util::unzip (public)

 util::unzip -source source -destination destination [ -overwrite ]

Defined in packages/acs-tcl/tcl/utilities-procs.tcl

-source (required)
must be the name of a valid zip file to be decompressed
-destination (required)
must be the name of a valid directory to contain decompressed files
-overwrite (optional, boolean)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_zip_and_unzip zip_and_unzip (test acs-tcl) util::unzip util::unzip test_zip_and_unzip->util::unzip util::which util::which (public) util::unzip->util::which util::zip_file_contains_valid_filenames util::zip_file_contains_valid_filenames (private) util::unzip->util::zip_file_contains_valid_filenames bootstrap_icons::download bootstrap_icons::download (private) bootstrap_icons::download->util::unzip fa_icons::download fa_icons::download (private) fa_icons::download->util::unzip highcharts::download highcharts::download (private) highcharts::download->util::unzip packages/file-storage/www/folder-zip-add.tcl packages/file-storage/ www/folder-zip-add.tcl packages/file-storage/www/folder-zip-add.tcl->util::unzip richtext::ckeditor4::download richtext::ckeditor4::download (private) richtext::ckeditor4::download->util::unzip

Source code:
    # This was an attempt to rewrite the utility without using
    # exec. Unfortunately, zipfile::decode suffers from limitations:
    # for instance, will not handle files > 2GB well.
    # package require zipfile::decode

    # #
    # # Open the archive
    # #
    # ::zipfile::decode::open $source

    # try {
    #     #
    #     # Get the dict containing the archive information.
    #     #
    #     set adict [::zipfile::decode::archive]

    #     if {$overwrite_p} {
    #         #
    #         # We are fine with overwriting: unzip the entire archive.
    #         #
    #         ::zipfile::decode::unzip $adict $destination
    #     } else {
    #         #
    #         # We do not want to overwrite existing files: read the
    #         # archive and only extract non-existing files.
    #         #
    #         foreach f [::zipfile::decode::files $adict] {
    #             set dest_path [file join $destination $f]
    #             if {![file exists $dest_path]} {
    #                 ::zipfile::decode::copyfile $adict $f $dest_path
    #             }
    #         }
    #     }

    # } finally {
    #     #
    #     # Close the archive
    #     #
    #     ::zipfile::decode::close
    # }

    set unzipCmd [util::which unzip]
    if {$unzipCmd eq ""} {
        error "unzip command not found on the system."
    set extra_options ""
    # Check, if the zip file contains filenames which are invalid
    # UTF-8 characters.
    if {[info commands ::util::zip_file_contains_valid_filenames] ne ""
        && $::tcl_platform(os) eq "Linux"
        && ![::util::zip_file_contains_valid_filenames $source] } {
        # The option "-O" works apparently only under Linux and might
        # depend on the version of "unzip". We assume here that the
        # broken characters are from Windows (code page 850)
        lappend extra_options -O CP850
    # -n means we don't overwrite existing files
    exec $unzipCmd {*}$extra_options [expr {$overwrite_p ? "-o" : "-n"}] $source -d $destination
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