• Publicity: Public Only All


Functions that APM uses to interact with the filesystem and I/O.

Fri Oct 6 21:46:05 2000
Bryan Quinn <bquinn@arsdigita.com>
CVS Identification:
$Id: apm-file-procs.tcl,v 2024/02/26 11:54:32 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

apm_cancel_all_watches (public)

 apm_cancel_all_watches package_key

Cancel all watches in the given package.

package_key (required)
The package_key of the package to stop watching.
Peter Marklund
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-admin/www/apm/package-watch-cancel.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/package-watch-cancel.tcl apm_cancel_all_watches apm_cancel_all_watches packages/acs-admin/www/apm/package-watch-cancel.tcl->apm_cancel_all_watches apm_file_watch_cancel apm_file_watch_cancel (public) apm_cancel_all_watches->apm_file_watch_cancel apm_get_watchable_files apm_get_watchable_files (private) apm_cancel_all_watches->apm_get_watchable_files

No testcase defined.

apm_extract_tarball (public)

 apm_extract_tarball version_id dir

Extracts a distribution tarball into a particular directory, overwriting any existing files. DCW - 2001-05-03, modified to extract tarball from content repository.

version_id (required)
dir (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_tarballs apm_tarballs (test acs-tcl) apm_extract_tarball apm_extract_tarball test_apm_tarballs->apm_extract_tarball ad_tmpnam ad_tmpnam (public) apm_extract_tarball->ad_tmpnam apm_dev_null apm_dev_null (private) apm_extract_tarball->apm_dev_null apm_gzip_cmd apm_gzip_cmd (public) apm_extract_tarball->apm_gzip_cmd apm_tar_cmd apm_tar_cmd (public) apm_extract_tarball->apm_tar_cmd db_blob_get_file db_blob_get_file (public) apm_extract_tarball->db_blob_get_file


apm_file_type_keys (public, deprecated)

Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.

Returns a list of valid file type keys. DEPRECATED: this API in not used in upstream code and can be inlined by a simple dict idiom.

Peter Marklund
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_log_deprecated ad_log_deprecated (public) apm_file_type_names apm_file_type_names (public) apm_file_type_keys apm_file_type_keys apm_file_type_keys->ad_log_deprecated apm_file_type_keys->apm_file_type_names

No testcase defined.

apm_file_type_names (public)


Returns an array list with filetypes as keys and filetype pretty names as values.

Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_version_api apm_version_api (test acs-tcl) apm_file_type_names apm_file_type_names test_apm_version_api->apm_file_type_names apm_file_type_keys apm_file_type_keys (public, deprecated) apm_file_type_keys->apm_file_type_names apm_pretty_name_for_file_type apm_pretty_name_for_file_type (public) apm_pretty_name_for_file_type->apm_file_type_names


apm_file_watch (public)

 apm_file_watch path

Marks the file of the indicated path to be watched. If the file changes, it will be reloaded prior to the next page load.

path (required)
The path of the file relative to server root

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 apm_watch_all_files apm_watch_all_files (public) apm_file_watch apm_file_watch apm_watch_all_files->apm_file_watch packages/acs-admin/www/apm/file-watch.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/file-watch.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/file-watch.tcl->apm_file_watch

No testcase defined.

apm_file_watch_cancel (public)

 apm_file_watch_cancel [ path ]

Stop watching a certain file, or all watched files if path is not specified. If the file is not watched this procedure does nothing.

path (optional)
The path relative to server root of the file to stop watching. Optional.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 apm_cancel_all_watches apm_cancel_all_watches (public) apm_file_watch_cancel apm_file_watch_cancel apm_cancel_all_watches->apm_file_watch_cancel packages/acs-admin/www/apm/file-watch-cancel.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/file-watch-cancel.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/file-watch-cancel.tcl->apm_file_watch_cancel

No testcase defined.

apm_file_watchable_p (public)

 apm_file_watchable_p path

Given the path of a file determine if it is appropriate to be watched for reload. The file should be db compatible with the system and be of right type (for example contain Tcl procs or xql queries).

