- Publicity: Public Only All
Provides procedures to spit out the navigational parts of the site.
- Location:
- packages/acs-tcl/tcl/navigation-procs.tcl
- Created:
- 11/5/98 (adapted originally from the Cognet server)
- Author:
- philg@mit.edu
- CVS Identification:
$Id: navigation-procs.tcl,v 1.50 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- ad_choice_bar (public)
- ad_context_bar (public)
- ad_context_bar_html (public)
- ad_context_bar_multirow (public)
- ad_context_node_list (public)
- ad_navbar (public)
- util_current_location_node_id (public)
Detailed information
ad_choice_bar (public)
ad_choice_bar items links values [ default ]
Displays a list of choices (Yahoo style), with the currently selected one highlighted.
- Parameters:
- items (required)
- links (required)
- values (required)
- default (optional)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ad_html_bars
ad_context_bar (public)
ad_context_bar [ -from_node from_node ] [ -node_id node_id ] \ [ -separator separator ] [ args... ]
Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. Includes "Administration" or "Subsite Administration" if applicable, and the subsite if not global. 'args' can be either one or more lists, or a simple string.
- Switches:
- -from_node (optional)
- If provided do not generate links to the given node and above.
- -node_id (optional)
- If provided work up from this node, otherwise the current node
- -separator (optional)
- The text placed between each link (passed to ad_context_bar_html if provided)
- Returns:
- an HTML fragment generated by ad_context_bar_html
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ad_context_bar
ad_context_bar_html (public)
ad_context_bar_html [ -separator separator ] context
Generate the an HTML fragment for a context bar. This is the function that takes a list in the format
[list [list url1 text1] [list url2 text2] ... "terminal text"]and generates the HTML fragment. In general, the higher level proc ad_context_bar should be used, and then only in the sitewide master rather than on individual pages.
- Switches:
- -separator (optional)
- The text placed between each link
- Parameters:
- context (required)
- list as with ad_context_bar
- Returns:
- HTML fragment
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ad_context_bar_html
ad_context_bar_multirow (public)
ad_context_bar_multirow [ -from_node from_node ] [ -node_id node_id ] \ [ -multirow multirow ] context
Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. Includes "Administration" if applicable, and the subsite if not global.
- Switches:
- -from_node (optional)
- If provided do not generate links to the given node and above.
- -node_id (optional)
- If provided work up from this node, otherwise the current node
- -multirow (optional, defaults to
)- Parameters:
- context (required)
- Returns:
- an HTML fragment generated by ad_context_bar_html
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ad_context_bar_multirow
ad_context_node_list (public)
ad_context_node_list [ -from_node from_node ] node_id
Starting with the given node_id, return a list of [list url instance_name] items for parent nodes.
- Switches:
- -from_node (optional)
- Parameters:
- Options:
- node_id (required)
- -from_node
- The top-most node_id for which we'll show context bar. This can be used with the node_id of the nearest subsite to get the context-bar only up to the nearest subsite.
- Author:
- Peter Marklund
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- webtest_example, web_forum_view, web_forum_edit, web_forums_message_and_reply
ad_navbar (public)
ad_navbar [ args... ]
Produces a navigation bar. Notice that navigation bar is different than context bar, which displays packages in the site map. Navbar will only generate HTML for those links passed to it.
- Returns:
- HTML fragment
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- ad_html_bars
util_current_location_node_id (public)
returns node_id of util_current_location. Useful for hostnode mapped sites using ad_context_bar
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Provides procedures to spit out the navigational parts of the site. @cvs-id $Id: navigation-procs.tcl,v 1.50 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ @author philg@mit.edu @creation-date 11/5/98 (adapted originally from the Cognet server) } # edited February 28, 1999 by philg to include support for a # Yahoo-style navigation system (showing users where they are in a # hierarchy) d_proc -public ad_context_bar_html { -separator context } { Generate the an HTML fragment for a context bar. This is the function that takes a list in the format <pre> [list [list url1 text1] [list url2 text2] ... "terminal text"] <pre> and generates the HTML fragment. In general, the higher level proc ad_context_bar should be used, and then only in the sitewide master rather than on individual pages. @param separator The text placed between each link @param context list as with ad_context_bar @return HTML fragment @see ad_context_bar } { if {![info exists ::ad_conn(subsite_id)]} { # the following call would crash; for some reason, we do not have determined the subsite id; maybe, the request was utterly incorrect. ns_log Warning "Cannot determine subsite for request: [ns_conn request]\nHeaders:\n[ns_set array [ns_conn headers]]" return "" } # Get the separator from subsite parameter if { ![info exists separator] } { set subsite_id [ad_conn subsite_id] set separator [parameter::get -package_id $subsite_id -parameter ContextBarSeparator -default ":"] } set out {} llength $context foreach element [lrange $context 0 [llength $context]-2] { lassign $element href label append out [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">[ns_quotehtml $label]</a> $separator }] } append out [ns_quotehtml [lindex $context end]] return $out } d_proc ad_context_node_list { {-from_node ""} node_id } { Starting with the given node_id, return a list of [list url instance_name] items for parent nodes. @option from_node The top-most node_id for which we'll show context bar. This can be used with the node_id of the nearest subsite to get the context-bar only up to the nearest subsite. @author Peter Marklund } { set context [list] while { $node_id ne "" } { array set node [site_node::get -node_id $node_id] # JCD: Provide something for the name if the instance name is # absent. name is the tail bit of the url which seems like a # reasonable thing to display. if {$node(instance_name) eq "" && [info exists node(name)]} { set node(instance_name) $node(name) } # Don't collect link for nodes without an object underneath # (e.g. empty site folders), as they would just be dead links if {$node(object_id) ne ""} { set context [list [list $node(url) $node(instance_name)] {*}$context] } # We have the break here, so that 'from_node' itself is included if {$node_id eq $from_node} { break } set node_id $node(parent_id) } return $context } d_proc -public ad_context_bar_multirow { {-from_node ""} {-node_id ""} {-multirow "context"} context } { Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. Includes "Administration" if applicable, and the subsite if not global. @param node_id If provided work up from this node, otherwise the current node @param from_node If provided do not generate links to the given node and above. @return an HTML fragment generated by ad_context_bar_html @see ad_context_bar_html } { if {![parameter::get -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] -parameter ShowContextBarP -default 1]} { return "" } if { $node_id eq "" } { set node_id [ad_conn node_id] } set temp_node_id [util_current_location_node_id] if { $temp_node_id eq "" } { # not a site host_node set node_id_url "" set node_id_url_end 0 } else { set from_node $temp_node_id set node_id_url [site_node::get_url -node_id ${temp_node_id} -notrailing] set node_id_url_end [string length $node_id_url] } template::multirow create $multirow url label foreach elm [ad_context_node_list -from_node $from_node $node_id] { lassign $elm elm_0 elm_1 if { $node_id_url_end > 0 && [string match -nocase $node_id_url [string range $elm_0 0 $node_id_url_end-1] ] } { set elm_0 [string range $elm_0 $node_id_url_end end] } template::multirow append $multirow $elm_0 $elm_1 } if { [string match "admin/*" [ad_conn extra_url]] } { template::multirow append $multirow \ "[ad_conn package_url]admin/" \ [expr {[ad_conn package_key] ne "acs-subsite" ? [_ acs-tcl.Administration] : [_ acs-subsite.Administration]}] } if { [llength $context] == 0 } { # fix last element to just be literal string template::multirow set $multirow [template::multirow size $multirow] url {} } else { foreach elm [lrange $context 0 end-1] { template::multirow append $multirow [lindex $elm 0] [lindex $elm 1] } template::multirow append $multirow {} [lindex $context end] } } d_proc -public ad_context_bar { {-from_node ""} {-node_id ""} -separator args } { Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. Includes "Administration" or "Subsite Administration" if applicable, and the subsite if not global. 'args' can be either one or more lists, or a simple string. @param node_id If provided work up from this node, otherwise the current node @param from_node If provided do not generate links to the given node and above. @param separator The text placed between each link (passed to ad_context_bar_html if provided) @return an HTML fragment generated by ad_context_bar_html @see ad_context_bar_html } { if {![parameter::get -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] -parameter ShowContextBarP -default 1]} { return "" } if { $node_id eq "" } { set node_id [ad_conn node_id] } # # Get context info for this node. In case of "early" errors # (e.g. invalid characters in the URL), the result might be empty. # set context [ad_context_node_list -from_node $from_node $node_id] if { [string match "admin/*" [ad_conn extra_url]] } { lappend context [list "[ad_conn package_url]admin/" \ [expr {[ad_conn package_key] ne "acs-subsite" ? [_ acs-tcl.Administration] : [_ acs-subsite.Administration]}]] } if {[llength $args] == 0} { # # Fix last element to just be literal string # if {$context ne ""} { lset context end [lindex $context end 1] } } else { if {![string match "\{*" $args]} { # args is not a list, transform it into one. set args [list $args] } } lappend context {*}$args if { [info exists separator] } { return [ad_context_bar_html -separator $separator $context] } else { return [ad_context_bar_html $context] } } ad_proc -public ad_navbar args { Produces a navigation bar. Notice that navigation bar is different than context bar, which displays packages in the site map. Navbar will only generate HTML for those links passed to it. @param args list of url desc ([list [list url desc] [list url desc]]) @return HTML fragment @see ad_context_bar_html } { set counter 0 foreach arg $args { lappend link_list [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml [lindex $arg 0]]">[ns_quotehtml [lindex $arg 1]]</a>}] incr counter } if { $counter } { return "\[[join $link_list { | }]\]" } else { return "" } } ad_proc -public ad_choice_bar { items links values {default ""} } { Displays a list of choices (Yahoo style), with the currently selected one highlighted. @see ad_navbar } { set count 0 set return_list [list] foreach value $values { if { $default eq $value } { lappend return_list "<strong>[lindex $items $count]</strong>" } else { lappend return_list [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml [lindex $links $count]]">[ns_quotehtml [lindex $items $count]]</a>}] } incr count } if { [llength $return_list] > 0 } { return "\[[join $return_list " | "]\]" } else { return "" } } ad_proc -public util_current_location_node_id { } { returns node_id of util_current_location. Useful for hostnode mapped sites using ad_context_bar } { util::split_location [util_current_location] .proto location_hostname .port if { [string match -nocase "www.*" $location_hostname] } { set location_hostname [string range $location_hostname 4 end] } db_0or1row -cache_key util-${location_hostname}-node-id get_node_id_from_hostname { select node_id from host_node_map where host = :location_hostname } if { ![info exists node_id ] } { set node_id "" } return $node_id } # directories that should not receive links to move up one level proc ad_no_uplevel_patterns {} { set regexp_patterns [list] lappend regexp_patterns "*/pvt/home.tcl" # Tcl files in the root directory lappend regexp_patterns "^/\[^/\]*\.tcl\$" lappend regexp_patterns "/admin*" } # determines if java_script should be enabled proc java_script_capabilities {} { set user_agent "" set version 0 set internet_explorer_p 0 set netscape_p 0 # get the version set user_agent [ns_set iget [ad_conn headers] User-Agent] regexp -nocase "mozilla/(\[^\.\ \]*)" $user_agent match version # IE browsers have MSIE and Mozilla in their user-agent header set internet_explorer_p [regexp -nocase "msie" $user_agent match] # Netscape browser just have Mozilla in their user-agent header if {$internet_explorer_p == 0} { set netscape_p [regexp -nocase "mozilla" $user_agent match] } set java_script_p 0 if { ($netscape_p && ($version >= 3)) || ($internet_explorer_p && ($version >= 4)) } { set java_script_p 1 } return $java_script_p } # netscape3 browser has a different output proc netscape3_browser {} { set user_agent "" set version 0 set internet_explorer_p 0 set netscape_p 0 # get the version set user_agent [ns_set iget [ad_conn headers] User-Agent] regexp -nocase "mozilla/(\[^\.\ \]*)" $user_agent match version # IE browsers have MSIE and Mozilla in their user-agent header set internet_explorer_p [regexp -nocase "msie" $user_agent match] # Netscape browser just have Mozilla in their user-agent header if {$internet_explorer_p == 0} { set netscape_p [regexp -nocase "mozilla" $user_agent match] } set netscape3_p 0 if { $netscape_p && $version == 3 } { set netscape3_p 1 } return $netscape3_p } # creates the generic javascript/nonjavascript # select box for the submenu proc menu_submenu_select_list {items URLs {highlight_url "" }} { set return_string "" set counter 0 set selectid id[clock clicks -microseconds] append return_string [subst {<form name="submenu" action="/redir"> <select name="url" id="$selectid">}] template::add_event_listener \ -id $selectid -event change \ -script {go_to_url(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);} foreach item $items { set url_stub [ad_conn url] # if the url matches the url you would redirect to, as determined # either by highlight_url, or if highlight_url is not set, # the current url then select it if {$highlight_url ne "" && $highlight_url == [lindex $URLs $counter]} { append return_string [subst {<option value="[lindex $URLs $counter]" selected>$item}] } elseif {$highlight_url eq "" && [string match "*$url_stub*" [lindex $URLs $counter]]} { append return_string [subst {<option value="[lindex $URLs $counter]" selected>$item}] } else { append return_string [subst {<option value="[lindex $URLs $counter]">$item}] } incr counter } append return_string "</select><br> <noscript><input type='submit' value='GO'> </noscript> </form>\n" } # -- # apisano 2016-12-01: this proc is obsolete and currently broken, as # ad_naked_html_patterns is not defined anywhere on the # system. Therefore, I am commenting it out. # -- # this incorporates HTML designed by Ben (not adida, some other guy) # proc ad_menu_header {{section ""} {uplink ""}} { # set section [string tolower $section] # # if it is an excluded directory, just return # set url_stub [ad_conn url] # set full_filename "$::acs::pageroot$url_stub" # foreach naked_pattern [ad_naked_html_patterns] { # if { [string match $naked_pattern $url_stub] } { # # want the global admins with no menu, but not the domain admin # return "" # } # } # # title is the title for the title bar # # section is the highlight for the menu # set menu_items [menu_items] # set java_script_p [java_script_capabilities] # # Ben has a different table structure for netscape 3 # set netscape3_p [netscape3_browser] # set return_string "" # if { $java_script_p } { # append return_string " # <script type='text/javascript' nonce='$::__csp_nonce'> # //<!-- # go = new Image(); # go.src = \"/graphics/go.gif\"; # go_h = new Image(); # go_h.src = \"/graphics/go_h.gif\"; # up_one_level = new Image(); # up_one_level.src = \"/graphics/36_up_one_level.gif\"; # up_one_level_h = new Image(); # up_one_level_h.src = \"/graphics/36_up_one_level_h.gif\"; # back_to_top = new Image(); # back_to_top.src = \"/graphics/24_back_to_top.gif\"; # back_to_top_h = new Image(); # back_to_top_h.src = \"/graphics/24_back_to_top_h.gif\"; # help = new Image(); # help.src = \"/graphics/help.gif\"; # help_h = new Image(); # help_h.src = \"/graphics/help_h.gif\"; # rules = new Image(); # rules.src = \"/graphics/rules.gif\"; # rules_h = new Image(); # rules_h.src = \"/graphics/rules_h.gif\";" # foreach item $menu_items { # if { $item == [menu_highlight $section] } { # #this means the item was selected, so there are different gifs # append return_string " # $item = new Image(); # $item.src = \"/graphics/[set item]_a.gif\"; # [set item]_h = new Image(); # [set item]_h.src = \"/graphics/[set item]_ah.gif\";" # } else { # append return_string " # $item = new Image(); # $item.src = \"/graphics/[set item].gif\"; # [set item]_h = new Image(); # [set item]_h.src = \"/graphics/[set item]_h.gif\";" # } # } # # JavaScript enabled # append return_string " # function hiLite(imgObjName) \{ # document \[imgObjName\].src = eval(imgObjName + \"_h\" + \".src\") # \} # function unhiLite(imgObjName) \{ # document \[imgObjName\].src = eval(imgObjName + \".src\") # \} # function go_to_url(url) \{ # if (url \!= \"\") \{ # self.location=url; # \} # return; # \} # // --> # </SCRIPT>" # } else { # append return_string " # <script type='text/javascript' nonce='$::__csp_nonce'> # //<!-- # function hiLite(imgObjName) \{ # \} # function unhiLite(imgObjName) \{ # \} # function go_to_url(url) \{ # \} # // --> # </SCRIPT>" # } # # We divide up the screen into 4 areas top to bottom: # # + The top table which is the cognet logo and search stuff. # # + The next table down is the CogNet name and area name. # # + The next area is either 1 large table with 2 sub-tables, or two tables (NS 3.0). # # The left table is the navigation table and the right one is the content. # # + Finally, the bottom table holds the bottom navigation bar. # append return_string "[ad_body_tag]" # if {$netscape3_p} { # append return_string "<IMG src=\"/graphics/top_left_brand.gif\" width=124 height=87 border=0 align=left alt=\"Cognet\"> # <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>" # } else { # append return_string " # <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=87 width=\"100%\" cols=100> # <TR><TD width=124 align=center><IMG src=\"/graphics/top_left_brand.gif\" width=124 height=87 border=0 alt=\"Cognet\"></TD> # <TD colspan=99><TABLE border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\">" # } # append return_string " # <TR><TD height=16></TD></TR> # <TR valign=bottom><TD bgcolor=\"[table_background_1]\" align=left><FONT FACE=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=5>Search</FONT></TD></TR> # <TR bgcolor=\"[table_background_1]\"><TD align=left valign=center><FORM action=\"/search-direct\" method=GET name=SearchDirect> # <SELECT name=section> # [ad_generic_optionlist [pretty_search_sections] [search_sections] [menu_search_highlight $section]] # </SELECT> # <INPUT type=text value=\"\" name=query_string> " # if {$netscape3_p} { # append return_string "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=go> # </FORM></TD></TR> # </TABLE>" # } else { # append return_string "<A href=\"JavaScript: document.SearchDirect.submit();\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('go')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('go')\" alt=\"search\"><img name=\"go\" src=\"/graphics/go.gif\" border=0 width=32 height=24 align=top alt=\"go\"></A> # </FORM></TD></TR> # </TABLE></TD> # </TR> # </TABLE>" # } # append return_string " # <TABLE bgcolor=\"#000066\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=36 width=\"100%\"> # <TR><TD align=left><A HREF=\"/\"><IMG src=\"/graphics/cognet.gif\" width=200 height=36 align=left border=0></A><IMG SRC=\"[menu_title_gif $section]\" ALIGN=TOP WIDTH=\"222\" HEIGHT=\"36\" BORDER=\"0\" HSPACE=\"6\" alt=\"$section\"></TD>" # set uplevel_string "<TD align=right><A href=\"[menu_uplevel $section $uplink]\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite(\'up_one_level\')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite(\'up_one_level\')\"><img name=\"up_one_level\" src=\"/graphics/36_up_one_level.gif\" border=0 width=120 height=36 \" alt=\"Up\"></A></TD></TR>" # foreach url_pattern [ad_no_uplevel_patterns] { # if { [regexp $url_pattern $url_stub match] } { # set uplevel_string "" # } # } # append return_string $uplevel_string # append return_string "</TABLE>" # if {$netscape3_p} { # append return_string "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=200 align=left>" # } else { # append return_string "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\" cols=100> # <TR valign=top><TD width=200 bgcolor=\"[table_background_1]\"> # <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=200>" # } # # Navigation Table # foreach item $menu_items { # if { $item == [menu_highlight $section] } { # append return_string "<TR><TD valign=bottom height=25 width=200 bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><A href=\"[menu_url $item]\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('[set item]')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('[set item]')\"><img name=\"[set item]\" src=\"/graphics/[set item]_a.gif\" border=0 width=200 height=25 alt=\"$item\"></A></TD></TR>" # } else { # append return_string "<TR><TD valign=bottom height=25 width=200 bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><A href=\"[menu_url $item]\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('[set item]')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('[set item]')\"><img name=\"[set item]\" src=\"/graphics/[set item].gif\" border=0 width=200 height=25 alt=\"$item\"></A></TD></TR>" # } # } # append return_string " # <TR bgcolor=\"[table_background_1]\" valign=top align=left><TD width=200> # <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width=200> # <!-- NAVIGATION BAR CONTENT GOES AFTER THIS START COMMENT USING TABLE Row and Data open and close tags --> # [menu_subsection $section] # <!-- NAVIGATION BAR CONTENT GOES BEFORE THIS END COMMENT --> # </TABLE></TD></TR> # </TABLE>" # if {$netscape3_p} { # append return_string "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=12>" # } else { # append return_string " # </TD><TD valign=top align=left colspan=99><TABLE border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=12 width=\"100%\">" # } # append return_string "<TR><TD>" # } # -- # apisano 2017-02-08: this proc is obsolete and currently broken, as # ad_naked_html_patterns is not defined anywhere on the # system. Therefore, I am commenting it out. # -- # proc ad_menu_footer {{section ""}} { # # if it is an excluded directory, just return # set url_stub [ad_conn url] # set full_filename "$::acs::pageroot$url_stub" # foreach naked_pattern [ad_naked_html_patterns] { # if { [string match $naked_pattern $url_stub] } { # return "" # } # } # set netscape3_p 0 # if {[netscape3_browser]} { # set netscape3_p 1 # } # append return_string "</TD></TR></TABLE>" # # close up the table # if {$netscape3_p != 1} { # append return_string "</TD></TR> # </TABLE>" # } # # bottom bar # append return_string " # <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=24 width=\"100%\"> # <TR bgcolor=\"#000066\"><TD align=left valign=bottom><A href=#top onMouseOver=\"hiLite('back_to_top')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('back_to_top')\"><img name=\"back_to_top\" src=\"/graphics/24_back_to_top.gif\" border=0 width=200 height=24 alt=\"top\"></A></TD> # <TD align=right valign=bottom><A href=\"[parameter::get -parameter GlobalURLStub -default /global]/rules\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('rules')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('rules')\"><img name=\"rules\" src=\"/graphics/rules.gif\" border=0 width=96 height=24 valign=bottom alt=\"rules\"></A><A href=\"[ad_help_link $section]\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('help')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('help')\"><img name=\"help\" src=\"/graphics/help.gif\" border=0 width=30 height=24 align=bottom alt=\"help\"></A></TD></TR> # </TABLE>" # return $return_string # } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: