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Currency widgets for the OpenACS Templating System

Don Baccus <dhogaza@pacifier.com>

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

template::data::validate::currency (public)

 template::data::validate::currency value_ref message_ref

form validation for currency type. Should validate according to locale for example, the following forms: "$2.03" "Rs 50.42" "12.52L" "Y5,13c"

value_ref (required)
Reference variable to the submitted value
message_ref (required)
Reference variable for returning error messages
true (1) if valid, false (0) if not

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_validate_currency validate_currency (test acs-templating) template::data::validate::currency template::data::validate::currency test_validate_currency->template::data::validate::currency _ _ (public) template::data::validate::currency->_ template::data::validate template::data::validate (public) template::data::validate::currency->template::data::validate


template::util::currency (public)

 template::util::currency command [ args... ]

Dispatch procedure for the currency object

command (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

template::util::currency::acquire (public)

 template::util::currency::acquire type [ value ]

Create a new currency value with some predefined value Basically, create and set the currency value

type (required)
The set_property type to set (only sql_number supported currently)
value (optional)
The new currency value set to the predefined value

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::util::currency::create template::util::currency::create (public) template::util::currency::set_property template::util::currency::set_property (public) template::util::currency::acquire template::util::currency::acquire template::util::currency::acquire->template::util::currency::create template::util::currency::acquire->template::util::currency::set_property

No testcase defined.

template::util::currency::create (public)

 template::util::currency::create [ leading_symbol ] [ whole_part ] \
    [ separator ] [ fractional_part ] [ trailing_money ] [ format ]

Create a currency form element.

leading_symbol (optional)
The leading symbol for the currency format (default: "$")
whole_part (optional)
The number of digits in the whole part of the value (default: 5)
separator (optional)
The character the separates the whole part from the fractional part (default ".")
fractional_part (optional)
The number of digits allowed in the fractional part of the value (default: 2, i.e. US Pennies)
trailing_money (optional)
For those currencies that use a trailing rather than leading character in their normal representation
format (optional, defaults to "$ 5 . 2")
The actual format to use in list form
The parameters joined in a six-element list

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::util::currency::acquire template::util::currency::acquire (public) template::util::currency::create template::util::currency::create template::util::currency::acquire->template::util::currency::create

No testcase defined.

template::util::currency::get_property (public)

 template::util::currency::get_property what currency_list

Return a property of a currency list which was created by a currency widget. The most useful properties that can be returned are sql_number (compatible with SQL's NUMERIC type, historically called NUMBER by Oracle) and display_currency, which takes the value and formats properly.

what (required)
The name of the property (see code for allowed values)
currency_list (required)
a currency widget list, usually created with ad_form

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

template::util::currency::set_property (public)

 template::util::currency::set_property what currency_list value

Set a currency value to a set value, with that value being of "what" form. Currently the only "what" supported is sql_number, it being assumed (somewhat reasonably) that SQL's NUMERIC datatype will be used to store currency data in the database, regardless of locale.

what (required)
What kind of value is being passed in (sql_number is the only format supported)
currency_list (required)
A currency data type value
value (required)
The value to set currency_list to
currency_list set to value

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::util::currency::acquire template::util::currency::acquire (public) template::util::currency::set_property template::util::currency::set_property template::util::currency::acquire->template::util::currency::set_property util::trim_leading_zeros util::trim_leading_zeros (public) template::util::currency::set_property->util::trim_leading_zeros

No testcase defined.

template::widget::currency (public)

 template::widget::currency element_reference tag_attributes [ mode ]

Render a currency widget. By default, the currency widget takes the form $ddddd.dd, i.e. US dollars and cents. You can optionally pass along a format for different currency.

element_reference (required)
Reference variable to the form element
tag_attributes (required)
HTML attributes to add to the tag
mode (optional, defaults to "edit")
If edit, the rendered widget allows input, otherwise the values are passed along as hidden input HTML tags
Form HTML for widget

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
[ hide source ] | [ make this the default ]

Content File Source

ad_library {
    Currency widgets for the OpenACS Templating System

    @author Don Baccus (dhogaza@pacifier.com)

# These are modeled somewhat after the date procs.

# DRB: This was totally non-functional in ACS 4.2 Classic.  It's now partly
# functional in that we accept and process currency values.  We really need
# to tie this in with the acs-lang money database as this code's far too
# simplistic.

# This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
# License.  Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project:
# http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html

namespace eval template {}
namespace eval template::util {}
namespace eval template::util::currency {}
namespace eval template::data::validate::currency {}
namespace eval template::data::transform::currency {}
namespace eval template::util::currency::set_property {}
namespace eval template::widget::currency {}

ad_proc -public template::util::currency { command args } {
    Dispatch procedure for the currency object
} {
  template::util::currency::$command {*}$args

d_proc -public template::util::currency::create {
  {leading_symbol {}}
  {whole_part {}}
  {separator {}}
  {fractional_part {}}
  {trailing_money {}}
  {format "$ 5 . 2"}
} {
    Create a currency form element.

    @param leading_symbol The leading symbol for the currency format (default: "$")
    @param whole_part The number of digits in the whole part of the value (default: 5)
    @param separator The character the separates the whole part from the fractional part
           (default ".")
    @param fractional_part The number of digits allowed in the fractional part of the
           value (default: 2, i.e. US Pennies)
    @param trailing_money For those currencies that use a trailing rather than leading
           character in their normal representation
    @param format The actual format to use in list form

    @return The parameters joined in a six-element list
} {
    return [list $leading_symbol $whole_part $separator $fractional_part $trailing_money $format]

d_proc -public template::util::currency::acquire {
    { value "" }
} {
    Create a new currency value with some predefined value
    Basically, create and set the currency value

    @param type The set_property type to set (only sql_number supported currently)

    @return The new currency value set to the predefined value
} {
  set currency_list [template::util::currency::create]
  return [template::util::currency::set_property $type $currency_list $value]

d_proc -public template::data::validate::currency {
} {
    form validation for currency type.

    Should validate according to locale for example, the following forms: "$2.03"
    "Rs 50.42" "12.52L" "Y5,13c"

    @param value_ref Reference variable to the submitted value
    @param message_ref Reference variable for returning error messages

    @return true (1) if valid, false (0) if not

} {
    upvar 2 $message_ref message $value_ref value

    # a currency is a 6 element list supporting, for example, the following forms: "$2.03" "Rs 50.42" "12.52L" "Y5,13c"
    # equivalent of date::unpack
    lassign $value leading_symbol whole_part separator fractional_part trailing_money format

    set format_whole_part      [lindex $format 1]
    set format_fractional_part [lindex $format 3]

    set whole_part_valid_p [template::data::validate integer whole_part message]
    if { $fractional_part ne "" } {
        set fractional_part_valid_p [template::data::validate integer fractional_part message]
    } else {
        set fractional_part_valid_p 1

    if { ! $whole_part_valid_p || ! $fractional_part_valid_p } {
        set message "[_ acs-templating.Invalid_currency] [join [lrange $value 0 4] ""]"
        return 0
    } else {
        return 1

d_proc -private template::data::transform::currency {
} {
    Transform the previously-validated submitted form data into a six-element currency list

    @param element_ref Reference variable to the form element

} {

    upvar $element_ref element
    set element_id $element(id)

    set format [ns_queryget $element_id.format]
    for { set i [llength $format] } { $i < 5 } { incr i } {
        lappend format ""

    # a currency is a 6 element list supporting, for example, the following forms: "$2.03" "Rs 50.42" "12.52L" "Y5,13c"

    set have_values 0

    for { set i 0 } { $i <= 4 } { incr i } {
        set key "$element_id.$i"
        if { [ns_queryexists $key] } {
            set value [ns_queryget $key]

            # let's put a leading zero if the whole part is empty
            if { $i == 1 } {
                if {$value eq ""} {
                    set value 0
                } else {
                    set have_values 1

            # and let's fill in the zeros at the end up to the precision
            if { $i == 3 } {
                if { $value ne "" } {
                    set have_values 1
                set fractional_part_format [lindex $format 3]
                for { set j [string length $value] } { $j < $fractional_part_format } { incr j } {
                    append $value 0

            lappend the_amount $value

        } else {
            lappend the_amount ""

    lappend the_amount [ns_queryget $element_id.format]

    ns_log debug "template::data::transform::currency: the_amount: $the_amount length: [llength $the_amount]"

    if { $have_values } {
        return [list $the_amount]
    } else {
        return [list]

d_proc -public template::util::currency::set_property {
} {
    Set a currency value to a set value, with that value being of "what"
    form.  Currently the only "what" supported is sql_number, it being assumed
    (somewhat reasonably) that SQL's NUMERIC datatype will be used to store
    currency data in the database, regardless of locale.

    @param what What kind of value is being passed in (sql_number is the only
           format supported)
    @param currency_list A currency data type value
    @param value The value to set currency_list to

    @return currency_list set to value

} {

    # Erase leading zeros from the value, but make sure that 00
    # is not completely erased
    set value [util::trim_leading_zeros $value]

    set format [lindex $currency_list 5]

    switch -- $what {
        sql_number {

            if { $value eq ""} {
                return ""

            foreach {whole_part fractional_part} [split $value "."] {
                # Make sure we have at least one leading digit, i.e. zero
                set whole_part "[string range "0" [string length $whole_part] end]$whole_part"

                # Chop off trailing digits beyond those called for by the given format
                set fractional_part "[string range $fractional_part 0 [lindex $format 3]-1]"
            set new_value [lreplace $currency_list 1 1 $whole_part]
            return [lreplace $new_value 3 3 $fractional_part]
        default {
            error "util::currency::property: unknown property: '$what'."

d_proc -public template::util::currency::get_property {
} {

    Return a property of a currency list which was created by a
    currency widget.

    The most useful properties that can be returned are sql_number (compatible with
    SQL's NUMERIC type, historically called NUMBER by Oracle) and display_currency,
    which takes the value and formats properly.

    @param what The name of the property (see code for allowed values)
    @param currency_list a currency widget list, usually created with ad_form

} {
    # There's no internal error checking, just like the date version ... and
    # of course whole_part might be pounds and fractional_part pfennings ...
    lassign $currency_list leading_symbol whole_part separator fractional_part trailing_money format

    switch -- $what {
        leading_symbol {
            return $leading_symbol
        whole_part {
            return $whole_part
        separator {
            return $separator
        fractional_part {
            return $fractional_part
        trailing_money {
            return $trailing_money
        format {
            return $format
        sql_number {

            if { $whole_part eq "" && $fractional_part eq "" } {
                return ""

            # Make sure we have at least one leading digit, i.e. zero
            set whole_part "[string range "0" [string length $whole_part] end]$whole_part"

            # Pad out the fractional part with enough leading zeros to satisfy the format
            set fractional_part "[string range [string repeat "0" [lindex $format 3]] [string length $fractional_part] end]$fractional_part"
            return ${whole_part}.${fractional_part}
        display_currency {

            if { $whole_part eq "" && $fractional_part eq "" } {
                return ""

            # Make sure we have at least one leading digit, i.e. zero
            set whole_part "[string range "0" [string length $whole_part] end]$whole_part"

            # Pad out the fractional part with enough leading zeros to satisfy the format
            set fractional_part "[string range [string repeat "0" [lindex $format 3]] [string length $fractional_part] end]$fractional_part"

            # Glom everything into one pretty picture
            return "$leading_symbol$whole_part$separator$fractional_part$trailing_money"
        default {
            error "util::currency::property: unknown property: '$what'."

d_proc -public template::widget::currency {
    {mode edit}
} {
    Render a currency widget.

    By default, the currency widget takes the form $ddddd.dd, i.e. US dollars
    and cents.  You can optionally pass along a format for different currency.

    @param element_reference Reference variable to the form element
    @param tag_attributes HTML attributes to add to the tag
    @param mode If edit, the rendered widget allows input, otherwise the values
           are passed along as hidden input HTML tags

    @return Form HTML for widget
} {
    upvar $element_reference element

    if { [info exists element(html)] } {
        array set attributes $element(html)

    if { ! [info exists element(format)] } {
        set element(format) "$ 5 . 2"
    set format [split $element(format) " "]
    for { set i [llength $format] } { $i < 5 } { incr i } {
        lappend format ""

    if { [info exists element(value)] } {
        set values $element(value)
    } else {
        set values [list "" "" "" "" "" $element(format)]

    set i 0
    foreach format_property $format {
        # Assign the first element of $values to 'value', and the rest to 'values' again
        set values [lassign $values value]
        set trailing_zero ""
        if { $i == 3 } {
            set trailing_zero [string range [string repeat "0" $format_property] [string length $value] end]
        if { $i == 0 || $i == 2 || $i == 4 } {
            append output "$format_property<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(name).$i\" value=\"$format_property\" >"
        } elseif$element(mode) eq "edit" && ($i == 1 || $i == 3) } {
            append output "<input type=\"text\" name=\"$element(name).$i\" maxlength=\"$format_property\" size=\"$format_property\" value=\"$value$trailing_zero\" >\n"
        } else {
            append output "$value$trailing_zero<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(name).$i\" maxlength=\"$format_property\" size=\"$format_property\" value=\"$value\" >"
        incr i
    append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(name).format\" value=\"$element(format)\" >\n"

    return $output

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 4
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: