acs::test::http (public)

 acs::test::http [ -user_id user_id ] [ -user_info user_info ] \
    [ -last_request last_request ] [ -method method ] [ -body body ] \
    [ -timeout timeout ] [ -depth depth ] [ -headers headers ] \
    [ -prefix prefix ] [ -verbose ] [ -basic_auth ] request

Defined in packages/acs-automated-testing/tcl/aa-test-procs.tcl

Run an HTTP request against the actual server inside test cases.

(defaults to "0") (optional)
(defaults to "GET") (optional)
(defaults to "10") (optional)
(defaults to "1") (optional)
follow redirects up to specified depth. Default means redirects won't be followed.
(boolean) (defaults to "true") (optional)
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
Gustaf Neumann

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_context_bar_multirow ad_context_bar_multirow (test acs-tcl) acs::test::http acs::test::http test_ad_context_bar_multirow->acs::test::http test_create_form_with_form_instance create_form_with_form_instance (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_form_instance->acs::test::http test_create_form_with_numeric create_form_with_numeric (test xowiki) test_create_form_with_numeric->acs::test::http test_form_validate form_validate (test xowiki) test_form_validate->acs::test::http test_front_page_1 front_page_1 (test acs-tcl) test_front_page_1->acs::test::http aa_log aa_log (public) acs::test::http->aa_log acs::test::set_user acs::test::set_user (private) acs::test::http->acs::test::set_user acs::test::url acs::test::url (public) acs::test::http->acs::test::url acs::test::confirm_email acs::test::confirm_email (public) acs::test::confirm_email->acs::test::http acs::test::follow_link acs::test::follow_link (public) acs::test::follow_link->acs::test::http acs::test::form_reply acs::test::form_reply (public) acs::test::form_reply->acs::test::http acs::test::login acs::test::login (public) acs::test::login->acs::test::http acs::test::logout acs::test::logout (public) acs::test::logout->acs::test::http

webtest_example, password_recovery_page, front_page_1, ad_context_bar_multirow, create_form_with_form_instance, create_form_with_numeric, form_validate, nested_self_references
Source code:
        ns_log notice "::acs::test::http -user_id '$user_id' -user_info '$user_info' request '$request'"
        set session ""
        if {[dict exists $last_request session]} {
            set session [dict get $last_request session]
        if {$user_info eq "" && [dict exists $session user_info]} {
            set user_info [dict get $last_request session user_info]
            #aa_log "user_info from last_request [ns_quotehtml <$user_info>]"
        #aa_log "HTTP: user_info [ns_quotehtml <$user_info>]"
        #aa_log "HTTP: start session_info [ns_quotehtml <$session>]"

        set test_url [acs::test::url]
        set urlInfo [ns_parseurl $test_url]
        set address [dict get $urlInfo host]
        set url ${test_url}/${request}

        # Either authenticate via user_info (when specified) or via
        # user_id.
        if {$user_info ne ""} {
        } else {
            dict set user_info user_id $user_id
            dict set user_info address $address

        set session [::acs::test::set_user -session $session $user_info]
    ns_log notice "Session after set_user '$user_info': $session"
        set login [dict get $session login]

        if {[dict exists $session cookies]} {
            lappend headers Cookie [dict get $session cookies]

        set extra_args {}
        if {[info exists body]} {
            lappend extra_args -body $body

        if {[dict exists $user_info email]
            && [dict exists $user_info password]
        } {
            set ah [ns_base64encode [dict get $user_info email]:[dict get $user_info password]]
            aa_log "... user_info $user_info AH $ah"
            lappend headers Authorization "Basic $ah"

        if {[llength $headers] > 0} {
            set requestHeaders [ns_set create]
            foreach {tag value} $headers {
                ns_set update $requestHeaders $tag $value
            lappend extra_args -headers $requestHeaders

        # Construct a nice log line
        append log_line "${prefix}Run $method $request"
        if {[llength $headers] > 0} {
            append log_line " (headers: $headers)"
        if {[info exists body]} {
            append log_line "<pre>\n[ns_quotehtml $body]</pre>"
        aa_log $log_line

        # Run actual request
        set d ""
        try {
            set location $url
            while {$depth > 0} {
                ns_log notice "acs::test::http client request (timeout $timeout): $method $location"
                incr depth -1
                set d [ns_http run  -timeout $timeout  -method $method  {*}$extra_args  $location]
                set status   [dict get $d status]
                set location [ns_set iget [dict get $d headers] location]
                if {![string match "3??" $status] || $location eq ""} {

                # According to
                # the location header may return a relative URL as
                # well.
                set location [ns_absoluteurl $location $test_url]
        } finally {
            # always reset after the request the login data nsv
            nsv_unset -nocomplain aa_test logindata

        #ns_log notice "run $request returns $d"
        #ns_log notice "... [ns_set array [dict get $d headers]]"

        if {$verbose_p} {
            set ms [format %.2f [expr {[ns_time format [dict get $d time]] * 1000.0}]]
            aa_log "${prefix}$method $request returns [dict get $d status] in ${ms}ms"

        #aa_log "REPLY has headers [dict exists $d headers]"
        if {[dict exists $d headers]} {
            set cookies {}
            set cookie_dict {}
            if {[dict exists $last_request cookies]} {
                # Merge last request cookies
                foreach cookie [split [dict get $last_request cookies] ";"] {
                    lassign [split [string trim $cookie] =] name value
                    dict set cookie_dict $name $value
                    #aa_log "merge last request cookie $name $value"
            } else {
                #aa_log "last_req has no cookies"
            if {[dict exists $session cookies]} {
                # Merge session cookies (e.g. from a called login
                # inside :acs::test::set_user)
                foreach cookie [split [dict get $session cookies] ";"] {
                    lassign [split [string trim $cookie] =] name value
                    dict set cookie_dict $name $value
                    #aa_log "merge session cookie $name $value"
            # Merge fresh cookies
            foreach {tag value} [ns_set array [dict get $d headers]] {
                #aa_log "received header $tag: $value"
                if {$tag eq "set-cookie"} {
                    if {[regexp {^([^;]+);} $value . cookie]} {
                        lassign [split [string trim $cookie] =] name value
                        dict set cookie_dict $name $value
                        aa_log "merge fresh cookie $name $value"
                    } else {
                        aa_log "Cookie has invalid syntax: $value"
            foreach cookie_name [dict keys $cookie_dict] {
                lappend cookies $cookie_name=[dict get $cookie_dict $cookie_name]
            dict set d session cookies [join $cookies ";"]
        dict set d login $login
        dict set d session user_info $user_info
        #aa_log "HTTP: URL $url final session_info [ns_quotehtml <[dict get $d session]>]"

        return $d
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