rss_gen_091 (public)
rss_gen_091 [ -channel_title channel_title ] \ [ -channel_link channel_link ] \ [ -channel_description channel_description ] \ [ -channel_language channel_language ] \ [ -channel_copyright channel_copyright ] \ [ -channel_managingEditor channel_managingEditor ] \ [ -channel_webMaster channel_webMaster ] \ [ -channel_rating channel_rating ] \ [ -channel_pubDate channel_pubDate ] \ [ -channel_lastBuildDate channel_lastBuildDate ] \ [ -channel_skipDays channel_skipDays ] \ [ -channel_skipHours channel_skipHours ] [ -image image ] \ [ -items items ]
Defined in packages/rss-support/tcl/rss-generation-procs.tcl
generate an rss 0.91 xml feed
- Switches:
- -channel_title (optional)
- -channel_link (optional)
- -channel_description (optional)
- -channel_language (optional, defaults to
)- -channel_copyright (optional)
- -channel_managingEditor (optional)
- -channel_webMaster (optional)
- -channel_rating (optional)
- -channel_pubDate (optional)
- -channel_lastBuildDate (optional)
- -channel_skipDays (optional)
- -channel_skipHours (optional)
- -image (optional)
- -items (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: set rss "" if {$channel_title eq ""} { error "argument channel_title not provided" } if {$channel_link eq ""} { error "argument channel_link not provided" } if {$channel_description eq ""} { error "argument channel_description not provided" } append rss "<rss version=\"0.91\">\n" append rss "<channel>\n" append rss "<title>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_title] append rss "</title>\n" append rss "<link>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_link] append rss "</link>\n" append rss "<description>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_description] append rss "</description>\n" append rss "<language>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_language] append rss "</language>\n" if {$channel_copyright ne ""} { append rss "<copyright>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_copyright] append rss "</copyright>\n" } if {$channel_managingEditor ne ""} { append rss "<managingEditor>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_managingEditor] append rss "</managingEditor>\n" } if {$channel_webMaster ne ""} { append rss "<webMaster>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_webMaster] append rss "</webMaster>\n" } if {$channel_rating ne ""} { append rss "<rating>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_rating] append rss "</rating>\n" } if {$channel_pubDate ne ""} { append rss "<pubDate>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_pubDate] append rss "</pubDate>\n" } if {$channel_lastBuildDate ne ""} { append rss "<lastBuildDate>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_lastBuildDate] append rss "</lastBuildDate>\n" } append rss "<docs>" append rss "" append rss "</docs>\n" if {$channel_skipDays ne ""} { append rss "<skipDays>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_skipDays] append rss "</skipDays>\n" } if {$channel_skipHours ne ""} { append rss "<skipHours>" append rss [ns_quotehtml $channel_skipHours] append rss "</skipHours>\n" } if {$image eq ""} { set base images/openacs_logo_rss.gif set url [ad_url][rss_package_url]$base set title $channel_title set link $channel_link set size [ns_gifsize [acs_root_dir]/packages/rss-support/www/$base] set image [list url $url title $title link $link width [lindex $size 0] height [lindex $size 1]] } # image handling append rss "<image>\n" array set iarray $image append rss "<title>[ns_quotehtml $iarray(title)]</title>\n" append rss "<url>$iarray(url)</url>\n" append rss "<link>[ns_quotehtml $iarray(link)]</link>\n" if {[info exists iarray(width)]} { set element [ns_quotehtml $iarray(width)] append rss "<width>$element</width>\n" } if {[info exists iarray(height)]} { set element [ns_quotehtml $iarray(height)] append rss "<height>$element</height>\n" } if {[info exists iarray(description)]} { set element [ns_quotehtml $iarray(description)] append rss "<description>$element</description>\n" } append rss "</image>\n" # now do the items foreach item $items { array unset iarray array set iarray $item append rss "<item>\n" set element [ns_quotehtml $iarray(title)] append rss "<title>$element</title>\n" append rss "<link>[ns_quotehtml $iarray(link)]</link>\n" if {[info exists iarray(description)]} { set element [ns_quotehtml $iarray(description)] if {[info exists iarray(timestamp)]} { # if {[info exists iarray(timeformat)]} { # set timeformat $iarray(timeformat) # } else { set timeformat "%B %e, %Y %H:%M%p %Z" # } set timestamp [clock format [clock scan $iarray(timestamp)] -format $timeformat] append element " $timestamp" } append rss "<description>$element</description>\n" } append rss "</item>\n" } append rss "</channel>\n" append rss "</rss>\n" return $rssXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle