apm_load_apm_file (public)
apm_load_apm_file [ -callback callback ] [ -url url ] [ file_path ]
Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/apm-file-procs.tcl
Uncompresses and loads an APM file into the filesystem.
- Switches:
- -callback (optional, defaults to
)- -url (optional)
- If specified, will download the APM file first.
- Parameters:
- file_path (optional)
- Returns:
- If successful, a path to the .info file of the package uncompressed into the apm-workspace directory
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: # First download the apm file if a URL is provided if { $url ne "" } { set file_path [ad_tmpnam].apm apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Downloading $url..." if { [catch {apm_transfer_file -url $url -output_file_name $file_path} errmsg] } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "Unable to download. Please check your URL.</ul>. The following error was returned: <blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $errmsg] </pre></blockquote>" return } if {![ad_file exists $file_path]} { apm_callback_and_log $callback " The file cannot be found. Your URL or your filename is incorrect. Please verify that the filename is correct and try again." ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: The file cannot be found." return } } #ns_log notice "*** try to exec [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] tf - 2> [apm_dev_null]" if { [catch { set files [split [string trim [exec [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] tf - 2> [apm_dev_null]]] "\n"] apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Done. Archive is [format %.1f [expr { [ad_file size $file_path] / 1024.0 }]]KB, with [llength $files] files.<li>" } errmsg] } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "The follow error occurred during the uncompression process: <blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $errmsg]</pre></blockquote><br> " ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: $errmsg\n$::errorInfo" return } if { [llength $files] == 0 } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "The archive does not contain any files.\n" ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: The archive does not contain any files." return } set package_key [lindex [split [lindex $files 0] "/"] 0] # Find that .info file. foreach file $files { set components [split $file "/"] if {[lindex $components 0] ne $package_key } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "All files in the archive must be contained in the same directory (corresponding to the package's key). This is not the case, so the archive is not a valid APM file.\n" ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Invalid APM file. All files in the archive must be contained in the same directory corresponding to the package's key." return } if { [llength $components] == 2 && [ad_file extension $file] eq ".info" } { if { [info exists info_file] } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "The archive contains more than one <tt>package/*/*.info</tt> file, so it is not a valid APM file.</ul>\n" ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Invalid APM file. More than one package .info file." return } else { set info_file $file } } } if { ![info exists info_file] || [regexp {[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\./_]} $info_file] } { apm_callback_and_log $callback "The archive does not contain a <tt>*/*.info</tt> file, so it is not a valid APM file.</ul>\n" ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Invalid APM file. No package .info file." return } apm_callback_and_log $callback "Extracting the .info file (<tt>$info_file</tt>)..." set tmpdir [ad_mktmpdir] exec [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] -xf - -C $tmpdir $info_file 2> [apm_dev_null] #exec sh -c "cd $tmpdir ; [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] xf - $info_file" 2> [apm_dev_null] if { [catch { array set package [apm_read_package_info_file [ad_file join $tmpdir $info_file]] } errmsg]} { file delete -force -- $tmpdir apm_callback_and_log $callback "The archive contains an unparsable package specification file: <code>$info_file</code>. The following error was produced while trying to parse it: <blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $errmsg]</pre></blockquote>. <p> The package cannot be installed. </ul>\n" ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Bad package .info file. $errmsg\n$::errorInfo" return } file delete -force -- $tmpdir set package_key $package(package.key) set pretty_name $package(package-name) set version_name $package(name) ns_log Debug "APM: Preparing to load $pretty_name $version_name" # Determine if this package version is already installed. if {[apm_package_version_installed_p $package_key $version_name]} { apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>$pretty_name $version_name is already installed in your system." ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Package $pretty_name $version_name is already installed" } else { set install_path [apm_workspace_install_dir] if { ![ad_file isdirectory $install_path] } { file mkdir $install_path } apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Extracting files into the filesystem." apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>$pretty_name $version_name ready for installation." #ns_log notice "exec sh -c 'cd $install_path ; [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] xf -' 2>/dev/null" exec [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] -xf - -C $install_path 2> [apm_dev_null] return "${install_path}/${package_key}/${package_key}.info" }Generic XQL file: packages/acs-tcl/tcl/apm-file-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: packages/acs-tcl/tcl/apm-file-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: packages/acs-tcl/tcl/apm-file-procs-oracle.xql