- Publicity: Public Only All
Date widgets for the ArsDigita Templating System
- Location:
- packages/acs-templating/tcl/date-procs.tcl
- Author:
- Stanislav Freidin <sfreidin@arsdigita.com>
- CVS Identification:
$Id: date-procs.tcl,v 1.65 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $
Procedures in this file
- template::data::from_sql::date (public)
- template::data::from_sql::time_of_day (public)
- template::data::from_sql::timestamp (public)
- template::data::to_sql::date (public)
- template::data::to_sql::time_of_day (public)
- template::data::to_sql::timestamp (public)
- template::data::transform::date (public)
- template::data::transform::textdate (public)
- template::data::transform::time_of_day (public)
- template::data::transform::timestamp (public)
- template::data::validate::h5date (public)
- template::data::validate::h5time (public)
- template::util::date (public)
- template::util::date::acquire (public)
- template::util::date::add_time (public)
- template::util::date::compare (public)
- template::util::date::create (public)
- template::util::date::daysInMonth (public)
- template::util::date::defaultInterval (public)
- template::util::date::from_ansi (public)
- template::util::date::get_property (public)
- template::util::date::init (public)
- template::util::date::monthName (public)
- template::util::date::now (public)
- template::util::date::now_min_interval (public)
- template::util::date::now_min_interval_plus_hour (public, deprecated)
- template::util::date::set_property (public)
- template::util::date::today (public)
- template::util::date::unpack (public)
- template::util::date::validate (public)
- template::util::leadingPad (public, deprecated)
- template::util::leadingTrim (public, deprecated)
- template::util::negative (public)
- template::util::textdate (public)
- template::util::textdate::create (public)
- template::util::textdate_localized_format (public)
- template::util::time_of_day::get_property (public)
- template::util::time_of_day::set_property (public)
- template::util::timestamp::get_property (public)
- template::util::timestamp::set_property (public)
- template::widget::ampmFragment (public)
- template::widget::date (public)
- template::widget::dateFragment (public)
- template::widget::h5date (public)
- template::widget::h5time (public)
- template::widget::monthFragment (public)
- template::widget::numericRange (public)
- template::widget::numericrange (public)
- template::widget::textdate (public)
- template::widget::time_of_day (public)
- template::widget::timestamp (public)
Detailed information
template::data::from_sql::date (public)
template::data::from_sql::date value
Reads an ANSI date as a templating date object.
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::data::from_sql::time_of_day (public)
template::data::from_sql::time_of_day value
Reads an ANSI time of day as a templating date object.
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::data::from_sql::timestamp (public)
template::data::from_sql::timestamp value
Reads an ANSI timestamp as a templating date object.
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::data::to_sql::date (public)
template::data::to_sql::date value
Converts a templating date object into a SQL date.
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::data::to_sql::time_of_day (public)
template::data::to_sql::time_of_day value
Converts a templating date object into a SQL time.
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::data::to_sql::timestamp (public)
template::data::to_sql::timestamp value
Converts a templating date object into a SQL timestamp.
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::data::transform::date (public)
template::data::transform::date element_ref
Collect a Date object from the form.
- Parameters:
- element_ref (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::data::transform::textdate (public)
template::data::transform::textdate element_ref
Collect a textdate from the form, it automatically reformats it from the users locale to the ISO standard YYYY-MM-DD this is useful because it doesn't need reformatting in Tcl code.
- Parameters:
- element_ref (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::data::transform::time_of_day (public)
template::data::transform::time_of_day element_ref
Collect a time_of_day object from the form.
- Parameters:
- element_ref (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::data::transform::timestamp (public)
template::data::transform::timestamp element_ref
Collect a timestamp object from the form.
- Parameters:
- element_ref (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::data::validate::h5date (public)
template::data::validate::h5date value_ref message_ref
Validate a date submitted via HTML 5 input type "date". The submitted value is also checked against any "min" and "max" constraint set on the input element itself.
- Parameters:
- value_ref (required)
- Reference variable to the submitted value.
- message_ref (required)
- Reference variable for returning an error message.
- Returns:
- True (1) if valid, false (0) if not.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::data::validate::h5time (public)
template::data::validate::h5time value_ref message_ref
Validate that a date submitted via HTML 5 input type "time". The sbumitted value is also checked against any set "min" and "max" constraint set on the input element itself.
- Parameters:
- value_ref (required)
- Reference variable to the submitted value.
- message_ref (required)
- Reference variable for returning an error message.
- Returns:
- True (1) if valid, false (0) if not.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date (public)
template::util::date command [ args... ]
Dispatch procedure for the date object
- Parameters:
- command (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::acquire (public)
template::util::date::acquire type [ value ]
Create a new date with some predefined value. Basically, create and set the date.
- Parameters:
- type (required)
- value (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::util::date::add_time (public)
template::util::date::add_time -time_array_name time_array_name \ -date_array_name date_array_name
Set the time and date and new format properties into one date object (list) which is returned. Not sure this proc should live here...
- Switches:
- -time_array_name (required)
- -date_array_name (required)
- Author:
- Walter McGinnis <wtem@olywa.net>
- Created:
- 2002-01-04
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::compare (public)
template::util::date::compare date1 date2
Perform date comparison; same syntax as string compare.
- Parameters:
- date1 (required)
- date2 (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::create (public)
template::util::date::create [ year ] [ month ] [ day ] [ hours ] \ [ minutes ] [ seconds ] [ format ]
Create a new Date object. This is defined as a list of 7 elements, respectively representing year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds and format.
- Parameters:
- year (optional)
- month (optional)
- day (optional)
- hours (optional)
- minutes (optional)
- seconds (optional)
- format (optional, defaults to
)- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::util::date::daysInMonth (public)
template::util::date::daysInMonth month [ year ]
- Parameters:
- month (required)
- year (optional, defaults to
)- an integer representing the number of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
- Returns:
- the number of days in a month, accounting for leap years.
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::defaultInterval (public)
template::util::date::defaultInterval what
Get the default ranges for all the numeric fields of a Date object
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::from_ansi (public)
template::util::date::from_ansi ansi_date [ format ]
Create a new templating system date structure from a full ANSI date, i.e. in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.
- Parameters:
- ansi_date (required)
- Date in full ANSI format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS (time portion is optional).
- format (optional, defaults to
)- Format for the date object. Optional, defaults to YYYY MM DD.
- Returns:
- Date object for use with e.g. form builder.
- Author:
- Lars Pind <lars@pinds.com>
- Created:
- November 18, 2002
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::get_property (public)
template::util::date::get_property what date
Returns a property of a date list, usually created by ad_form.
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- the name of the property. One of:
- year
- month
- day
- hours
- minutes
- seconds
- format
- long_month_name
- short_month_name
- days_in_month
- short_year
- short_hours
- ampm
- not_null
- sql_date
- linear_date
- linear_date_no_time
- display_date
- clock
- date (required)
- the date widget list
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- sql_date, template_date_api
template::util::date::init (public)
Sets up some initial variables and other conditions to facilitate the data structure template::util::date working properly and completely.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::monthName (public)
template::util::date::monthName month length
Return the specified month name (short or long)
- Parameters:
- month (required)
- length (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::now (public)
Create a new Date object for the current date and time.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- sql_date
template::util::date::now_min_interval (public)
template::util::date::now_min_interval [ -clock clock ]
Create a new Date object for the current date and time with the default interval for minutes
- Switches:
- -clock (optional)
- time in seconds, if not specified, it uses current time
- Author:
- Walter McGinnis <wtem@olywa.net>
- Created:
- 2002-01-06
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- date_minute_interval
template::util::date::now_min_interval_plus_hour (public, deprecated)
template::util::date::now_min_interval_plus_hour [ -clock clock ]
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
Create a new Date object for the current date and time plus one hour with the default interval for minutes.
- Switches:
- -clock (optional)
- time in seconds, if not specified, it uses current time Deprecated: as of 2019-04-25, no upstream code is making use of this proc and more generic alternatives exist.
- Author:
- Walter McGinnis <wtem@olywa.net>
- Created:
- 2002-01-06
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::set_property (public)
template::util::date::set_property what date value
Replace a property in a list created by a date widget.
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- name of the property (see source for allowed values)
- date (required)
- the date list
- value (required)
- the new value
- Returns:
- the modified list
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::util::date::today (public)
Create a new Date object for the current date.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::date::unpack (public)
template::util::date::unpack date
Set the variables for each field of the date object in the calling frame. sets: year month day hours minutes seconds format from a list formatted date string
- Parameters:
- date (required)
- See Also:
- template::util::date::from_ans
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- template_date_api
template::util::date::validate (public)
template::util::date::validate date error_ref
Validate a date object.
- Parameters:
- date (required)
- error_ref (required)
- Returns:
- 1 if the object is valid, 0 otherwise. Set the error_ref variable to contain an error message, if any.
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- validate_date
template::util::leadingPad (public, deprecated)
template::util::leadingPad string size
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
Pad a string with leading zeros Deprecated: please use the new and more general 'ad_pad'.
- Parameters:
- string (required)
- size (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::leadingTrim (public, deprecated)
template::util::leadingTrim value
Deprecated. Invoking this procedure generates a warning.
Trim the leading zeros from the value, but preserve the value as "0" if it is "00"
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- See Also:
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::negative (public)
template::util::negative value
Check if a value is less than zero, but return false if the value is an empty string.
- Parameters:
- value (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- util_negative
template::util::textdate (public)
template::util::textdate command [ args... ]
Dispatch procedure for the textdate object
- Parameters:
- command (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::textdate::create (public)
template::util::textdate::create [ textdate ]
Build a textdate datatype structure, which is just the string itself for this simple type.
- Parameters:
- textdate (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::textdate_localized_format (public)
Gets the localized format for the textdate widget
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::time_of_day::get_property (public)
template::util::time_of_day::get_property what date
Replace a property in a list created by a time_of_day widget. It's the same as the date one. This is needed by the form builder to support explicit to_sql element modifiers.
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- date (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::time_of_day::set_property (public)
template::util::time_of_day::set_property what date value
Get a property in a list created by a time_of_day widget. It's the same as the date one. This is needed by the form builder to support explicit from_sql element modifiers.
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- date (required)
- value (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::timestamp::get_property (public)
template::util::timestamp::get_property what date
Replace a property in a list created by a timestamp widget. It's the same as the date one. This is needed by the form builder to support explicit to_sql element modifiers.
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- date (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::util::timestamp::set_property (public)
template::util::timestamp::set_property what date value
Get a property in a list created by a timestamp widget. It's the same as the date one. This is needed by the form builder to support explicit from_sql element modifiers.
- Parameters:
- what (required)
- date (required)
- value (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::ampmFragment (public)
template::widget::ampmFragment element_reference fragment size type \ value [ mode ] [ tag_attributes ]
Create a widget that shows the am/pm selection
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- fragment (required)
- size (required)
- type (required)
- value (required)
- mode (optional, defaults to
)- tag_attributes (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::date (public)
template::widget::date element_reference tag_attributes
Create a date entry widget according to a format string The format string should contain the following fields, separated by / \ - : . or whitespace:
Any format field may be followed by "t", in which case a text widget will be used to represent the field. the array in range_ref determines interval ranges; the keys are the date fields and the values are in form {start stop interval}
string meaning YYYY 4-digit year YY 2-digit year MM 2-digit month MON month name, short (i.e. "Jan") MONTH month name, long (i.e. "January") DD day of month HH12 12-hour hour HH24 24-hour hour MI minutes SS seconds AM am/pm flag
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- tag_attributes (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::dateFragment (public)
template::widget::dateFragment element_reference fragment size type \ value [ mode ] [ tag_attributes ]
Create an input widget for the given date fragment If type is "t", uses a text widget for the fragment, with the given size. Otherwise, determines the proper widget based on the element flags, which may be text or a picklist.
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- fragment (required)
- size (required)
- type (required)
- value (required)
- mode (optional, defaults to
)- tag_attributes (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::h5date (public)
template::widget::h5date element_reference tag_attributes
Implements the HTML 5 input type "date". Supported element parameters: "-min" and "-max": for setting minimum and maximum dates that can be chosen by the user. If used, the condition min <= value <= max must be met. (Format = YYYY-MM-DD) "-step": number of days jumped each time the date is incremented. Value must be an integer Parameters supplied this way will supersede same-named parameters supplied through the "-html" switch. This widget also adds the attribute "pattern" as fallback for browsers which do not support input type="date".
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- tag_attributes (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::h5time (public)
template::widget::h5time element_reference tag_attributes
Implements the HTML 5 input type "time". Supported element parameters: "-min" and "-max": for setting minimum and maximum times that can be chosen by the user. If used, the condition min <= value <= max must be met. (Format = "hh:mm" or "hh:mm:ss" if parameter "-step" is present) "-step": integer value that equates to the number of seconds you want to increment by Parameters supplied this way will supersede same-named parameters supplied through the "-html" switch. This widget also adds the attribute "pattern" as fallback for browsers which do not support input type="time".
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- tag_attributes (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::monthFragment (public)
template::widget::monthFragment element_reference fragment size type \ value [ mode ] [ tag_attributes ]
Create a month entry widget with short or long month names.
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- fragment (required)
- size (required)
- type (required)
- value (required)
- mode (optional, defaults to
)- tag_attributes (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::numericRange (public)
template::widget::numericRange name interval_def size [ value ] \ [ tag_attributes ]
Create an HTML fragment to display a numeric range widget interval_def is in form { start stop interval }
- Parameters:
- name (required)
- interval_def (required)
- size (required)
- value (optional)
- tag_attributes (optional)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::numericrange (public)
template::widget::numericrange element_reference tag_attributes
Widget proc usable with ad_form to display a numeric range widget. Need to define interval_def as {interval_def {start end step}}
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- tag_attributes (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::textdate (public)
template::widget::textdate element_reference tag_attributes
Implements the textdate widget.
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- tag_attributes (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::time_of_day (public)
template::widget::time_of_day element_reference tag_attributes
Render a time_of_day widget. Default is the localized version.
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- tag_attributes (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
template::widget::timestamp (public)
template::widget::timestamp element_reference tag_attributes
Render a timestamp widget. Default is the localized version.
- Parameters:
- element_reference (required)
- tag_attributes (required)
- Partial Call Graph (max 5 caller/called nodes):
- Testcases:
- No testcase defined.
Content File Source
ad_library { Date widgets for the ArsDigita Templating System @author Stanislav Freidin (sfreidin@arsdigita.com) @cvs-id $Id: date-procs.tcl,v 1.65 2024/09/11 06:15:48 gustafn Exp $ } # Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation # This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public # License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: # http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html # Prepare an array to map symbolic month names to their indices namespace eval template {} namespace eval template::data {} namespace eval template::data::validate {} namespace eval template::util {} namespace eval template::util::time_of_day {} namespace eval template::util::timestamp {} namespace eval template::util::date {} namespace eval template::util::textdate {} namespace eval template::widget {} namespace eval template::data::transform {} namespace eval template::data::to_sql {} namespace eval template::data::from_sql {} d_proc -public template::util::date { command args } { Dispatch procedure for the date object } { template::util::date::$command {*}$args } ad_proc -public template::util::date::init {} { Sets up some initial variables and other conditions to facilitate the data structure template::util::date working properly and completely. } { variable month_data variable fragment_widgets variable fragment_formats variable token_exp array set month_data { 1 {January Jan 31} 2 {February Feb 28} 3 {March Mar 31} 4 {April Apr 30} 5 {May May 31} 6 {June Jun 30} 7 {July Jul 31} 8 {August Aug 31} 9 {September Sep 30} 10 {October Oct 31} 11 {November Nov 30} 12 {December Dec 31} } # Forward lookup # Bug# 1176 array set fragment_widgets \ [list \ YYYY [list dateFragment year 4 [_ acs-templating.Year]] \ YY [list dateFragment short_year 2 [_ acs-templating.Year]] \ MM [list dateFragment month 2 [_ acs-templating.Month]] \ MON [list monthFragment month short [_ acs-templating.Month]] \ MONTH [list monthFragment month long [_ acs-templating.Month]] \ DD [list dateFragment day 2 [_ acs-templating.Day]] \ HH12 [list dateFragment short_hours 2 [_ acs-templating.12-Hour]] \ HH24 [list dateFragment hours 2 [_ acs-templating.24-Hour]] \ MI [list dateFragment minutes 2 [_ acs-templating.Minutes]] \ SS [list dateFragment seconds 2 [_ acs-templating.Seconds]] \ AM [list ampmFragment ampm 2 [_ acs-templating.Meridian]] \ ] # Reverse lookup foreach key [array names fragment_widgets] { set fragment_formats([lindex $fragment_widgets($key) 1]) $key } # Expression to match any valid format token set token_exp "([join [array names fragment_widgets] |])(t*)" } d_proc -public template::util::date::monthName { month length } { Return the specified month name (short or long) } { # trim leading zeros to avoid octal problem set month [util::trim_leading_zeros $month] if {$length eq "long"} { return [lc_time_fmt "2002-[format "%02d" $month]-01" "%B"] } else { return [lc_time_fmt "2002-[format "%02d" $month]-01" "%b"] } } d_proc -public template::util::date::daysInMonth { month {year 0} } { @param year an integer representing the number of the year in the Gregorian calendar. @return the number of days in a month, accounting for leap years. @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leap_year#Algorithm } { # Something like this oneliner might work and delegate the leap # year calculation to the clock command. However, it would be # significantly slower... # clock format [clock add [clock scan [format "%04d" $year]-[format "%02d" $month]-01 -format %Y-%m-%d] 1 month -1 day] -format %d set month [string trimleft $month 0] set year [string trimleft $year 0] if {$year eq ""} {set year 0} variable month_data set month_desc $month_data($month) set days [lindex $month_desc 2] if { $month == 2 && ( (($year % 4) == 0 && ($year % 100) != 0) || (($year % 400) == 0) ) } { return [expr {$days + 1}] } else { return $days } } d_proc -public template::util::date::create { {year {}} {month {}} {day {}} {hours {}} {minutes {}} {seconds {}} {format "DD MONTH YYYY"} } { Create a new Date object. This is defined as a list of 7 elements, respectively representing year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds and format. } { return [list $year $month $day $hours $minutes $seconds $format] } d_proc -public template::util::date::acquire { type {value ""} } { Create a new date with some predefined value. Basically, create and set the date. } { set the_date [template::util::date::create] return [template::util::date::set_property $type $the_date $value] } ad_proc -public template::util::date::today {} { Create a new Date object for the current date. } { set now [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y %m %d"] set today [list] foreach v $now { # trim leading zeros to avoid octal problem lappend today [util::trim_leading_zeros $v] } return [create {*}$today] } ad_proc -public template::util::date::now {} { Create a new Date object for the current date and time. } { set now [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y %m %d %H %M %S"] set today [list] foreach v $now { lappend today [util::trim_leading_zeros $v] } return [create {*}$today] } d_proc -public template::util::date::from_ansi { ansi_date {format "YYYY MM DD"} } { Create a new templating system date structure from a full ANSI date, i.e. in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS. @param ansi_date Date in full ANSI format YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS (time portion is optional). @param format Format for the date object. Optional, defaults to YYYY MM DD. @return Date object for use with e.g. form builder. @author Lars Pind (lars@pinds.com) @creation-date November 18, 2002 } { set date [template::util::date::create] set date [template::util::date::set_property format $date $format] set date [template::util::date::set_property ansi $date $ansi_date] return $date } d_proc -public template::util::date::get_property { what date } { Returns a property of a date list, usually created by ad_form. @param what the name of the property. One of:<ul> <li>year</li> <li>month</li> <li>day</li> <li>hours</li> <li>minutes</li> <li>seconds</li> <li>format</li> <li>long_month_name</li> <li>short_month_name</li> <li>days_in_month</li> <li>short_year</li> <li>short_hours</li> <li>ampm</li> <li>not_null</li> <li>sql_date</li> <li>linear_date</li> <li>linear_date_no_time</li> <li>display_date</li> <li>clock</li> </ul> @param date the date widget list } { variable month_data switch -- $what { year { return [lindex $date 0] } month { return [lindex $date 1] } day { return [lindex $date 2] } hours { return [lindex $date 3] } minutes { return [lindex $date 4] } seconds { return [lindex $date 5] } format { return [lindex $date 6] } long_month_name { if {[lindex $date 1] eq ""} { return {} } else { return [monthName [lindex $date 1] long] } } short_month_name { if {[lindex $date 1] eq ""} { return {} } else { return [monthName [lindex $date 1] short] } } days_in_month { if { [lindex $date 1] eq "" || [lindex $date 0] eq "" } { return 31 } else { return [daysInMonth [lindex $date 1] [lindex $date 0]] } } short_year { if {[lindex $date 0] eq ""} { return {} } else { return [expr {[lindex $date 0] % 100}] } } short_hours { if {[lindex $date 3] eq ""} { return {} } else { set value [expr {[lindex $date 3] % 12}] if { $value == 0 } { return 12 } else { return $value } } } ampm { if {[lindex $date 3] eq ""} { return {} } else { if { [lindex $date 3] > 11 } { return "pm" } else { return "am" } } } not_null { for { set i 0 } { $i < 6 } { incr i } { if { [lindex $date $i] ne {} } { return 1 } } return 0 } sql_date - sql_timestamp { # LARS: Empty date results in NULL value if { $date eq "" } { return "NULL" } set value "" set format "" set space "" set pad "0000" foreach { index sql_form } { 0 YYYY 1 MM 2 DD 3 HH24 4 MI 5 SS } { set piece [lindex $date $index] if { $piece ne {} } { append value "$space[string range $pad [string length $piece] end]$piece" append format $space append format $sql_form set space " " } set pad "00" } # DRB: We need to differentiate between date and timestamp, for PG, at least, # and since Oracle supports to_timestamp() we'll just do it for both DBs. # DEDS: revert this first as to_timestamp is only for # oracle9i. no clear announcement that OpenACS has dropped # support for 8i if { [llength $date] <= 3 || ([db_type] eq "oracle" && [string match "8.*" [db_version]]) } { return "to_date('$value', '$format')" } else { return "to_timestamp('$value', '$format')" } } ansi { # LARS: Empty date results in NULL value if { $date eq "" } { return {} } set value "" set pad "0000" set prepend "" set clipped_date [lrange $date 0 2] foreach fragment $clipped_date { append value "$prepend[string range $pad [string length $fragment] end]$fragment" set pad "00" set prepend "-" } append value " " set prepend "" set clipped_time [lrange $date 3 5] foreach fragment $clipped_time { append value "$prepend[string range $pad [string length $fragment] end]$fragment" set prepend ":" } return $value } linear_date { # Return a date in format "YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS" # For use with karl's non-working form builder API set clipped_date [lrange $date 0 5] set ret [list] set pad "0000" foreach fragment $clipped_date { lappend ret "[string range $pad [string length $fragment] end]$fragment" set pad "00" } return $ret } linear_date_no_time { # Return a date in format "YYYY MM DD" set clipped_date [lrange $date 0 2] set ret [list] set pad "0000" foreach fragment $clipped_date { lappend ret "[string range $pad [string length $fragment] end]$fragment" set pad "00" } return $ret } display_date { # Return a beautified date. It should use the widget format string but DRB # doesn't have the time to dive into that today. The simple hack would be # to use the database's to_char() function to do the conversion but that's # not a terribly efficient thing to do. set clipped_date [lrange $date 0 2] set date_list [list] set pad "0000" foreach fragment $clipped_date { lappend date_list "[string range $pad [string length $fragment] end]$fragment" set pad "00" } set value [lc_time_fmt [join $date_list "-"] "%q"] unpack $date if { $hours ne "" && $minutes ne "" } { append value " [string range $pad [string length $hours] end]${hours}:[string range $pad [string length $minutes] end]$minutes" if { $seconds ne {} } { append value ":[string range $pad [string length $seconds] end]$seconds" } } return $value } clock { set value "" # Unreliable ! unpack $date if { $year ne "" && $month ne "" && $day ne "" } { append value "$month/$day/$year" } if { $hours ne "" && $minutes ne "" } { append value " ${hours}:${minutes}" if { $seconds ne "" } { append value ":$seconds" } } return [clock scan $value] } default { error "util::date::get_property: unknown property: '$what'." } } } d_proc -public template::util::date::compare { date1 date2 } { Perform date comparison; same syntax as string compare. } { for { set i 0 } { $i < 5 } { incr i } { if { [lindex $date1 $i] < [lindex $date2 $i] } { return -1 } elseif { [lindex $date1 $i] > [lindex $date2 $i] } { return 1 } } return 0 } d_proc -public template::util::date::set_property { what date value } { Replace a property in a list created by a date widget. @param what name of the property (see source for allowed values) @param date the date list @param value the new value @return the modified list } { # if value is an empty string, just return the date that was # passed in, otherwise this procedure will fail. # This is needed for the automated sql/linear conversion used by # ad_form. if {$value eq ""} { return $date } # This trimming is actually more of a noop, as one should actually # switch on the 'what' variable, expected to match one of the # keys, while 'value' will just be a date. The probable typo is 18 # years old, so I am commenting out the code, rather than "fixing # it", with possible unexpected consequences. Might go away for # good at some point. # # Erase leading zeros from the value, but make sure that 00 # # is not completely erased - but only for single-element properties # # switch -- $value { # year - month - day - hour - minutes - seconds - short_year - short_hours - ampm { # set value [util::trim_leading_zeros $value] # } # } switch -- $what { year { return [lreplace $date 0 0 $value] } month { return [lreplace $date 1 1 $value] } day { return [lreplace $date 2 2 $value] } hours { return [lreplace $date 3 3 $value] } minutes { return [lreplace $date 4 4 $value] } seconds { return [lreplace $date 5 5 $value] } format { return [lreplace $date 6 6 $value] } short_year { if { $value < 69 } { return [lreplace $date 0 0 [expr {$value + 2000}]] } else { return [lreplace $date 0 0 [expr {$value + 1900}]] } } short_hours { return [lreplace $date 3 3 $value] } ampm { if {[lindex $date 3] eq ""} { return $date } else { set hours [lindex $date 3] # robustness check: make sure we handle form of 08:00am --jfr if {[regexp {0([0-9])} $hours match trimmed_hours]} { if {$trimmed_hours ne ""} { set hours $trimmed_hours } } if { $value eq "pm" && $hours < 12 } { return [lreplace $date 3 3 [expr {$hours + 12}]] } elseif {$value eq "am"} { return [lreplace $date 3 3 [expr {$hours % 12}]] } else { return $date } } } clock { set old_date [clock format $value -format "%Y %m %d %H %M %S"] set new_date [list] foreach field $old_date { lappend new_date [util::trim_leading_zeros $field] } lappend new_date [lindex $date 6] return $new_date } sql_date { set old_format [lindex $date 6] set new_date [list] foreach fragment $value { lappend new_date [util::trim_leading_zeros $fragment] } lappend new_date $old_format return $new_date } ansi { # Some initialization... # Rip $date into $ansi_* as numbers, no leading zeros set matchdate {([0-9]{4})\-0?(1?[0-9])\-0?([1-3]?[0-9])} set matchtime {0?([1-2]?[0-9]):0?([1-5]?[0-9]):0?([1-6]?[0-9])} set matchfull "$matchdate $matchtime" set time_p 1 if {![regexp -- $matchfull $value match ansi_year ansi_month ansi_days ansi_hours ansi_minutes ansi_seconds]} { if {[regexp -- $matchdate $value match ansi_year ansi_month ansi_days]} { set ansi_hours 0 set ansi_minutes 0 set ansi_seconds 0 } else { error "Invalid date: $value" } } # Return new date, but use old format return [list $ansi_year $ansi_month $ansi_days $ansi_hours $ansi_minutes $ansi_seconds [lindex $date 6]] } now { return [template::util::date set_property clock $date [clock seconds]] } default { error "util::date::set_property: unknown property: '$what'." } } } d_proc -public template::util::date::defaultInterval { what } { Get the default ranges for all the numeric fields of a Date object } { switch -- $what { year { return [list 2002 2012 1 ] } month { return [list 1 12 1] } day { return [list 1 31 1] } hours { return [list 0 23 1] } minutes { return [list 0 59 5] } seconds { return [list 0 59 5] } short_year { return [list 0 10 1] } short_hours { return [list 1 12 1] } } } d_proc -public template::util::date::unpack { date } { Set the variables for each field of the date object in the calling frame. sets: year month day hours minutes seconds format from a list formatted date string @see template::util::date::from_ans } { uplevel [list lassign $date year month day hours minutes seconds format] } d_proc -public template::util::date::now_min_interval { {-clock ""} } { Create a new Date object for the current date and time with the default interval for minutes @param clock time in seconds, if not specified, it uses current time @author Walter McGinnis (wtem@olywa.net) @creation-date 2002-01-06 } { if {$clock eq ""} { set clock [clock seconds] } set now [list] foreach v [clock format $clock -format "%Y %m %d %H %M %S"] { lappend now [util::trim_leading_zeros $v] } # # Get original minute value # set minute [lindex $now 4] # # Get interval definition for "minute" (e.g. 0 59 5) # lassign [defaultInterval minutes] min max interval for { set i $min } { $i <= $max } { incr i $interval } { if {$minute == $i} { break } elseif {$minute < $i} { set minute $i break } } # # Replace the minute value in the now list with new value # lset now 4 $minute return [create {*}$now] } d_proc -deprecated -public template::util::date::now_min_interval_plus_hour { {-clock ""} } { Create a new Date object for the current date and time plus one hour with the default interval for minutes. @param clock time in seconds, if not specified, it uses current time Deprecated: as of 2019-04-25, no upstream code is making use of this proc and more generic alternatives exist. @see template::data::from_sql::date @see clock @author Walter McGinnis (wtem@olywa.net) @creation-date 2002-01-06 } { if {$clock eq ""} { set clock [clock seconds] } # # Add one hour to the clock # incr clock [expr {60*60}] set now [list] foreach v [clock format $clock -format "%Y %m %d %H %M %S"] { lappend now [util::trim_leading_zeros $v] } # manipulate the minute value so it rounds up to nearest minute interval set minute [lindex $now 4] # there is a definition for minute interval: 0 59 5 lassign [defaultInterval minutes] min max inc for {set i $min} {$i <= $max} {incr i $inc} { if {$minute == $i} { break } elseif {$minute < $i} { set minute $i break } } return [create {*}$now] } d_proc -public template::util::date::add_time { -time_array_name:required -date_array_name:required } { Set the time and date and new format properties into one date object (list) which is returned. Not sure this proc should live here... @author Walter McGinnis (wtem@olywa.net) @creation-date 2002-01-04 } { # grab the form arrays upvar 1 $time_array_name time_in $date_array_name date_in # combine the two formats... # date first set new_format "$date_in(format) $time_in(format)" # create an empty date object with the new format set the_date [template::util::date::create \ "" "" "" "" "" "" ""] set the_date [template::util::date::set_property format $the_date $new_format] set have_values 0 # the following two foreachs might be cleaner if combined into one # but two is pretty simple and there are larger battles out there to fight # add time properties foreach field [array names time_in] { # skip format if {$field ne "format" } { # Coerce values to nonnegative integers if { $field ne "ampm" } { if { ![regexp {[0-9]+} $time_in($field) value] } { set value {} } } # If the value is not null, set it if { $value ne {} } { set the_date [template::util::date::set_property $field $the_date $value] if { $field ne "ampm" } { set have_values 1 } } } } # add date properties foreach field [array names date_in] { # skip format if {$field ne "format" } { # Coerce values to nonnegative integers if { ![regexp {[0-9]+} $date_in($field) value] } { set value {} } # If the value is not null, set it if { $value ne {} } { set the_date [template::util::date::set_property $field $the_date $value] set have_values 1 } } } if { $have_values } { return [list $the_date] } else { return {} } } d_proc -public template::util::negative { value } { Check if a value is less than zero, but return false if the value is an empty string. } { if {$value eq ""} { return 0 } else { return [expr {[util::trim_leading_zeros $value] < 0}] } } d_proc -public template::util::date::validate { date error_ref } { Validate a date object. @return 1 if the object is valid, 0 otherwise. Set the error_ref variable to contain an error message, if any. } { # If the date is empty, it's valid if { ![get_property not_null $date] } { return 1 } variable fragment_formats upvar $error_ref error_msg unpack $date set error_msg [list] foreach {field exp} { year "YYYY|YY" month "MM|MON|MONTH" day "DD" hours "HH24|HH12" minutes "MI" seconds "SS" } { # Trim leading zeros to avoid numbers being interpreted as # octals when comparing them. set $field [util::trim_leading_zeros [set $field]] # If the field is required, but missing, report an error if {[set $field] eq ""} { if { [regexp $exp $format match] } { set field_pretty [_ acs-templating.${field}] lappend error_msg [_ acs-templating.lt_No_value_supplied_for_-field_pretty-] } } else { # fields should only be integers if { ![regexp {^[0-9]+$} [set $field] match] } { set field_pretty [_ acs-templating.${field}] lappend error_msg [_ acs-templating.lt_The_-field_pretty-_must_be_non_negative] set $field {} } } } if { $year ne {} && ($year < 1 || $year > 9999)} { lappend error_msg [_ acs-templating.Year_must_be_between_1_and_9999] } if { $month ne {} } { if { $month < 1 || $month > 12 } { lappend error_msg [_ acs-templating.Month_must_be_between_1_and_12] } elseif { $year > 0 && $day ne {} } { set maxdays [get_property days_in_month $date] if { $day < 1 || $day > $maxdays } { set month_pretty [template::util::date::get_property long_month_name $date] if { $month == 2 } { # February has a different number of days depending on the year append month_pretty " ${year}" } lappend error_msg [_ acs-templating.lt_day_between_for_month_pretty] } } } if { $hours ne {} && ($hours < 0 || $hours > 23) } { lappend error_msg [_ acs-templating.Hours_must_be_between_0_and_23] } if { $minutes ne {} && ($minutes < 0 || $minutes > 59) } { lappend error_msg [_ acs-templating.Minutes_must_be_between_0_and_59] } if { $seconds ne {} && ($seconds < 0 || $seconds > 59) } { lappend error_msg [_ acs-templating.Seconds_must_be_between_0_and_59] } if { [llength $error_msg] > 0 } { set error_msg "[join $error_msg {<br>}]" return 0 } else { return 1 } } d_proc -public -deprecated template::util::leadingPad { string size } { Pad a string with leading zeros Deprecated: please use the new and more general 'ad_pad'. @see ad_pad } { if {$string eq ""} { return "" } set ret [string repeat "0" [expr {$size - [string length $string]}]] append ret $string return $ret } d_proc -public -deprecated template::util::leadingTrim { value } { Trim the leading zeros from the value, but preserve the value as "0" if it is "00" @see util::trim_leading_zeros } { return [util::trim_leading_zeros $value] } d_proc -public template::widget::numericrange { element_reference tag_attributes } { Widget proc usable with ad_form to display a numeric range widget. Need to define interval_def as {interval_def {start end step}} } { upvar $element_reference element if { [info exists element(html)] } { array set attributes $element(html) } return [template::widget::numericRange $element(name) $element(interval_def) $element(size) $element(value) $tag_attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::numericRange { name interval_def size {value ""} {tag_attributes {} } } { Create an HTML fragment to display a numeric range widget interval_def is in form { start stop interval } } { array set attributes $tag_attributes set interval_size [lindex $interval_def 2] set options [list [list "--" {}]] for { set i [lindex $interval_def 0] } \ { $i <= [lindex $interval_def 1] } \ { incr i $interval_size } { lappend options [list [ad_pad -left $i $size "0"] $i] } if {$interval_size > 1} { # round minutes or seconds to nearest interval if { $value ne "" } { set value [expr {$value-($value - [lindex $interval_def 0])%$interval_size}] } } return [template::widget::menu $name $options [list $value] attributes] } d_proc -public template::widget::dateFragment { element_reference fragment size type value {mode edit} {tag_attributes {}} } { Create an input widget for the given date fragment If type is "t", uses a text widget for the fragment, with the given size. Otherwise, determines the proper widget based on the element flags, which may be text or a picklist. } { upvar $element_reference element set value [template::util::date::get_property $fragment $value] set value [util::trim_leading_zeros $value] if {$value eq ""} { set att_value "" } else { set att_value [ad_pad -left $value $size 0] } if { $mode ne "edit" } { return [subst {<input type="hidden" name="$element(name).$fragment" value="${att_value}">$value}] } else { if { [info exists element(${fragment}_interval)] } { set interval $element(${fragment}_interval) } else { # Display text entry for some elements, or if the type is text if { $type == "t" || [regexp "year|short_year" $fragment] } { set output "<input type=\"text\" name=\"$element(name).$fragment\" id=\"$element(name).$fragment\" size=\"$size\"" append output " maxlength=\"$size\" value=\"${att_value}\"" array set attributes $tag_attributes foreach attribute_name [array names attributes] { if {$attributes($attribute_name) eq ""} { append output " $attribute_name" } else { append output " $attribute_name=\"$attributes($attribute_name)\"" } } append output ">\n" return $output } else { # Use a default range for others set interval [template::util::date::defaultInterval $fragment] } } return [template::widget::numericRange "$element(name).$fragment" \ $interval $size $value $tag_attributes] } } d_proc -public template::widget::ampmFragment { element_reference fragment size type value {mode edit} {tag_attributes {}} } { Create a widget that shows the am/pm selection } { upvar $element_reference element array set attributes $tag_attributes set value [template::util::date::get_property $fragment $value] if { $mode ne "edit" } { set output {} append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(name).$fragment\" value=\"$value\">" append output $value return $output } else { return [template::widget::menu \ "$element(name).$fragment" { {A.M. am} {P.M. pm}} $value attributes] } } d_proc -public template::widget::monthFragment { element_reference fragment size type value {mode edit} {tag_attributes {}} } { Create a month entry widget with short or long month names. } { variable ::template::util::date::month_data upvar $element_reference element array set attributes $tag_attributes set value [template::util::date::get_property $fragment $value] if { $mode ne "edit" } { set output {} if { $value ne "" } { append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(name).$fragment\" value=\"$value\">" append output [template::util::date::monthName $value $size] } return $output } else { set options [list [list "--" {}]] for { set i 1 } { $i <= 12 } { incr i } { lappend options [list [template::util::date::monthName $i $size] $i] } return [template::widget::menu \ "$element(name).$fragment" $options $value attributes] } } d_proc -public template::widget::date { element_reference tag_attributes } { Create a date entry widget according to a format string The format string should contain the following fields, separated by / \ - : . or whitespace: <table border="1"> <tr><th>string</th><th>meaning</th></tr> <tr><td>YYYY</td><td>4-digit year</td></tr> <tr><td>YY</td><td>2-digit year</td></tr> <tr><td>MM</td><td>2-digit month</td></tr> <tr><td>MON</td><td>month name, short (i.e. "Jan")</td></tr> <tr><td>MONTH</td><td>month name, long (i.e. "January")</td></tr> <tr><td>DD</td><td>day of month</td></tr> <tr><td>HH12</td><td>12-hour hour</td></tr> <tr><td>HH24</td><td>24-hour hour</td></tr> <tr><td>MI</td><td>minutes</td></tr> <tr><td>SS</td><td>seconds</td></tr> <tr><td>AM</td><td>am/pm flag</td></tr> </table> Any format field may be followed by "t", in which case a text widget will be used to represent the field. the array in range_ref determines interval ranges; the keys are the date fields and the values are in form {start stop interval} } { variable ::template::util::date::fragment_widgets upvar $element_reference element array set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] set output "<!-- date $element(name) begin -->\n" if { ! [info exists element(format)] } { set element(format) [_ acs-lang.localization-formbuilder_date_format] } # Choose a pre-selected format, if any switch -- $element(format) { long { set element(format) "YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS" } short { set element(format) "YYYY/MM/DD"} time { set element(format) "HH24:MI:SS"} american { set element(format) "MM/DD/YY"} expiration { set element(format) "MM/YY" set current_year [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y"] set current_year [expr {$current_year % 100}] set element(short_year_interval) \ [list $current_year [expr {$current_year + 10}] 1] set element(help) 1 } } # Just remember the format for now - in the future, allow # the user to enter a freeform format append output "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$element(name).format\" " append output "value=\"$element(format)\" >\n" # Prepare the value to set defaults on the form if { [info exists element(value)] && [template::util::date::get_property not_null $element(value)] } { set value $element(value) foreach v $value { lappend trim_value [util::trim_leading_zeros $v] } set value $trim_value } else { set value {} } # Keep taking tokens off the top of the string until out # of tokens set format_string $element(format) set tokens [list] if {[info exists attributes(id)]} { set id_attr_name $attributes(id) } while { $format_string ne {} } { # Snip off the next token regexp {([^/\-.: ]*)([/\-.: ]*)(.*)} \ $format_string match word sep format_string # Extract the trailing "t", if any regexp -nocase $template::util::date::token_exp $word \ match token type lappend tokens $token # Output the widget set fragment_def $template::util::date::fragment_widgets([string toupper $token]) set fragment [lindex $fragment_def 1] if {[info exists id_attr_name] && $id_attr_name ne ""} { set attributes(id) "${id_attr_name}.${fragment}" } set widget [template::widget::[lindex $fragment_def 0] \ element \ $fragment \ [lindex $fragment_def 2] \ $type \ $value \ $element(mode) \ [array get attributes]] if { [info exists element(help)] } { append output "<label for=\"$element(id).${fragment}\">[lindex $fragment_def 3] $widget</label>" } else { append output $widget } # Output the separator if {$sep eq " "} { append output " " } else { append output "$sep" } } append output "<!-- date $element(name) end -->\n" return $output } d_proc -public template::data::transform::date { element_ref } { Collect a Date object from the form. } { upvar $element_ref element set element_id $element(id) set the_date [template::util::date::create \ {} {} {} {} {} {} [ns_queryget "$element_id.format"]] set have_values 0 foreach field { year short_year month day short_hours hours minutes seconds ampm } { set key "$element_id.$field" if { [ns_queryexists $key] } { set value [ns_queryget $key] # Coerce values to nonnegative integers if { $field ne "ampm" } { if { ![regexp {[0-9]+} $value value] } { set value {} } } # If the value is not null, set it if { $value ne {} } { set the_date [template::util::date::set_property $field $the_date $value] if { $field ne "ampm" } { set have_values 1 } } } } if { $have_values } { return [list $the_date] } else { return {} } } d_proc -public template::util::textdate { command args } { Dispatch procedure for the textdate object } { template::util::textdate::$command {*}$args } ad_proc -public template::util::textdate_localized_format {} { Gets the localized format for the textdate widget } { # we get the date format for the connected locale from acs-lang.localization-d_fmt # as of the time of writing this proc the following were by default available that # would work with this proc, and this should cover most installations, if this # format isn't matched we will use the iso standard YYYY-MM-DD. # # %d-%m-%y %d.%m.%y %d/%m-%y %d/%m/%y %m/%d/%y %y-%m-%d %y.%m.%d "%d-%m-%y" set format [lc_get "d_fmt"] regsub -all -nocase -- {\"} $format {} format regsub -all -nocase -- {\%} $format {} format set format [string tolower $format] # this format key must now be at max five characters, and contain one y, one m and one d # as well as two punction marks ( - . / ) if { [regexp {^([y|m|d])([\-|\.|/])([y|m|d])([\-|\.|/])([y|m|d])} $format match first first_punct second second_punct third] && [string length $format] == 5 } { if { [lsort [list $first $second $third]] eq "d m y" } { # we have a valid format from acs-lang.localization-d_fmt with all 3 necessary elements # and only two valid punctuation marks regsub {d} $format {dd} format regsub {m} $format {mm} format regsub {y} $format {yyyy} format return $format } } # we use the iso standard return "yyyy-mm-dd" } d_proc -public template::util::textdate::create { {textdate {}} } { Build a textdate datatype structure, which is just the string itself for this simple type. } { return $textdate } d_proc -public template::data::transform::textdate { element_ref } { Collect a textdate from the form, it automatically reformats it from the users locale to the ISO standard YYYY-MM-DD this is useful because it doesn't need reformatting in Tcl code. } { upvar $element_ref element set element_id $element(id) set value [ns_queryget "$element_id"] if { $value eq "" } { # they didn't enter anything return "" } # we get the format they need to use set format [template::util::textdate_localized_format] set exp $format regsub -all -- {(\-|\.|/)} $exp {(\1)} exp regsub -all -- {dd|mm} $exp {([0-9]{1,2})} exp regsub -all -- {yyyy} $exp {([0-9]{2,4})} exp # results is what comes out in a regexp set results $format regsub {\-|\.|/} $results { format_one} results regsub {\-|\.|/} $results { format_two} results regsub {mm} $results { month} results regsub {dd} $results { day} results regsub {yyyy} $results { year} results set results [string trim $results] if { [regexp {([\-|\.|/])yyyy$} $format match year_punctuation] } { # we might be willing to accept this date if it doesn't have a year # at the end, since we can assume that the year is the current one # this is useful for fast keyboard based date entry for formats that # have years at the end (such as in en_US which is mm/dd/yyyy or # de_DE which is dd.mm.yyyy) # we check if adding the year and punctuation makes it a valid date if { [regexp $exp "${value}${year_punctuation}[dt_sysdate -format %Y]" match {*}$results] } { if { ![catch { clock scan "${year}-${month}-${day}" }] } { # we add the missing year and punctuation to the value # we don't return it here because formatting is done # later on (i.e. adding leading zeros if needed) append value "${year_punctuation}[dt_sysdate -format %Y]" } } } # now we verify that we have a valid date # and adding leading/trailing zeros if needed if { [regexp $exp $value match {*}$results] } { # the regexp will have given us: year month day format_one format_two if { [string length $month] eq "1" } { set month "0$month" } if { [string length $day] eq "1" } { set day "0$day" } if { [string length $year] eq "2" } { # we'll copy microsoft excel's default assumptions # about the year it is so if the year is 29 or # lower its in this century otherwise its last century if { $year < 30 } { set year "20$year" } else { set year "19$year" } } return "${year}-${month}-${day}" } else { # they did not provide a correctly formatted date so we send it back to them return $value } } d_proc -public template::widget::textdate { element_reference tag_attributes } { Implements the textdate widget. } { upvar $element_reference element set date_valid_p 0 if { [info exists element(value)] } { set textdate $element(value) if { [regexp {^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})$} $textdate match year month day] } { set date_valid_p [string is false [catch { clock scan "${textdate}" }]] # we have a correctly formatted iso date that we # can reformat for display, we don't use lc_time_fmt # because it could fail and cause a server error. # The date may be formatted correctly but it may be # an invalid date (which is caught by # template::data::validate::textdate) so we need to # re-format the input into the format the user specified # by this means set textdate [template::util::textdate_localized_format] regsub {yyyy} $textdate $year textdate regsub {mm} $textdate $month textdate regsub {dd} $textdate $day textdate } } else { set textdate "" } if { $date_valid_p } { set javascriptdate $textdate } else { set javascriptdate "" } if {$element(mode) eq "edit"} { set id $element(id)_input_field append output [subst { <input type="text" name="$element(id)" size="10" maxlength="10" id="$id" value="[ns_quotehtml $textdate]"> <input type="button" style="border-width: 0px; height: 17px; width: 19px; background-image: url('/resources/acs-templating/calendar.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat; cursor: pointer;" id="$id-control"> }] ::template::head::add_javascript \ -src /resources/acs-templating/calendar.js template::add_event_listener \ -id $id-control \ -script [subst { showCalendarWithDefault('$element(id)_input_field', '$javascriptdate', '[template::util::textdate_localized_format]'); }] } else { append output $textdate [subst {<input type="hidden" name="$element(id)" value="[ns_quotehtml $textdate]">}] } return $output } # handle date transformations using a standardized naming convention. d_proc template::data::to_sql::date { value } { Converts a templating date object into a SQL date. @see template::util::date::create @see template::util::date::get_property } { return [template::util::date::get_property sql_date $value] } d_proc template::data::from_sql::date { value } { Reads an ANSI date as a templating date object. @see template::util::date::create @see template::util::date::acquire } { return [template::util::date::acquire ansi $value] } # The abstract type system includes a timestamp type, so we need to implement one # in the template "data type" system (even though in reality it should really just # be a widget working on the abstract type "date", or "timestamp" should replace "date") d_proc template::data::to_sql::timestamp { value } { Converts a templating date object into a SQL timestamp. @see template::util::date::create @see template::data::to_sql::date } { return [template::data::to_sql::date $value] } d_proc template::data::from_sql::timestamp { value } { Reads an ANSI timestamp as a templating date object. @see template::util::date::create } { return [template::data::from_sql::date $value] } d_proc -public template::data::transform::timestamp { element_ref } { Collect a timestamp object from the form. } { upvar $element_ref element return [template::data::transform::date element] } d_proc -public template::util::timestamp::set_property { what date value } { Get a property in a list created by a timestamp widget. It's the same as the date one. This is needed by the form builder to support explicit from_sql element modifiers. } { return [template::util::date::set_property $what $date $value] } d_proc -public template::util::timestamp::get_property { what date } { Replace a property in a list created by a timestamp widget. It's the same as the date one. This is needed by the form builder to support explicit to_sql element modifiers. } { return [template::util::date::get_property $what $date] } d_proc -public template::widget::timestamp { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a timestamp widget. Default is the localized version. } { upvar $element_reference element if { ! [info exists element(format)] } { set element(format) "[_ acs-lang.localization-formbuilder_date_format] [_ acs-lang.localization-formbuilder_time_format]" } return [template::widget::date element $tag_attributes] } # The abstract type system includes a time-of-day type, so we need to implement one # in the template "data type" system. d_proc template::data::to_sql::time_of_day { value } { Converts a templating date object into a SQL time. @see template::util::date::create @see template::data::to_sql::date } { return [template::data::to_sql::date $value] } d_proc template::data::from_sql::time_of_day { value } { Reads an ANSI time of day as a templating date object. @see template::util::date::create @see template::data::from_sql::date } { return [template::data::from_sql::date $value] } d_proc -public template::data::transform::time_of_day { element_ref } { Collect a time_of_day object from the form. } { upvar $element_ref element return [template::data::transform::date element] } d_proc -public template::util::time_of_day::set_property { what date value } { Get a property in a list created by a time_of_day widget. It's the same as the date one. This is needed by the form builder to support explicit from_sql element modifiers. } { return [template::util::date::set_property $what $date $value] } d_proc -public template::util::time_of_day::get_property { what date } { Replace a property in a list created by a time_of_day widget. It's the same as the date one. This is needed by the form builder to support explicit to_sql element modifiers. } { return [template::util::date::get_property $what $date] } d_proc -public template::widget::time_of_day { element_reference tag_attributes } { Render a time_of_day widget. Default is the localized version. } { upvar $element_reference element if { ! [info exists element(format)] } { set element(format) "[_ acs-lang.localization-formbuilder_date_format] [_ acs-lang.localization-formbuilder_time_format]" } return [template::widget::date element $tag_attributes] } # ## HTML5 Date and time input widgets ## ## These widgets use native browser capabilities introduced by HTML5 ## to generate date and time widgets. When available, they also ## provide some client-side normalization with respect to the ## browser's locale and an overall better and more consistent user ## experience across web platforms. They should in time become the ## preferred alternative when implementing date and time fields in ## template forms. # d_proc -public template::widget::h5date { element_reference tag_attributes } { Implements the HTML 5 input type "date". Supported element parameters: "-min" and "-max": for setting minimum and maximum dates that can be chosen by the user. If used, the condition min <= value <= max must be met. (Format = YYYY-MM-DD) "-step": number of days jumped each time the date is incremented. Value must be an integer Parameters supplied this way will supersede same-named parameters supplied through the "-html" switch. This widget also adds the attribute "pattern" as fallback for browsers which do not support input type="date". } { upvar $element_reference element set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] # Add fallback pattern attribute. Note that this pattern won't # account for leap years or invalid days of the month. We leave # this fine-graned validation to the server-side for now. dict set attributes pattern {[0-9]+-(1[0-2]|0[0-9])-(3[0-1]|[0-2][0-9])} # check min/max constraint set last_date "" foreach d {max value min} { if {[info exists element($d)] && $element($d) ne ""} { set attr_value $element($d) } elseif {[dict exists attributes $d] && [dict get $attributes $d] ne ""} { set attr_value [dict get $attributes $d] } else { continue } set invalid_date_p [catch { set current_date [clock scan $attr_value -format "%Y-%m-%d"] }] if {!$invalid_date_p} { if {$last_date ne "" && $current_date > $last_date} { ns_log Warning "template::widget::h5date value of attribute \"$d\" $attr_value too big" } else { dict set attributes $d $attr_value } set last_date $current_date } else { ns_log Warning "template::widget::h5date value of attribute \"$d\" $attr_value is not a correct date" } } if {[info exists element(step)]} { if {[string is integer -strict $element(step)]} { dict set attributes step $element(step) } else { ns_log Warning {template::widget::h5date value of attribute "step" is not an integer!} } } return [template::widget::input date element $attributes] } d_proc -public template::data::validate::h5date { value_ref message_ref } { Validate a date submitted via HTML 5 input type "date". The submitted value is also checked against any "min" and "max" constraint set on the input element itself. @param value_ref Reference variable to the submitted value. @param message_ref Reference variable for returning an error message. @return True (1) if valid, false (0) if not. } { upvar 2 $message_ref message $value_ref value # get the elements definition upvar 2 element element if {$value ne ""} { set invalid_date_p [catch { set supplied_date [clock scan $value -format "%Y-%m-%d"] }] if {$invalid_date_p} { lappend message [_ acs-templating.Invalid_date] return 0 } if {[info exists element(min)]} { set invalid_date_p [catch { set min [clock scan $element(min) -format "%Y-%m-%d"] }] if {$invalid_date_p || $min > $supplied_date} { lappend message [_ acs-templating.Date_must_be_after_min_date \ [list min_date $element(min)]] return 0 } } if {[info exists element(max)]} { set invalid_date_p [catch { set max [clock scan $element(max) -format "%Y-%m-%d"] }] if {$invalid_date_p || $supplied_date > $max} { lappend message [_ acs-templating.Date_must_be_before_max_date \ [list max_date $element(max)]] return 0 } } } return 1 } d_proc -public template::widget::h5time { element_reference tag_attributes } { Implements the HTML 5 input type "time". Supported element parameters: "-min" and "-max": for setting minimum and maximum times that can be chosen by the user. If used, the condition min <= value <= max must be met. (Format = "hh:mm" or "hh:mm:ss" if parameter "-step" is present) "-step": integer value that equates to the number of seconds you want to increment by Parameters supplied this way will supersede same-named parameters supplied through the "-html" switch. This widget also adds the attribute "pattern" as fallback for browsers which do not support input type="time". } { upvar $element_reference element set attributes \ [::template::widget::merge_tag_attributes element $tag_attributes] # Add fallback pattern attribute (HH:MM:SS) dict set attributes pattern {(2[0-4]|[0-1][0-9]):[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]} # A HTML time field will always return a value in 24-hour format # including leading zeros (hh:mm), regardless of the input # format. If the step attribute is used time always includes # seconds (hh:mm:ss). However, on the server side we must be able # to accept and process both formats, so we must check for both. set clock_formats { "%H:%M" "%H:%M:%S" } # check min/max constraint set last_time "" foreach d {max value min} { if {[info exists element($d)] && $element($d) ne ""} { set attr_value $element($d) } elseif {[dict exists attributes $d] && [dict get $attributes $d] ne ""} { set attr_value [dict get $attributes $d] } else { continue } foreach clock_format $clock_formats { set invalid_time_p [catch { set current_time [clock scan $attr_value -format $clock_format] }] if {!$invalid_time_p} { break } } if {!$invalid_time_p} { if {$last_time ne "" && $current_time > $last_time} { ns_log Warning "template::widget::h5time value of attribute \"$d\" $attr_value too big" } else { dict set attributes $d $attr_value } set last_time $current_time } else { ns_log Warning "template::widget::h5time value of attribute \"$d\" $attr_value is not a correct time" } } if {[info exists element(step)]} { if {[string is integer -strict $element(step)]} { dict set attributes step $element(step) } else { ns_log Warning {template::widget::h5time value of attribute "step" is not an integer!} } } return [template::widget::input time element $attributes] } d_proc -public template::data::validate::h5time { value_ref message_ref } { Validate that a date submitted via HTML 5 input type "time". The sbumitted value is also checked against any set "min" and "max" constraint set on the input element itself. @param value_ref Reference variable to the submitted value. @param message_ref Reference variable for returning an error message. @return True (1) if valid, false (0) if not. } { upvar 2 $message_ref message $value_ref value # get the elements definition upvar 2 element element # A HTML time field will always return a value in 24-hour format # including leading zeros (hh:mm), regardless of the input # format. If the step attribute is used time always includes # seconds (hh:mm:ss). However, on the server side, we must be able # to accept and process both formats, so we must check for both. set clock_formats { "%H:%M" "%H:%M:%S" } if {$value ne ""} { foreach clock_format $clock_formats { set invalid_time_p [catch { set supplied_time [clock scan $value -format $clock_format] }] if {!$invalid_time_p} { break } } if {$invalid_time_p} { lappend message [_ acs-templating.Invalid_time] return 0 } if {[info exists element(min)]} { foreach clock_format $clock_formats { set invalid_time_p [catch { set min [clock scan $element(min) -format $clock_format] }] if {!$invalid_time_p} { break } } if {$invalid_time_p || $min > $supplied_time} { lappend message [_ acs-templating.Time_must_be_after_min_time \ [list min_time $element(min)]] return 0 } } if {[info exists element(max)]} { foreach clock_format $clock_formats { set invalid_time_p [catch { set max [clock scan $element(max) -format $clock_format] }] if {!$invalid_time_p} { break } } if {$invalid_time_p || $supplied_time > $max} { lappend message [_ acs-templating.Time_must_be_before_max_time \ [list max_time $element(max)]] return 0 } } } return 1 } # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: