pa_load_images (public)
pa_load_images [ -remove remove ] [ -client_name client_name ] \ [ -strip_prefix strip_prefix ] [ -description description ] \ [ -story story ] [ -caption caption ] \ [ -feedback_mode feedback_mode ] [ -package_id package_id ] \ image_files album_id user_id
Defined in packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs.tcl
load a list of files to the provided album owned by user_id
- Switches:
- -remove (optional, defaults to
)- 1 to delete the file after moving to the content repository
- -client_name (optional)
- provide the name of the upload file (for individual uploads)
- -strip_prefix (optional)
- the prefix to remove from the filename (for expanded archives)
- -description (optional)
- -story (optional)
- -caption (optional)
- -feedback_mode (optional, defaults to
)- to provide much info of the loading process on a bulk upload
- -package_id (optional)
- Optionally specify the package_id owning the album, if this is not called from a page within the photo-album package itself.
- Parameters:
- image_files (required)
- list of files to process
- album_id (required)
- user_id (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set new_ids [list] set peeraddr [ad_conn peeraddr] # Create the tmp dir if needed if { $package_id eq "" } { set package_id [ad_conn package_id] } set tmp_path [parameter::get -parameter FullTempPhotoDir -package_id $package_id] if { ![file exists $tmp_path] } { ns_log Debug "pa_load_images: Making: tmp_photo_album_dir_path $tmp_path" file mkdir $tmp_path } # Fix upload name if missing foreach image_file $image_files { # Figure out what to call the file... if {$client_name eq ""} { set upload_name $image_file } else { set upload_name $client_name } if {$strip_prefix ne ""} { regsub "^$strip_prefix" $upload_name {} upload_name } if {![regexp {([^/\\]+)$} $upload_name match client_filename]} { # couldn't find a match set client_filename $upload_name } if {[catch {set base_info [pa_file_info $image_file]} errMsg]} { ns_log Warning "pa_load_images: error parsing file data $image_file Error: $errMsg" error "pa_load_images: error parsing file data $image_file Error: $errMsg" continue } lassign $base_info base_bytes base_width base_height base_type base_mime base_colors base_quantum base_sha256 # If we don't have a mime type we like we try to make a jpg or png # if {$base_mime eq ""} { set new_image [file join $tmp_path "tmp-[file rootname [file tail $image_file]]"] if {$base_colors ne "" && $base_colors < 257} { # convert it to a png if {[catch {exec [parameter::get -parameter ImageMagickPath]/convert $image_file PNG:$new_image.png} errMsg]} { ns_log Warning "pa_load_images: Failed convert to PNG for $image_file (magicktype $base_type)" } if { $remove } { file delete $image_file } set image_file $new_image.png set remove 1 } elseif {$base_colors ne "" && $base_colors > 256} { # convert it to a jpg if {[catch {exec [parameter::get -parameter ImageMagickPath]/convert $image_file JPG:$new_image.jpg} errMsg]} { ns_log Warning "pa_load_images: failed convert to JPG for $image_file (magicktype $base_type)" } if { $remove } { file delete $image_file } set image_file $new_image.jpg set remove 1 } else { ns_log Warning "pa_load_images: is this file even an image: $image_file $base_type" } # get info again lassign [pa_file_info $image_file] base_bytes base_width base_height base_type base_mime base_colors base_quantum base_sha256 } if {$base_mime eq "image/jpeg"} { array set exif [pa_get_exif_data ${image_file}] } else { array unset exif } set BaseExt [string tolower $base_type] if {$base_mime eq ""} { ns_log Debug "pa_load_images: invalid image type $image_file $type even after convert!" continue } # Get all the IDs we will need # foreach name [list photo_id photo_rev_id base_item_id base_rev_id thumb_item_id thumb_rev_id viewer_item_id viewer_rev_id] { set $name [db_nextval "acs_object_id_seq"] } # Set the names we use in the content repository. # set image_name "${photo_rev_id}:$client_filename" set base_image_name "base_$client_filename" set vw_image_name "vw_$client_filename" set th_image_name "th_$client_filename" # Handle viewer file # set viewer_size [parameter::get -parameter ViewerSize -package_id $package_id] set viewer_filename [pa_make_file_name -ext $BaseExt $viewer_rev_id] set full_viewer_filename [file join ${tmp_path} ${viewer_filename}] pa_make_new_image $image_file ${full_viewer_filename} $viewer_size foreach {viewer_bytes viewer_width viewer_height viewer_type viewer_mime viewer_colors viewer_quantum viewer_sha256} [pa_file_info $full_viewer_filename] {} # Handle thumb file # set thumb_size [parameter::get -parameter ThumbnailSize -package_id $package_id] set thumb_filename [pa_make_file_name -ext $BaseExt $thumb_rev_id] set full_thumb_filename [file join $tmp_path $thumb_filename] pa_make_new_image ${full_viewer_filename} ${full_thumb_filename} $thumb_size foreach {thumb_bytes thumb_width thumb_height thumb_type thumb_mime thumb_colors thumb_quantum thumb_sha256} [pa_file_info $full_thumb_filename] {} # copy the tmp file to the cr's file-system set thumb_filename_relative [cr_create_content_file -move $thumb_item_id $thumb_rev_id ${full_thumb_filename}] set viewer_filename_relative [cr_create_content_file -move $viewer_item_id $viewer_rev_id ${full_viewer_filename}] if { $remove } { set base_filename_relative [cr_create_content_file -move $base_item_id $base_rev_id $image_file] } else { set base_filename_relative [cr_create_content_file $base_item_id $base_rev_id $image_file] } # Insert the mess into the DB # db_transaction { db_exec_plsql new_photo { declare dummy integer; begin dummy := ( name => :image_name, parent_id => :album_id, item_id => :photo_id, revision_id => :photo_rev_id, creation_date => sysdate, creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :peeraddr, context_id => :album_id, title => :client_filename, description => :description, is_live => 't', caption => :caption, story => :story, user_filename => :upload_name ); end; } if {[array size exif] > 1} { foreach {key value} [array get exif] { set tmp_exif_$key $value } # Check the datetime looks valid - clock scan works pretty well... if {[catch {clock scan $tmp_exif_DateTime}]} { set tmp_exif_DateTime {} } db_dml update_photo_data {} } if {$feedback_mode} { ns_write " <ul> <li>Loading image <b>$client_filename</b></li> <ul> <li>General information:</li> <ul> <li>Base Name: $base_image_name</li> <li>Photo_id: $photo_id</li> <li>Width: $base_width</li> <li>Height: $base_height</li> <li>Size: $base_bytes bytes</li> <li>Base image name: $base_image_name</li> </ul> <li>Thumbnail information:</li> <ul> <li>Thumnail name: $th_image_name</li> <li>Width: $thumb_width</li> <li>Height: $thumb_height</li> <li>Size: $thumb_bytes bytes</li> </ul> <li>Photo view information:</li> <ul> <li>View name: $vw_image_name</li> <li>Width: $viewer_width</li> <li>Height: $viewer_height</li> <li>Size: $viewer_bytes bytes</li> </ul> </ul> </ul>" } pa_insert_image $base_image_name $photo_id $base_item_id $base_rev_id $user_id $peeraddr $photo_id $base_image_name "original image" $base_mime "base" "t" $base_filename_relative $base_height $base_width $base_bytes pa_insert_image $th_image_name $photo_id $thumb_item_id $thumb_rev_id $user_id $peeraddr $photo_id $th_image_name "thumbnail" $thumb_mime "thumb" "t" $thumb_filename_relative $thumb_height $thumb_width $thumb_bytes pa_insert_image $vw_image_name $photo_id $viewer_item_id $viewer_rev_id $user_id $peeraddr $photo_id $vw_image_name "web image" $viewer_mime "viewer" "t" $viewer_filename_relative $viewer_height $viewer_width $viewer_bytes pa_grant_privilege_to_creator $photo_id $user_id lappend new_ids $photo_id } } return $new_idsGeneric XQL file: <fullquery name="pa_load_images.update_photo_data"> <querytext> UPDATE pa_photos SET camera_model = :tmp_exif_Cameramodel, user_filename = :upload_name, date_taken = to_timestamp(:tmp_exif_DateTime,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), flash = :tmp_exif_Flashused, aperture = :tmp_exif_Aperture, metering = :tmp_exif_MeteringMode, focal_length = :tmp_exif_Focallength, exposure_time = :tmp_exif_Exposuretime, focus_distance = :tmp_exif_FocusDist, sha256 = :base_sha256 WHERE pa_photo_id = :photo_rev_id </querytext> </fullquery>packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs.xql
PostgreSQL XQL file: <fullquery name="pa_load_images.new_photo"> <querytext> select pa_photo__new ( :image_name, -- name :album_id, -- parent_id :photo_id, -- item_id :photo_rev_id, -- revision_id current_timestamp, -- creation_date :user_id, -- creation_user :peeraddr, -- creation_ip null, -- locale :album_id, -- context_id :client_filename, -- title :description, -- description 't', -- is_live current_timestamp, -- publish_date null, -- nls_lang :caption, -- caption :story -- story ) </querytext> </fullquery>packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs-postgresql.xql
Oracle XQL file: <fullquery name="pa_load_images.new_photo"> <querytext> declare dummy integer; begin dummy := ( name => :image_name, parent_id => :album_id, item_id => :photo_id, revision_id => :photo_rev_id, creation_user => :user_id, creation_ip => :peeraddr, context_id => :album_id, title => :client_filename, description => :description, is_live => 't', caption => :caption, story => :story ); end; </querytext> </fullquery> <fullquery name="pa_load_images.update_photo_data"> <querytext> UPDATE pa_photos SET camera_model = :tmp_exif_Cameramodel, user_filename = :upload_name, date_taken = to_date(:tmp_exif_DateTime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), flash = :tmp_exif_Flashused, aperture = :tmp_exif_Aperture, metering = :tmp_exif_MeteringMode, focal_length = :tmp_exif_Focallength, exposure_time = :tmp_exif_Exposuretime, focus_distance = :tmp_exif_FocusDist, sha256 = :base_sha256 WHERE pa_photo_id = :photo_rev_id </querytext> </fullquery>packages/photo-album/tcl/photo-album-procs-oracle.xql