
Definitions for the APM administration interface.

29 September 2000
Bryan Quinn <bquinn@arsdigita.com>
CVS Identification:
$Id: apm-admin-procs.tcl,v 2024/08/05 14:20:21 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

apm_build_repository (private)

 apm_build_repository [ -debug ] [ -channels channels ] \
    [ -head_channel head_channel ]

Rebuild the repository on the local machine. Only useful for the openacs.org site. Adapted from Lars' build-repository.tcl page.

(boolean) (defaults to "0") (optional)
Set to 1 to test with only a small subset of packages instead of the whole cvs tree.
(defaults to "*") (optional)
Generate apm files for the matching channels only
(defaults to "HEAD") (optional)
The artificial branch label to apply to HEAD. Should be one minor version past the current release.
0 for success. Also outputs debug messages to log.
Lars Pind <lars@collaboraid.biz>

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_opentmpfile ad_opentmpfile (public) ad_try ad_try (public) apm_get_package_files apm_get_package_files (public) apm_gzip_cmd apm_gzip_cmd (public) apm_read_package_info_file apm_read_package_info_file (public) apm_build_repository apm_build_repository apm_build_repository->ad_opentmpfile apm_build_repository->ad_try apm_build_repository->apm_get_package_files apm_build_repository->apm_gzip_cmd apm_build_repository->apm_read_package_info_file

No testcase defined.

apm_git_build_repository (private)

 apm_git_build_repository [ -debug ] [ -force_fresh ] \
    [ -channels channels ] [ -min_final_version min_final_version ] \
    [ -min_compat_version min_compat_version ]

Rebuild the repository on the local machine. Only useful for the openacs.org site. Adapted from the CVS implementation, which came from Lars' build-repository.tcl page.

(boolean) (defaults to "0") (optional)
Set to 1 to test with only a small subset of packages and branches instead of all of them.
(boolean) (defaults to "false") (optional)
Force a frech clone of the Git repos.
(defaults to "*") (optional)
A string match style pattern. Generate apm files for the matching channels only
(defaults to "5.8.0") (optional)
(defaults to "5.3.0") (optional)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_opentmpfile ad_opentmpfile (public) ad_try ad_try (public) apm_get_package_files apm_get_package_files (public) apm_git_checkout_repo apm_git_checkout_repo (private) apm_git_fetch_repo apm_git_fetch_repo (private) apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository->ad_opentmpfile apm_git_build_repository->ad_try apm_git_build_repository->apm_get_package_files apm_git_build_repository->apm_git_checkout_repo apm_git_build_repository->apm_git_fetch_repo

No testcase defined.

apm_git_checkout_repo (private)

 apm_git_checkout_repo -path path -branch branch

Checks out a repository branch or tag, making also sure that this is up to date via 'git pull' (if this is a branch) This assumes the specific Git setup for our repo, hence it is meant for internal use only.

list of branch names

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository (private) apm_git_checkout_repo apm_git_checkout_repo apm_git_build_repository->apm_git_checkout_repo apm_git_repo_branches apm_git_repo_branches (private) apm_git_checkout_repo->apm_git_repo_branches

No testcase defined.

apm_git_fetch_repo (private)

 apm_git_fetch_repo -path path -repo repo

Fetches a repo from the Git mirror. Clones it first when it does not exist. This assumes the specific Git setup for our repo, hence it is meant for internal use only.

list of branch names

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository (private) apm_git_fetch_repo apm_git_fetch_repo apm_git_build_repository->apm_git_fetch_repo

No testcase defined.

apm_git_repo_branches (private)

 apm_git_repo_branches -path path

Extracts the available branches from an OpenACS Git repo. This assumes the specific Git setup for our repo, hence it is meant for internal use only.

list of branch names

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository (private) apm_git_repo_branches apm_git_repo_branches apm_git_build_repository->apm_git_repo_branches apm_git_checkout_repo apm_git_checkout_repo (private) apm_git_checkout_repo->apm_git_repo_branches apm_git_repo_channels apm_git_repo_channels (private) apm_git_repo_channels->apm_git_repo_branches

No testcase defined.

apm_git_repo_channels (private)

 apm_git_repo_channels -path path

Extracts the available tags and branches from an OpenACS Git repo. This assumes the specific Git setup for our repo, hence it is meant for internal use only.

list of branch names

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository (private) apm_git_repo_channels apm_git_repo_channels apm_git_build_repository->apm_git_repo_channels apm_git_repo_branches apm_git_repo_branches (private) apm_git_repo_channels->apm_git_repo_branches apm_git_repo_tags apm_git_repo_tags (private) apm_git_repo_channels->apm_git_repo_tags

No testcase defined.

apm_git_repo_tags (private)

 apm_git_repo_tags -path path

Extracts the available tags from an OpenACS Git repo. This assumes the specific Git setup for our repo, hence it is meant for internal use only.

list of tag names.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository (private) apm_git_repo_tags apm_git_repo_tags apm_git_build_repository->apm_git_repo_tags apm_git_repo_channels apm_git_repo_channels (private) apm_git_repo_channels->apm_git_repo_tags

No testcase defined.

apm_header (public, deprecated)

 apm_header [ -form form ] [ args... ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Generates HTML for the header of a page (including context bar). Must only be used for APM admin pages (under /acs-admin/apm). We are adding the APM index page to the context bar so it doesn't have to be added on each page

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 _ _ (public) ad_context_bar ad_context_bar (public) ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) apm_header apm_header apm_header->_ apm_header->ad_context_bar apm_header->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.

apm_higher_version_installed_p (public)

 apm_higher_version_installed_p package_key version_name
package_key - The package in question.
version_name - The name of the currently installed version.
The return value of this procedure doesn't really fit with its name. What it returns is:
  • -1 if there's already a higher version of the given package installed than the version_name you gave it.
  • 0 if the same version is installed as the one you supplied.
  • 1 if the version you gave is higher than the highest version installed, or no version of this package is installed.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_higher_version_installed_p (test acs-admin) apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_higher_version_installed_p test_apm_higher_version_installed_p->apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_highest_version_name apm_highest_version_name (public) apm_higher_version_installed_p->apm_highest_version_name apm_version_names_compare apm_version_names_compare (public) apm_higher_version_installed_p->apm_version_names_compare apm_get_package_repository apm_get_package_repository (public) apm_get_package_repository->apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_package_selection_widget apm_package_selection_widget (private) apm_package_selection_widget->apm_higher_version_installed_p packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl->apm_higher_version_installed_p


apm_package_selection_widget (private)

 apm_package_selection_widget pkg_info_list [ to_install ] \
    [ operation ] [ form ]

Provides a widget for selecting packages. Displays dependency information if available.

pkg_info_list - list of package infos for all packages to be listed
to_install (optional) - list of package_keys to install
operation (defaults to "all") - filter for added operations (all, upgrade, install)
form (defaults to "pkgsForm")

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/packages-install-2.tcl apm_package_selection_widget apm_package_selection_widget packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install-2.tcl->apm_package_selection_widget packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/packages-install.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install.tcl->apm_package_selection_widget _ _ (public) apm_package_selection_widget->_ apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_higher_version_installed_p (public) apm_package_selection_widget->apm_higher_version_installed_p apm_package_registered_p apm_package_registered_p (public) apm_package_selection_widget->apm_package_registered_p apm_read_package_info_file apm_read_package_info_file (public) apm_package_selection_widget->apm_read_package_info_file pkg_info_comment pkg_info_comment (public) apm_package_selection_widget->pkg_info_comment

No testcase defined.

apm_parameter_section_slider (private)

 apm_parameter_section_slider package_key

Build a dynamic section dimensional slider.


Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_admin_apm_parameter_section_slider acs_admin_apm_parameter_section_slider (test acs-admin) apm_parameter_section_slider apm_parameter_section_slider test_acs_admin_apm_parameter_section_slider->apm_parameter_section_slider db_list db_list (public) apm_parameter_section_slider->db_list packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-parameters.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-parameters.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-parameters.tcl->apm_parameter_section_slider


apm_shell_wrap (public, deprecated)

 apm_shell_wrap cmd
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

The value provided by this proc is unclear, quite hardcoded, and it is used nowhere in usptream code.

a command string, wrapped it shell-style (with backslashes) in case lines get too long.
See Also:
  • many possible plain tcl idioms

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) apm_shell_wrap apm_shell_wrap apm_shell_wrap->ad_log_deprecated

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Definitions for the APM administration interface.

    @creation-date 29 September 2000
    @author Bryan Quinn (bquinn@arsdigita.com)
    @cvs-id $Id: apm-admin-procs.tcl,v 2024/08/05 14:20:21 gustafn Exp $


ad_proc -private apm_parameter_section_slider {package_key} {
    Build a dynamic section dimensional slider.
} {
    set sections [db_list apm_parameter_sections {
        select distinct(section_name)
        from apm_parameters
        where package_key = :package_key

    if { [llength $sections] > 1 } {
        lappend section_list [list $package_key $package_key [list "where" "section_name is null"]]
        foreach section $sections {
            if { $section ne "" } {
                lappend section_list [list $section $section [list "where" "section_name = [ns_dbquotevalue $section]"]]
        lappend section_list [list all "All" [list]]
        return [list [list section_name "Section:" $package_key $section_list]]
    } else {
        return ""

ad_proc -deprecated apm_header { { -form "" } args } {
    Generates HTML for the header of a page (including context bar).
    Must only be used for APM admin pages (under /acs-admin/apm).

    We are adding the APM index page to the context bar
    so it doesn't have to be added on each page

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set apm_title "Package Manager"
    set apm_url "/acs-admin/apm/"

    if { [llength $args] == 0 } {
        set title $apm_title
        set context_bar [ad_context_bar $title]
    } else {
        set title [lindex $args end]
        set context [concat [list [list $apm_url $apm_title]] $args]
        set cmd [list ad_context_bar --]
        foreach elem $context {
            lappend cmd $elem
        set context_bar [eval $cmd]
        # this is rather a hack, but just needed for streaming output
        # a more general solution can be provided at some later time...
        regsub "#acs-kernel.Main_Site#" $context_bar \
            [_ acs-kernel.Main_Site] context_bar

    append body [ad_header $title """\n"
    if {$form ne ""} {
        append body "<form $form>"

    return "$body\n

ad_proc -deprecated apm_shell_wrap { cmd } {
    The value provided by this proc is unclear, quite hardcoded, and
    it is used nowhere in usptream code.

    @see many possible plain tcl idioms

    @return a command string, wrapped it shell-style (with backslashes)
    in case lines get too long.
} {
    set out ""
    set line_length 0
    foreach element $cmd {
        if { $line_length + [string length $element] > 72 } {
            append out "\\\n    "
            set line_length 4
        append out "$element "
        incr line_length [expr { [string length $element] + 1 }]
    append out "\n"

d_proc -private apm_package_selection_widget {
    {to_install ""}
    {operation "all"}
    {form pkgsForm}
} {

    Provides a widget for selecting packages.  Displays dependency information if available.

    @param pkg_info_list list of package infos for all packages to be listed
    @param to_install list of package_keys to install
    @param operation filter for added operations (all, upgrade, install)
} {
    if {$pkg_info_list eq ""} {
        return ""

    set counter 0
    if {[llength $to_install] > 0} {
        set label [dict get {install Install upgrade Upgrade all Install/Update} $operation]
    } else {
        set label [subst {
            <input type="checkbox" name="_dummy" id="bulkaction-control" title="[_ acs-templating.lt_Checkuncheck_all_rows]">
        template::add_event_listener \
            -id bulkaction-control \
            -preventdefault=false \
            -script [subst {acs_ListCheckAll('$form', this.checked);}]

    set widget [subst {
        <blockquote><table class='list-table' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='5' summary="Available Packages">
        <tr class='list-header'><th>$label</th><th>Package</th><th>Package Key</th><th>Comment</th></tr>

    foreach pkg_info $pkg_info_list {

        incr counter
        set package_key [pkg_info_key $pkg_info]
        set package_path [pkg_info_path $pkg_info]
        set spec_file [pkg_info_spec $pkg_info]
        set package [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file]
        set package_name [dict get $package package-name]
        set version_name [dict get $package name]
        set id $form-$package_key
        ns_log Debug "Selection widget: $package_key, Dependency: [pkg_info_dependency_p $pkg_info]"

        if { [pkg_info_dependency_p $pkg_info] == "t" } {
            # Dependency passed.
            set checked [expr { $package_key in $to_install ? "checked " : "" }]
            append widget [subst {
                <tr class='[expr {$counter % 2 ? "odd" : "even"}]'>
                <td align='center'><input type='checkbox' $checked name='package_key' value='$package_key' id='$id'></td>
                <td>$package_name $version_name</td>
                <td><span style='color:green'>Dependencies satisfied.</span></td>
        } elseif { [pkg_info_dependency_p $pkg_info] == "f" } {
            # Dependency failed.
            append widget [subst {
                <tr class='[expr {$counter % 2 ? "odd" : "even"}]'>
                <td align='center'><input type='checkbox' name='package_key' value='$package_key' id='$id'></td>
                <td>$package_name $version_name</td>
                <td><span style='color:red'>
            foreach comment [pkg_info_comment $pkg_info] {
                append widget "$comment<br>"
            append widget \
                </span></td> \
        } else {
            # No dependency information.
            # See if the install is already installed with a higher version number.
            if {[apm_package_registered_p $package_key]} {
                set higher_version_p [apm_higher_version_installed_p $package_key $version_name]
            } else {
                set higher_version_p 2
            if {$higher_version_p == 2 } {
                if {$operation eq "upgrade"} {
                    incr counter -1
                set comment "New install."
            } elseif {$higher_version_p == 1 } {
                if {$operation eq "install"} {
                    incr counter -1
                set comment "Upgrade."
            } elseif {$higher_version_p == 0} {
                set comment "Package version already installed."
            } else {
                set comment "Installing older version of package."

            set install_checked [expr {$package_key in $to_install ? "checked" : ""}]
            append widget [subst {
                <tr class='[expr {$counter % 2 ? "odd" : "even"}]'>
                <td align='center'><input type='checkbox' $install_checked name='package_key' value='$package_key' id='$id'></td>
                <td>$package_name $version_name</td>
    if {$counter == 0} {
        set widget ""
    } else {
        append widget {</table></blockquote>}
    return $widget

d_proc -public apm_higher_version_installed_p {
} {
    @param package_key  The package in question.
    @param version_name The name of the currently installed version.

    @return The return value of this procedure doesn't really fit with its name.
    What it returns is:

    <li>-1 if there's already a higher version of the given package installed than the version_name you gave it.
    <li>0 if the same version is installed as the one you supplied.
    <li>1 if the version you gave is higher than the highest version installed, or no version of this package is installed.
} {
    set package_version_name [apm_highest_version_name $package_key]
    if {$package_version_name eq ""} {
        return 1
    return [apm_version_names_compare $version_name $package_version_name]

d_proc -private apm_build_repository {
    {-debug:boolean 0}
    {-channels *}
    {-head_channel HEAD}
} {

    Rebuild the repository on the local machine.
    Only useful for the openacs.org site.
    Adapted from Lars' build-repository.tcl page.
    @param debug Set to 1 to test with only a small subset of packages instead of the whole cvs tree.
    @param head_channel The artificial branch label to apply to HEAD.  Should be one minor version past the current release.
    @param channels Generate apm files for the matching channels only
    @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz)
    @return 0 for success. Also outputs debug messages to log.

} {

    # Configuration Settings

    set cd_helper              [file join $::acs::rootdir bin cd-helper]

    set cvs_command            cvs
    set cvs_root               :pserver:anonymous@cvs.openacs.org:/cvsroot

    set work_dir               [file join $::acs::rootdir repository-builder][file separator]

    set repository_dir         [file join $::acs::rootdir www repository][file separator]
    set repository_url         https://openacs.org/repository/

    set exclude_package_list {}

    set channel_index_template [template::themed_template /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/repository-channel-index]
    set index_template         [template::themed_template /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/repository-index]

    # Prepare output

    ns_log Debug "Repository: Building Package Repository"

    # Find available channels

    # Prepare work dir
    file mkdir $work_dir

    cd $work_dir
    set msg [ exec $cd_helper $work_dir $cvs_command -d $cvs_root -z3 co openacs-4/readme.txt ]
    set output [ exec $cd_helper $work_dir $cvs_command -d $cvs_root -z3 log -h openacs-4/readme.txt ]

    set lines [split $output \n]
    for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $lines] } { incr i } {
        if { [string trim [lindex $lines $i]] eq "symbolic names:" } {
            incr i

    array set channel_tag [list]
    array set channel_bugfix_version [list]

    for { } { $i < [llength $lines] } { incr i } {
        # Tag lines have the form   tag: cvs-version
        #     openacs-5-0-0-final:

        if { ![regexp {^\s+([^:]+):\s+([0-9.]+)} [lindex $lines $i] match tag_name version_name] } {

        # Look for tags named 'openacs-x-y-compat'
        if { [regexp {^openacs-([1-9][0-9]*-[0-9]+)-compat$} $tag_name match oacs_version] } {
            lassign [split $oacs_version "-"] major_version minor_version
            if { $major_version >= 5 && $minor_version >= 3} {
                set channel "${major_version}-${minor_version}"
                ns_log Notice "Repository: Found channel $channel using tag $tag_name"
                set channel_tag($channel$tag_name
        } elseif { [regexp {^openacs-([1-9][0-9]*-[0-9]+-[0-9]+)-final$} $tag_name match oacs_version] } {
            lassign [split $oacs_version "-"] major_version minor_version patch_version
            #ns_log Notice "Repository: tag <$tag_name> oacs version <$oacs_version> split into /$major_version/$minor_version/$patch_version/"
            if { $major_version >= 5 && $minor_version >= 8} {
                set channel "${major_version}-${minor_version}-$patch_version"
                ns_log Notice "Repository: Found channel $channel using tag $tag_name"
                set channel_tag($channel$tag_name

    set channel_tag($head_channel) HEAD
    set channel_tag(5-10) oacs-5-10

    ns_log Notice "Repository: Channels are: [array get channel_tag]"

    # Read all package .info files, building manifest file

    # Wipe and re-create the working directory
    file delete -force -- $work_dir
    file mkdir ${work_dir}
    set update_pretty_date [lc_time_fmt [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %T"] %c]

    #cd $work_dir

    foreach channel [lsort -decreasing [array names channel_tag]] {

        if {![string match $channels $channel]} continue
        ns_log Notice "Repository: Channel $channel using tag $channel_tag($channel)"

        # Wipe and re-create the checkout directory
        file delete -force -- "${work_dir}openacs-4"
        file delete -force -- "${work_dir}dotlrn"
        file mkdir "${work_dir}dotlrn/packages"

        # Prepare channel directory
        set channel_dir "${work_dir}repository/$channel/"
        file mkdir $channel_dir

        # Store the list of packages we've seen for this channel, so we don't include the same package twice
        # Seems odd, but we have to do this given the forked packages sitting in /contrib
        set packages [list]

        # Checkout from the tag given by channel_tag($channel)
        if { $debug_p } {
            # Smaller list for debugging purposes
            set checkout_list [list $work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/packages/acs-core-docs ]
        } else {
            # Full list for real use
            set checkout_list [list \
                                   $work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/packages \
                                   $work_dir $cvs_root openacs-4/contrib/packages]

        foreach { cur_work_dir cur_cvs_root cur_module } $checkout_list {
            #cd $cur_work_dir
            set cmd [list exec $cd_helper $cur_work_dir cvs -d $cur_cvs_root -z3 co]
            if { $channel_tag($channel) ne "HEAD" } {
                lappend cmd -r $channel_tag($channel)
            catch { {*}$cmd $cur_module } output
            ns_log Notice "Repository: $cur_module [llength $output] files ($channel_tag($channel))"
        #cd $work_dir

        set manifest "<manifest>\n"

        template::multirow create packages \
            package_path package_key version pretty_name \
            package_type summary description \
            release_date vendor_url vendor \
            maturity maturity_text \
            license license_url download_url

        set work_dirs [list ${work_dir}openacs-4/packages ${work_dir}openacs-4/contrib/packages ]
        foreach packages_dir $work_dirs {

            foreach spec_file [lsort [apm_scan_packages $packages_dir]] {

                set package_path [file join {*}[lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-1]]
                set package_key [lindex [file split $spec_file] end-1]

                if { $package_key in $exclude_package_list } {
                    ns_log Debug "Repository: Package $package_key is on list of packages to exclude - skipping"

                if { [array exists pkg_info] } {
                    array unset pkg_info
                if { [info exists pkg_info] } {
                    unset pkg_info

                ad_try {
                    array set pkg_info [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file]

                    if { $pkg_info(package.key) in $packages } {
                        ns_log Debug "Repository: Skipping package $package_key, because we already have another version of it"
                    } else {
                        lappend packages $pkg_info(package.key)

                        append manifest \
                            "  <package>" \n \
                            "    <package-key>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(package.key)]</package-key>\n" \
                            "    <version>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(name)]</version>\n" \
                            "    <pretty-name>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(package-name)]</pretty-name>\n" \
                            "    <package-type>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(package.type)]</package-type>\n" \
                            "    <summary>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(summary)]</summary>\n" \
                            "    <description format=\"[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(description.format)]\">" \
                            [ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(description)"</description>\n" \
                            "    <release-date>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(release-date)]</release-date>\n" \
                            "    <vendor url=\"[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(vendor.url)]\">" \
                            [ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(vendor)"</vendor>\n" \
                            "    <license url=\"[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(license.url)]\">" \
                            [ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(license)"</license>\n" \
                            "    <maturity>$pkg_info(maturity)</maturity>\n"

                        foreach e $pkg_info(install) {
                            append manifest "    <install package=\"$e\"/>\n"

                        set apm_file "${channel_dir}${pkg_info(package.key)}-${pkg_info(name)}.apm"
                        ns_log Notice "Repository: Building package $package_key for channel $channel"

                        set files [apm_get_package_files \
                                       -all \
                                       -include_data_model_files \
                                       -all_db_types \
                                       -package_key $pkg_info(package.key) \
                                       -package_path $package_path]

                        if { [llength $files] == 0 } {
                            ns_log Notice "Repository: No files in package"
                        } else {
                            ns_log Notice "Repository: [llength $files] files in package $pkg_info(package.key) ($channel)"
                            set cmd [list exec [apm_tar_cmd] cf -  2>/dev/null]

                            # The path to the 'packages' directory in the checkout
                            set packages_root_path [file join {*}[lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-2]]

                            set fp [ad_opentmpfile tmp_filename]
                            foreach file $files {
                                puts $fp $package_key/$file
                            close $fp

                            lappend cmd -C $packages_root_path --files-from $tmp_filename

                            lappend cmd "|" [apm_gzip_cmd] -c ">" $apm_file
                            ns_log Notice "Executing: exec $cd_helper $packages_root_path $cmd"
                            if {[catch "exec $cd_helper $packages_root_path $cmd" errmsg]} {
                                ns_log Error "Error during tar in repository creation for\
                                  file ${channel_dir}$pkg_info(package.key)-$pkg_info(name).apm:\
                            file delete -- $tmp_filename

                        set apm_url "${repository_url}$channel/$pkg_info(package.key)-$pkg_info(name).apm"

                        template::multirow append packages \
                            $package_path $package_key $pkg_info(name) $pkg_info(package-name) \
                            $pkg_info(package.type) $pkg_info(summary) $pkg_info(description) \
                            $pkg_info(release-date) $pkg_info(vendor.url) $pkg_info(vendor) \
                            $pkg_info(maturity) $pkg_info(maturity_text) \
                            $pkg_info(license)  $pkg_info(license.url) $apm_url

                        append manifest "    <download-url>$apm_url</download-url>\n"
                        foreach elm $pkg_info(provides) {
                            append manifest "    <provides " \
                                "url=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 0]]\" " \
                                "version=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 1]]\" />\n"

                        foreach elm $pkg_info(requires) {
                            append manifest "    <requires " \
                                "url=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 0]]\" " \
                                "version=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 1]]\" />\n"
                        append manifest "  </package>\n"
                } on error {errorMsg} {
                    ns_log Notice "Repository: Error on spec_file $spec_file: $errorMsg\n$::errorInfo\n"
        append manifest "</manifest>\n"

        ns_log Notice "Repository: Writing $channel manifest to ${channel_dir}manifest.xml"
        set fw [open "${channel_dir}manifest.xml" w]
        puts $fw $manifest
        close $fw

        ns_log Notice "Repository: Writing $channel index page to ${channel_dir}index.adp"
        set fw [open "${channel_dir}index.adp" w]
        set packages [lsort $packages]
        puts $fw "<master>\n<property name=\"doc(title)\">OpenACS $channel Compatible Packages</property>\n\n"
        puts $fw "<h1>OpenACS $channel (CVS tag $channel_tag($channel))</h1>
           <p>Packages can be installed with the OpenACS Automated Installer on
           your OpenACS site at <code>/acs-admin/install</code>.  Only packages
           potentially compatible with your OpenACS kernel will be shown.</p>
        set category_title(core) "Core Packages"
        set package_keys(core) {
        set category_title(common-app) "Common Applications"
        set package_keys(common-app) {
        set category_title(extra) "Extra Packages and Libraries"
        set package_keys(extra) ""
        foreach p $packages {
            if {$p ni $package_keys(core) && $p ni $package_keys(common-app)} {
                lappend package_keys(extra) $p

        foreach category {core common-app extra} {

            template::multirow create pkgs \
                package_path package_key version pretty_name \
                package_type summary description \
                release_date vendor_url vendor \
                maturity maturity_text \
                license license_url download_url

            template::multirow foreach packages {
                if {$package_key in $package_keys($category)} {
                    template::multirow append pkgs \
                        $package_path $package_key $version $pretty_name \
                        $package_type $summary $description \
                        $release_date $vendor_url $vendor \
                        $maturity $maturity_text \
                        $license $license_url $download_url

            puts $fw "\n<h2>$category_title($category)</h2>\n"

            puts $fw [template::adp_include $channel_index_template \
                          [list channel $channel &pkgs pkgs update_pretty_date $update_pretty_date]]

        close $fw

        ns_log Notice "Repository:  Channel $channel complete."


    ns_log Notice "Repository: Finishing Repository"

    foreach channel [array names channel_tag] {
        if {[regexp {^([1-9][0-9]*)-([0-9]+)$} $channel . major minor]} {
            # *-compat channels: The "patchlevel" of these channels is
            # the highest possible value, higher than the released
            # -final channels.
            set tag_order([format %.3d $major]-[format %.3d $minor]-999) $channel
            set tag_label($channel"OpenACS $major.$minor"
        } elseif {[regexp {^([1-9][0-9]*)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$} $channel . major minor patch]} {
            # *-final channels: a concrete patchlevel is provided.
            set tag_order([format %.3d $major]-[format %.3d $minor]-[format %.3d $patch]) $channel
            set tag_label($channel"OpenACS $major.$minor.$patch"
        } else {
            set tag_order(999-999-999) $channel
            set tag_label($channel"OpenACS $channel"

    # Write the index page
    ns_log Notice "Repository: Writing repository index page to ${work_dir}repository/index.adp"
    template::multirow create channels name tag label
    foreach key [lsort -decreasing [array names tag_order]] {
        set channel $tag_order($key)
        template::multirow append channels $channel $channel_tag($channel) $tag_label($channel)
    set fw [open "${work_dir}repository/index.adp" w]
    puts $fw "<master>\n<property name=\"doc(title)\">OpenACS Package Repository</property>\n\n"
    puts $fw [template::adp_include -- $index_template \
                  [list &channels channels update_pretty_date $update_pretty_date]]
    close $fw

    # Add a redirector for outdated releases
    set fw [open "${work_dir}repository/index.vuh" w]
    puts $fw "ns_returnredirect /repository/"
    close $fw

    # Without the trailing slash
    set work_repository_dirname "${work_dir}repository"
    set repository_dirname [string range $repository_dir 0 end-1]
    set repository_bak "[string range $repository_dir 0 end-1]_bak"

    ns_log Notice "Repository: Moving work repository $work_repository_dirname to live repository dir at <a href=\"/repository\/>$repository_dir</a>\n"

    if { [file exists $repository_bak] } {
        file delete -force -- $repository_bak
    if { [file exists $repository_dirname] } {
        file rename -- $repository_dirname $repository_bak
    file rename -- $work_repository_dirname  $repository_dirname

    ns_log Debug "Repository: DONE"

    return 0

d_proc -private apm_git_repo_tags {
} {
    Extracts the available tags from an OpenACS Git repo. This assumes
    the specific Git setup for our repo, hence it is meant for
    internal use only.

    @return list of tag names.
} {
    set cd_helper   [file join $::acs::rootdir bin cd-helper]
    set git_command git

    set output [exec $cd_helper $path $git_command tag]
    return [regexp -line -inline -all {openacs-\d+-\d+(-\d+)?-(compat|final)} $output]

d_proc -private apm_git_repo_branches {
} {
    Extracts the available branches from an OpenACS Git repo. This
    assumes the specific Git setup for our repo, hence it is meant for
    internal use only.

    @return list of branch names
} {
    set cd_helper   [file join $::acs::rootdir bin cd-helper]
    set git_command git

    set output [exec $cd_helper $path $git_command branch -r]
    return [regexp -line -inline -all {oacs-\d+-\d+} $output]

d_proc -private apm_git_repo_channels {
} {
    Extracts the available tags and branches from an OpenACS Git
    repo. This assumes the specific Git setup for our repo, hence
    it is meant for internal use only.

    @return list of branch names
} {
    set channels [apm_git_repo_branches -path $path]
    lappend channels {*}[apm_git_repo_tags -path $path]

d_proc -private apm_git_checkout_repo {
} {
    Checks out a repository branch or tag, making also sure that this
    is up to date via 'git pull' (if this is a branch)

    This assumes the specific Git setup for our repo, hence it is
    meant for internal use only.

    @return list of branch names
} {
    set cd_helper   [file join $::acs::rootdir bin cd-helper]
    set git_command git

    try {
        ns_log Notice "Checking out '$path'"
        exec -ignorestderr -- $cd_helper $path $git_command checkout $branch
    } on error {errmsg} {
        # Checking out a branch that was already checked
        # out will complain. As we know the branch exists
        # for this repo, we are pretty confident this
        # error can be ignored.
        ns_log notice "Checking out existing branch '$branch' for '$path' complained:" $errmsg
    # If we are on a branch, make sure repo is up to date.
    if {$branch in [apm_git_repo_branches -path $path]} {
        ns_log Notice "Updating '$path'"
        exec -ignorestderr -- $cd_helper $path $git_command pull

d_proc -private apm_git_fetch_repo {
} {
    Fetches a repo from the Git mirror. Clones it first when it does
    not exist.

    This assumes the specific Git setup for our repo, hence it is
    meant for internal use only.

    @return list of branch names
} {
    set git_url     https://github.com/openacs
    set cd_helper   [file join $::acs::rootdir bin cd-helper]
    set git_command git

    set repo_dir ${path}${repo}
    if {[file isdirectory $repo_dir]} {
        # Folder exists. We fetch from the repo to see if new branches
        # exist.
        ns_log notice "Fetching new branches for '$repo_dir'"
        exec -ignorestderr -- $cd_helper $repo_dir $git_command fetch origin
    } else {
        # Folder does not exist. Clone the repo from scratch.
        ns_log notice "Cloning '${git_url}/${repo}.git' in '$repo_dir'"
        try {
            exec -ignorestderr -- $cd_helper $path $git_command clone ${git_url}/${repo}.git
        } on error {errmsg} {
            if {$repo eq "openacs-core"} {
                error $errmsg
            # Tolerate errors when cloning non-core packages: some
            # legacy packages require authentication and would fail.
            ns_log warning "Could not clone '$repo' from '${git_url}/${repo}.git':" $errmsg

d_proc -private apm_git_build_repository {
    {-debug:boolean 0}
    {-force_fresh:boolean false}
    {-channels *}
    {-min_final_version 5.8.0}
    {-min_compat_version 5.3.0}
} {
    Rebuild the repository on the local machine.
    Only useful for the openacs.org site.

    Adapted from the CVS implementation, which came from Lars'
    build-repository.tcl page.

    @param debug Set to 1 to test with only a small subset of packages
                 and branches instead of all of them.
    @param force_fresh Force a frech clone of the Git repos.
    @param channels A string match style pattern. Generate apm files
                    for the matching channels only
} {

    # Configuration Settings

    set sep [file separator]

    set cd_helper              [file join $::acs::rootdir bin cd-helper]

    set work_dir               [file join $::acs::rootdir repository-builder]${sep}

    set repository_dir         [file join $::acs::rootdir www repository]${sep}
    set repository_url         /repository/

    set exclude_package_list {}

    set channel_index_template [template::themed_template /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/repository-channel-index]
    set index_template         [template::themed_template /packages/acs-admin/www/apm/repository-index]

    # Make sure workdir exists. Clear it before we start if requested.
    if {$force_fresh_p} {
        file delete -force -- $work_dir

    file mkdir $work_dir

    # Prepare output

    ns_log Debug "Repository: Building Package Repository"

    # Find available channels

    # The core repo is considered the source of truth concerning
    # available channels. We fetch it first.
    apm_git_fetch_repo -path $work_dir -repo openacs-core
    set core_repo_dir ${work_dir}openacs-core

    # Channels that exist both from tags and from branches will be
    # taken from tags.
    # Among tags, the compat one will have precedence over the final
    # one.
    set core_channels [list]
    foreach tag [apm_git_repo_tags -path $core_repo_dir] {
        if {[regexp {^openacs-(.*)-(final|compat)} $tag _ channel type]} {
            if {![dict exists $core_channels $channel] ||
                $type eq "compat"
            } {
                dict set core_channels $channel $tag
    # The latest release branch is special. It will have precedence
    # over the corresponding tag: this way people will get a fresher
    # version.
    set branches [lsort -dictionary [apm_git_repo_branches -path $core_repo_dir]]
    set latest_branch [lindex $branches end]
    foreach branch $branches {
        regsub {^oacs-} $branch {} channel
        if {![dict exists $core_channels $channel] ||
            $branch eq $latest_branch
        } {
            dict set core_channels $channel $branch

    # We don't want to generate a channel for ancient versions of
    # packages. Here we remove those channels that are too old. For
    # some old versions, we will only generate the compat packages.
    foreach {channel branch} $core_channels {
        regsub -all -- - $channel {.} channel_version
        if {([regexp {^.*-final} $branch] &&
             [apm_version_names_compare $channel_version $min_final_version] == -1)
            [apm_version_names_compare $channel_version $min_compat_version] == -1
        } {
            dict unset core_channels $channel

    # The HEAD channel is always included.
    lappend core_channels HEAD HEAD

    if {$debug_p} {
        # When debugging, only pick the last branch.
        set core_channels [lrange $core_channels end-1 end]

    ns_log notice "Repository channels:" $core_channels

    # The core packages are those included in the openacs-core
    # repository.
    set core_packages_dir ${core_repo_dir}${sep}packages

    set core_packages [list]
    foreach package_folder [glob \
                                -types d \
                                -directory $core_packages_dir *] {
        lappend core_packages [file tail $package_folder]
    ns_log notice "Core packages:" $core_packages

    set non_core_packages_dir ${work_dir}openacs-non-core${sep}
    file mkdir $non_core_packages_dir

    # This is the list of all packages that are not included in the
    # openacs-core repository. We currently maintain this list as
    # hardcoded here. One improvement would be to fetch it from the
    # Git host directly, either via scraping or via API.
    # As long as this does not change, every time a new package is
    # added to the Git mirror, one should also add the corresponding
    # package key to this list.
    set non_core_packages {

    if {$debug_p} {
        # When debugging, pick only a subset of all packages.
        set non_core_packages [lrange $non_core_packages 0 10]

    foreach package_key $non_core_packages {
        apm_git_fetch_repo -path $non_core_packages_dir -repo $package_key

    # Read all package .info files, building manifest file

    set update_pretty_date [lc_time_fmt [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %T"] %c]

    foreach {channel branch} $core_channels {
        ns_log Notice "Repository: Channel $channel using branch $branch"

        # Checkout the channel branch on the core repository.
        apm_git_checkout_repo -path $core_repo_dir -branch $branch

        # Try to check out the channel from the non-core packages.
        set branch_packages [list]
        foreach package_key $non_core_packages {
            set package_dir ${non_core_packages_dir}${package_key}
            if {![file isdirectory $package_dir]} {
                ns_log notice "Package '$package_key' was not cloned in '$package_dir', skipping."

            # Not all packages will have a release branch. Skip the
            # package when the branch is not found.
            if {$branch in [apm_git_repo_channels -path $package_dir]} {
                apm_git_checkout_repo -path $package_dir -branch $branch
                lappend branch_packages $package_key

        # Now collect the info files for all core and non-core
        # packages belonging to this branch.
        set info_files [list]
        foreach package_key $core_packages {
            if {[catch {
                set info_file [apm_package_info_file_path -path $core_packages_dir $package_key]
            } errmsg]} {
                ns_log warning "Cannot find an .info file on '$branch' for core package '$package_key':" $errmsg

            lappend info_files $info_file
        foreach package_key $branch_packages {
            if {[catch {
                set info_file [apm_package_info_file_path -path $non_core_packages_dir $package_key]
            } errmsg]} {
                ns_log warning "Cannot find an .info file on '$branch' for non.core package '$package_key':" $errmsg

            lappend info_files $info_file

        # Prepare channel directory
        set channel_dir "${work_dir}repository${sep}${channel}${sep}"
        file mkdir $channel_dir

        set manifest "<manifest>\n"

        template::multirow create packages \
            package_path package_key version pretty_name \
            package_type summary description \
            release_date vendor_url vendor \
            maturity maturity_text \
            license license_url download_url

        set packages [list]

        foreach spec_file [lsort $info_files] {

            set package_path [file join {*}[lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-1]]
            set package_key [lindex [file split $spec_file] end-1]

            if { $package_key in $exclude_package_list } {
                ns_log Debug "Repository: Package $package_key is on list of packages to exclude - skipping"

            unset -nocomplain pkg_info

            ad_try {
                array set pkg_info [apm_read_package_info_file $spec_file]

                if { $pkg_info(package.key) in $packages } {
                    ns_log Debug "Repository: Skipping package $package_key, because we already have another version of it"
                } else {
                    lappend packages $pkg_info(package.key)

                    append manifest \
                        "  <package>" \n \
                        "    <package-key>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(package.key)]</package-key>\n" \
                        "    <version>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(name)]</version>\n" \
                        "    <pretty-name>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(package-name)]</pretty-name>\n" \
                        "    <package-type>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(package.type)]</package-type>\n" \
                        "    <summary>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(summary)]</summary>\n" \
                        "    <description format=\"[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(description.format)]\">" \
                        [ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(description)"</description>\n" \
                        "    <release-date>[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(release-date)]</release-date>\n" \
                        "    <vendor url=\"[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(vendor.url)]\">" \
                        [ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(vendor)"</vendor>\n" \
                        "    <license url=\"[ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(license.url)]\">" \
                        [ns_quotehtml $pkg_info(license)"</license>\n" \
                        "    <maturity>$pkg_info(maturity)</maturity>\n"

                    foreach e $pkg_info(install) {
                        append manifest "    <install package=\"$e\"/>\n"

                    set apm_file "${channel_dir}${pkg_info(package.key)}-${pkg_info(name)}.apm"
                    ns_log Notice "Repository: Building package $package_key for channel $channel"

                    set files [apm_get_package_files \
                                   -all \
                                   -include_data_model_files \
                                   -all_db_types \
                                   -package_key $pkg_info(package.key) \
                                   -package_path $package_path]

                    if { [llength $files] == 0 } {
                        ns_log Notice "Repository: No files in package"
                    } else {
                        ns_log Notice "Repository: [llength $files] files in package $pkg_info(package.key) ($channel)"
                        set cmd [list exec [apm_tar_cmd] cf -  2>/dev/null]

                        # The path to the 'packages' directory in the checkout
                        set packages_root_path [file join {*}[lrange [file split $spec_file] 0 end-2]]

                        set fp [ad_opentmpfile tmp_filename]
                        foreach file $files {
                            puts $fp $package_key/$file
                        close $fp

                        lappend cmd -C $packages_root_path --files-from $tmp_filename

                        lappend cmd "|" [apm_gzip_cmd] -c ">" $apm_file
                        ns_log Notice "Executing: exec $cd_helper $packages_root_path $cmd"
                        if {[catch "exec $cd_helper $packages_root_path $cmd" errmsg]} {
                            ns_log Error "Error during tar in repository creation for\
                                  file ${channel_dir}$pkg_info(package.key)-$pkg_info(name).apm:\
                        file delete -- $tmp_filename

                    set apm_url "${repository_url}$channel/$pkg_info(package.key)-$pkg_info(name).apm"

                    template::multirow append packages \
                        $package_path $package_key $pkg_info(name) $pkg_info(package-name) \
                        $pkg_info(package.type) $pkg_info(summary) $pkg_info(description) \
                        $pkg_info(release-date) $pkg_info(vendor.url) $pkg_info(vendor) \
                        $pkg_info(maturity) $pkg_info(maturity_text) \
                        $pkg_info(license)  $pkg_info(license.url) $apm_url

                    append manifest "    <download-url>$apm_url</download-url>\n"
                    foreach elm $pkg_info(provides) {
                        append manifest "    <provides " \
                            "url=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 0]]\" " \
                            "version=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 1]]\" />\n"

                    foreach elm $pkg_info(requires) {
                        append manifest "    <requires " \
                            "url=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 0]]\" " \
                            "version=\"[ns_quotehtml [lindex $elm 1]]\" />\n"
                    append manifest "  </package>\n"
            } on error {errorMsg} {
                ns_log Notice "Repository: Error on spec_file $spec_file: $errorMsg\n$::errorInfo\n"

        append manifest "</manifest>\n"

        ns_log Notice "Repository: Writing $channel manifest to ${channel_dir}manifest.xml"
        set fw [open "${channel_dir}manifest.xml" w]
        puts $fw $manifest
        close $fw

        ns_log Notice "Repository: Writing $channel index page to ${channel_dir}index.adp"
        set fw [open "${channel_dir}index.adp" w]
        set packages [lsort $packages]
        puts $fw "<master>\n<property name=\"doc(title)\">OpenACS $channel Compatible Packages</property>\n\n"
        puts $fw "<h1>OpenACS $channel (Git branch $branch)</h1>
           <p>Packages can be installed with the OpenACS Automated Installer on
           your OpenACS site at <code>/acs-admin/install</code>.  Only packages
           potentially compatible with your OpenACS kernel will be shown.</p>
        set category_title(core) "Core Packages"
        set package_keys(core) $core_packages

        set category_title(common-app) "Common Applications"
        set package_keys(common-app) {

        set category_title(extra) "Extra Packages and Libraries"
        set package_keys(extra) ""
        foreach p $packages {
            if {$p ni $package_keys(core) && $p ni $package_keys(common-app)} {
                lappend package_keys(extra) $p

        foreach category {core common-app extra} {

            template::multirow create pkgs \
                package_path package_key version pretty_name \
                package_type summary description \
                release_date vendor_url vendor \
                maturity maturity_text \
                license license_url download_url

            template::multirow foreach packages {
                if {$package_key in $package_keys($category)} {
                    template::multirow append pkgs \
                        $package_path $package_key $version $pretty_name \
                        $package_type $summary $description \
                        $release_date $vendor_url $vendor \
                        $maturity $maturity_text \
                        $license $license_url $download_url

            puts $fw "\n<h2>$category_title($category)</h2>\n"

            puts $fw [template::adp_include $channel_index_template \
                          [list channel $channel &pkgs pkgs update_pretty_date $update_pretty_date]]

        close $fw

        ns_log Notice "Repository:  Channel $channel complete."


    ns_log Notice "Repository: Finishing Repository"

    foreach channel [dict keys $core_channels] {
        if {[regexp {^([1-9][0-9]*)-([0-9]+)$} $channel . major minor]} {
            # *-compat channels: The "patchlevel" of these channels is
            # the highest possible value, higher than the released
            # -final channels.
            set tag_order([format %.3d $major]-[format %.3d $minor]-999) $channel
            set tag_label($channel"OpenACS $major.$minor"
        } elseif {[regexp {^([1-9][0-9]*)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$} $channel . major minor patch]} {
            # *-final channels: a concrete patchlevel is provided.
            set tag_order([format %.3d $major]-[format %.3d $minor]-[format %.3d $patch]) $channel
            set tag_label($channel"OpenACS $major.$minor.$patch"
        } else {
            set tag_order(999-999-999) $channel
            set tag_label($channel"OpenACS $channel"

    # Write the index page
    ns_log Notice "Repository: Writing repository index page to ${work_dir}repository/index.adp"
    template::multirow create channels name tag label
    foreach key [lsort -decreasing [array names tag_order]] {
        set channel $tag_order($key)
        template::multirow append channels $channel [dict get $core_channels $channel$tag_label($channel)
    set fw [open "${work_dir}repository/index.adp" w]
    puts $fw "<master>\n<property name=\"doc(title)\">OpenACS Package Repository</property>\n\n"
    puts $fw [template::adp_include -- $index_template \
                  [list &channels channels update_pretty_date $update_pretty_date]]
    close $fw

    # Add a redirector for outdated releases
    set fw [open "${work_dir}repository/index.vuh" w]
    puts $fw "ns_returnredirect /repository/"
    close $fw

    # Without the trailing slash
    set work_repository_dirname "${work_dir}repository"
    set repository_dirname [string range $repository_dir 0 end-1]
    set repository_bak "[string range $repository_dir 0 end-1]_bak"

    ns_log Notice "Repository: Moving work repository $work_repository_dirname to live repository dir at <a href=\"/repository\/>$repository_dir</a>\n"

    if { [file exists $repository_bak] } {
        file delete -force -- $repository_bak
    if { [file exists $repository_dirname] } {
        file rename -- $repository_dirname $repository_bak
    file rename -- $work_repository_dirname  $repository_dirname

    ns_log Debug "Repository: DONE"

    return 0

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: