lc_time_tz_convert (public)

 lc_time_tz_convert -from from -to to -time_value time_value

Defined in packages/acs-lang/tcl/localization-procs.tcl

Converts a date from one timezone to another.

A datetime in one of the supported formats. See lc_datetime_to_clock.
Timestamp in the 'to' timezone, also in ISO datetime format, or the empty string when 'time_value' or one of the timezones are invalid, or when it is otherwise impossible to determine the right conversion.
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_lang_test__lc_procs lang_test__lc_procs (test acs-lang) lc_time_tz_convert lc_time_tz_convert test_lang_test__lc_procs->lc_time_tz_convert test_lang_test__lc_timezones lang_test__lc_timezones (test acs-lang) test_lang_test__lc_timezones->lc_time_tz_convert ad_log ad_log (public) lc_time_tz_convert->ad_log db_string db_string (public) lc_time_tz_convert->db_string lc_datetime_to_clock lc_datetime_to_clock (private) lc_time_tz_convert->lc_datetime_to_clock fs::rss::datasource fs::rss::datasource (private) fs::rss::datasource->lc_time_tz_convert lc_time_conn_to_system lc_time_conn_to_system (public) lc_time_conn_to_system->lc_time_tz_convert lc_time_local_to_utc lc_time_local_to_utc (public) lc_time_local_to_utc->lc_time_tz_convert lc_time_system_to_conn lc_time_system_to_conn (public) lc_time_system_to_conn->lc_time_tz_convert lc_time_utc_to_local lc_time_utc_to_local (public) lc_time_utc_to_local->lc_time_tz_convert

lang_test__lc_procs, lang_test__lc_timezones
Source code:
    # Here we enforce that the timestamp format is correct and
    # apply Tcl clock date normalization (e.g. 2000-00-00 00:00:00
    # -> 1999-11-30 00:00:00) so that the behavior is consistent
    # across DBMSs)
    try {
        set clock_value [::lc_datetime_to_clock $time_value]
    } on error {errmsg} {
        ad_log warning "lc_time_tz_convert: invalid date '$time_value'"
        return ""

    set time_value [clock format $clock_value -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}]

    try {
        # Tcl-based conversion
        # Tcl clock api can perform timezone conversion fairly easy,
        # with the advantage that we do not have to maintain a local
        # timezones database, including daylight savings, to get a
        # correct and consistent result.
        set clock_local [clock scan $time_value -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} -timezone $from]
        set clock_gmt [clock scan $clock_local -format %s -gmt 1]
        set date_to [clock format $clock_gmt -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} -timezone $to]
    } on error {errmsg} {
        ns_log notice  "lc_time_tz_convert: '$time_value' from '$from' to '$to' via Tcl returned:"  $errmsg "- use DB-based conversion"

        # DB-based conversion
        # The typical Tcl installation will not deal with
        # non-canonical timezones, but we may have this
        # information in the ref-timezones datamodel. When the Tcl
        # conversion fails, we try this approach instead.
        set date_to [db_string tz_convert {
            with gmt as
             select cast(:time_value as timestamp) -
                    cast(r.gmt_offset || ' seconds' as interval) as time
               from timezones t, timezone_rules r
              where t.tz_id = r.tz_id
                and :time_value between r.local_start and r.local_end
                and = :from
            select to_char(gmt.time + cast(r.gmt_offset || ' seconds' as interval),
                           'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
              from timezones t, timezone_rules r, gmt
             where t.tz_id = r.tz_id
               and gmt.time between r.utc_start and r.utc_end
               and = :to
        } -default ""]

    return $date_to
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