path (required)
The path of the file relative to server root
1 If file is watchable and 0 otherwise. The proc will throw an error if the file doesn't exist or if the given path cannot be parsed as a path relative to server root.
Peter Marklund
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 apm_get_watchable_files apm_get_watchable_files (private) apm_file_watchable_p apm_file_watchable_p apm_get_watchable_files->apm_file_watchable_p packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-files.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-files.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-files.tcl->apm_file_watchable_p apm_guess_db_type apm_guess_db_type (public) apm_file_watchable_p->apm_guess_db_type apm_guess_file_type apm_guess_file_type (public) apm_file_watchable_p->apm_guess_file_type db_type db_type (public) apm_file_watchable_p->db_type

No testcase defined.

apm_generate_tarball (public)

 apm_generate_tarball version_id

Generates a tarball for a version, placing it in the content repository. DCW - 2001-05-03, change to use the content repository for tarball storage.

version_id (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_tarballs apm_tarballs (test acs-tcl) apm_generate_tarball apm_generate_tarball test_apm_tarballs->apm_generate_tarball ad_conn ad_conn (public) apm_generate_tarball->ad_conn ad_tmpnam ad_tmpnam (public) apm_generate_tarball->ad_tmpnam apm_dev_null apm_dev_null (private) apm_generate_tarball->apm_dev_null apm_get_package_files apm_get_package_files (public) apm_generate_tarball->apm_get_package_files apm_gzip_cmd apm_gzip_cmd (public) apm_generate_tarball->apm_gzip_cmd packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-generate-tarball.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-generate-tarball.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-generate-tarball.tcl->apm_generate_tarball


apm_gzip_cmd (public)

A valid command name for gzip.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_tcl_exec_optional_dependencies acs_tcl_exec_optional_dependencies (test acs-tcl) apm_gzip_cmd apm_gzip_cmd test_acs_tcl_exec_optional_dependencies->apm_gzip_cmd test_acs_tcl_exec_required_dependencies acs_tcl_exec_required_dependencies (test acs-tcl) test_acs_tcl_exec_required_dependencies->apm_gzip_cmd util::which util::which (public) apm_gzip_cmd->util::which _acs_tcl__acs_tcl_external_dependencies_helper _acs_tcl__acs_tcl_external_dependencies_helper (private) _acs_tcl__acs_tcl_external_dependencies_helper->apm_gzip_cmd apm_build_repository apm_build_repository (private) apm_build_repository->apm_gzip_cmd apm_extract_tarball apm_extract_tarball (public) apm_extract_tarball->apm_gzip_cmd apm_generate_tarball apm_generate_tarball (public) apm_generate_tarball->apm_gzip_cmd apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository (private) apm_git_build_repository->apm_gzip_cmd

acs_tcl_exec_required_dependencies, acs_tcl_exec_optional_dependencies

apm_load_apm_file (public)

 apm_load_apm_file [ -callback callback ] [ -url url ] [ file_path ]

Uncompresses and loads an APM file into the filesystem.

-callback (optional, defaults to "apm_dummy_callback")
-url (optional)
If specified, will download the APM file first.
file_path (optional)
If successful, a path to the .info file of the package uncompressed into the apm-workspace directory

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 packages/acs-admin/www/apm/package-load-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/package-load-2.tcl apm_load_apm_file apm_load_apm_file packages/acs-admin/www/apm/package-load-2.tcl->apm_load_apm_file packages/acs-admin/www/install/install-3.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/install/install-3.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/install/install-3.tcl->apm_load_apm_file ad_file ad_file (public) apm_load_apm_file->ad_file ad_mktmpdir ad_mktmpdir (public) apm_load_apm_file->ad_mktmpdir ad_tmpnam ad_tmpnam (public) apm_load_apm_file->ad_tmpnam apm_callback_and_log apm_callback_and_log (public) apm_load_apm_file->apm_callback_and_log apm_dev_null apm_dev_null (private) apm_load_apm_file->apm_dev_null

No testcase defined.

apm_package_info_file_path (public)

 apm_package_info_file_path [ -path path ] package_key

Returns the path to a .info file in a package directory, or throws an error if none exists. Currently, only $package_key.info is recognized as a specification file.

-path (optional)
package_key (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_upgrade upgrade (test acs-lang) apm_package_info_file_path apm_package_info_file_path test_upgrade->apm_package_info_file_path acs_package_root_dir acs_package_root_dir (public) apm_package_info_file_path->acs_package_root_dir ad_file ad_file (public) apm_package_info_file_path->ad_file apm::package_version::attributes::set_all_instances_names apm::package_version::attributes::set_all_instances_names (private) apm::package_version::attributes::set_all_instances_names->apm_package_info_file_path apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository (private) apm_git_build_repository->apm_package_info_file_path apm_package_install apm_package_install (public) apm_package_install->apm_package_info_file_path apm_scan_packages apm_scan_packages (public) apm_scan_packages->apm_package_info_file_path apm_simple_package_install apm_simple_package_install (public) apm_simple_package_install->apm_package_info_file_path


apm_tar_cmd (public)

A valid command name for tar.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_acs_tcl_exec_optional_dependencies acs_tcl_exec_optional_dependencies (test acs-tcl) apm_tar_cmd apm_tar_cmd test_acs_tcl_exec_optional_dependencies->apm_tar_cmd test_acs_tcl_exec_required_dependencies acs_tcl_exec_required_dependencies (test acs-tcl) test_acs_tcl_exec_required_dependencies->apm_tar_cmd util::which util::which (public) apm_tar_cmd->util::which _acs_tcl__acs_tcl_external_dependencies_helper _acs_tcl__acs_tcl_external_dependencies_helper (private) _acs_tcl__acs_tcl_external_dependencies_helper->apm_tar_cmd apm_build_repository apm_build_repository (private) apm_build_repository->apm_tar_cmd apm_extract_tarball apm_extract_tarball (public) apm_extract_tarball->apm_tar_cmd apm_generate_tarball apm_generate_tarball (public) apm_generate_tarball->apm_tar_cmd apm_git_build_repository apm_git_build_repository (private) apm_git_build_repository->apm_tar_cmd

acs_tcl_exec_required_dependencies, acs_tcl_exec_optional_dependencies

apm_watch_all_files (public)

 apm_watch_all_files package_key

Watch all Tcl procs and xql query files in the given package

package_key (required)
Peter Marklund
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ds_watch_packages ds_watch_packages (private) apm_watch_all_files apm_watch_all_files ds_watch_packages->apm_watch_all_files packages/acs-admin/www/apm/package-watch.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/package-watch.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/package-watch.tcl->apm_watch_all_files apm_file_watch apm_file_watch (public) apm_watch_all_files->apm_file_watch apm_get_watchable_files apm_get_watchable_files (private) apm_watch_all_files->apm_get_watchable_files

No testcase defined.

apm_workspace_dir (public)


Return the path to the apm-workspace, creating the directory if necessary.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_workspace_directories apm_workspace_directories (test acs-tcl) apm_workspace_dir apm_workspace_dir test_apm_workspace_directories->apm_workspace_dir ad_file ad_file (public) apm_workspace_dir->ad_file apm_mkdir apm_mkdir (private) apm_workspace_dir->apm_mkdir apm_package_deinstall apm_package_deinstall (public) apm_package_deinstall->apm_workspace_dir apm_workspace_install_dir apm_workspace_install_dir (public) apm_workspace_install_dir->apm_workspace_dir


apm_workspace_install_dir (public)


Return the path to the installation directory of the apm-workspace, creating the directory if necessary.

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_apm_workspace_directories apm_workspace_directories (test acs-tcl) apm_workspace_install_dir apm_workspace_install_dir test_apm_workspace_directories->apm_workspace_install_dir apm_mkdir apm_mkdir (private) apm_workspace_install_dir->apm_mkdir apm_workspace_dir apm_workspace_dir (public) apm_workspace_install_dir->apm_workspace_dir apm_load_apm_file apm_load_apm_file (public) apm_load_apm_file->apm_workspace_install_dir apm_package_install apm_package_install (public) apm_package_install->apm_workspace_install_dir apm_scan_packages apm_scan_packages (public) apm_scan_packages->apm_workspace_install_dir packages/acs-admin/www/apm/package-load-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/package-load-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/package-load-2.tcl->apm_workspace_install_dir packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/packages-install-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/packages-install-2.tcl->apm_workspace_install_dir

[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {

    Functions that APM uses to interact with the filesystem and I/O.

    @author Bryan Quinn (bquinn@arsdigita.com)
    @creation-date Fri Oct  6 21:46:05 2000
    @cvs-id $Id: apm-file-procs.tcl,v 2024/02/26 11:54:32 gustafn Exp $

ad_proc -private apm_mkdir {path} {

    Creates the directory specified by path and returns it.

} {
    if { ![file isdirectory $path] } {
        # 'path' might exists and not be a directory, we force-reclaim
        # it in this case.
        file delete -force -- $path
        file mkdir $path
    return $path

ad_proc -public apm_workspace_dir {} {

    Return the path to the apm-workspace, creating the directory if necessary.

} {
    set path [ad_file join $::acs::rootdir apm-workspace]
    return [apm_mkdir $path]

ad_proc -public apm_workspace_install_dir {} {

    Return the path to the installation directory of the apm-workspace, creating
    the directory if necessary.
} {
    set base_path [apm_workspace_dir]
    set install_path "$base_path/install"
    return [apm_mkdir $install_path]

ad_proc -public apm_file_type_names {} {
    Returns an array list with filetypes as keys and
    filetype pretty names as values.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    return {
        documentation "Documentation"
        tcl_procs "Tcl procedure library"
        tcl_init "Tcl initialization"
        tcl_util "Tcl utility script"
        content_page "Content page"
        package_spec "Package specification"
        sql_data "SQL Data"
        ctl_file "SQL data loader control"
        data_model "Data model"
        data_model_create "Data model installation"
        data_model_drop "Data model deinstallation"
        data_model_upgrade "Data model upgrade"
        java_code "Java code"
        java_archive "Java archive"
        query_file "Query file"
        template "Template file"
        shell "Shell utility"
        sqlj_code "SQLJ library"
        message_catalog "Message Catalog"

ad_proc -deprecated apm_file_type_keys {} {

    Returns a list of valid file type keys.

    DEPRECATED: this API in not used in upstream code and can be
    inlined by a simple dict idiom.

    @see apm_file_type_names
    @see apm_pretty_name_for_file_type
    @see dict

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    return [dict keys [apm_file_type_names]]

d_proc -public apm_package_info_file_path {
    {-path ""}
} {

    Returns the path to a .info file in a package directory, or throws an
    error if none exists. Currently, only $package_key.info is recognized
    as a specification file.

} {
    if { $path eq "" } {
        set path [acs_package_root_dir $package_key]
    } else {
        set path $path/$package_key
    if { [ad_file exists $path/$package_key.info] } {
        return $path/$package_key.info
    error "The directory $path does not contain a package specification file ($package_key.info)."

ad_proc -public apm_extract_tarball { version_id dir } {

    Extracts a distribution tarball into a particular directory,
    overwriting any existing files.
    DCW - 2001-05-03, modified to extract tarball from content repository.

} {
    set apm_file [ad_tmpnam]

    db_blob_get_file distribution_tar_ball_select {
        select content
        from cr_revisions
        where revision_id = (select content_item.get_latest_revision(item_id)
                             from apm_package_versions
                             where version_id = :version_id)
    } -file $apm_file

    file mkdir $dir

    # This would avoid the exec and could also be used elsewhere, but
    # there are known issues with the tar package. See
    # e.g. https://groups.google.com/g/comp.lang.tcl/c/vDKy7x_Q0cM/m/noKeUD6UCAAJ
    # or
    # https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcllib/tktview/27bed812fa2ec3d5d1aa96a31f7cad2f7917ad14.
    # set rfd [open $apm_file rb]
    # zlib push gunzip $rfd
    # package require tar
    # ::tar::untar $rfd -chan -dir $dir
    # close $rfd
    exec [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c < $apm_file | [apm_tar_cmd] -xf - -C $dir 2> [apm_dev_null]

    file delete -- $apm_file

ad_proc -public apm_generate_tarball { version_id } {

    Generates a tarball for a version, placing it in the content repository.
    DCW - 2001-05-03, change to use the content repository for tarball storage.

} {
    set package_key [apm_package_key_from_version_id $version_id]
    set files [apm_get_package_files -all -package_key $package_key]
    set tmpfile [ad_tmpnam]

    db_1row package_key_select {}

    # Generate a command like:
    #   tar cf - -C /web/arsdigita/packages acs-kernel/00-proc-procs.tcl \
        #                 -C /web/arsdigita/packages 10-database-procs.tcl ...  \
        #     | gzip -c > $tmpfile
    # Note that -C changes the working directory before compressing the next
    # file; we need this to ensure that the tarballs are relative to the
    # package root directory ($::acs::rootdir/packages).

    set cmd [list exec [apm_tar_cmd] cf - 2> [apm_dev_null]]
    foreach file $files {
        lappend cmd -C "$::acs::rootdir/packages"
        lappend cmd "$package_key/$file"

    lappend cmd "|" [apm_gzip_cmd] -c ">" $tmpfile

    # At this point, the APM tarball is sitting in $tmpfile. Save it in
    # the database.

    set creation_ip [ad_conn peeraddr]
    set user_id     [ad_conn user_id]
    set name        "tarball-for-package-version-${version_id}"
    set title       "${package_key}-tarball"
    set description "gzipped tarfile"
    set mime_type   "text/plain"

    db_1row item_exists_p {}

    if {!$item_id} {
        # content item hasen't been created yet - create one.
        set item_id [content::item::new \
                         -name          $name \
                         -title         $title \
                         -description   $description \
                         -mime_type     $mime_type \
                         -creation_user $user_id \
                         -creation_ip   $creation_ip \
                         -is_live       true]

        db_dml set_item_id {}

    set revision_id [content::item::get_live_revision -item_id $item_id]

    # No live revision for this item. Possible if somebody already
    # generated the archive, then deleted or modified the revision
    # manually or by other means. We create a new live revision.
    if {$revision_id eq ""} {
        set revision_id [content::revision::new -item_id $item_id \
                             -title         $title \
                             -description   $description \
                             -mime_type     $mime_type \
                             -creation_user $user_id \
                             -creation_ip   $creation_ip \
                             -is_live       true]

    db_dml update_tarball {} -blob_files [list $tmpfile]

    db_dml update_content_length {}

    file delete -- $tmpfile

d_proc -private apm_files_load {
    {-force_reload:boolean 0}
    {-callback apm_dummy_callback}
} {

    Load the set of files into the currently running Tcl interpreter.
    @param force_reload Indicates if the file should be loaded even if it \
        is already loaded in the interpreter.
} {
    # This will be the first time loading for each of these files (since if a
    # file has already been loaded, we just skip it in the loop below).
    global apm_first_time_loading_p
    set apm_first_time_loading_p 1

    global apm_current_package_key

    foreach file_info $files {
        lassign $file_info package_key path

        if { $force_reload_p || ![nsv_exists apm_library_mtime packages/$package_key/$path] } {
            if { [file exists "$::acs::rootdir/packages/$package_key/$path"] } {
                apm_callback_and_log $callback "Loading packages/$package_key/$path..."
                set apm_current_package_key $package_key

                apm_source "$::acs::rootdir/packages/$package_key/$path"

                # Release outstanding database handles (in case this file
                # used the db_* database API and a subsequent one uses
                # ns_db).

                apm_callback_and_log $callback "Loaded packages/$package_key/$path."
                unset apm_current_package_key
            } else {
                apm_callback_and_log $callback "Unable to load packages/$package_key/$path - file is marked as contained in a package but is not present in the filesystem"
    unset apm_first_time_loading_p

ad_proc -public apm_file_watch {path} {

    Marks the file of the indicated path to be watched.  If the file changes,
    it will be reloaded prior to the next page load.

    @param path The path of the file relative to server root
} {
    if {$path eq "packages/acs-bootstrap-installer/tcl/30-apm-load-procs.tcl"} {
        ns_log Warning "apm_file_watch: Skipping file $path as it cannot be watched. You have to restart the server instead"

    nsv_set apm_reload_watch $path 1

d_proc -public apm_file_watch_cancel {
    {path ""}
} {
    Stop watching a certain file, or all watched files if path
    is not specified. If the file is not watched
    this procedure does nothing.

    @param path The path relative to server root of the file to stop watching. Optional.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    if { $path ne "" } {
        catch { nsv_unset apm_reload_watch $path }
    } else {
        catch {nsv_unset apm_reload_watch}

ad_proc -public apm_file_watchable_p { path } {
    Given the path of a file determine if it is
    appropriate to be watched for reload. The file should
    be db compatible with the system and be of right
    type (for example contain Tcl procs or xql queries).

    @param path The path of the file relative to server root

    @return 1 If file is watchable and 0 otherwise. The proc will throw an error if the
    file doesn't exist or if the given path cannot be parsed as a path relative
    to server root.

    @see apm_guess_file_type
    @see apm_guess_db_type

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    # The apm_guess procs need package_key and a path relative to package root
    # so parse those out of the given path
    if { [regexp {^packages/([^/]+)/(.*)$} $path match package_key package_rel_path] } {
        if { ![file exists "$::acs::rootdir/$path"] } {
            error "apm_file_watchable_p: path $path does not correspond to an existing file"
    } else {
        error "apm_file_watchable_p: path $path cannot be parsed as a path relative to server root"

    # Check the db type
    set file_db_type [apm_guess_db_type $package_key $package_rel_path]
    set right_db_type_p [expr {$file_db_type eq "" || $file_db_type eq [db_type]}]

    # Check the file type
    set file_type [apm_guess_file_type $package_key $package_rel_path]
    # I would like to add test_procs to the list but currently test_procs files are used to register test cases
    # and we don't want to resource these files in every interpreter. Test procs should be defined in test_init files.
    set watchable_file_types [list tcl_procs query_file test_procs]
    set right_file_type_p [expr {$file_type in $watchable_file_types}]

    # Both db type and file type must be right
    set watchable_p [expr {$right_db_type_p && $right_file_type_p}]

    return $watchable_p

ad_proc -public apm_watch_all_files { package_key } {
    Watch all Tcl procs and xql query files in the given

    @see apm_file_watch
    @see apm_get_watchable_files

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    foreach rel_path [apm_get_watchable_files $package_key] {
        apm_file_watch $rel_path

ad_proc -public apm_cancel_all_watches { package_key } {
    Cancel all watches in the given package.

    @param package_key The package_key of the package to stop watching.

    @see apm_file_watch_cancel
    @see apm_get_watchable_files

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    foreach rel_path [apm_get_watchable_files $package_key] {
        apm_file_watch_cancel $rel_path

ad_proc -private apm_get_watchable_files { package_key } {
    Get a list of paths relative to server root of watchable
    files in the given package

    @param package_key Key of the package to get paths for

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set watchable_files [list]

    set files [ad_find_all_files $::acs::rootdir/packages/$package_key]
    foreach file [lsort $files] {
        set rel_path [ad_make_relative_path $file]
        if { [apm_file_watchable_p $rel_path] } {
            lappend watchable_files $rel_path

    return $watchable_files

ad_proc -private apm_system_paths {} {

    @return a list of acceptable system paths to search for executables in.

} {
    set paths [parameter::get -package_id [ad_acs_kernel_id] -parameter SystemCommandPaths]
    if {$paths eq ""} {
        return [list "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/sbin" "/sbin" "/usr/sbin"]
    } else {
        return $paths

ad_proc -public apm_gzip_cmd {} {

    @return A valid command name for gzip.

} {
    return [::util::which gzip]

ad_proc -public apm_tar_cmd {} {

    @return A valid command name for tar.

} {
    return [::util::which tar]

ad_proc -private apm_dev_null {} {

    @return null device

} {
    if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
        return /dev/null
    } else {
        return nul

d_proc -private apm_transfer_file {
} {
    set result [util::http::get -url $url -timeout 300 -spool]
    file rename [dict get $result file] $output_file_name

d_proc -public apm_load_apm_file {
    {-callback apm_dummy_callback}
    {-url {}}
    {file_path {}}
} {

    Uncompresses and loads an APM file into the filesystem.

    @param url If specified, will download the APM file first.

    @return If successful, a path to the .info file of the package uncompressed
    into the apm-workspace directory

} {
    # First download the apm file if a URL is provided
    if { $url ne "" } {
        set file_path [ad_tmpnam].apm
        apm_callback_and_log $callback "<li>Downloading $url..."
        if { [catch {apm_transfer_file -url $url -output_file_name $file_path} errmsg] } {
            apm_callback_and_log $callback "Unable to download. Please check your URL.</ul>.
            The following error was returned: <blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $errmsg]

        if {![ad_file exists $file_path]} {
            apm_callback_and_log $callback  "
            The file cannot be found.  Your URL or your filename is incorrect.  Please verify that the filename
            is correct and try again."
            ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: The file cannot be found."

    #ns_log notice "*** try to exec [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] tf - 2> [apm_dev_null]"
    if { [catch {
        set files [split [string trim \
                              [exec [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] tf - 2> [apm_dev_null]]] "\n"]
        apm_callback_and_log $callback  "<li>Done. Archive is [format %.1f [expr { [ad_file size $file_path] / 1024.0 }]]KB, with [llength $files] files.<li>"
    } errmsg] } {
        apm_callback_and_log $callback "The follow error occurred during the uncompression process:
    <blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $errmsg]</pre></blockquote><br>
                ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: $errmsg\n$::errorInfo"

    if { [llength $files] == 0 } {
        apm_callback_and_log $callback  "The archive does not contain any files.\n"
        ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: The archive does not contain any files."

    set package_key [lindex [split [lindex $files 0] "/"] 0]

    # Find that .info file.
    foreach file $files {
        set components [split $file "/"]

        if {[lindex $components 0] ne $package_key  } {
            apm_callback_and_log $callback  "All files in the archive must be contained in the same directory
        (corresponding to the package's key). This is not the case, so the archive is not
        a valid APM file.\n"
            ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Invalid APM file. All files in the archive must be contained in the same directory corresponding to the package's key."

        if { [llength $components] == 2 && [ad_file extension $file] eq ".info" } {
            if { [info exists info_file] } {
                apm_callback_and_log $callback  "The archive contains more than one <tt>package/*/*.info</tt> file, so it is not a valid APM file.</ul>\n"
                ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Invalid APM file. More than one package .info file."
            } else {
                set info_file $file
    if { ![info exists info_file] || [regexp {[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\./_]} $info_file] } {
        apm_callback_and_log $callback  "The archive does not contain a <tt>*/*.info</tt> file, so it is not
        a valid APM file.</ul>\n"
        ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Invalid APM file. No package .info file."

    apm_callback_and_log $callback  "Extracting the .info file (<tt>$info_file</tt>)..."
    set tmpdir [ad_mktmpdir]
    exec [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] -xf - -C $tmpdir $info_file 2> [apm_dev_null]

    #exec sh -c "cd $tmpdir ; [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] xf - $info_file" 2> [apm_dev_null]

    if { [catch {
        array set package [apm_read_package_info_file [ad_file join $tmpdir $info_file]]
    } errmsg]} {
        file delete -force -- $tmpdir
        apm_callback_and_log $callback  "The archive contains an unparsable package specification file:
    <code>$info_file</code>.  The following error was produced while trying to
    parse it: <blockquote><pre>[ns_quotehtml $errmsg]</pre></blockquote>.
    The package cannot be installed.
                ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Bad package .info file. $errmsg\n$::errorInfo"
    file delete -force -- $tmpdir
    set package_key $package(package.key)
    set pretty_name $package(package-name)
    set version_name $package(name)
    ns_log Debug "APM: Preparing to load $pretty_name $version_name"
    # Determine if this package version is already installed.
    if {[apm_package_version_installed_p $package_key $version_name]} {
        apm_callback_and_log $callback  "<li>$pretty_name $version_name is already installed in your system."
        ns_log Error "Error loading APM file form url $url: Package $pretty_name $version_name is already installed"
    } else {

        set install_path [apm_workspace_install_dir]
        if { ![ad_file isdirectory $install_path] } {
            file mkdir $install_path

        apm_callback_and_log $callback  "<li>Extracting files into the filesystem."
        apm_callback_and_log $callback  "<li>$pretty_name $version_name ready for installation."

        #ns_log notice "exec sh -c 'cd $install_path ; [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] xf -' 2>/dev/null"
        exec [apm_gzip_cmd] -d -q -c -S .apm $file_path | [apm_tar_cmd] -xf - -C $install_path 2> [apm_dev_null]

        return "${install_path}/${package_key}/${package_key}.info"

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: