xowiki::Includelet instproc category_clause {category_spec {item_ref p.item_id}} {
set extra_where_clause ""
set or_names [list]
set ors [list]
foreach cid_or [split $category_spec |] {
set ands [list]
set and_names [list]
foreach cid_and [split $cid_or ,] {
if {![nsf::is integer $cid_and]} {
ad_return_complaint 1 "invalid category id '$cid_and'"
lappend and_names [::category::get_name $cid_and]
lappend ands "exists (select 1 from category_object_map where object_id = $item_ref and category_id = [ns_dbquotevalue $cid_and])"
lappend or_names [join $and_names { and }]
lappend ors "([join $ands { and }])"
if {$ors eq "()"} {
set cnames ""
} else {
set cnames [join $or_names { or }]
set extra_where_clause "and ([join $ors { or }])"
return [list $cnames $extra_where_clause]
::xowiki::Includelet instproc tableWidget {} {
return [expr {[::template::CSS toolkit] in {bootstrap5 bootstrap}
? "::xowiki::BootstrapTable"
: "TableWidget" }]
::xowiki::Includelet instproc include_head_entries {} {
::xowiki::Includelet instproc get_page_order {-source -ordered_pages -pages} {
if {[info exists source]} {
set p [:resolve_page_name $source]
if {$p ne ""} {
set ia [$p set instance_attributes]
if {[dict exists $ia pages]} {
set pages [dict get $ia pages]
} elseif {[dict exists $ia ordered_pages]} {
set ordered_pages [dict get $ia ordered_pages]
if {[info exists ordered_pages]} {
foreach {order page} $ordered_pages {set :page_order($page) $order}
} else {
set i 0
foreach page $pages {set :page_order($page) [incr i]}
::xowiki::Includelet instproc screen_name user_id {
set screen_name [acs_user::get_user_info -user_id $user_id -element screen_name]
if {$screen_name eq ""} {
set screen_name [person::get_person_info -person_id $user_id -element name]
return $screen_name
::xowiki::Includelet instproc initialize {} {
::xowiki::Includelet instproc resolve_page_name page_name {
return [${:__including_page} resolve_included_page_name $page_name]
::xowiki::Includelet instproc js_name {} {
return [[self class] js_name [self]]
::xowiki::Includelet instproc get_current_folder parent {
set package_id [${:__including_page} package_id]
if {$parent eq ".."} {
set current_folder [${:__including_page} parent_id]
::xo::db::CrClass get_instance_from_db -item_id $current_folder
} elseif {$parent eq "."} {
set current_folder ${:__including_page}
} elseif {$parent eq "/"} {
set current_folder [::$package_id folder_id]
} else {
set page [::$package_id get_page_from_item_ref -use_package_path true -use_site_wide_pages true -use_prototype_pages true -default_lang [string range ${:locale} 0 1] -parent_id [${:__including_page} parent_id] $parent]
if {$page ne ""} {
set current_folder $page
} else {
ns_log warning "could not fetch folder via item_ref '$parent'"
set current_folder ${:__including_page}
if {![$current_folder istype ::xowiki::FormPage]} {
set current_folder [$current_folder parent_id]
if {![$current_folder istype ::xowiki::FormPage]} {
error "get_current_folder not included from a FormPage"
return $current_folder
::xowiki::Includelet instparametercmd id
::xowiki::Includelet instparametercmd name
::xowiki::Includelet instparametercmd title
::xowiki::Includelet instparametercmd __decoration
::xowiki::Includelet instparametercmd parameter_declaration
::nsf::relation::set ::xowiki::Includelet superclass ::xo::Context
::nx::slotObj -container slot ::xowiki::Includelet
::xowiki::Includelet::slot eval {set :__parameter {
{name ""}
{title ""}
{__decoration "portlet"}
{parameter_declaration {}}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::title {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default {}
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xowiki::Includelet
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::title
set :methodname title
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name title
set :parameterSpec {-title:substdefault {}}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::parameter_declaration {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default {}
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xowiki::Includelet
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::parameter_declaration
set :methodname parameter_declaration
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name parameter_declaration
set :parameterSpec {-parameter_declaration:substdefault {}}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::__decoration {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default portlet
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xowiki::Includelet
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::__decoration
set :methodname __decoration
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name __decoration
set :parameterSpec {-__decoration:substdefault portlet}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::id {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xowiki::Includelet
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::id
set :methodname id
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name id
set :parameterSpec -id
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :trace none
: init}
::nsf::object::alloc ::xotcl::Attribute ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::name {set :accessor public
set :configurable true
set :convert false
set :default {}
set :defaultmethods {}
set :disposition alias
set :domain ::xowiki::Includelet
set :incremental 0
set :manager ::xowiki::Includelet::slot::name
set :methodname name
set :multiplicity 1..1
set :name name
set :parameterSpec {-name:substdefault {}}
set :per-object false
set :position 0
set :required false
set :substdefault 0b111
set :trace none
: init}
namespace eval ::xowiki {::namespace export Menu YUIMenuBar YUIMenuBarItem YUIMenu YUIMenuItem YUIMenuItemList YUIContextMenu YUIContextMenuItem}