xowiki::Page instproc anchor

 <instance of xowiki::Page[i]> anchor

Defined in

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_nested_self_references nested_self_references (test ) xowiki::Page instproc anchor xowiki::Page instproc anchor test_nested_self_references->xowiki::Page instproc anchor test_xowiki xowiki (test ) test_xowiki->xowiki::Page instproc anchor ad_try ad_try (public) xowiki::Page instproc anchor->ad_try

nested_self_references, xowiki
Source code:
ad_try {
  set l [:create_link $arg]
} on error {errorMsg} {
  return "<div class='errorMsg'>Error during processing of anchor ${arg}:<blockquote>$errorMsg</blockquote></div>"
if {$l eq ""} {
  return ""

if {[info exists :__RESOLVE_LOCAL] && [$l exists is_self_link] && [$l is_self_link]} {
  :set_resolve_context -package_id [:physical_package_id] -parent_id [:physical_parent_id]
  $l parent_id [:anchor_parent_id]
  set html [$l render]
} else {
  set html [$l render]

if {[info commands $l] ne ""} {
  $l destroy
} else {
  ns_log notice "link object already destroyed. This might be due to a recursive inclusion"
return $html
XQL Not present:
Generic, PostgreSQL, Oracle
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