workflow::graph::draw (public)
workflow::graph::draw -workflow_id workflow_id [ -filename filename ] \ [ -highlight highlight ] \ [ -options_array_name options_array_name ]
Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/graph-procs.tcl
This procedure is used to generate .dot file of graphviz
- Switches:
- -workflow_id (required)
- -filename (optional)
- -highlight (optional)
- A list of states to highlight, the first element in the list is the current state, all other elements are previous states.
- -options_array_name (optional)
- the string name of the hash of additional options. Keys are: include_subject_count: If this option has a value of 1, then include the subject count by state. subject_term_pl : the plural pretty name of the subject type (rats, tissues, subjects, etc) subject_term : singular pretty name of the subject type (rat, tissue, subject, etc)
- Returns:
- 0 if success, o.w. 1
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Source code: # set filename set path [acs_package_root_dir workflow] append path /www/admin/graph if {$options_array_name ne ""} { upvar $options_array_name options } #check to see what options were passed in, init things that aren't there set available_options [list "include_subject_count" "subject_term" "subject_term_pl"] set option_names [array names options] foreach opt $available_options { #default the value if {$opt ni $option_names} { set options($opt) "" } } #exchange some defaults for more descriptive values if {$options(subject_term) eq ""} { set options(subject_term) "subject" set options(subject_term_pl) "subjects" } if {$filename eq ""} { set filename workflow_$workflow_id } set current_state "" set previous_state "" if {$highlight ne ""} { set current_state [lindex $highlight 0] set previous_state [lreplace $highlight 0 0] } set dot "digraph workflow_$workflow_id \{\n" #append dot " graph \[size=\"16,16\"\];\n" append dot " node \[fontname=\"Courier\", color=lightblue2, style=filled\];\n" append dot " edge \[fontname=\"Courier\"\];\n" set states [workflow::fsm::get_states -workflow_id $workflow_id] #get the subject counts for the workflow if {$options(include_subject_count) == 1} { ptracker::subject::get_subject_count_in_workflow -workflow_id $workflow_id -array_name "subjects_in_workflow" } foreach state_id $states { workflow::state::fsm::get -state_id $state_id -array "state_info" set num_subjects_in_state "" if {[array exists subjects_in_workflow]} { set subject_count 0 if {$state_id in [array names subjects_in_workflow]} { set subject_count $subjects_in_workflow($state_id) } set descriptor $options(subject_term_pl) if {$subject_count == 1} { set descriptor $options(subject_term) } set num_subjects_in_state "($subject_count $descriptor)" } if {$state_id == $current_state} { append dot " state_$state_id \[label=\"$state_info(pretty_name) $num_subjects_in_state\", color=darkorange1\];\n" } elseif {$state_id in $previous_state} { append dot " state_$state_id \[label=\"$state_info(pretty_name) $num_subjects_in_state\", color=steelblue3\];\n" } else { append dot " state_$state_id \[label=\"$state_info(pretty_name) $num_subjects_in_state\"\];\n" } } set actions [workflow::action::fsm::get_ids -workflow_id $workflow_id] foreach action_id $actions { workflow::action::get -action_id $action_id -array "action_info" if {$action_info(new_state) ne ""} { if {$action_info(assigned_states) ne ""} { foreach x $action_info(assigned_state_ids) { append dot " state_$x -> state_$action_info(new_state_id) \[label=\"$action_info(pretty_name)\"\];\n" } } if {$action_info(enabled_states) ne ""} { foreach x $action_info(enabled_state_ids) { append dot " state_$x -> state_$action_info(new_state_id) \[label=\"$action_info(pretty_name)\"\];\n" } } } } append dot "\}\n" set flag [catch { template::util::write_file $path/$filename\.dot $dot exec /usr/bin/dot -Tjpg $path/$filename\.dot -o $path/$filename\.jpg } errmsg] return $flagXQL Not present: Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle