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Currency widgets for the OpenACS Templating System

Don Baccus <dhogaza@pacifier.com>

Procedures in this file

Detailed information

template::data::validate::currency (public)

 template::data::validate::currency value_ref message_ref

form validation for currency type. Should validate according to locale for example, the following forms: "$2.03" "Rs 50.42" "12.52L" "Y5,13c"

value_ref (required)
Reference variable to the submitted value
message_ref (required)
Reference variable for returning error messages
true (1) if valid, false (0) if not

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 test_validate_currency validate_currency (test acs-templating) template::data::validate::currency template::data::validate::currency test_validate_currency->template::data::validate::currency _ _ (public) template::data::validate::currency->_ template::data::validate template::data::validate (public) template::data::validate::currency->template::data::validate


template::util::currency (public)

 template::util::currency command [ args... ]

Dispatch procedure for the currency object

command (required)

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

template::util::currency::acquire (public)

 template::util::currency::acquire type [ value ]

Create a new currency value with some predefined value Basically, create and set the currency value

type (required)
The set_property type to set (only sql_number supported currently)
value (optional)
The new currency value set to the predefined value

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::util::currency::create template::util::currency::create (public) template::util::currency::set_property template::util::currency::set_property (public) template::util::currency::acquire template::util::currency::acquire template::util::currency::acquire->template::util::currency::create template::util::currency::acquire->template::util::currency::set_property

No testcase defined.

template::util::currency::create (public)

 template::util::currency::create [ leading_symbol ] [ whole_part ] \
    [ separator ] [ fractional_part ] [ trailing_money ] [ format ]

Create a currency form element.

leading_symbol (optional)
The leading symbol for the currency format (default: "$")
whole_part (optional)
The number of digits in the whole part of the value (default: 5)
separator (optional)
The character the separates the whole part from the fractional part (default ".")
fractional_part (optional)
The number of digits allowed in the fractional part of the value (default: 2, i.e. US Pennies)
trailing_money (optional)
For those currencies that use a trailing rather than leading character in their normal representation
format (optional, defaults to "$ 5 . 2")
The actual format to use in list form
The parameters joined in a six-element list

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::util::currency::acquire template::util::currency::acquire (public) template::util::currency::create template::util::currency::create template::util::currency::acquire->template::util::currency::create

No testcase defined.

template::util::currency::get_property (public)

 template::util::currency::get_property what currency_list

Return a property of a currency list which was created by a currency widget. The most useful properties that can be returned are sql_number (compatible with SQL's NUMERIC type, historically called NUMBER by Oracle) and display_currency, which takes the value and formats properly.

what (required)
The name of the property (see code for allowed values)
currency_list (required)
a currency widget list, usually created with ad_form

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.

template::util::currency::set_property (public)

 template::util::currency::set_property what currency_list value

Set a currency value to a set value, with that value being of "what" form. Currently the only "what" supported is sql_number, it being assumed (somewhat reasonably) that SQL's NUMERIC datatype will be used to store currency data in the database, regardless of locale.

what (required)
What kind of value is being passed in (sql_number is the only format supported)
currency_list (required)
A currency data type value
value (required)
The value to set currency_list to
currency_list set to value

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
%3 template::util::currency::acquire template::util::currency::acquire (public) template::util::currency::set_property template::util::currency::set_property template::util::currency::acquire->template::util::currency::set_property util::trim_leading_zeros util::trim_leading_zeros (public) template::util::currency::set_property->util::trim_leading_zeros

No testcase defined.

template::widget::currency (public)

 template::widget::currency element_reference tag_attributes [ mode ]

Render a currency widget. By default, the currency widget takes the form $ddddd.dd, i.e. US dollars and cents. You can optionally pass along a format for different currency.

element_reference (required)
Reference variable to the form element
tag_attributes (required)
HTML attributes to add to the tag
mode (optional, defaults to "edit")
If edit, the rendered widget allows input, otherwise the values are passed along as hidden input HTML tags
Form HTML for widget

Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):

No testcase defined.
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