• Publicity: Public Only All


Provides procedures to spit out the navigational parts of the site.

11/5/98 (adapted originally from the Cognet server)
CVS Identification:
$Id: navigation-procs.tcl,v 1.50 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

ad_choice_bar (public)

 ad_choice_bar items links values [ default ]

Displays a list of choices (Yahoo style), with the currently selected one highlighted.

items (required)
links (required)
values (required)
default (optional)
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_html_bars ad_html_bars (test acs-tcl) ad_choice_bar ad_choice_bar test_ad_html_bars->ad_choice_bar


ad_context_bar (public)

 ad_context_bar [ -from_node from_node ] [ -node_id node_id ] \
    [ -separator separator ] [ args... ]

Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. Includes "Administration" or "Subsite Administration" if applicable, and the subsite if not global. 'args' can be either one or more lists, or a simple string.

-from_node (optional)
If provided do not generate links to the given node and above.
-node_id (optional)
If provided work up from this node, otherwise the current node
-separator (optional)
The text placed between each link (passed to ad_context_bar_html if provided)
an HTML fragment generated by ad_context_bar_html
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_context_bar ad_context_bar (test acs-tcl) ad_context_bar ad_context_bar test_ad_context_bar->ad_context_bar _ _ (public) ad_context_bar->_ ad_conn ad_conn (public) ad_context_bar->ad_conn ad_context_bar_html ad_context_bar_html (public) ad_context_bar->ad_context_bar_html ad_context_node_list ad_context_node_list (public) ad_context_bar->ad_context_node_list parameter::get parameter::get (public) ad_context_bar->parameter::get apm_header apm_header (public, deprecated) apm_header->ad_context_bar etp::get_pa etp::get_pa (private) etp::get_pa->ad_context_bar packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-i18n-process-2.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process-2.tcl->ad_context_bar packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-i18n-process.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n-process.tcl->ad_context_bar packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n.tcl packages/acs-admin/ www/apm/version-i18n.tcl packages/acs-admin/www/apm/version-i18n.tcl->ad_context_bar


ad_context_bar_html (public)

 ad_context_bar_html [ -separator separator ] context

Generate the an HTML fragment for a context bar. This is the function that takes a list in the format

    [list [list url1 text1] [list url2 text2] ... "terminal text"]
    and generates the HTML fragment.  In general, the higher level
    proc ad_context_bar should be
    used, and then only in the sitewide master rather than on
    individual pages.

-separator (optional)
The text placed between each link
context (required)
list as with ad_context_bar
HTML fragment
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_context_bar_html ad_context_bar_html (test acs-tcl) ad_context_bar_html ad_context_bar_html test_ad_context_bar_html->ad_context_bar_html ad_conn ad_conn (public) ad_context_bar_html->ad_conn parameter::get parameter::get (public) ad_context_bar_html->parameter::get ad_context_bar ad_context_bar (public) ad_context_bar->ad_context_bar_html


ad_context_bar_multirow (public)

 ad_context_bar_multirow [ -from_node from_node ] [ -node_id node_id ] \
    [ -multirow multirow ] context

Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. Includes "Administration" if applicable, and the subsite if not global.

-from_node (optional)
If provided do not generate links to the given node and above.
-node_id (optional)
If provided work up from this node, otherwise the current node
-multirow (optional, defaults to "context")
context (required)
an HTML fragment generated by ad_context_bar_html
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_context_bar_multirow ad_context_bar_multirow (test acs-tcl) ad_context_bar_multirow ad_context_bar_multirow test_ad_context_bar_multirow->ad_context_bar_multirow _ _ (public) ad_context_bar_multirow->_ ad_conn ad_conn (public) ad_context_bar_multirow->ad_conn ad_context_node_list ad_context_node_list (public) ad_context_bar_multirow->ad_context_node_list parameter::get parameter::get (public) ad_context_bar_multirow->parameter::get site_node::get_url site_node::get_url (public) ad_context_bar_multirow->site_node::get_url packages/acs-subsite/www/group-master.tcl packages/acs-subsite/ www/group-master.tcl packages/acs-subsite/www/group-master.tcl->ad_context_bar_multirow packages/openacs-default-theme/lib/plain-master.tcl packages/openacs-default-theme/ lib/plain-master.tcl packages/openacs-default-theme/lib/plain-master.tcl->ad_context_bar_multirow packages/openacs-default-theme/lib/plain-streaming-head.tcl packages/openacs-default-theme/ lib/plain-streaming-head.tcl packages/openacs-default-theme/lib/plain-streaming-head.tcl->ad_context_bar_multirow


ad_context_node_list (public)

 ad_context_node_list [ -from_node from_node ] node_id

Starting with the given node_id, return a list of [list url instance_name] items for parent nodes.

-from_node (optional)
node_id (required)
The top-most node_id for which we'll show context bar. This can be used with the node_id of the nearest subsite to get the context-bar only up to the nearest subsite.
Peter Marklund

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_web_forum_edit web_forum_edit (test forums) ad_context_node_list ad_context_node_list test_web_forum_edit->ad_context_node_list test_web_forum_view web_forum_view (test forums) test_web_forum_view->ad_context_node_list test_web_forums_message_and_reply web_forums_message_and_reply (test forums) test_web_forums_message_and_reply->ad_context_node_list test_webtest_example webtest_example (test acs-automated-testing) test_webtest_example->ad_context_node_list site_node::get site_node::get (public) ad_context_node_list->site_node::get ad_context_bar ad_context_bar (public) ad_context_bar->ad_context_node_list ad_context_bar_multirow ad_context_bar_multirow (public) ad_context_bar_multirow->ad_context_node_list

webtest_example, web_forum_view, web_forum_edit, web_forums_message_and_reply

ad_navbar (public)

 ad_navbar [ args... ]

Produces a navigation bar. Notice that navigation bar is different than context bar, which displays packages in the site map. Navbar will only generate HTML for those links passed to it.

HTML fragment
See Also:

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_ad_html_bars ad_html_bars (test acs-tcl) ad_navbar ad_navbar test_ad_html_bars->ad_navbar


util_current_location_node_id (public)


returns node_id of util_current_location. Useful for hostnode mapped sites using ad_context_bar

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 ad_context_bar_multirow ad_context_bar_multirow (public) util_current_location_node_id util_current_location_node_id ad_context_bar_multirow->util_current_location_node_id db_0or1row db_0or1row (public) util_current_location_node_id->db_0or1row util::split_location util::split_location (public) util_current_location_node_id->util::split_location util_current_location util_current_location (public) util_current_location_node_id->util_current_location

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {
    Provides procedures to spit out the navigational parts of the site.

    @cvs-id $Id: navigation-procs.tcl,v 1.50 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $
    @author philg@mit.edu
    @creation-date 11/5/98 (adapted originally from the Cognet server)

#    edited February 28, 1999 by philg to include support for a
#    Yahoo-style navigation system (showing users where they are in a
#    hierarchy)

d_proc -public ad_context_bar_html {
} {
    Generate the an HTML fragment for a context bar.
    This is the function that takes a list in the format
    [list [list url1 text1] [list url2 text2] ... "terminal text"]
    and generates the HTML fragment.  In general, the higher level
    proc ad_context_bar should be
    used, and then only in the sitewide master rather than on
    individual pages.

    @param separator The text placed between each link
    @param context list as with ad_context_bar

    @return HTML fragment

    @see ad_context_bar
} { 
    if {![info exists ::ad_conn(subsite_id)]} {
       # the following call would crash; for some reason, we do not have determined the subsite id; maybe, the request was utterly incorrect.
       ns_log Warning "Cannot determine subsite for request: [ns_conn request]\nHeaders:\n[ns_set array [ns_conn headers]]"
       return ""
    # Get the separator from subsite parameter
    if { ![info exists separator] } {
        set subsite_id [ad_conn subsite_id]
        set separator [parameter::get -package_id $subsite_id -parameter ContextBarSeparator -default ":"]

    set out {}
    llength $context
    foreach element [lrange $context 0 [llength $context]-2] {
        lassign $element href label
        append out [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml $href]">[ns_quotehtml $label]</a> $separator }]
    append out [ns_quotehtml [lindex $context end]]

    return $out

d_proc ad_context_node_list {
    {-from_node ""}
} {
    Starting with the given node_id, return a list of
    [list url instance_name] items for parent nodes.

    @option from_node The top-most node_id for which we'll show context bar. This can be used with
    the node_id of the nearest subsite to get the context-bar only up to the nearest subsite.

    @author Peter Marklund
} {
    set context [list]

    while { $node_id ne "" } {
        array set node [site_node::get -node_id $node_id]

        # JCD: Provide something for the name if the instance name is
        # absent.  name is the tail bit of the url which seems like a
        # reasonable thing to display.
        if {$node(instance_name) eq ""
            && [info exists node(name)]} {
            set node(instance_name) $node(name)

        # Don't collect link for nodes without an object underneath
        # (e.g. empty site folders), as they would just be dead links
        if {$node(object_id) ne ""} {
            set context [list [list $node(url) $node(instance_name)] {*}$context]

        # We have the break here, so that 'from_node' itself is included
        if {$node_id eq $from_node} {

        set node_id $node(parent_id)

    return $context

d_proc -public ad_context_bar_multirow {
    {-from_node ""}
    {-node_id ""}
    {-multirow "context"}
} {
    Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. Includes "Administration"
    if applicable, and the subsite if not global.

    @param node_id If provided work up from this node, otherwise the current node
    @param from_node If provided do not generate links to the given node and above.

    @return an HTML fragment generated by ad_context_bar_html

    @see ad_context_bar_html
} {
    if {![parameter::get -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] -parameter ShowContextBarP -default 1]} {
        return ""

    if { $node_id eq "" } {
        set node_id [ad_conn node_id]

    set temp_node_id [util_current_location_node_id]
    if { $temp_node_id eq "" } {
        # not a site host_node
        set node_id_url ""
        set node_id_url_end 0
    } else {
        set from_node $temp_node_id
        set node_id_url [site_node::get_url -node_id ${temp_node_id} -notrailing]
        set node_id_url_end [string length $node_id_url]

    template::multirow create $multirow url label

    foreach elm [ad_context_node_list -from_node $from_node $node_id] {
        lassign $elm elm_0 elm_1
        if { $node_id_url_end > 0
             && [string match -nocase $node_id_url [string range $elm_0 0 $node_id_url_end-1] ]
         } {
            set elm_0 [string range $elm_0 $node_id_url_end end]
        template::multirow append $multirow $elm_0 $elm_1

    if { [string match "admin/*" [ad_conn extra_url]] } {
        template::multirow append $multirow \
            "[ad_conn package_url]admin/" \
            [expr {[ad_conn package_key] ne "acs-subsite"
                   ? [_ acs-tcl.Administration]
                   : [_ acs-subsite.Administration]}]

    if { [llength $context] == 0 } {
        # fix last element to just be literal string
        template::multirow set $multirow [template::multirow size $multirow] url {}
    } else {
        foreach elm [lrange $context 0 end-1] {
            template::multirow append $multirow [lindex $elm 0] [lindex $elm 1]
        template::multirow append $multirow {} [lindex $context end]

d_proc -public ad_context_bar {
    {-from_node ""}
    {-node_id ""}
} {
    Returns a Yahoo-style hierarchical navbar. Includes
    "Administration" or "Subsite Administration" if applicable, and
    the subsite if not global. 'args' can be either one or more lists,
    or a simple string.

    @param node_id If provided work up from this node, otherwise the current node
    @param from_node If provided do not generate links to the given node and above.
    @param separator The text placed between each link (passed to ad_context_bar_html if provided)
    @return an HTML fragment generated by ad_context_bar_html

    @see ad_context_bar_html
} {
    if {![parameter::get -package_id [ad_conn subsite_id] -parameter ShowContextBarP -default 1]} {
        return ""

    if { $node_id eq "" } {
        set node_id [ad_conn node_id]

    # Get context info for this node. In case of "early" errors
    # (e.g. invalid characters in the URL), the result might be empty.
    set context [ad_context_node_list -from_node $from_node $node_id]

    if { [string match "admin/*" [ad_conn extra_url]] } {
        lappend context [list "[ad_conn package_url]admin/" \
                             [expr {[ad_conn package_key] ne "acs-subsite"
                                    ? [_ acs-tcl.Administration]
                                    : [_ acs-subsite.Administration]}]]

    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
        # Fix last element to just be literal string
        if {$context ne ""} {
            lset context end [lindex $context end 1]
    } else {
        if {![string match "\{*" $args]} {
            # args is not a list, transform it into one.
            set args [list $args]
    lappend context {*}$args
    if { [info exists separator] } {
        return [ad_context_bar_html -separator $separator $context]
    } else {
        return [ad_context_bar_html $context]

ad_proc -public ad_navbar args {
    Produces a navigation bar. Notice that navigation bar is different
    than context bar, which displays packages in the site map. Navbar will
    only generate HTML for those links passed to it.

    @param args list of url desc ([list [list url desc] [list url desc]])

    @return HTML fragment

    @see ad_context_bar_html
} {
    set counter 0
    foreach arg $args {
        lappend link_list [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml [lindex $arg 0]]">[ns_quotehtml [lindex $arg 1]]</a>}]
        incr counter
    if { $counter } {
        return "\[[join $link_list { | }]\]"
    } else {
        return ""

ad_proc -public ad_choice_bar { items links values {default ""} } {
    Displays a list of choices (Yahoo style), with the currently selected one highlighted.

    @see ad_navbar
} {

    set count 0
    set return_list [list]

    foreach value $values {
        if { $default eq $value  } {
            lappend return_list "<strong>[lindex $items $count]</strong>"
        } else {
            lappend return_list [subst {<a href="[ns_quotehtml [lindex $links $count]]">[ns_quotehtml [lindex $items $count]]</a>}]

        incr count

    if { [llength $return_list] > 0 } {
        return "\[[join $return_list " | "]\]"
    } else {
        return ""


ad_proc -public util_current_location_node_id { } {
    returns node_id of util_current_location. Useful for hostnode mapped sites using ad_context_bar
} {
    util::split_location [util_current_location] .proto location_hostname .port

    if { [string match -nocase "www.*" $location_hostname] } {
        set location_hostname [string range $location_hostname 4 end]
    db_0or1row -cache_key util-${location_hostname}-node-id get_node_id_from_hostname {
        select node_id from host_node_map where host = :location_hostname
    if { ![info exists node_id ] } {
        set node_id ""
    return $node_id

# directories that should not receive links to move up one level

proc ad_no_uplevel_patterns {} {
    set regexp_patterns [list]
    lappend regexp_patterns "*/pvt/home.tcl"
    # Tcl files in the root directory
    lappend regexp_patterns "^/\[^/\]*\.tcl\$"
    lappend regexp_patterns "/admin*"

# determines if java_script should be enabled

proc java_script_capabilities {} {
    set user_agent ""
    set version 0
    set internet_explorer_p 0
    set netscape_p 0

    # get the version
    set user_agent [ns_set iget [ad_conn headers] User-Agent]
    regexp -nocase "mozilla/(\[^\.\ \]*)" $user_agent match version

    # IE browsers have MSIE and Mozilla in their user-agent header
    set internet_explorer_p [regexp -nocase "msie" $user_agent match]

    # Netscape browser just have Mozilla in their user-agent header
    if {$internet_explorer_p == 0} {
        set netscape_p [regexp -nocase "mozilla" $user_agent match]

    set java_script_p 0

    if { ($netscape_p && ($version >= 3)) || ($internet_explorer_p && ($version >= 4)) } {
        set java_script_p 1

    return $java_script_p

# netscape3 browser has a different output

proc netscape3_browser {} {
    set user_agent ""
    set version 0
    set internet_explorer_p 0
    set netscape_p 0

    # get the version
    set user_agent [ns_set iget [ad_conn headers] User-Agent]
    regexp -nocase "mozilla/(\[^\.\ \]*)" $user_agent match version

    # IE browsers have MSIE and Mozilla in their user-agent header
    set internet_explorer_p [regexp -nocase "msie" $user_agent match]

    # Netscape browser just have Mozilla in their user-agent header
    if {$internet_explorer_p == 0} {
        set netscape_p [regexp -nocase "mozilla" $user_agent match]

    set netscape3_p 0

    if { $netscape_p && $version == 3 } {
        set netscape3_p 1

    return $netscape3_p

# creates the generic javascript/nonjavascript
# select box for the submenu

proc menu_submenu_select_list {items URLs {highlight_url "" }} {
    set return_string ""
    set counter 0

    set selectid id[clock clicks -microseconds]
    append return_string [subst {<form name="submenu" action="/redir">
        <select name="url" id="$selectid">}]

    template::add_event_listener \
        -id $selectid -event change \
        -script {go_to_url(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);}

    foreach item $items {
        set url_stub [ad_conn url]

        # if the url matches the url you would redirect to, as determined
        # either by highlight_url, or if highlight_url is not set,
        # the current url then select it
        if {$highlight_url ne "" && $highlight_url == [lindex $URLs $counter]} {
            append return_string [subst {<option value="[lindex $URLs $counter]" selected>$item}]
        } elseif {$highlight_url eq "" && [string match "*$url_stub*" [lindex $URLs $counter]]} {
            append return_string [subst {<option value="[lindex $URLs $counter]" selected>$item}]
        } else {
            append return_string [subst {<option value="[lindex $URLs $counter]">$item}]
        incr counter

    append return_string "</select><br>
        <noscript><input type='submit' value='GO'>

# --
# apisano 2016-12-01: this proc is obsolete and currently broken, as
# ad_naked_html_patterns is not defined anywhere on the
# system. Therefore, I am commenting it out.
# --
# this incorporates HTML designed by Ben (not adida, some other guy)
# proc ad_menu_header {{section ""} {uplink ""}} {

#     set section [string tolower $section]

#     # if it is an excluded directory, just return
#     set url_stub [ad_conn url]
#     set full_filename "$::acs::pageroot$url_stub"

#     foreach naked_pattern [ad_naked_html_patterns] {
#       if { [string match $naked_pattern $url_stub] } {
#           # want the global admins with no menu, but not the domain admin
#           return ""
#         }
#     }

#     # title is the title for the title bar
#     # section is the highlight for the menu

#     set menu_items [menu_items]
#     set java_script_p [java_script_capabilities]

#     # Ben has a different table structure for netscape 3
#     set netscape3_p [netscape3_browser]
#     set return_string ""

#     if { $java_script_p } {
#       append return_string "
#       <script type='text/javascript' nonce='$::__csp_nonce'>
#       //<!--

#       go = new Image();
#       go.src = \"/graphics/go.gif\";
#       go_h = new Image();
#       go_h.src = \"/graphics/go_h.gif\";

#       up_one_level = new Image();
#       up_one_level.src = \"/graphics/36_up_one_level.gif\";
#       up_one_level_h = new Image();
#       up_one_level_h.src = \"/graphics/36_up_one_level_h.gif\";

#       back_to_top = new Image();
#       back_to_top.src = \"/graphics/24_back_to_top.gif\";
#       back_to_top_h = new Image();
#       back_to_top_h.src = \"/graphics/24_back_to_top_h.gif\";

#       help = new Image();
#       help.src = \"/graphics/help.gif\";
#       help_h = new Image();
#       help_h.src = \"/graphics/help_h.gif\";

#       rules = new Image();
#       rules.src = \"/graphics/rules.gif\";
#       rules_h = new Image();
#       rules_h.src = \"/graphics/rules_h.gif\";"

#       foreach item $menu_items {
#           if {  $item == [menu_highlight $section] } {
#               #this means the item was selected, so there are different gifs
#               append return_string "
#                 $item = new Image();
#                 $item.src =  \"/graphics/[set item]_a.gif\";
#                 [set item]_h = new Image();
#                 [set item]_h.src =  \"/graphics/[set item]_ah.gif\";"
#           } else {
#               append return_string "
#               $item = new Image();
#               $item.src =  \"/graphics/[set item].gif\";
#               [set item]_h = new Image();
#               [set item]_h.src =  \"/graphics/[set item]_h.gif\";"
#           }

#       }

#       # JavaScript enabled
#       append return_string "

#       function hiLite(imgObjName) \{
#           document \[imgObjName\].src = eval(imgObjName + \"_h\" + \".src\")
#       \}

#       function unhiLite(imgObjName) \{
#           document \[imgObjName\].src = eval(imgObjName + \".src\")
#       \}

#       function go_to_url(url) \{
#               if (url \!= \"\") \{
#                       self.location=url;
#               \}
#               return;
#       \}
#       // -->
#       </SCRIPT>"
#     } else {

#       append return_string "

#       <script type='text/javascript' nonce='$::__csp_nonce'>
#       //<!--

#       function hiLite(imgObjName) \{
#       \}

#       function unhiLite(imgObjName) \{
#       \}

#       function go_to_url(url) \{
#       \}
#       // -->
#       </SCRIPT>"
#     }

#     # We divide up the screen into 4 areas top to bottom:
#     #  + The top table which is the cognet logo and search stuff.
#     #  + The next table down is the CogNet name and area name.
#     #  + The next area is either 1 large table with 2 sub-tables, or two tables (NS 3.0).
#     #      The left table is the navigation table and the right one is the content.
#     #  + Finally, the bottom table holds the bottom navigation bar.

#     append return_string "[ad_body_tag]"

#     if {$netscape3_p} {
#       append return_string "<IMG src=\"/graphics/top_left_brand.gif\" width=124 height=87 border=0 align=left alt=\"Cognet\">
# <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>"
#     }  else {
#       append return_string "
# <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=87 width=\"100%\" cols=100>
#     <TR><TD width=124 align=center><IMG src=\"/graphics/top_left_brand.gif\" width=124 height=87 border=0 alt=\"Cognet\"></TD>
#         <TD colspan=99><TABLE border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\">"
#     }

#     append return_string "
#         <TR><TD height=16></TD></TR>
#         <TR valign=bottom><TD bgcolor=\"[table_background_1]\" align=left><FONT FACE=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\" size=5>Search</FONT></TD></TR>
#         <TR bgcolor=\"[table_background_1]\"><TD align=left valign=center><FORM  action=\"/search-direct\" method=GET name=SearchDirect>
#                 <SELECT name=section>
#                      [ad_generic_optionlist [pretty_search_sections] [search_sections] [menu_search_highlight $section]]
#                 </SELECT>&nbsp;&nbsp;
#                 <INPUT type=text value=\"\" name=query_string>&nbsp;&nbsp;"

#     if {$netscape3_p} {
#       append return_string "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=go>&nbsp;&nbsp;
#              </FORM></TD></TR>
#          </TABLE>"
#     } else {
#       append return_string "<A href=\"JavaScript: document.SearchDirect.submit();\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('go')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('go')\" alt=\"search\"><img name=\"go\" src=\"/graphics/go.gif\" border=0 width=32 height=24 align=top alt=\"go\"></A>
#       </FORM></TD></TR>
#          </TABLE></TD>
#    </TR>
# </TABLE>"
#     }

#     append return_string "
# <TABLE bgcolor=\"#000066\" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=36 width=\"100%\">
#     <TR><TD align=left><A HREF=\"/\"><IMG src=\"/graphics/cognet.gif\" width=200 height=36 align=left border=0></A><IMG SRC=\"[menu_title_gif $section]\" ALIGN=TOP WIDTH=\"222\" HEIGHT=\"36\" BORDER=\"0\" HSPACE=\"6\" alt=\"$section\"></TD>"

#     set uplevel_string  "<TD align=right><A href=\"[menu_uplevel $section $uplink]\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite(\'up_one_level\')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite(\'up_one_level\')\"><img name=\"up_one_level\" src=\"/graphics/36_up_one_level.gif\" border=0 width=120 height=36 \" alt=\"Up\"></A></TD></TR>"

#     foreach url_pattern [ad_no_uplevel_patterns] {
#       if { [regexp $url_pattern $url_stub match] } {
#           set uplevel_string ""
#       }
#     }

#     append return_string $uplevel_string
#     append return_string "</TABLE>"

#     if  {$netscape3_p} {
#       append return_string "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=200 align=left>"
#     } else {
#       append return_string "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\" cols=100>
#    <TR valign=top><TD width=200 bgcolor=\"[table_background_1]\">
#        <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=200>"
#     }

# #  Navigation Table

#     foreach item $menu_items {
#       if {  $item == [menu_highlight $section] } {
#           append return_string "<TR><TD valign=bottom height=25 width=200 bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><A href=\"[menu_url $item]\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('[set item]')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('[set item]')\"><img name=\"[set item]\" src=\"/graphics/[set item]_a.gif\" border=0 width=200 height=25 alt=\"$item\"></A></TD></TR>"
#       } else {
#           append return_string "<TR><TD valign=bottom height=25 width=200 bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\"><A href=\"[menu_url $item]\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('[set item]')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('[set item]')\"><img name=\"[set item]\" src=\"/graphics/[set item].gif\" border=0 width=200 height=25 alt=\"$item\"></A></TD></TR>"
#       }
#     }

#     append return_string "
#        <TR bgcolor=\"[table_background_1]\" valign=top align=left><TD width=200>
#            <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 width=200>
#               [menu_subsection $section]
#            </TABLE></TD></TR>
#    </TABLE>"

#    if {$netscape3_p} {
#        append return_string "<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=12>"
#    } else {
#        append return_string "
#        </TD><TD valign=top align=left colspan=99><TABLE border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=12 width=\"100%\">"
#    }
#    append return_string "<TR><TD>"
# }

# --
# apisano 2017-02-08: this proc is obsolete and currently broken, as
# ad_naked_html_patterns is not defined anywhere on the
# system. Therefore, I am commenting it out.
# --
# proc ad_menu_footer {{section ""}} {

#     # if it is an excluded directory, just return
#     set url_stub [ad_conn url]
#     set full_filename "$::acs::pageroot$url_stub"

#     foreach naked_pattern [ad_naked_html_patterns] {
#       if { [string match $naked_pattern $url_stub] } {
#           return ""
#       }
#     }

#     set netscape3_p 0

#     if {[netscape3_browser]} {
#       set netscape3_p 1
#     }

#     append return_string "</TD></TR></TABLE>"

#     # close up the table
#     if {$netscape3_p != 1} {
#       append return_string "</TD></TR>
#        </TABLE>"
#     }

#     # bottom bar

#     append return_string "
#     <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=24 width=\"100%\">
#        <TR bgcolor=\"#000066\"><TD align=left valign=bottom><A href=#top onMouseOver=\"hiLite('back_to_top')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('back_to_top')\"><img name=\"back_to_top\" src=\"/graphics/24_back_to_top.gif\" border=0 width=200 height=24 alt=\"top\"></A></TD>
#          <TD align=right valign=bottom><A href=\"[parameter::get -parameter GlobalURLStub -default /global]/rules\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('rules')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('rules')\"><img name=\"rules\" src=\"/graphics/rules.gif\" border=0 width=96 height=24 valign=bottom alt=\"rules\"></A><A href=\"[ad_help_link $section]\" onMouseOver=\"hiLite('help')\" onMouseOut=\"unhiLite('help')\"><img name=\"help\" src=\"/graphics/help.gif\" border=0 width=30 height=24 align=bottom alt=\"help\"></A></TD></TR>
#     </TABLE>"
#     return $return_string
# }

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: