template::widget::numericRange (public)

 template::widget::numericRange name interval_def size [ value ] \
    [ tag_attributes ]

Defined in packages/acs-templating/tcl/date-procs.tcl

Create an HTML fragment to display a numeric range widget interval_def is in form { start stop interval }

name (required)
interval_def (required)
size (required)
value (optional)
tag_attributes (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::widget::dateFragment template::widget::dateFragment (public) template::widget::numericRange template::widget::numericRange template::widget::dateFragment->template::widget::numericRange template::widget::numericrange template::widget::numericrange (public) template::widget::numericrange->template::widget::numericRange ad_pad ad_pad (public) template::widget::numericRange->ad_pad template::widget::menu template::widget::menu (public) template::widget::numericRange->template::widget::menu

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    array set attributes $tag_attributes

    set interval_size [lindex $interval_def 2]
    set options [list [list "--" {}]]

    for { set i [lindex $interval_def 0] }  { $i <= [lindex $interval_def 1] }  { incr i $interval_size } {
            lappend options [list [ad_pad -left $i $size "0"$i]

    if {$interval_size > 1} {
        # round minutes or seconds to nearest interval
        if { $value ne "" } {
            set value [expr {$value-($value - [lindex $interval_def 0])%$interval_size}]

    return [template::widget::menu $name $options [list $value] attributes]
XQL Not present:
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