- Publicity: Public Only All
Procs for driver parameters service contract implementations.
- Location:
- packages/acs-authentication/tcl/driver-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 2003-08-27
- Author:
- Simon Carstensen <simon@collaobraid.biz>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: driver-procs.tcl,v 2019/09/11 13:10:22 antoniop Exp $
Procedures in this file
- auth::driver::GetParameters (public, deprecated)
- auth::driver::get_parameter_values (public)
- auth::driver::get_parameters (public)
- auth::driver::set_parameter_value (public)
Detailed information
auth::driver::GetParameters (public, deprecated)
auth::driver::GetParameters -impl_id impl_id
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
Returns a list of names of parameters for the driver This proc duplicates auth::driver::get_parameters
- Switches:
- -impl_id (required)
- Author:
- Simon Carstensen <simon@collaboraid.biz>
- Created:
- 2003-08-27
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
auth::driver::get_parameter_values (public)
auth::driver::get_parameter_values -authority_id authority_id \ -impl_id impl_id
Gets a list of parameter values ready to be passed to a service contract implementation. If a parameter doesn't have a value, the value will be the empty string.
- Switches:
- -authority_id (required)
- -impl_id (required)
- Author:
- Simon Carstensen <simon@collaboraid.biz>
- Created:
- 2003-08-27
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- auth_driver_get_parameter_values
auth::driver::get_parameters (public)
auth::driver::get_parameters -impl_id impl_id
Returns a list of names of parameters for the driver
- Switches:
- -impl_id (required)
- Author:
- Simon Carstensen <simon@collaboraid.biz>
- Created:
- 2003-08-27
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- auth_driver_get_parameter_values
auth::driver::set_parameter_value (public)
auth::driver::set_parameter_value -authority_id authority_id \ -impl_id impl_id -parameter parameter -value value
Updates the parameter value in the database.
- Switches:
- -authority_id (required)
- -impl_id (required)
- -parameter (required)
- -value (required)
- Author:
- Simon Carstensen <simon@collaboraid.biz>
- Created:
- 2003-08-27
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- auth_driver_get_parameter_values, sync_batch_ims_test
Content File Source
ad_library { Procs for driver parameters service contract implementations. @author Simon Carstensen (simon@collaobraid.biz) @creation-date 2003-08-27 @cvs-id $Id: driver-procs.tcl,v 2019/09/11 13:10:22 antoniop Exp $ } namespace eval auth {} namespace eval auth::driver {} ##### # # auth::driver # ##### d_proc -public auth::driver::get_parameters { {-impl_id:required} } { Returns a list of names of parameters for the driver @author Simon Carstensen (simon@collaboraid.biz) @creation-date 2003-08-27 } { if { $impl_id eq "" } { return {} } set parameters {} ad_try { set parameters [acs_sc::invoke \ -error \ -impl_id $impl_id \ -operation GetParameters] } on error {errorMsg} { ad_log Error "Error getting parameters for impl_id $impl_id: $errorMsg" } return $parameters } d_proc -public auth::driver::get_parameter_values { {-authority_id:required} {-impl_id:required} } { Gets a list of parameter values ready to be passed to a service contract implementation. If a parameter doesn't have a value, the value will be the empty string. @author Simon Carstensen (simon@collaboraid.biz) @creation-date 2003-08-27 } { array set param [list] db_foreach select_values { select key, value from auth_driver_params where impl_id = :impl_id and authority_id = :authority_id } { set param($key) $value } # We need to ensure that the driver gets all the parameters it is asking for, and nothing but the ones it is asking for set params [list] foreach { name desc } [get_parameters -impl_id $impl_id] { if { [info exists param($name)] } { lappend params $name $param($name) } else { lappend params $name {} } } return $params } d_proc -public auth::driver::set_parameter_value { {-authority_id:required} {-impl_id:required} {-parameter:required} {-value:required} } { Updates the parameter value in the database. @author Simon Carstensen (simon@collaboraid.biz) @creation-date 2003-08-27 } { set exists_p [db_string param_exists_p {}] if { $exists_p } { db_dml update_parameter {} -clobs [list $value] } else { db_dml insert_parameter {} -clobs [list $value] } } d_proc -deprecated -public auth::driver::GetParameters { {-impl_id:required} } { Returns a list of names of parameters for the driver This proc duplicates auth::driver::get_parameters @see auth::driver::get_parameters @author Simon Carstensen (simon@collaboraid.biz) @creation-date 2003-08-27 } { return [acs_sc::invoke \ -error \ -impl_id $impl_id \ -operation GetParameters] } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: