auth::password::ChangePassword (private)
auth::password::ChangePassword -username username \ [ -old_password old_password ] -new_password new_password \ -authority_id authority_id
Defined in packages/acs-authentication/tcl/password-procs.tcl
Invoke the ChangePassword operation on the given authority. Throws an error if the authority does not have a password management driver.
- Switches:
- -username (required)
- -old_password (optional)
- -new_password (required)
- -authority_id (required)
- The ID of the authority the user belongs to.
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set impl_id [auth::authority::get_element -authority_id $authority_id -element "pwd_impl_id"] if { $impl_id eq "" } { set authority_pretty_name [auth::authority::get_element -authority_id $authority_id -element "pretty_name"] error "The authority '$authority_pretty_name' doesn't support password management" } set parameters [auth::driver::get_parameter_values -authority_id $authority_id -impl_id $impl_id] return [acs_sc::invoke -error -contract "auth_password" -impl_id $impl_id -operation ChangePassword -call_args [list $username $new_password $old_password $parameters $authority_id]]XQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle