workflow::graph::draw (public)

 workflow::graph::draw -workflow_id workflow_id [ -filename filename ] \
    [ -highlight highlight ] \
    [ -options_array_name options_array_name ]

Defined in packages/workflow/tcl/graph-procs.tcl

This procedure is used to generate .dot file of graphviz

A list of states to highlight, the first element in the list is the current state, all other elements are previous states.
the string name of the hash of additional options. Keys are: include_subject_count: If this option has a value of 1, then include the subject count by state. subject_term_pl : the plural pretty name of the subject type (rats, tissues, subjects, etc) subject_term : singular pretty name of the subject type (rat, tissue, subject, etc)
0 if success, o.w. 1

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/workflow/www/admin/workflow-graph.tcl packages/workflow/ www/admin/workflow-graph.tcl workflow::graph::draw workflow::graph::draw packages/workflow/www/admin/workflow-graph.tcl->workflow::graph::draw acs_package_root_dir acs_package_root_dir (public) workflow::graph::draw->acs_package_root_dir template::util::write_file template::util::write_file (public) workflow::graph::draw->template::util::write_file workflow::action::fsm::get_ids workflow::action::fsm::get_ids (public) workflow::graph::draw->workflow::action::fsm::get_ids workflow::action::get workflow::action::get (public) workflow::graph::draw->workflow::action::get workflow::fsm::get_states workflow::fsm::get_states (public) workflow::graph::draw->workflow::fsm::get_states

No testcase defined.
Source code:
    # set filename
    set path [acs_package_root_dir workflow]
    append path /www/admin/graph

    if {$options_array_name ne ""} {
        upvar $options_array_name options

    #check to see what options were passed in, init things that aren't there
    set available_options [list "include_subject_count" "subject_term" "subject_term_pl"]
    set option_names      [array names options]

    foreach opt $available_options {

        #default the value
        if {$opt ni $option_names} {
            set options($opt""

    #exchange some defaults for more descriptive values
    if {$options(subject_term) eq ""} {
        set options(subject_term) "subject"
        set options(subject_term_pl) "subjects"

    if {$filename eq ""} {
        set filename workflow_$workflow_id

    set current_state ""
    set previous_state ""
    if {$highlight ne ""} {
        set current_state [lindex $highlight 0]
        set previous_state [lreplace $highlight 0 0]

    set dot "digraph workflow_$workflow_id \{\n"
    #append dot "  graph \[size=\"16,16\"\];\n"
    append dot "  node \[fontname=\"Courier\", color=lightblue2, style=filled\];\n"
    append dot "  edge \[fontname=\"Courier\"\];\n"

    set states [workflow::fsm::get_states -workflow_id $workflow_id]

    #get the subject counts for the workflow
    if {$options(include_subject_count) == 1} {
        ptracker::subject::get_subject_count_in_workflow -workflow_id $workflow_id -array_name "subjects_in_workflow"

    foreach state_id $states {
        workflow::state::fsm::get -state_id $state_id -array "state_info"

        set num_subjects_in_state ""
        if {[array exists subjects_in_workflow]} {
            set subject_count 0
            if {$state_id in [array names subjects_in_workflow]} {
                set subject_count $subjects_in_workflow($state_id)

            set descriptor $options(subject_term_pl)
            if {$subject_count == 1} {
                set descriptor $options(subject_term)
            set num_subjects_in_state "($subject_count $descriptor)"

        if {$state_id == $current_state} {
            append dot "  state_$state_id \[label=\"$state_info(pretty_name) $num_subjects_in_state\", color=darkorange1\];\n"
        } elseif {$state_id in $previous_state} {
            append dot "  state_$state_id \[label=\"$state_info(pretty_name) $num_subjects_in_state\", color=steelblue3\];\n"
        } else {
            append dot "  state_$state_id \[label=\"$state_info(pretty_name) $num_subjects_in_state\"\];\n"

    set actions [workflow::action::fsm::get_ids -workflow_id $workflow_id]
    foreach action_id $actions {
        workflow::action::get -action_id $action_id -array "action_info"

        if {$action_info(new_state) ne ""} {
            if {$action_info(assigned_states) ne ""} {
                foreach x $action_info(assigned_state_ids) {
                    append dot "  state_$x -> state_$action_info(new_state_id) \[label=\"$action_info(pretty_name)\"\];\n"

            if {$action_info(enabled_states) ne ""} {
                foreach x $action_info(enabled_state_ids) {
                    append dot "  state_$x -> state_$action_info(new_state_id) \[label=\"$action_info(pretty_name)\"\];\n"
    append dot "\}\n"

    set flag [catch {
        template::util::write_file $path/$filename\.dot $dot
        exec /usr/bin/dot -Tjpg $path/$filename\.dot -o $path/$filename\.jpg
    } errmsg]

    return $flag
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